Vassar College Digital Library
Guide to the Vassar College Coordinating Council for War Activities Records, 1942-1945

Table of Contents

Collection Summary

Repository: Archives and Special Collections Library, Vassar College Libraries
Creator: Vassar College. Coordinating Council for War Activities
Title: Vassar College Coordinating Council for War Activities Records
Dates: 1942-1945
Quantity: 2.4 cubic feet (5 boxes)
Abstract: Correspondence, government pamphlets, reports, posters, memoranda, financial records, brochures, and other items relating to women's involvement in World War II activities including the armed services, Red Cross work, college war councils, and raising bonds.

Administrative History

The Vassar College Coordinating Council for War Activities (War Council) was formed in October 1942 to formulate and guide student initiatives in support of the U.S. war effort during World War II. Originating in the earlier Defense Council (established in the fall of 1941), the War Council was established formally through an act of the college's Legislative Assembly. The Council included a faculty advisory panel that helped students develop their academic programs in preparation for war service. The Council oversaw activities in several areas, including refugee relief, enforcing blackouts, and civilian volunteer efforts. The Council also took part in curriculum development, helping to devise courses that taught skills, such as first aid and office management, directly relevant to the war effort. The Council continued its work until the fall of 1943, when it was replaced by the War Service Committee.


Scope and Content Note

Correspondence, government pamphlets, reports, posters, memoranda, financial records, brochures, and other items relating to women's involvement in World War II activities including the armed services, Red Cross work, college war councils, and raising bonds.



This collection is open for research according to the regulations of the Vassar College Archives and Special Collections Library without any additional restrictions.

Restrictions on Use

Permission to quote (publish) from unpublished or previously published material must be obtained as described in the regulations of the Vassar College Archives and Special Collections Library.

  • War Service Committee Records

Subject Headings


  • American Red Cross
  • Vassar College--History


  • War--Women's work
  • World War, 1939-1945--War work--Red Cross

Document Types:

  • Correspondence
  • Posters
  • Printed ephemera

VCL Categories:

  • Vassar College Special Programs and Projects

Encoding Information

Encoded by Elizabeth Clarke, April 2007. Updated by Mark Seidl, November 2011, and Emma Gronbeck, January 2024.


Preferred Citation

Vassar College Coordinating Council for War Activities Records, Archives and Special Collections Library, Vassar College Libraries.

Processing Information

Original processing date unknown. Additional processing by Mark Seidl, November 2011.


Series List

Series I. Subject Files, 1942-1943 (Boxes 1-3)

The material in this series documents the founding, administration, and activities of the Coordinating War Council. Arranged alphabetically.

Series II. Posters, circa 1942-1945 (Boxes 4-5)

This series consists of posters addressing a broad range of topics, including support for U.S. allies, military and civilian service, resource conservation, and investment in war bonds.

Container List

Series I. Subject Files

Folder 1.1 Air Raid Wardens, 1942-1943
Folder 1.2 Alumnae: Dealings, undated
Folder 1.3 American Friends Service Committee, undated
Folder 1.4 Athletic Associations, undated
Folder 1.5 British War Relief Society, undated
Folder 1.6 Business Office Administration - First Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.7 Canteen - Second Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.8 Catherine St. Center - Second Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.9 Child Care Aides, 1942-1943
Folder 1.10 China, undated
Folder 1.11 Civilian Defense Corps Pamphlets, undated
Folder 1.12 Civilian Volunteer Activities: Programs-Reports, undated
Folder 1.13 Community Church: Information, Program, undated
Folder 1.14 Completed Courses, First Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.15 Coordinating Council for War Activities-Notes, undated
Folder 1.16 Correspondence: Students Association and Intra-college, undated
Folder 1.17 Correspondence: With Outside Agencies, undated
Folder 1.18 Curricular Courses, Department Reports, undated
Folder 1.19 Curriculum Committee and New Courses, 1943
Folder 1.20 Danish Fundamental Gymnastics, 1942-1943
Folder 1.21 Debate Society, undated
Folder 1.22 Drama Department, undated
Folder 1.23 Drafting and Blue Print Reading, Second Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.24 Emergency Relief Drive, undated
Folder 1.25 Emergency Relief Drive, undated
Folder 1.26 Emergency Relief Drive - Pledges, undated
Folder 1.27 Emergency Fund Drive, undated
Folder 1.28 Faculty Advisory Panel War Service, undated
Folder 1.29 Fair Club, 1942-1943
Folder 1.30 Films, undated
Folder 1.31 Financial and Administrative Documents, undated
Folder 1.32 First Aid, All sections, First Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.33 First Aid: All sections, Second Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.34 First Aid (Advanced), Second Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.35 Free French, undated
Folder 1.36 Geology: CSMWT, Second Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.37 Greece, undated
Folder 1.38 Health Programs, undated
Folder 1.39 Home Nursing, undated
Folder 1.40 Home Nursing: All Sections, Second Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.41 International Student Service, undated
Folder 1.42 Inventory - War Office, undated
Folder 1.43 Jobs - War - Women, undated
Folder 1.44 Key Center Finance, undated
Folder 1.45 Krautheimer and Emergency Rescue Committee, undated
Folder 1.46 Lincoln Center, 1942-1943
Folder 1.47 Miscellaneous Committees, undated
Folder 1.48 Music in Wartime, undated
Folder 1.49 News Clippings, undated
Folder 1.50 Nutrition, First Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 1.51 Office Practice Training, First Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 2.1 Office of Price Administration Pamphlets: Consumer in War, undated
Folder 2.2 Pamphlet, undated
Folder 2.3 Pamphlet, undated
Folder 2.4 Pamphlets, undated
Folder 2.5 Post War Planning, undated
Folder 2.6 Presidential Orders, etc., undated
Folder 2.7 LISTS: Public Administration, First Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 2.8 Radio Workshop, 1942-1943
Folder 2.9 LISTS: Recreational Leadership, First Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 2.10 Recreational Leadership, Second Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 2.11 Red Cross, undated
Folder 2.12 Courses: Red Cross Information, undated
Folder 2.13 Refugees, undated
Folder 2.14 Reports and Lists, 1942-1943
Folder 2.15 Requisition Forms, undated
Folder 2.16 Russia, undated
Folder 2.17 Salvage, undated
Folder 2.18 Sheet Music, undated
Folder 2.19 Social Consciousness on Women's Campuses, undated
Folder 2.20 Social Museum, 1942-1943
Folder 2.21 Social Welfare Aides, 1942-1943
Folder 2.22 Statistics, undated
Folder 2.23 Suggestions for Second Semester, 1942-1943
Folder 2.24 Teaching, undated
Folder 2.25 Tyron, K. - Personal, undated
Folder 2.26 Typing, undated
Folder 3.1 Typewriting, undated
Folder 3.2 United Service Organizations, undated
Folder 3.3 United Service Organization (U.S.O.), undated
Folder 3.4 Volunteer Land Corps, undated
Folder 3.5 Volunteer Workers, (Poughkeepsie Ration Board Office), undated
Folder 3.6 War Chest: Articles of Agreement, undated
Folder 3.7 War Council Accounts, undated
Folder 3.8 War Council: Accumulations of operation, 1942-1943
Folder 3.9 War Council: History and Structure, 1942-1943
Folder 3.10 War Council: Organization Publications, undated
Folder 3.11 War Savings Bonds - Stamps, undated
Folder 3.12 War Service Programs Master List, 1942-1943
Folder 3.13 Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES), Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAACS), United States Coast Guard Women's Reserve (SPARS), etc., undated
Folder 3.14 World Student Service Fund, undated
Folder 3.15 World Student Service Fund, undated

Series II. Posters

Box 4 Posters, circa 1942-1945 (48 folders)
Box 5 Poster, circa 1942-1945 (1 folder)

Return to the Table of Contents


Correspondence, government
pamphlets, reports, posters, memoranda, financial records, brochures, and other
items relating to women's involvement in World War II activities including the armed
services, Red Cross work, college war councils, and raising bonds.

Finding Aid Date
Dates: 1942-1945
Collection Title
Vassar College Coordinating Council for War Activities Records