Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

"Digital Punk Rock Spirit:" A Spatial Reorientation of Asian American Diasporic Subcultural Subjectivities

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This thesis is about Asian Americans creating and seeking a spaces of belonging, in and between essentialisms of racial, national, ethnic, and cultural borders. Starting from the 1800s, Chinese laborers formed ethnic communities and contested their belonging under the state-sanctioned...


Convergence among the U.S. states: Absolute, conditional, or club?

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This paper attempts to ascertain which of the convergence hypotheses – absolute, conditional, or club – best describes the economic development of the U.S. states since 1950. We use regression tree analysis to identify convergence clubs among the states and...


LOL MY THESIS: An Exploration of the Written and Oral Linguistic Effects of Text Messaging

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This project explores a new register of language called 'textese,' which has developed as a result of text messaging via cell phones. I research how and why textese is being used, to understand how text messages are linguistically affecting the...


You and media

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Whom is media theory for? Everyone is implicated. No individual is beyond the complicating effects of an increasingly mediated world, one in which people communicate in six-second image bursts and where college courses are taught online. And yet, the theorization...
