Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

An illness in Crisis: The Subtleties That Led To The PACE Trial And Its Impact On ME/CFS

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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a contested illness with no diagnosis. Treatment typically consists of symptom management. This spurred interest in finding ways to help patients with ME/CFS to find new ways of improving and helping them recover. The...


In search of belonging: first generation, low-income students navigating financial, bureaucratic, and academic experiences at Vassar

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A qualitative report on the experiences of first-generation, low income students at Vassar College. This report is the culmination of the Transitions Research Project.


The Objects of Our Affection: Objectification, Sexualization and Commodification of the Korean Pop Culture Industry and Fandom

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K-Pop with its flashy 'bubble gum pop' aesthetic has developed into a major cultural product and dominating industry in the past decade. In the growing market, idol celebrities have started to emerge as manufactured products that market the fantasy of...
