Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

"Racism is Solved!" A Fake Conservative's Guide to Social Justice

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Under the cloak of a character who is as ignorant as he is conservative, Stephen Colbert delivers snaps-worthy "truthiness"-insights that often shine a light to mainstream systemic forms of oppression by embodying their very nature. In my thesis, I acknowledge...


Identifying Opportunities and Pathways to Increase Carbon Sequestration through Reforestation on the Vassar Ecological Preserve

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The goal of this research was to devise methodology and recommendations for forest restoration that concurrently increases potential carbon sequestration. We surveyed permanent forest plots on the Vassar College Ecological Preserve in the summer of 2021 and used diameter at...


Recording COVID-19: "Escape" an Autobiographical Graphic Novel on Pandemic Experiences

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This senior project includes a project statement and an autobiographical graphic novel that documents the author's personal experience during the pandemic. The purpose of this project is to reflect on the continuing situation of the coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, it hopes...


Sensual Spaces: When experience meets architecture and art

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Space is inherently embodied–to be in space one must physically, three-dimensionally, encounter it. But what would happen if the sensory, affective, embodied human was at the center of spatial design? What would be the role of the senses and how...
