Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

An illness in Crisis: The Subtleties That Led To The PACE Trial And Its Impact On ME/CFS

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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a contested illness with no diagnosis. Treatment typically consists of symptom management. This spurred interest in finding ways to help patients with ME/CFS to find new ways of improving and helping them recover. The...


Duelling and the Fantasmatic Spectre of Male Honour in Imperial Germany: The Kaiser’s Will and Theodor Fontane’s Effi Briest

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Underneath the historiographical disagreements about military honor and dueling in Imperial Germany there lurks a consensus that most duelists simply internalized the dictates of honor. This article troubles that presumption by attending to the Prussian-German military honor code’s mixed messages...


The Captain of Köpenick and the Uniform Fantasies of German Militarism

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This article examines a famous 1906 event that occurred when a con man dressed in a captain's uniform commandeered two small contingents of soldiers in Berlin and took them to nearby Köpenick, where he proceeded to arrest the city’s mayor...


The Emperor’s New Uniforms: The Uniform Fantasies of Wilhelm II and His Critics

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In light of Wilhelm II’s well-known predilection for military uniforms and displays, many of his contemporaries regarded him as a real-life version of the titular figure in Hans Christian Andersen’s fable “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” This essay uses the concept...


You and media

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Whom is media theory for? Everyone is implicated. No individual is beyond the complicating effects of an increasingly mediated world, one in which people communicate in six-second image bursts and where college courses are taught online. And yet, the theorization...
