Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

A classroom experiment on exchange rate determination with purchasing power parity

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We develop a classroom experiment on exchange rate determination appropriate for undergraduate courses in macroeconomics and international economics. Students represent citizens from different countries and need to obtain currency to purchase goods. By participating in a sealed bid auction to...


How to Make it Rain: A Practical Analysis of Storytelling Forms

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The following is an experiment in practical analysis of storytelling media. The project seeks to explore what insights can be gained about media specificity and adaptation theory
through the process of constructing a story and adapting it into background notes...


Scripting (In)security: Cartographic Violence and Performances of Securitization in the Western Sahara

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Throughout the forty-year conflict over the Western Sahara, the United States has supported Morocco's occupation of the disputed territory. This overall policy has remained relatively consistent over time, yet constantly subjected to contestation. The debates over policy and various modes...


The United States Education System and Intergenerational Income Mobility

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This study intends to determine some of the avenues through which parent income affects child income and if the public education system has the potential to increase income mobility and equalize economic opportunity. I find that the income elasticity between...
