Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Creating the Autistic Perspective Via the Comic Book Genre

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My senior project, "Glitch," uses the comic's medium to provide insight into the subjective side of someone with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The diagnosis is typically classified as a neurological disorder where the individual may feel over/under-stimulated, perform strict routines...


Energy Consumption and Habit Formation: Evidence from High Frequency Thermostat Data

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Using minute-by-minute data from over 60,000 smart thermostats in households distributed across the United States, we analyze the persistence of energy consumption behaviors in response to external weather shocks. The analysis examines habitual behavior and provides insight into what affects...


Playin' tha game: the role identity plays in b-ball players' and gangsta rappers' public stances on black sociopolitical issues

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"Playin' Tha Game" explores the connections between black gangsta rappers, black basketball stars, and the degree to which they are vocal about black sociopolitical issues. Specifically the 1992 Dream Team members and L.A. based gangsta rappers were studied. Through analysis...


Stabilizing the international financial system and financing development: an analysis of the Tobin tax

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This paper analyzes the feasibility of an international tax on currency transaction, also known as "Tobin Tax", from an economic and juridical point of view. The claim that such a tax would curb short term speculators, thus stabilizing the foreign...


Stabilizing the international financial system and financing development: an analysis of the Tobin tax

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This paper analyzes the feasibility of an international tax on currency transaction, also known as "Tobin Tax", from an economic and juridical point of view. The claim that such a tax would curb short term speculators, thus stabilizing the foreign...
