Vassar College Digital Library
Guide to the Vassar College Miscellaneous Campus Organizations Records, 1882-1997

Table of Contents

Collection Summary

Repository: Archives and Special Collections Library, Vassar College Libraries
Creator: Vassar College
Title: Vassar College Miscellaneous Campus Organizations Records
Dates: 1882-1997
Quantity: 0.6 cubic feet (2 boxes)
Abstract: Meeting minutes, constitutions, clippings, scrapbooks, and other material related to a variety of student clubs and campus organizations at Vassar College.

Historical Note

Vassar College was founded in 1861 and opened its doors in 1865.


Scope and Content Note

Meeting minutes, constitutions, clippings, scrapbooks, and other material related to a variety of student clubs and campus organizations at Vassar College.



This collection is open for research according to the regulations of the Vassar College Archives and Special Collections Library without any additional restrictions.

Restrictions on Use

Permission to quote (publish) from unpublished or previously published material must be obtained as described in the regulations of the Vassar College Archives and Special Collections Library .


Subject Headings


  • Vassar College--Societies and clubs
  • Vassar College--Students
  • Vassar College. Association of College Specials
  • Vassar College. Debate Society
  • Vassar College. Employees Golf Association
  • Vassar College. Latin Journal Club
  • Vassar College. Microscopical Club
  • Vassar College. Night Owls
  • Vassar College. Qui Vive Club
  • Vassar College. Steadfast Club


  • Debates and debating
  • Employee affinity groups
  • Student organizations--United States
  • Women college students--New York (State)--Poughkeepsie
  • Women--New York (State)--Poughkeepsie--Societies and clubs

Document Types:

  • Clippings
  • Correspondence
  • Minutes (administrative records)
  • Scrapbooks

VCL Categories:

  • Vassar College Campus Organizations

Encoding Information

Encoded by Emma Gronbeck, November 2023.


Preferred Citation

Vassar College Miscellaneous Campus Organizations Records, Archives and Special Collections Library, Vassar College Libraries.

Processing Information

Processed by Emma Gronbeck, November 2023.

Acquisition Information

Records of the Microscopical Club were the gift of Abigail F. Goodsell, March 1890.

Records of the Night Owls were the gift of Mikie Benedict (VC 1997), December 2009. [A2009-049]

Origin of other records is unknown, although they were likely donated by the organization of origin.


Container List

Qui Vive Club (1882-1917)

The Qui Vive Club was established by the Sophomore class in the Spring of 1882 as a club for the discussion of current, historical, and literary topics. Minnie Cumnock Blodgett served as its first president. Qui Vive regularly invited lecturers to speak on various topics and hosted debates on a variety of issues. They often debated with Vassar's other debate club, the politically-oriented T & M Club. These two clubs were abolished in the Spring of 1917 and replaced by the new Vassar Debating Society, later called the Vassar College Debate Society.
Folder 1.1 Records, 1882-1892 (1 volume)

Microscopical Club (1887-1890)

Established in 1887, the Vassar College Microscopical Club's stated objective was "to unite its members in practical microscopical work." Consisting of both students and faculty, the club met monthly, often in the biology laboratory, to research and examine scientific specimens such as water samples from the Vassar lake, starfish, and Bryozoa. It was disbanded after only 2 years, in February of 1890.
Folder 1.2 Constitution, 1887
Folder 1.3 Minutes, 1887-1890 (1 volume)

Association of Collegiate Specials (1888-)

The Association of Collegiate Specials, established in 1888, was a student government and collective-bargaining organization for Vassar College's Speciality students, who were not members of a graduating class.
Folder 1.4 Constitution and minutes, 1888-1894 (1 volume)

Steadfast Club (1890-1891)

Established in 1890, the short-lived Steadfast Club was organized to benefit Vassar College employees through classes in reading, penmanship, arithmetic, dress-making, and shorthand. It included faculty, employees, and students in its membership.
Folder 1.5 Minutes, 1890-1891 (1 volume)

Latin Journal Club (1902-)

A faculty literature club established in 1902, whose original goal was to keep faculty informed regarding current literature and publications in the area of Classical Studies. Over the years, meetings of the club expanded from reviewing academic journals to include papers, book reviews, play readings, biographies of classical scholars, and reports of classical adventures abroad. The club was renamed as the Classical Journal Club at some point after 1935.
Folder 1.6 Minutes, 1902-1935 (1 volume)

Vassar College Debate Society (1917-Present)

Vassar College's longest-running debate club, the Debate Society replaced several earlier clubs, including the Qui Vive Club and the T & M Club, in the Spring of 1917.
Folder 1.7 Correspondence and clippings, 1922-1924

Employees Golf Association

An employee and faculty golf club active primarily during the 1930s.
Box 2 Scrapbook, 1939 (1 volume)

Night Owls (1946-Present)

Begun as the Class of 1947 musical octet, the Night Owls a capella group recruited new members from other graduating classes and soon became a fixture among Vassar College's musical groups. As of 2023, they are the college's oldest and longest-running musical group.
Folder 1.8 Correspondence, clippings, and business manager manual, 1996-1997

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