Above and to the left (south) of main entrance on east wall. [location: A1]

Projecting; distraught lion head; feathered or scaled body; bird feet; front legs; no wings
Projecting; distraught lion head; feathered or scaled body; bird feet; front legs; no wings
Projecting; lion head with mane; front legs
Caption: "Frl. [frauline] Helene Dukas sum Andenken / A. Einstein 17 X [October] 28"
Projecting; crocodile; grid pattern on body
Projecting; crocodile; grid pattern on body
Projecting; eagle; ears
Projecting; lion head, no mane; eagle body' wings; rear legs
Projecting; lion with mane on neck
Projecting; crocodile; grid pattern on body
Projecting; eagle head and wings; ears; rear legs
Profile, facing right; lion with mane
Profile, facing left; dragon with wings and scales; leonine tail
Projecting; wolf head; eagle wings; rear legs
Profile, facing left; dragon with wings and scales; serpentine tail
Profile, facing right; lion with mane
Projecting; wolf head?; flutd throat; eagle wings; rear legs
Projecting; wolf or dragon head; feathers? on cheeks; fluted neck; eagle wings
Projecting; demon or wolf head; eagle wings; rear legs
Projecting; dragon head and neck; eagle wings; rear legs; mammal feet
Here you will find digitized archival collections, oral histories, and more. We are continually expanding the collections and improving access. You may find additional digital resources that reside outside the digital library here, and a selection of Online Exhibitions here.
Collections Overview
The Archives & Special Collections Library is part of the Vassar College Libraries system. It holds the rare book, manuscript, and archival collections of the college. It collects, preserves, and makes available rare and unique collections, and also engages in teaching and outreach activities. This collection of finding aids describe items in both the Virginia B. Smith Memorial Manuscript Collection and the College Archives.
The Vassar College herbarium holds over 8,000 specimens of vascular plants, bryophytes, and algae. Holdings are primarily from northeastern North America, and include collections made by several notable 19th century botanists. To learn more about this project visit the website here.
Vassar College's institutional repository reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community. It provides access to senior theses, peer reviewed open access articles, and projects from a wide range of disciplines.