Rueda, Eréndira
"They Pushed Me to Continue My Education", "Portate Bien Que Nada Te Cuesta": The Impact Of Latinx Values and Culture on Latinx Students' Aspirations and Achievements
"They Pushed Me to Continue My Education", "Portate Bien Que Nada Te Cuesta": The Impact Of Latinx Values and Culture on Latinx Students' Aspirations and Achievements
Archiving Access: Racial Formation and (De)claiming Excellence
Archiving Access: Racial Formation and (De)claiming Excellence
Crezcamos juntas: envisioning a Latina women's well-being workshop series at Adriance Memorial Public Library
Criminalizing blackness and humanizing whiteness: policy, media, and the racialization of drug use in America
Critiquing Institutional Diversity: Ethnic Minorities' Racial Identity Formations in Ideological and Physical Counter-Spaces
The term diversity within institutions has been used as a selling point for colleges and universities. Verbally, institutions pride themselves in committing to increasing 'diversity'. But what happens after more students of color enter historically White- serving institutions? Through a...
Cultivating Children for the Common Good: (De)-Constructing Citizenship in Danish Child Care Institutions
Diversifying the Teaching Workforce: A Critical Race Theory Content Analysis of Popular Texts on Teacher Diversity
Friends in high places: competing ideologies at an independent Quaker school
From Public to Private Space: The Territorialization of the Poughkeepsie City School District And the Four Pillars Charter School
Within the contemporary landscape of public education reform, educational actors are re- directing their hopes and visions for equitable and collaborative change outside of public space and into private territories, such as charter schools. The effort to establish the Four...
In search of belonging: first generation, low-income students navigating financial, bureaucratic, and academic experiences at Vassar
A qualitative report on the experiences of first-generation, low income students at Vassar College. This report is the culmination of the Transitions Research Project.
In this space: a critical race perspective on the career aspirations of Latinas at Vassar College
Liberty and Justice for Whom? Educational Reforms and Capital, Labor and Social (Im)Mobility in the Age of Neoliberalism
In this thesis, I wanted to examine the influence of neoliberal theory in the realms of public education and immigration within the US, and to tease out the implications that have resulted within each. From there, I attempted to understand...
Mothering and othering: an exploration of the state's policing of motherhood through child protective services
Off-track: The high-track experiences of black and latine college students
Perceptions of Mattering Among First-Generation College Students at Vassar
Powerless Children: How U.S. Immigration Policies are Impacting U.S. Citizen Children
Although immigration policies directly implicate the undocumented individual, it is important to note that generally undocumented immigrants are not living in the U.S. alone- they have a family. Therefore, when undocumented parents are faced with orders of deportation, not only...