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Vassar has a long tradition of using integrating primary sources into the undergraduate curriculum, and books relating to Johnson and his circle have often been displayed in classroom settings. In addition, these books have been brought to the attention of the campus and the larger community through exhibits. In 1984, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Johnson’s death, Robert DeMaria and Charles Pierce of the English Department mounted an exhibit titled “Samuel Johnson: A Life of Reading and Writing.” This exhibit, “The Making of Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary,” marks the 250th anniversary of the publication of the first edition of the Dictionary in 1755, and celebrates the visit of the Johnsonians to campus for their annual meeting. It displays significant sources used by Johnson to compile his work, as well as various editions and reviews of the Dictionary itself. It is hoped that visitors will be led to a greater appreciation of Johnson’s work, and perhaps be encouraged to explore further his role in the world of 18th century English letters.
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