Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Bargaining in the shadow of precedent: the surprising irrelevance of asymmetric stakes

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We develop a model of bargaining and litigation in the context of patent licensing (or any contractual setting). Following Priest and Klein (1984) we developed a model that explicitly allows for (1) multiple parties (leading to asymmetry of stakes), (2)...


Credibility and credulity: how beliefs about beliefs affect entry incentives

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In this note we investigate the infringement (entry) decision for a firm facing an incumbent patent holder with uncertain patent rights. The entrant risks a dispute by entering, resulting in either a settlement (licensing) or litigation and trial. Using the...


In search of belonging: first generation, low-income students navigating financial, bureaucratic, and academic experiences at Vassar

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A qualitative report on the experiences of first-generation, low income students at Vassar College. This report is the culmination of the Transitions Research Project.


Liberty and Justice for Whom? Educational Reforms and Capital, Labor and Social (Im)Mobility in the Age of Neoliberalism

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In this thesis, I wanted to examine the influence of neoliberal theory in the realms of public education and immigration within the US, and to tease out the implications that have resulted within each. From there, I attempted to understand...


Making Knowledge, Making Power: The Impact of Restorative Discipline Practices in Three New York City Schools

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The rise of standardized testing and zero­tolerance discipline measures in the United States over the last decade has resulted in public schools that prioritize order and obedience over deep learning and interpersonal relationships. While detrimental across the board, these austere...


White Food, Black Spaces: Food, Privilege, And Gentrification In Crown Heights, Brooklyn

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This project seeks to investigate the intersections of race, class, and food: examining how access and acceptance to good quality food is shaped and changed through the process of gentrification. I ask why it is predominately upper-middle class whites that...
