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Richmond, Virginia
Sunday, January 1, 1922
One A.M. George and I have just gotten home from Charlotte's party, where we both had a very good time. George and Cornelia got first prize for the guessing contest. Our new organist, Mr. Fleet, was there.
I went to Sunday-school, but Mrs. Ruffin was away, so Margaret and I talked. A good congregation at Church. Told Virginia goodby until June. Aunt Evelyn came out to dinner and spent the afternoon. We had the P. and T. plum pudding for desert [sic]. About five o'clock George went down town, and Daddy and I took a long walk, about five miles in all. We went out Laburnum Av. to the A.P. Hill monument and kept along a road to the R.F. and P.[1] tracks. Very cold and windy.
[1] Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad
Monday, January 2
George left this morning, looking very fine in his uniform. Daddy took his pictures before he went. Mamma and I had just started packing my trunk when the doorbell rang and Aunt Margaret came in. She said she saw Daddy getting on the car but nobody else except a policeman! Great joke! Have just gotten into my upper berth. Had a nice talk with Eliz. Horsley. Mama and I went to see Miss Katharyn this afternoon and Floyd Jr. Then we met Bessie and went to Uncle Nelson's for supper, which was delicious. Daddy came to the station to help take my things down. Bride and Groom on train?
Tuesday, January 3
The train got in to New York at seven. Nobody was up at 31 W. 12 except Roddy, who got me a book to read. After breakfast, had a nice chat with Mr. Crane; called up Fuzzy and met Aunt F. at the Colony Club. She got me a pair of skates and sweater. Went to lunch with the Bacon's and then Ann and Deborah and Rosalind ... and her sister and I went to see "Theodora." After the movie I met Aunt Frances and Clifford at the Biltmore and we had tea. Came up on the six o'clock train with Fuzzy, Jimmy, Betsey, Ed, Flo-de-may and Lenney. Eleanor and Elizabeth Burchstead came on a late train. Kay hasn't come yet. Eleanor has put up her hair. Flo de May is sleeping here tonight.
Wednesday, January 4
Stayed in bed till nearly eight and got up just in time for breakfast. Went downtown to leave checks for my trunk and Jimmie's; they haven't come yet. Had four classes today. Lecture instead of quiz in chemistry. There is a new girl here taking Jacintha's place. Her name is Madeleine Finch. Fuzzy and Betsey went coasting sixth period. Dorothy Anne came over for a short visit before we had to go to rhythmic exercises. After supper, Fuzzy, Margaret Kellogg and I went over to the Libe to read Hygiene. The ground is terribly slippery and the two Margarets had a grand fall. I wrote to Betty and Aunt Lucy today.
Thursday, January 5
Did not have time to get any breakfast but a roll, but bought some food later over in Main [Building]. The Lab was easy and we got through early. Apollo was married Jan 1st. My trunk hasn't come yet, neither has Jimmie's. Had Gym class after lunch and did some kind of folk dancing. Came home and studied Latin with K.; started "Galusha the Magnificent" and wrote to Aunt Mildred. At dinner there was an interesting discussion on the various ways of pronouncing words in different parts of the country. After dinner Eleanor and I studied Plato and made graphs for Trig. together. My new white gloves, stockings and cap came. No hot water. Bed early.
Friday, January 6
Got up for breakfast and afterwards finished studying Plato with Eleanor. Studied Latin and walked over to class with [Jilla]. Then came home and did "Zadig" for French. My allowance for January came this morning. Am going to try to save it for Blue Ridge next summer. Miss Potts read us some "School-boy Howlers" in English class. Perfectly screaming. My trunk finally came and I got out my two cushions and picture. Eleanor and I walked into Po'keepsie [Poughkeepsie]. It was pretty late so we came back on the car, a new one man car. Could not exchange Jimmie's "Kalua" record. After dinner, I read most of Galusha and then we had several games of Bridge.
Saturday, January 7
Too late for breakfast, it being Saturday. Fuzzy and I got some food over in Main [Building] the[n] we went to the Libe where I read Hygiene and got out two of Shakespeares Historical plays for English. After lunch, read King John, then Fuzzy, Jimmy and I dressed up in white sweaters and went down town (walked). We got the material for our memory books. I wrote to Charlotte [...], Julia Wickam and a card to Alice Scott. Kay got two new cushions and a sweater and Betsey got a pair of skates. The two K's are having a two handed game of Bridge. Very hilarious.
Sunday, January 8
Got up in time to have a bath before I got dressed for Chapel. Mr. Harry Miller was the preacher. We came home and started out memory books. the covers are blue burlap padded with cotton and the sheets are plain brown paper. At four Fuzzy and I went over for Mary Steichen and we went skating over on Pratt's lake. It was my first attempt and I didn't fall down but three times. Think I am going to like it when I learn how. We went to dark music and Kay and I went to see Helen Gage and Narcissa Vanderlip, who is quite attractive. Wrote home and to George. Have been telling fortunes.
Monday, January 9
A letter from Jacintha came this morning, as well as one for all the other girls. Daddy sent me the Round Robin, which I enjoyed reading. Fuzzy and Flora May and I went skating in the sixth period; ice was fairly good. After Hygiene, a picture on How Life Begins. I played Water Basket-ball. Marion Taylor is coach. It is lots of fun I think. Tex and Catherine Davis were playing too. Walked back as far as Raymond with Elmeda Ansell and "Jim" Booth. Fuzzy got some cake from her Savannah friend, and we enjoyed it very much. I finished up my roll of Kodak films with two pictures taken of us with skates on! I have decided to knit a navy blue sweater.
Tuesday, January 10
Was almost late to Lab on account of getting up late and having little time for breakfast. Went to library the third period to study Latin and French poem, which I did not have to recite. In English Miss Potts drew some funny pictures on the board and also gave us back some Themes. Got a letter from Granny today which I enjoyed beaucoup. Went to walk with Betsey Coggeshall; went to the shoemaker's in Poughkeepsie. Weather delightful except for being slushy underfoot. Got a darling letter from Margaret Van Pelt asking me to dinner tomorrow night. Have been studying hard but have not finished.
Wednesday, January 11
This morning Eleanor woke me up at seven so that I could do my Latin. It began snowing after breakfast, and has been doing so all day. Every thing is lovely. Stayed over in Main to lunch with Margaret Butcher. She also had Mary Bill, Ruth Broughton & Caroline Butterfield to lunch. Fuzzy and I cut Rhythmic Exercises this afternoon. Eleanor and I went walking down to the Flag and around the lake in our galoshes. Went to [McGlynns] tonight and had dinner with Margaret Van Pelt. She is awfully nice and I spent a delightful evening. She had some food in her room in addition to the good chicken & ice-cream dinner. Met Frances Vance who is Miss Hume's niece.
Thursday, January 12
Had my last laboratory for the semester this morning. Had to do the old experiment four times before I could suit Mr. Kilpatrick. We are going to have quizes [quizzes] next week instead of lecture. After gym the fifth hour, Sarah and Ed Denton and I went coasting, and had a grand time. We coasted down the hill by Assembly Hall. There were lots of girls with skiis and snow shoes. At 4:30 we went over to Pat's room for tea. She had some delicious food. I opened my box of Algaras candy that Mr. Crane gave me, today. Since dinner, have been doing Plato and Boissier (for Latin). A little before ten, Jimmy, Fuzzy Eleanor and I went out doors for a walk in the snow. The moon was about full.
Friday, January 13
Although I didn't have any lessons till third hour, I got up for breakfast (a little late); After Latin, went to the Dean's office to arrange my schedule for next semestre [sic]. Met Margaret Hay outside and she said for me to come to see her. After English, I went to the Libe, and met Eleanor, Jimmie & Mary Steichen at the beginning of the eighth hour. We went to the lecture on Bacteriology by Dr. Park. Had the usual fish for supper. Our tea-set came today and we had tea in it tonight. Betsey got it in Chinatown for $4.75. Eliz Burchstead came up too. Tomorrow we are going sleigh-riding, if our plans go well. Have been studying chemistry.
Saturday, January 14
Got over to breakfast in time to get some hot cakes. After studying Chem, went over to the Libe and wrote a composition and part of another. After lunch, played bridge with Betsey K. and Evelyn until time to go to the Winter Carnival. It was lovely. They had potato and dustpan races, skiing, coasting & snow shoeing and fancy skating. I skated some, but the ice was terribly rough. I got a box from Mamma with some delicious Penoche fudge in it, as well as some clean clothes & a new petticoat. We went on our sleigh ride and had a marvelous time. Just 14 of us, with Mrs. Rule for chaperone. The moon was full. Play[ed] bridge and had tea after we got back.
Sunday, January 15
This morning Betsey & Eleanor brought us some breakfast over. I got dressed in time for Chapel. Our preacher was Mr. Cohoe, a Baptist from Montclair, but quite good indeed. He had a delightful dialect, either Scotch or Irish. Went to dinner with Alice Williams over in Josselyn. We went to the lake to see if the ice was good enough for skating, but it was too rough. Stayed in her room, talking, until after five. She says Virginia is coming up for Second Hall play. Mary Allen Edge and I went to supper to Margaret Hay's in Davison. Found she is a Junior who went to Agnes Scott in Atlanta for 2 yrs. [Met] Theodosia (Ted) Burton, of Ann Arbor. We went to Dark Music which was lovely, then I came home & wrote to Granny.
Monday, January 16
Studied Math in my two periods this morning. After Chem quiz 4th period, I went down to Flag to get some Kodak pictures, and bought a waist for three dollars at Mrs. Lucas'. After lunch I went down to the bank and then had a shampoo and water wave. Got back just in time for Hygiene. Very interesting lecture. K, Jimmy, Betsey, Fuzzy and I went for a nice long walk eighth period. Got back about six. After dinner, went to hear Maud Rey read "Les Femmes Savantes." She was perfectly fascinating. Had on a French costume of white net and yellow silk and her hair in curls. Came home and studied Latin. Had a letter from Mamma today.
Tuesday, January 17
I didn't have a class this morning until the fourth period on account of Lab. cut, so I copied my English theme and wrote out Hygiene notes. Walked over to Latin with Evelyn. Had a French cut fifth hour, so did nothing much until time to go to English. Then came home and studied Latin. K and I walked over to Main to get some fruit at the grocery store. We went down to the "Retreat" to get a devil, but they didn't have any ice-cream. Our hats that Dot Love ordered came today. I like mine very much. Have been studying and writing theme since supper. Have decided I ought to be thinner and must diet.
Wednesday, January 18
Betsey woke me up at six:thirty, so that I could finish my studying. Even then had to go to Math unprepared. Finished my English theme in the second period. Found a letter from Daddy here and a fascinating one from a Japanese girl at the Woman's College at Tokyo. Betsey and I cut French and I went to sleep. Had rhythmic exercises eighth hour. Came home and put on my wine-colored crepe for dinner. We had an unusually good one. Wrote to Virginia [Wms] and a long letter to Mamma. Haven't done much studying. Fuzzy's Yale Record came. She got a book, "Anchors Aweigh" from Roger Nelson, U.S.N.A.
Thursday, January 19
Just did get dressed in time for breakfast, but didn't have a first hour, so it didn't matter. Mamma sent me a paper telling about the street-car men's strike at home. Also the picture section of Sunday's paper. Classes went fairly well today. After gym, came home and read Bossier and the essay for the English exam. Fuzzy went over to the Browsing room with Eleanor and they spent the afternoon reading. Fuzzy had Ellen Fay over to dinner. Tried to fix my hair like K does, but didn't succeed very well. It looked nice, though. Eleanor, Jimmy and I had a three-handed game of Bridge, and then Eleanor and I played some.
Friday, January 20
On the morning mail, I got a lovely bureau scarf from Granny. Studied French history until the third period. After Latin, I went down to the Flag to get some Kodak pictures, the ones that Pat took of us on the rail fence. Also I bought a hand-hemstitched waist for $4 at Mrs. Lucas'. After classes were over, K and Eleanor and I walked downtown. I bought some Indianhead to make Mamma a luncheon set. We came back on the street-car. After dinner (fish as usual). K and Fuzzy and I reviewed Latin all the evening, then had some tea.
Dark Alley Fat Darkey
Banana Peel Virginia Reel
Saturday, January 21
K and I both got up for breakfast this morning. Jimmy got a letter from Roger Nelson with seven different shades of red hair, and asked her to find out which Fuzzy liked best. So they have been making up stories about the different locks of hair. I spent all the morning studying French. After lunch, I cut out the large doily of the set. About four, we all went coasting and had a grand time.We went down Sunset hill and also used the road on the other side. Miss [Mayfield], Mary Allen Edge, Lois Clark and I went to see "Daddy Long Legs" given by the Community Players. It was just as cute as could be, even if they were amateurs.
Sunday, January 22
Jimmy woke me up this morning so I got up at a fairly reasonable hour--9 o'clock. Read a story in an old S.E.Post until Chapel time. Our speaker today was not particularly interesting. We had delicious(?) prune ice-cream for desert [dessert] today. After dinner, K and Fuzzy and I reviewed some more of Cicero until we were completely exhausted. Then we had some tea and fruit-cake (Jimmy's). Then I wrote to Bessie and to Granny until supper time. Had a very good supper as usual for Sunday nights, after which we went to dark Music. It has gotten very windy and cold. Have not done tomorrow's lessons yet.
Monday, January 23
Woke up this morning feeling rotten with a cold coming on. Fuzzy and Eleanor and I went over to Miss Potts' room to an English conference. Had to park on the stairs until nine. After she finished with me, I sat on the steps of Rocky (inside) and did my Math until the bell rang. Cut chemistry quiz and went for a walk with Betsey. After lunch, I went to bed and have stayed there the rest of the day. Slept about an hour this afternoon. Was not sorry to miss Hygiene and French lectures. K brought me over a nice tray for supper. She and [Jimmy] walked to town this afternoon. Everybody has been writing the mushiest love-letters to Roger Nelson so that Fuzzy can tease him in return. Eleanor's & [Jimmy's] quite good.
Tuesday January 24
K brought my breakfast over to me, and Betsy & I had it together. Read some stories in S.E. Post and got up at five minutes to eleven; had Latin at 11:30. After lunch, I wrote a long letter to Charlotte and one to Julia later in the afternoon. Sent her some Misc'es and a Sampler. Got a delightful long letter from Granny, and one from Betty Becker. Betsey is staying in bed this evening on account of a cold. Have felt rested on acc't of my sojourn there, but cold is not better. K. Metcalf broke two front teeth yesterday and had to go to N.Y. to have them fixed. Wrote to Aunt F. tonight.
Wednesday January 25
Betsey stayed in bed this morning too, and we had breakfast together. Cut my Math. At the beginning of third hour, walked over with K and decided to stop by the doctor's office. Had to wait a solid hour, thereby missing Latin. She gave me some pills & said to come back tomorrow. I did not miss chem. quiz, which would have been preferable to Latin. After English, came home and Betsey and I went for a walk--to the Book Store, then to Strong, Davison and Careys, so we didn't get much of a walk after all--mostly indoors. After supper, Jimmy insisted on putting Betsey, Fuzzy and me to bed. Wrote home.
Thursday, January 26
Got up this morning soon after the rising bell rang. Went over to the doctor's office a little before nine, so was the first one there. She gave me some more pills to take. Came home and studied Latin until lunch. Then Betsey and Eleanor and I went for a walk. We went down to Arlington to the Drug Store, then back to Albert's where I got some wool socks. We got an Eskimo sandwich at [Carey's], then went over to Main. Have been studying Newman's Essay all the evening. K had Dorothy Anne over to dinner. After she had gone, Jimmy, K and I had a short game of bridge. A letter from Mamma came today, but was quite short. Must study some Math tonight. Fuzzy & Betsey are going to West Point.
Friday January 27
This morning all of us got up to breakfast. We sat around the radiator studying Latin and trying to keep warm until ten o'clock, when we went for a walk. My exam was in the music lecture room. The Latin was not so bad, there were two sight translations and one other passage and several question. I found a letter from Aunt F across the street saying she would be glad to have me next week. Studied Math all afternoon. Got a nice letter from Daddy and a package of peanut brittle. After dinner (fish), Eleanor and Jimmy went to the concert. Betsey & Fuzzy went too and also went out to dinner. Have been feeling quite tired this evening, so am going to bed early with a hot water bottle.
Saturday, January 28
This morning was much like yesterday, except for a much shorter walk before Math. The exam was quite long and I didn't finish. Made a number of foolish mistakes. After lunch, Betsey and K and Eleanor and I played bridge while the others went to see Peter Ibbetson at the movies. About 4, Eleanor & I went over to the Library. It was snowing quite hard & very windy. I got some Exam papers for chem. The faculty operetta and plays (one act) were tonight and K and I went. They were just as cute & amusing as possible. Profy made a splendid judge. Prof. Burgess Johnson was terribly funny. Three of the faculty gave an exhibition of clogging. Fuzzy got a letter from P.M. in reply to the letters we sent him.
Sunday, January 29
This has been a queer day, seems different from most Sundays. Eleanor and I went to Chapel this morning, but all the others cut. Came back, finished my letter home by dinner time. Spent all the afternoon studying but did not accomplish as much as I had hoped. We had tea at five, using some of the Orange Pekoe that Mr. C.R. gave me. The [Glaesars] gave us some bread and jam to go with it. Jimmy & Kay told all of our fortunes in the tea-cups. See back of book for mine. Did not go to dark music because Mr. Wells is going to sing and I didn't like him much this morning. We have all been studying hard.
Monday- January 30
Exams and more exams! Everyone got up at 7 this morning. After breakfast we read Newman's essay and discussed it. Fuzzy, Eleanor & I had our English in Sanders lab. We had French in the afternoon. It was quite hard, but I knew something about every question except the life of Voltaire. They are having Dark Music every afternoon this week and we all went. It was lovely. I liked especially Dvorak's Largo from the New World Symphony. Mrs. [Lees] sang accompanied by cello and organ. We walked home around the lake. I got letters from Bess and Mrs. Ruffin. Bessie is leaving Thursday for upper Brandon to teach Mrs. Byrd's children. Studied much chemistry. Eleanor had hot lemonade.
This morning got up to breakfast. Spent all the morning studying chemistry. Fuzzy got a letter from Roger & one from [Studebaker]. Just before lunch I went for a walk with Eleanor. After lunch studied Hygiene. The exam was right hard, learned all I knew of the last two questions from Jimmy on the way over. Did not go to Dark music. Found a letter from home and also got letters from Julia & Virginia. [Norrma] and Julie Smithy came over and we had tea. Evelyn Johnson had it with us. Have been studying Chem all evening. It is now eleven & must go to bed.
Wednesday February 1
Got up before the rising bell this morning and went over to breakfast at 7:30. At eight Ed & Madeleine F. and I started over to Chemistry exam at 8:20. It was quite hard, but fortunately there was a choice of eight of 11 questions. Came home, took a bath and was leisurely packing when the dinner bell rang. I decided to take the 2 o'clock express to N.Y. Almost missed it. Sat with Willy [Keilly] on the way down. Came to the apartment on a 'bus. Unpacked, had tea with Aunt F. then we went for a walk with Uncle Roger & Roddy. Clifford is sick in bed. Mrs. Williams is here too. Went down to see Mrs. Crane. Went to bed early & read in bed.
Thursday February 2
Got up about 9:30 this morning. Weather cloudy & warm, but sun came out later. After breakfast, called up Mrs Van Pelt to invite Margaret to go the theatre tomorrow. Also called up Fuzzy. After lunch, Aunt F and I went to the opera. Jeritza (and ...) sang in the Cavalleria and Kingston & Litta Ruffo in Pagliacci. It was wonderful and we enjoyed it ever so much. Jeritza is taking Farrar's place. We went to Huyler's afterward, then home, where Duggy was just getting back from a party. Aunt F and I went down to speak to Margaret Lilly, Mr. Crane's niece, and her mother. Did not go out this evening. Fixed watch strap & we almost caught a mouse in the trap.
Friday February 3
Got up about eight this morning. Phoned Fuzzy after breakfast. Wrote to Dixie Smith. Went by myself in the subway to the 52nd St rink where I met Mrs. Furse & Fuzzy. had a nice time skating to music except for my ankle that would turn. Aunt F. and I had lunch with Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Lily & Margaret & Mrs. Dewey. Afterward we went to see the color organ at the Neighborhood Playhouse. It was fascinating--waves of color that blended together and formed different shapes. Aunt F. has gone to Washington. I do not know why, Mrs. Williams and Clifford left for Ithaca. Margaret Van Pelt and Philip Lewis came to dinner and we went to see "Bull-Dog Drummond", which is quite thrilling and melodramatic. Phil is such a nice boy.
Saturday February 4
Slept late this morning. Had breakfast with Uncle Roger. Wrote to Mr. Ruffin. About eleven I walked up Fifth Avenue as far as 42nd Street, going into a bird and animal store where there were some [cunning] puppies, monkeys, etc. Went inside the Library; went to the Art Gallery and looked at the Roosevelt exhibition. Met Fuzzy at Huylers; one o'clock. Betsey and K came down for the day and we four had lunch together. Fuzzy and I went to see "The O'Brien Girl," which was almost as good as "Sally" and the others to see "Good Morning Deerie". We met at the Vanity Fair Tea Room. Fuzzy had to hurry off and K and Betsey took the six o'clock train. Uncle Roger & I had dinner together. He is such an interesting talker. Have been reading "White Shadows in the South Seas".
Sunday February 5
Aunt Frances and Aunt Mildred came back from Washington last night, where Aunt F. went to the conference & heard Balfour. Uncle R, Aunt F & I went to church. Dr. Fosdick was splendid--(Christianity is fellowship with Jesus & learning how to live"). Then we walked around to St. George's Church. Had a delicious dinner. At 4:30 Aunt Mildred & I went up as far as Roddy's school on Park Ave & 72nd St in a taxi & walked back, stopping in at St. Bartholomew's church to see it, then coming to the Grand Central. Met Fuzzy & Ed on the train & we came up together. It was great to see all the girls again. Got letters from Daddy, Mrs. Adams, Alice Scott, a newspaper, two bills & 2nd semester schedule.
Monday February 6
Today is the first day of the new semester. Jimmy got us all up at seven, and we did our exercises. Had Math first hour and Eng Speech second. Then I went to the Dean's office, but Miss McCaleb would not change my French. Betsey and I are going to try to lose a few pounds. My Chem Lab has been changed to Mon & Thurs 5th & 6th hours and I have Miss Landon instead of [Kelly]. Fuzzy has been fixing her memory book. She & Jimmy and I went for a walk before dinner. Afterwards, we all went to hear the ... Trio, over at the Assembly Hall. They consisted of cellist, pianist & violinist.
Tuesday February 7
We had our exercises this A.M. Mrs. Glaeser came up and [raved] on, told us to go to the gym if we wanted to do any exercises. After Math first hour, went down town to deposit my allowance; bought some ankle supports. Walked back; took me forty minutes. Did not get any mail today except in the afternoon a package to all of us from R.E.N. Fuzzy's was Boat Book, Eleanor's cigars, Jimmy cough drops, K, raisin, Betsey candle, mine chewing gum. After English I went to the book store and spent $5.89. Then got my First Hall pictures. The others went skating but i have been studying all evening. Betsey & I had a grapefruit.
February 8 Wednesday
We had our usual exercises this morning. Studied French until third hour. My classes all went very well; recited the Marseillaise in French. Had an interesting English class. Story of victory of Samothrace. I was a Civil War veteran with a penchant for anecdotes. Got a check cashed & bought a grapefruit. Got letters from Granny and Charlotte. Had rhythmic eighth hour. Found our marks had come. I got Chem. C, Engl B French B Latin C Math B Phys. training B. Alice Williams had invited me over there for dinner. Was late of course. We went to Chapel afterwards. Have written a long letter to Granny. It is getting late. 11:15
Thursday, February 9
Betsey has been changed to my Math class, but was late the first day. After Math, I went to the Library and did French for tomorrow and Math for Monday. Went to chem 4th hour. No mail today. Walked with Jimmy over to Lab. Miss [Landon] told me that I got B+ on my exam but only D- on the Lab work. Walked back with Betsy Coggehall, who invited me to lunch tomorrow. Did not go to gym on account of having Lab. Fuzzy, Jimmy and I went skating eighth hour on the nearest lake. Have been practicing going by myself. The ice was very good in places. Have been studying here all evening but should have done Latin. Evelyn Johnson is sick so is Mary Steichen & Pat has been operated on for apedicitis [appendicitis].
Friday__February 10
This morning I studied Latin until time to go the class. Evelyn got flu at the Yale prom & has gone to the infirmary. Went to Betsey Coggeshall's for lunch, but she never did come so I got some stuff over in Main. Went to the gym to change my schedule, but office is not open on Fridays. English was very interesting with a discussion of different forms of criticism, (impressionistic). Read Shakespeare all the afternoon and had a bath before dinner. We went to hear Rachmaninoff in Po'keepsie [Poughkeepsie] and he was perfectly heavenly. I was so glad to have the opportunity to hear him. Mrs. Hawkins sent us all Valentine--boxes of cookies, almonds, raisin, dates, honey, etc. Betsey got some more food.
Saturday February 11
Fuzzy sent off a box to Roger this morning. Jimmy & ... sent Valentines. Betsey a sachet, Fuzzy a comb Eliz-dee - hairpins, and I, a picture supposedly of myself. Went to several of the Vocational lectures--on Advertising, Interior decorating, Social Service and Phys. Education. Mrs. Luther Gulick spoke on the last, and inspired us all to become cam councillors [counselors]. I went to the Library and did my reading for English speech then came home and wrote to Mrs Adams and Virginia Wms. Must have Molly Kimball over sometime. After dinner we all studied till nearly ten, then we had tea and Betsy and I had our grapefruit. I sent off three Valentines. Jimmy got into one pajama leg
Sunday February 12!
No one was down to breakfast this morning besides me, but Betsey went later. I read Shakespeare for two hours until time to go to Chapel. Bishop Brent was our speaker and a very good one. K and I enjoyed having the Episcopal service. After dinner K and Betsey made their memory books and I helped and fooled around. May Lou came to see Fuzzy, and Edith and Jean (Betsey's friends) came to tea and then we went skating about five o'clock. It was simply great. We had a [bum] supper and then our own dark music. Dorothy Anne was over to supper. I wrote home & to George.
Monday---February 13
Five of us from Whitlock's walked into Math class late this morning. K and I have been rejoicing over the fact that our English Speech teacher has changed and we have a very nice one now. I finished Richard II this morning, over in Sanders Lab. Met K after Chem and we came home together. Had our gym changed to 7th hour on Thurs. Had lab this afternoon. I was going skating with K but it was too windy. We walked over to Carey's to see the exhibits of Bonwit Teller's and [Hirsh] Bonwit had a great many lovely things, but rather expensive. After a bum dinner we came over and studied the rest of the time. Miss Conrow sent Fuzzy some French records.
Tuesday-February 14
I feel as if I'm black and blue all over, but what does it matter? We've had a perfectly glorious time over at the ice-carnival. Grand March, exhibition skating, Music, doughnuts, bonfires, full moon. This morning I was lat to Math as usual. Spent the next two hours in the Library studying French. I found a book on Catullus for my French topic. I got three Valentines and a letter from Daddy. Mamma had a bad cold. Fuzzy got an adorable corsage bouquet of violets and double hyacinths from some one in Washington. She looked darling at the Carnival in her middy and pants & sailor hat. Liz-dee took some time exposures of her and Jimmy.
Wednesday February 15
Of course we all slept late this morning after the ice-Carnival but I did get over to breakfast in time to bring some milk and rolls to the others. Miss Landon is sick so we had Miss Lammert for quiz. Betsey Coggeshall strained her back in apparatus and was in the infirm. last Friday. Betsey got another delicious box of candy today. Our English class was very interesting today. We had a symposium and different ones had to get up before the class and be asked questions. My subject was Shakespeare's Chronicle plays. Roger sent back Fuzzy's Comic Valentine. I had Molly Kimbale over to dinner. She is awfully nice.
Thursday, February 16
This morning I just did get over to Math on time, but had no time for breakfast. Spent the next two hours in the Library writing my theme and reading Notre Dame de Paris. I found a letter from Mamma and one from Granny when I got back after 4th hour. George has the flu and is in the Naval hospital. K and I walked over to Lab together and I met her after it was over and we came home together. We studied for the rest of the afternoon. Tonight we went over to Students to hear a light Opera, The Impressario, by Mozart. I liked it pretty well, but nothing extra. The uncle was the only good actor in it.
Friday, February 17
This has been a wonderful day, but ever so cold. 14 [degrees] below, this morning. Eleanor and I cut Latin and went for a lovely walk, then went to the Library and wrote our themes. Went to Betsey C's for lunch, in North. Her mother is coming up from Washington today. Wish mine would! The freshmen played the Juniors in basketball and we beat them--44 to 37! This is the 1st real game of the season. Freddy [Hatch] asked Margaret Kellogg & me over to meet Henrik Terry at the informal tonight. It was loads of fun and he was awfully cute, though I didn't dance with him but twice. We met Miss Maxfield's brother [Lettle], red hair & moustache, 25. Margaret wore Fuzzy's dress--blue velvet with chiffon sleeves and I my henna.
Saturday February 18
Betsey got up a [at] 5:30 this morning and went to N.Y. to see the dentist. Went to lunch and to the opera with Mrs. Furse and brought a cake to Fuzzy. I spent the morning studying French. K, [Tex] and I went over to see the skeleton for English speech. After lunch, I worked on the centerpiece for Mamma. Fuzzy & Jimmy went to town, and got wool for sweaters. Mine is going to be yellow, theirs grey. The others got all dressed up and went to the prom this afternoon. K wore my dress. I had a bath which made me very late for dinner. K got a delicious angel-food. We had tea and cake tonight after every body got back for the informal in the gym. I went to the Libe
Sunday. February 19
Eleanor, Esther and I got up at seven and went to the Chapel in Arlington for Communion. Caroline was going, too, but did not wake up in time. We all went to chapel and heard and excellent sermon from Dr. McAfee. We did not go out at all in the afternoon--knitted and wrote letters and studied. We had tea about five. After dinner we went to Dark Music. Margaret came over and she Betsey Lizdee and I had a lovely discussion. See back for list of subjects. Lizdee & I had a grand talk about Mr. Washington and camping in general. We didn't get to bed until after twelve.
Monday. February 20
We all got up at seven o'clock and did our exercises. Betsey and I were actually on time to Math. K and I like our new Eng. Speech teacher, Mrs. Sebolt, very much indeed. i cashed a check and paid all my debts. "Pop" [Moulton] spent part of the hour talking about dancing instead of Chem. Jimmy, K, and I walked over to Lab together. Ours was long, so I walked home with Jimmy. Our sweaters are progressing finely. This evening Amy Lowell gave a lecture on Keats. She spoiled it for me by reading it. I was sleepy, though. She is elderly and enormous. Reminds you somewhat of Dr L. After supper we all knitted and talked French.
Tuesday February 21
I was doing Math very diligently when I realized that it was 8:30, so I cut the class. Spent the rest of the morning until 4th hour in studying Latin and French, and then was called on for the very Latin poem that I hadn't done. In English we discussed Amy Lowell's lecture. After English, I went to the Libe and did my Eng. for tomorrow. Miss Haight gave a delightful illustrated lecture on Catallus 8th hour. I like her ever so much. Have knitted a few more rows on my sweater, but have spent most of the evening studying.
Wednesday February 22
Not having a first hour class today, I didn't get up until nearly eight. There was no mail, since this is Washington's birthday. Will Neilly has bobbed her hair. Fuzzy and Betsey went down town & got waved and shampooed in preparation for Saturday. Got thru all my lessons without difficulty, but didn't know any of them too well. Had rhythmic the eighth hour. K did not go and Fuzzy was downtown. There was a lecture on Prehistoric Art, but I stayed home & read Notre-Dame. Sallie Sanford was over to Dinner and we made our choice between Kismet and Shakespeare for 3rd Hall. 30 to 4 in favor of Kismet.
Thursday February 23
This was a dull gray morning. Betsey and I were actually on time to Math class. The next 2 hours I spent in the Library, doing Math and Notre-Dame. Then Chemistry lecture and lunch. Fuzzy & Kelsey had lunch with Edith and Jean. Jimmy, K. Lizdee and I walked over to lab together. I didn't quite finish mine before time for gym, so brought my book home. I am back in Miss Sprague's class. Came home and found a letter from Daddy--had a bath before Dinner. Jimmy and I have formed a class for training Girl Scout leaders. Miss Katherine Dabney is the teacher and is very full of life and interesting. Tonight we formed into patrols, made up a cheer, tied knots, etc.
Friday February 24
This has been a beautiful day--just wonderful out-of-doors. K and I both got up for breakfast, then I did the Fourth book of Plato with Eleanor for two hours. At last we have gotten to Socrates' idea of justice! I actually knew my Latin today, studied French in the 4th hour but did not finish the lesson; fortunately did not get called on. Had a letter from Mrs. Ruffin. After English, Eleanor and I went for a lovely walk.--out Raymond Ave, turned to the left, climbed a hill, then came down again, passed barking wolf-like Police dogs; met Carol Moore & Frances Vance, who gave us a piece of orange, saw an adorable little river, then horses. Dorothy Anne is spending nights. Liz-dee has gone to see her mother.
Saturday February 25
Another marvelous day. Eleanor and I got up at seven and the others soon afterwards. Betsey and Fuzzy went off about twelve o'clock to West point. Jimmy played basketball. K went to town, while Eleanor and I studied at the Library. I read Galsworthy's "Justice", then did my French topic, and part of the Latin. After lunch, we had a short game of bride; Tex came over, then I knitted, read Notre-Dame and cut out the rest of the doilies for the luncheon set. K has not been feeling good so we brought her dinner over. Liz-dee arrived about 8, with some delicious food. We had tea and sat up till about one, talking, much to the [Glaeser] disgust.
Sunday February 26
Lizdee slept up in our room last night. We got up about nine and had breakfast in our rooms. [Lenny] and Caroline came over. The electricity went out in the middle. Mr. Jonathan Day was our speaker-a "Kentucky Irishman" who told us all about the mountaineers. This afternoon he showed us a movie about Berea college "Our Contemporary Ancestors". Eleanor, Lizdee & I went for a walk after chapel. Lizdee & I have talking Mr. Washington & she invited me to come up & visit her next summer. We had tea with Miss Maxfield. Went to dark music tonight. Wrote home to Bessie.
Monday February 27
Had a test in Math this morning but it wasn't hard. Met K before Eng. Speech and she brought me two letters, from Mamma with clippings & ones to her from George and Bessie. Collegiate beat St. Catherines. Bessie seems to like it at Upper Brandon very much. I read Notre Dame at the Libe in Sanders before Chem. Had Lab in the afternoon, then an Eng speech conference at 4:40. Waited for K until nearly five. Got a check cashed for $5.00. After dinner, I sat down in Lizdee's room and we talked until nearly nine, so I didn't get any studying down. Went to be early as I had a headache.
Tuesday February 28
A lovely day. Although I had intended to cut math, I was feeling fine, so I got up. Was almost late on account of darning my stockings. Spent the next 2 hours at the Library--studied Latin, revised my theme & read French. Came home for lunch and found a nice letter from Granny with one to her from Bessie. Had French and English: the latter was most interesting. Then Eleanor and I walked down to Peck-Brooks where I bought some silk stockings. Mlle LeLavandier gave a French lecture on the 18th century at the 8th hour. Kand I had dinner with Molly Kimball and Maude Sippey. [Danced] in J and went to chapel. Studied--Had tea.
Wednesday March 1st
K and I stayed in bed for a while, but got up in time for some breakfast. I studied my French,-started the resume before 3rd hour. Miss Saunders called on me twice in succession in Latin, and I didn't know the second one at all. I knew my Chem (quiz) as well as could be expected. Walked home with K. We had a [French cut]. In English we went over the proofs for Sub-sampler. Eleanor & I went to the Libe to study. I finished French and began Religeo Grammatica. Got the scout equipment at the bookstore--came home with Betsey after she had a Latin conference. Lex, Janet, Willy, Madeline, Eleanor and I went down to St. Pauls for the Ash-Wednesday service. Very nice--large congregation, good sermon.
Thursday March 2
This morning I got up before seven and was the first one down to breakfast. Went over to Main to sigh up for a guest ticked for IInd Hall; the lists were put up at eight AM. There were a no. ahead of me, and K & I were 84 and 90 on the list. I went to the Library after Math, and did four hours work in 2. Ruth Broughton has her head all bandaged. She hurt her jaw in basket ball. K and I walked over to the lab together. I did not finish. Then we had gym which Miss Sprague made quite strenuous. We came home. I knitted some, then drew the Flag for our class in Scouting which we had this evening. Jimmy and I both like it very much indeed. Tonight we tied knots, played games, & drilled. Came home & went bed. The college stable burned last night with sixteen horses!
Friday. March 3
Not having a first hour class. I didn't get up until nearly eight. Studied Horace diligently, sitting in my sunny window, until third hour. Jimmy and I walked over together. Pat has come home. We saw her in front of Main and walked over together at beginning of fourth hour. I learned my poem-Oceano Nox. English was terribly interesting. We discussed pts of comparison in Spingarn's and Murray's critical theories, also connecting them up with passages from the Bible. Miss Potts read us an article in New Republic by Clive Bell and its answer by Bernard Shaw. Then I went to town, deposited my allowance; got a shampoo. After dinner, we went to an illustrated lecture on Alaska--came back knitted & played bridge.
Saturday March 4
Didn't wake up until a quarter of eight. Pancakes for breakfast. Eleanor has stayed in bed all day to cure a cold. Spent most of the morning trying to do Latin and knitting. After lunch, the others all went to the game--we beat Sophs. Put a water wave in my hair, but not very successful. Margaret Kellogg came over & we studied & talked and she fixed my hair. Fuzzy and Mary Steichen & Jimmy have all been very mysterious. We think Fuzzy has been initiated into the Shifters. She got all dressed up and went over to J. tonight. Marian Wilkinson came over after dinner and stayed a long time, & we had tea. So I didn't get much studying done. Did not go to Czecho-Slovakian concert. [M.] Van Pelt asked me to supper tomorrow.
Sunday March 5
After talking until midnight last night, we were very sleepy this A,M. and Jimmy was only one who got up to breakfast. K went to Lodge with D-Anne. Eleanor stayed in bed. Esther and I met K and Dorothy Anne and we went to St. Paul's together. We enjoyed the service very much indeed. After dinner I knitted some, then Margaret came over & we did Math and she fixed my hair and Lizdee's. At six I went to the Sandwich shop. Mrs. Van Pelt and Margaret, three others. Delicious food. Enjoyed it awfully. Two of the others were upper classmen. Katherine van [Brent]. Have begun a letter to Julia Wickham. Must write others.
Monday, March 6
Knew my Math this A.M. Cut English Speech because I hadn't done it. Went to the Library and read Pygmalion for English. Then Chem lecture. Did not get any mail. Had lab in the afternoon. Came home & found suitcase with box of candy and tea-cakes from home. K and I went to see the Franklin Simon exhibit at Carey's. They have lovely things. After dinner there was an Amalgamation Meeting. We all took our knitting. I am almost to the neck. We decided to have the $10 fee go chiefly to Athletic Association for one year. Wrote to Granny and finished the letter to Julia.
Tuesday March 7
Betsey, M. Kellogg and I made a great effort to get to Math on time, only to find that we had a cut. So i went to the Library and read Caliban upon Setebos and wrote up some Math in those 3 periods. Then went to chem lecture. In the afternoon went over to French and English. in the latter we discussed the last Sampler. There was a class meeting 8th hour, but there wasn't a quorum, so we had song practice instead. I have gotten to the neck with my knitting. We had fruit salad for dinner. We loafed around most of the evening, though I had loads to do. K and I did some Latin. She and Betsey were demonstrating some exercises. Awful mix-up about room-mates for next year.
Wednesday March 8
Did not have a first hour today, but got up early to study. Jimmy, K and I were discussing room mates etc. the first hour. Got a letter from Coley to say that Aunt F is coming--just a little fuller than yesterday's telegram. Got a letter from Dad this P.M., enclosing clipping about the fire. Cut French in order to study it, then got dressed for gym before English. During 7th hour, I went to Libe and did not do any work. Read Barrie and Kipling. Weighed 139-1/2. After dinner, we went to the Harold Bauer concert at 8 P.M. it was perfectly splendid and we all enjoyed him. He was clapped most enthusiastically. Took my knitting but only did one row. Studied math after I came home. We voted on a college ring in the ... palace
Thursday March 9
Was on time to Math and knew my lesson. Went to the Library for 2nd and 3rd hours and wrote my composition--"Thoughts of a Freshman on writing a theme". Then had chem lecture. Prof. Moulton was nice and let us out early, though we were late staring. After lunch Fuzzy and I went down in the basement of Whitlocks's and Barbara helped us get our bikes. Did not finish writing up lab notes. Met K at 3:25 and we went over to Gym together. They had examinations and we were both near the front so were dismissed in about ten minutes. I got a receipt for the $50 I deposited in the Am. Nat. Bank for my trip to the Blue Ridge Conference. Jimmy and I went to our Scout Class. Have been discussing matter of room-mates. Think it will be Lizdee.
Friday, March 10
Got up to breakfast. Studied Latin and straightened room until 3rd hour. Got over to Assembly Hall in seven minutes. Came home and read Eugenie Grandet but did not get to today's lesson. In Engl. Miss Potts read an Essay on "Paganism & Mr. Lowes Dickinson" by G. K. Chesterton. There as a double header basketball game--22 and 2[3]; '25 vs '24. The latter was very close, but we won. It was nearly six when we got home. Most of others went out for dinner. I went over late and had a grapefruit and some crackers. At 7:30 there was a lecture by Mlle Clement, she is more interesting than Mlle Le Lavandier. The others all went to dress rehearsal of 2nd hall. I had a bath and studied Latin.
Saturday, March 11
K and I had breakfast with Julia Smith a the Waffle-shop. [Spot] didn't come. Jimmy and I went down to meet Aunt Frances at noon. It was raining so we took a taxi. She brought us a big basket of fruit. Too her to her room, 8 College-view Avenue, then had lunch as Jimmy's guest. Walked around the campus, went inside the Libe & Taylor hall. At 2 there was a basketball game between Daffodils (23 & 24) & pansies (22 & 25). They won. Came over here and had tea; we all knotted some. Aunt F. left at five. Jimmy, K, and Fuzzy had dinner with us at the Lodge which was very crowded but food delicious. Then we went to "A Kiss for Cinderella". got five seats-9th row. The play was splendid. I loved Eliz. Cone as the Policeman, and Danny was great, too. The acting was fine.
Sunday March 12
About 9 o'clock I went over to the Lodge, met Aunt F. and we had breakfast. We walked around campus until chapel time. Asked Tillie Peterson to lunch--couldn't come, had Margarets Farrand & Van Pelt to lunch at the Sandwich Shop. Talked there until nearly three, then we got Aunt F's suitcase and came over to the house where we stayed until quarter of 4. I went to the station with her. Came back on St. car with Alice Williams. Did not see [Va] this week-end. After supper Eleanor & I went to dark music. There is a lovely moon and lots of stars. Have been studying Math all the evening.
"Apathy mingled with contempt"
Monday March 13
We had a Math test this morning. Betsey and I were a little late to class. In English speech, I had to tell a humorous story. The third hour I spent trying to correct & write up some chem notes. A Tragedy happened. I lost my fountain pen on the way home from Chem lecture & have not been able to find it. Went over to Lab in the afternoon; and to the class meeting seventh hour. Too my knitting. Keyes is track manager, Butterfield song leader & K Pelton assistant, Pop Hill cheer leader. We have been enjoying the P & T. basket of fruit Aunt Frances brought. I got a fat letter from Mamma this A.M. She seems to be quite busy these days. The others all went to a history lecture.
Tuesday March 14
We got back our Math papers ths morning. I came home for 2nd and 3rd hours. Copied some chemistry notes and wrote my composition, a report on IInd Hall play. Would have been late to Latin but for borrowing Ed's bicycle. We had an unprepared lesson in French on account of Mlle Clement's lecture. Mlle Le Lavandier did not have hers today. In English, Miss Potts read passages from Plato, giving his idea of the position of women. In the remaining time before dinner, I wrote my theme on Browning for tomorrow. The Kreisler concert was this evening and we all went except Fuzzy. We had seats up on the stage where we could get a good view of the audience. I like especially the Indian lament, Lotus-Land (an encore) Melody and his own compositions, including Caprice Viennois
Wednesday March 15
This morning I got a lovely box of Jonquils from Granny at paces. There were enough to fill four vases and really make you think spring is here. I also got a letter from Cat who has been having sinus trouble. Did not finish my Latin, but fortunately she did not call on me. Quiz was hard too. We to write. After lunch dressed for gym & went over to French. After English had a conference with Mlle Le [Loupp];--read le Lac by Lamartine. Went over to Main; got my Pullman reservations ($3.75) and Browning. We had examinations in Rhythmic today. had a good supper with choc. ice-cream. Afterwards copied my theme and studied Math; had a bath. Miss Glaeser has put a notice asking us not to run in the house!
Thursday, March 16
After Math this morning Eleanor and I went for a nice long walk. We sat on a fence and listening to the birds sing. She taught me the song Integer Vitae, which is part of our Latin for tomorrow. I studied at the Library until Chem lecture--our last before vacation. In afternoon, we had our last lab--for 2-1/2 weeks--the gym. Miss Sprague as hard on us as usual. Came home wrote theme for English. After dinner I read Scout handbook until time to go to the class. Jimmy did ot go. We drilled, had games and exercises, and Miss Dabney talked about the organization. Jimmy and I are going to learn the Semaphore Code for signalling [signaling]. Got a letter from Granny. She got Betty to send the flowers from Riverside.
I studied as usual these first two periods before Latin and studied French 4th hour. My diary seems to contain nothing else but study. In English Miss Potts read us some of Dante. After that there was a very exciting game between 24 and 25--to decide the banner. It was terribly close, but they finally won by 3 points. The cheering was splendid on both sides. Then Eleanor, Tex Kitty and I went over to student's reception room to a little service conducted by Mr. Gardner for the Episcopal girls. Came home and knitted until dinner and then afterwards for quite a while. I studied my Math and then we had tea and crackers. Letters from Daddy & Aunt Frances.
Saturday March 18
All of us got up for breakfast this morning except Eleanor. I haven't done a bit of studying all day, but have done quite a lot of knitting and finished the V-neck. About nine thirty, Jimmy, K and I walked downtown where we met Lizdee. We looked around at twee suits, but saw none as pretty as Betsey's or as reasonable. So Jimmy and I are going to get ours in New York. After lunch we knitted for a while, then went for a walk--the same 4 of us with Eleanor. We went out on the state road father than ever before and are nearly dead tonight but the air and walking was marvelous. Betsey & Lenney tried to walk across the Hudson on the bridge, but were not allowed to. Fuzzy & Eleanor & I went to the debate with Mt Holyoke on Philippine independence. We won, but they
had some excellent points.
Sunday March 19
Fuzzy, K, Lizdee and I had breakfast about ten this morning. Toast, marmalade, cocoa, fruit. Went to Chapel--our speaker Mr. Lewis Reed very uninspiring. Came home and started a letter home. After dinner, K darned, Jimmy made her gray skirt and I knitted while Lizdee and Eleanor read Back to Methuselah. About five, Lizdee & I went for a walk. Betsey & Fuzzy went for a ride on their bicycles. Alice Williams came over to supper and we went to dark music, then Lizdee treated Eleanor and me to ice-cream at the Retreat. Have been writing a volume to my family all evening.
Monday March 20
After Math, for which I was on time, I cashed a check $10 at the treasurer's--spent $5 at bookstore and paying for Kreisler ticket. After Eng. Sp., studied chemistry until quiz; wrote for 10 minutes. We had a lab. cut, so I knitted for a while then went over to "J" and bought my ticket home. Went to the Library and spent two hours looking up books. Got out The Bent Twig (Canfield) and Heretics by Chesterton for over vacation. Came home and wasted the rest of the afternoon. After dinner, Lizdee & I went down to the Columbus Institute to see Ruth Draper give her Impersonations. A factory girl, the debutante, In an Art gallery and the 3 Breakfasts were especially good.
Tuesday March 21
I cut Math this morning and slept late; K brought over my breakfast. Since I had a Latin cut, I didn't go to asingle class before lunch. Jimmy heard from her Mother that she could go to [Annap]. Much excitement. I read some of the Bent Twig, then wrote my devoir on Romantisme. Read the poems in the Oxford book of Verse for English. Recited Le Lac in French. Got out "Back to Methuselah" until after vacation. There was a lecture by Miss Haight on Horace to which we all went. We had ice-cream for dinner. Betsey has started a green sweater--it ought to be becoming. I read sixty-two pages of "Mon Frere Yves" and the K and I did Latin. Went to bed about 11.
Wednesday March 22
K and I both went to breakfast this morning. Did not get any mail. Washed stockings, started packing and studied chem. Miss Saunders called on me to translate. Our English was lots of fun. Different girls gave scenes from Antigone, Hamlet, Twelfth Night and two others. Eleanor was Polonius in Hamlet. Madeleine Loeb was splendid as Antigone and Miss Emily Bedford and Polly Duggan were good as 2 little 18th century girls in "Secrets of the Heart". Miss [P] read us a prize poem in the Nation and an amusing parody. Our gym class did not last long. Fuzzy had Ellen Fay to dinner; after which I knitted, wrote to George & to Caterina, had a bath and studied some chemistry. We are all thrilled about going home.
Thursday, March 23
This is the last day we will spend here until April 5th. Miss Smith gave us quite a lecture on curring this morning. I studied chemistry hard for two periods. The test was difficult, but I am sure I got through all right. After lunch, I packed the big suitcase and mailed it over in Mai. $1.00. Had a shampoo and wave down town then met Lizdee and Eleanor at Luckey's. We walked home. Lizdee, K,e and I each had an eskimo pie. Our dinner was very good--ice-cream. I knitted some; Fuzzy and I read each other's Latin and I did some packing. Have been sewing on hooks, up hems and general repairs-- Everybody been packing. Jimmy got her yellow evening dress dyed flame color. She lent me a [frat] pin. We had tea & bread & butter. [From M.]
Friday March 24
All of us got up early this morning. I had a time getting ... hot water, so Eleanor brought over my breakfast. Then I packed up and Jimmy K & I walked over to 3rd hour class. Fuzzy, Jimmy Betsey & another girl & I got a taxi down to train. Had a bite of lunch on train. Mrs. Furse met us 3 at Franklin Simon's and Jimmy bought finally a blue tweed suit and I got a tan one. Both $29.50 and Jimmy got a hat and sport shoes. Then at 5:30 Jimmy & I went to to 31 W.12 & saw Aunt Frances for a few minutes. As she was going to ... for dinner, we dropped her at the station & went by for Mrs. Bitter & Marietta and had dinner at the Colony Club. Uncle Frank came & took me to the rain. Eliz [Hershey] is above me.
Saturday March 25
The porter woke me up at 6:30, and we got in to Richmond a little after 7. Daddy met me at the train. Came on out, saw Mamma & Granny & Bob and unpacked before breakfast. About 10:30, Mamma & I took Daddy's glasses down to his office, then met Cat at M & R. I got a hat at Hauffman's and so did Cat at .... Mine is blue straw and hers gray. I saw Charlotte & Miss Lily at Miller & Rhoads. C. & Mrs. Picot had an auto accident & Mrs. P. is still in bed. Have finished my sweater all except sleeves. Have been having such good food since I got home. This afternoon, Cat & I went out in the yard & picked some violets & jonquils, roamed over the new house next door & talked our heads off. Jimmy & Fuzzy are at Annapolis now.
Sunday March 26
Cat and I got up about eight and dressed for church before breakfast, so we had time to read before eleven. Annie made the best muffins for breakfast and we had sausage too. Mr. [Pedrick] gave us a very good sermon on Faith. It was lovely seeing all my friends again--Mrs. Ruffin, Schumacher, [Pedrick], Williams, Beverley, the Whites, Cooks Redds and others. Charlotte has made a dress and cape to match. About 3:30, Cat and I went for a walk, came back & found Aunt Evelyn out here. She stayed to supper and went to Church with us. I am going to make some things for her next summer for the Endowment Fund. We talked about courses for next year. Margaret met us outside of church and we walked and talked for quite a while. Granny has a cold.
Monday. March 27
Nothing in particular happened this morning. I worked a little on the luncheon set then we went out in the garden. Picked violets & jonquils to send Mrs. Seller. Charlotte came over and stayed until noon. Cat and I walked home with her. After lunch, Mamma helped me cut out my tweed sleeveless dress and I sewed it up. We went down to see Mrs. Ryland who has been sick. She is the sweetest thing. Then Cat and I went to see cousin Lucy Johnson, who brought us home. In the evening Mamma took us to the John Powell concert. Miss Reinhardt sang. They were both splendid and the audience applauded vigorously. Powell played the Banjo- picker & Turkey in the Straw.
Tuesday March 28
We were wakened by the sounds of hammers from the house next door. About ten o'clock, Cat and I went downtown and did a lot of shopping. She got a grey sweater and ratine for a skirt. I got purple braid and a white belt. a little before one we went down to Aunt Es. office. We went to St. Paul's parish house. Then I got a centerpiece to embroider for next summer and Cat & I went to see "Saturday Night", a Cecille de Mille [Cecil DeMille] picture--very thrilling... Came home & found my suit had come Granny feeling better. After supper i read more of G. K. Chesterton and helped Bob with his French. Daddy has fixed the lamps by my bed.
Wednesday March 29
Neither Catherine nor I woke up til after eight on account of going to bed late last night. I got a letter from Bessie on the morning's mail. She is coming Friday. I helped Cat make her blue ratine skirt while she washed her hair and Mamma sewed braid on my dress. Granny got up today. After lunch Cat went to Westhampton & I read some of the Bent Twig. Uncle Nelson came out to see us. He is treating Bess Cat & me to lunch & movies for Saturday. Then Mrs. Ruffin came about five and paid a nice long visit. I put on my white skirt & new hemstitched wait. Mamma Cat & went to Church after supper. Mr. Burkhardt preached. We paid a visit to the McCarthy's.
Thursday March 30
Cat and I were late to breakfast as usual. We spent all the morning sewing. Planted peas. Granny basted the hem of my suit and sewed up the hem of my tweed dress, which Mamma finished. I started one sleeve of my sweater, but had to pull it out and start again. Mamma made some doughnuts, which Cat & I fried and ate many of. After lunch, Cat went to town, I knitted some and helped Mamma make some cakes to sell at school. This was Annie-Cook's afternoon off so I set the table & Mamma got supper. Then, while she iced the cakes I washed up & Cat wiped the dishes. I helped Nat with Arithmetic and Bob with French until nearly eleven. We then came to bed and talked until one.
Friday March 31 Cloudy
We had a late breakfast of pancakes. I knitted some and Cat asked Miss Susie to come up and help her trim her hat. She had some blue velvet to do it with. Mamma finished the cakes--icing, I mean. After lunch, she made about 5 dozen doughnuts for Miss Massey. The Alumnae of Westhampton College had Mrs. Kate Langley Bosher to speak on "Is love-making a lost art?" Cat and I went with Mrs. Browder--met Miss Fraser who knows Aunt E, and Mrs. ... of S. Carolina. Saw [Batts], Kitty ..., Mildred Bates, Miss Bradford. After the talk, different girls read love scenes from periods of literature. Bessie (Elisabeth Boggs) came tonight & has been telling us all about [Brandon] etc.
Saturday April 1
We were all very sleepy this morning but managed to get to breakfast by eight thirty. Then I dressed and went in town with Bessie and we shopped practically all day. She got a number of things for the Byrds then looked at suits and shoes. Finally she got a blue serge suit for $35 at Kaufman's--very pretty indeed. Some ten strap slippers at M & R, two waists, pattern and material for two jumper dresses and many small things. We met Charlotte and Cat at one and had a delicious lunch in M & R tea room. Strawberry short-cake for dessert. We got back about six, & went up to Church to see that the communion things were ready. I have finished reading The Bent Twig.