Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Black Women on the White Screen: How American Popular Culture affects the Visuality of the Black Female Body

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In the past, poignant controlling images and stereotypes have run prevalent in the American historical framework. However, these tropes are routinely challenged by black feminists and black entertainers in contemporary popular culture. This thesis will garner a comprehensive analysis of...


Diversity in American advertising: a case study of Coca-Cola advertisements and their role in homogenizing the diversity movement

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Through a historical study of advertising, this project aims to show how the idea of "diversity" is used by corporations to benefit the dominant hegemonic, and ultimately attempt to homogenize the diverse populations that they supposedly are highlighting. Analyzing the...


From Alternative to Integrative: An Exploration of Acupuncture Within the Western Medical Paradigm

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I argue that our current health care system—which is based in Western medicine—is inadequate, not only because it is costly, but because it is failing to keep individuals healthy. I posit that this is due to a number of factors...


Pleistocene foraminifera assemblages as a proxy for temperature in the Weddell Sea, ODP Site 693A

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Climate conditions in the Weddell Sea during the Pleistocene can be inferred by examining the abundance of foraminifer species and mineral fragments in ocean sediment cores. In particular, Neogloboquadrina incompta is a useful temperature proxy, and the abundance of terrigenous...


Water the Roots: The Fluidity of Blackness and Time

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This project is a meditation on Blackness, life, death, loss, and spirituality. Although this thesis was executed in hopes of fulfilling an academic requirement, each frame provides insight into my experiences as a low-income Black and Native Hawaiian woman living...
