Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Does Speculation Make Commodity Spot Markets More Volatile?

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This paper examines how increased speculator participation in the commodity
futures market affects spot price volatility. Consistent with results from the
majority of existing literature on this subject, I find no evidence that speculators
destabilize the commodity spot market. More...


In search of belonging: first generation, low-income students navigating financial, bureaucratic, and academic experiences at Vassar

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A qualitative report on the experiences of first-generation, low income students at Vassar College. This report is the culmination of the Transitions Research Project.


Scripting (In)security: Cartographic Violence and Performances of Securitization in the Western Sahara

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Throughout the forty-year conflict over the Western Sahara, the United States has supported Morocco's occupation of the disputed territory. This overall policy has remained relatively consistent over time, yet constantly subjected to contestation. The debates over policy and various modes...


Why Did Singapore Take the Gamble? To What Extent Did Legalizing Casino Gambling Lead to Economic Growth in Singapore?

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This paper explores the economic and social effects of the casino industry in Singapore and aims to tell whether the casinos had a positive or negative impact on total Singapore welfare. It uses data collected from Singapore Department of Statistics...
