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Ordway, Katherine Gretta. Diary, 1909-1910

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VC 1913,1909-1910: Detailed daily entries from 11 Nov 1909 to 2 May 1910 of Ordway's first year at Vassar College. Throughout the diary, Ordway demonstrates an intense interest in her academic coursework, including her classes in Latin, math, history, English, and German. Additionally, Ordway consistently makes reference to religious activities such as Christians' [Association], Bible class, church services and sermons, Mission study, prayer meeting, missionary lecture, and student volunteer conventions. In various entries, Ordway contemplates her loneliness and perfectionism (Nov 23, Feb 1, Feb 24, Mar 13). She also mentions attending concerts, reading poetry with other students, tutoring "Florence," and receiving a scholarship. From January to March, Ordway describes the symptoms and treatments of her septum, tonsil, and adenoid issues. She discusses correspondence and vacation visits home, including her family's purchase of a vacuum cleaner. Vassar traditions mentioned by Ordway include senior parlor, Thanksgiving, dressing dolls for charity, stunts, hall play, class drill, skating on the Vassar Lake, the ice carnival, debates, students' elections, and Founders' Day.

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Katherine Gretta Ordway '13

409 Raymond.
403 Raymond.


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g. Catherine A. Parsell


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Thurs. Nov. 11
Had Ichabod call me at 6 this AM. Did my Latin in about 1 hr today. But fortunately I didn't need to display my lack of preparation as I recited yesterday. Worked on Hist. 5th & 6th. Gave Florence a lesson of 45 min. 7th. Went out for Hockey 8th hour. Eliz. Dodge and one other girl were out on North field beside the gym instructor. However we had some very good exercise. Rec'd a nice letter from mama from Penn Yan where she spoke yesterday afternoon at 4. She spoke at Naples today in the afternoon. Miss Brainard had a fine time at her class banquet in Syracuse. Maud and I went to Christians' in P.M. [Roblee] led. Subject "the Abundant Life" Best meeting I have been to here yet. Less singing and more personal. Several girls spoke. I toiled on Math till late.

Fri. Nov. 12.
Had Ichabod call me at 5 so I could study for test in Math. This is the 3rd. Miss Cummings spent so much time in explaining our work for next time that we had time to answer one question only. Helen Simpson came over this A.M. a little after 7 and asked me to go automobiling 4th hr. He father, mother, and sister Margaret are up here with the machine. Came yesterday and go home after lunch today. I had just 2 hrs. to spend on German. 1/2 hr. between Breakfast and 1st hr. 3rd hr. and 1/2 hr. after lunch before class. They have an elegant machine.


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Mr. & Mrs. Simpson are not handsome but very kind, homey people and the ride was glorious. We met in front of Main. Margaret didn't go, there was Mr & Mrs. S; Helen Alva Robbins, Louise Boynton and "K.S. Ordway" beside the chef. This is where we went [drawing of the route] I wore my little red sweater and silk rain coat. It was a perfect day and I reveled in it every minute. First ride I have had since I left Home. We passed a monastery, Vanderbilt's home, and went through Hyde Park a small place about 6 mi. from Poughkeepsie. Oh, it was fine and lovely of Helen to ask me. In the afternoon Maud and I puttered away on Latin. dear old Livy. She invited me to dinner. Wore my pink dress. Florence attended Chicago dinner at the Inn. She looked lovely. wore a rose colored dress with silvery lace, silver gray stockings and slippers which she wore to lead the grand march at a dance of 150 couples. We all told her how pretty she looked. Studied some in P.M. Was too tired to attend lecture on "Italian Art" by Prof. Tonks of Princeton University. Wrote a letter home either yesterday or today. Pay Day. at apparatus room of Gym. Booths for the different things. I paid $1. Athletics, .50 College Settlement, $.65 students; and $.10 Japenese Missions.


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Sat.Nov. 13.
Sent 4 1/2 lbs. of clothes home. Gingham dress, pique sailor suit and 2 white skirts. Paid .45 expressage on them. Spent 2 hrs. on Hist. in the Library. Went up in the tower with Irene Beir. Found where Wordsworth's poems are in the Library. Maud and I took car downtown & back. I bought several little things among them 21 postal cards for one penny apiece. Walked over to Main with Florence and Helen. Then Helen and I read Wordsworth's "Ode to Immortality". in the Library. Dinner. Chapel. Then I washed my hair and read about Shakespeare in "Hero as Poet". So sleepy it was a fight to do it. Began using [Cuticura] soap tonight.

Sunday Nov. 14.
Wore my black & white silk waist & blue suit. Read S.S. lesson. Went to Bible class at 9:45am. Then to church. Rev. from Depaugh University gave us a good sermon on "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3.3. He said "this new relation is nothing artificial but something real live and vital. No person no matter how well educated can do all they may and learn all they ought until they surrender themselves completely to God. There must also be a warm response from the heart to the advances made by God". After dinner I wrote twenty one postals, called


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on Helen Scobey finding her at home this time. Went to Mission Study class soon after dinner at 2 till 3. Very interesting. "Cindy's chance" a touching story of a little mountaineer girl whose granny by hard work had saved up $7. took her to the mission school. At first the teacher th'ot there was no ROOM for her but the children crowded themselves more and she was admitted but the teacher said "My heart aches when I think of the next one to whom I must say no room." Played on the piano for abut 20 min. before supper "Watchmen" etc. Wonder who would like to hear them about 7 hrs. ride from here. Helen Smith came this AM for her Bible which I had brought here from bible class last Sunday. Her father is S.S. Supt. of 1st Baptist church at Camillus, NY. Went to chapel. Wrote a letter to Irene, one to Marian Hendricks and one Home.

Mon. Nov. 15.
Rose at 6. Studied. Helped Peggy with her [Livy] at 8. A.M. Chance brought Sarah Morrison and me together in the bathroom this A.M. I asked her to come in and study with me which she did. She was working on a French test. She is so homesick and cried, poor girl. She works hard but can't distinguish herself in class and is quite discouraged. I tried to comfort her. Rec'd card from Ida saying she can not stop to see


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me this Thanksgiving vacation as she doesn't pass through Poughkeepsie anyway & has only a very short time in New York City. Found a box awaiting me containing the long looked for collar from Aunt Ella. A pretty, lace, dutch, collar. Tutored Florence between lunch and 5th and all of 5th. Read "Hero as Man of Letters" 6th and 7th and 8th. Florence and I went for a walk to Arlington down South Ave and back by College ave. Nice time. She loves the harp and wants to go home for good at Christmas time and take music piano, which she dearly loves and in which she does finely. Went to Maud's in P.M. and plugged away on Math. Studying away from home doesn't agree with me. I do not get as much accomplished as when I work by myself but it is indecent to refuse such invitations always.

Tues. Nov. 16.
Rose at 6. (Watchman calls me by rapping on the door.) Finished my Math. Put my bowl & pitcher on clothesroom door shelf. Third Impromptu in English. Letter from "Home". Mr. Bushman died Sunday. Miss Parrich, who entertained Mama at Naples last week wants me to come and spend a few days with them next summer. "Claire was so delighted when I read you would come home the 17th of December". Bless her heart.


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I'll be glad when the 17th of Dec. comes too. "Are many of your friends Christian girls? Do you enjoy the Bible class and the Christian Association?" "I am so glad the young lady you tutor feels so much better, poor girl." Papa, the funny man, writes, "Are you sure you come "HOME" Dec. 17.?" Did my German. Miss Stroebe had us do the sentences and then dismissed the class because she has an awful cold. I gave Peggy and Florence Hodge some assistance in Math. Trix borrowed my notebook this morning. Worked in the Library on History from 2.45-5.30. Helen Dickinson came to dinner. I invited her in German class. I wore my pink dress and she her graduating dress. Studied [Livy]. Maud came in after choir and we polished him up.

Wed. Nov. 17.
Rose at 6. No class in German today because of Miss Stroebe's cold. Miss Kridell and I spent the period reading in Miss Patton's Rhetoric about punctuation. Then I went to Library & reread "Hero as Poet" through Dante in 1hr. 25 min. Also read Tennyson's "Ulysses". Went to concert in Assembly Hall 8th hour by Mr. Griggs. German songs since Schumann. Enjoyed it very much. He has a very nice, clear, sustained, rich voice. Seems good to hear some one sing and not "shake". Tutored Florence for 1/2 hr. after lunch today. Studied in P.M.


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Called on Evelyn Noble after dinner before chapel. Went to Infirmary after concert & left a note for Helen Rosenthal who is sick with chicken pox. Tried to make a little conversation with Dorothy Van Allen but she seemed so cold and glad to have me go for dinner that I was glad to get out.

Thurs. Nov. 18.
Was called at 6 but didn't get up till 7. Very much colder. November weather in truth now. Discussed difficult passages in English. No Latin today. Did my History 3rd & 4th. Chatted with Irene Beir. She is greatly delighted bcause she made the Basket Ball team. Good for her. Rec'd a letter from Ethel Evans. After lunch read "The Timeliness of the Rochester Convention" by John R. Mott in the Reading room. Fine. Enjoyed it very much. A 12 page pamphlet. Worked on Math 5th & part of 6th. Went to Main. Put on my gym togs and went to gym. My first experience there. Excercises with arms first. Then horse. 1. jump, holding your legs straight and not touching ground. 2. jump over, putting your legs through your hands. 3. jump on left knee. Then we swing from rings. I am no "expert". Learned how to jump over the horse though by practicing afterward. Put on my pink dress and went to Instructors' "tea" in Miss Doane's room 8th hour. Met Miss Bennett, Miss Guthrie and Miss Thomas. Went to Prayer meeting. Dr. Thelburg


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led. "Point of view of religion, different from a set of views. Religion is the most interesting thing in the world. We ought to read more history, biographies more true things rather than fiction although we can learn many helpful lessons from fiction. Read more poetry, learn it and commit hymns to memory making them our own. Read your Bibles more and pray more. Good meeting. Called on Maud who showed me Orion also saw Helen Adler a few minutes. Called on Juanita Hustands a few minutes and by the time I got home it was 9:20P.M. Prayer-meeting let out at 8.20. I am surely deteriorating.

Fri. Nov.19.

Got back my test paper in Math. This is the 3rd. Marked thus V. good, that suits me. Rec'd letters from papa and mama. Papa wants to know when I come home and how long a vacation I have. Attended a Latin lecture 4th hour. Miss McCurdy on "Latin Literature". Whew wish I had a glass of water to wash it down. Can't say I was very interested. Miss Stroebe was on hand today and gave us a test on "Modals". I had English conference at 2.45. Miss Patton said my punctuation is much improved but I must work for conciseness. I invited Gladys White to dinner. Gave Florence a tutor less 8th. Gladys took me to Cary's instead of staying here. I attended chapel and the concert afterward. This Mr. & Mrs. Salter


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are the parents of Edith Salter in our class. Very nice. I enjoyed it. After I came home I wrote a long letter home.

Sat. Nov. 20.
[in margin] Helen Simpson called. 2nd Miscellany out today.
Was called at 6 but ... didn't get up till 7. Worked in the Library on Hist. and English. Missed the football game between Yale and Harvard by the girls. Worked some on Latin prose. Walked for 1 1/2 hr. with Juanita Husbands around my favorite hr. walk Arlington. Had a nice visit with Helen Adler. Did some sewing after chapel and finished my prose.

Sun. Nov. 21.
Went to Bible class at 9:45. Church at 11. Rev. Jefferson of Broadway Tabernacle gave us a fine sermon on Why this Waste? After showing how many things once considered worthless are now made use of he applied the question spiritually and showed how 1. [Dark] days. 2. Disappointments. 3. Blunders. 4. Criticisim especially that from people whom we do not trust or like. 5. Doubts. 6. Sins and 1. the wrongs others do us all can help us to be better Christians. Miss Rutherford at breakfast told us how she was rough housed at McGlynn's one time Freshamn year. Also told about May 30 one year when her room was fixed up with her desk as an altar of love in honor of the birthday of a gentleman friend of hers by the name of Dusty. Went to Mission Study class at 2. Then wrote a nice letter to Cicelia Poler. Was writing to


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Aunt Mamie when Maud came in and asked me to supper. We went to the splendid lecture by Prof. Frederic G. Bliss, brother of President Bliss of Syrian Protestant College Beyout Syria, on "the Turkish Revolution and its aftermath". He spoke as one having authority. Finished letter to Aunt Mamie and wrote home to Clair. Evelyn Noble called a few minutes in the afternoon. Speaking about Senior parlor, "Maud says, "You can't be too careful".

Mon. Nov. 22. M.
Rose at 6. Studied English. We had a visitor in English class today. Worked an hour on consecutive clauses and then she talked about the lecture. Gave us sight prose on Anthony's offering the crown three times to Caesar. I couldn't think of the word for crown and I believe it was used at least six times. Only 15 girls are to be in Raymond during the Thanksgiving vacation. I rec'd cards from Aunt Ella and Mary Crump who is playing hockey and is the "leading man" in a play. Tutored Florence 5th. Had class drill for first time 6th. A large class. We did various exercises and played "[two] deep". Good exercise. Studied. Went to chapel. Worked a little over an hour on Math, and went to bed. A rash things to do but a very comfortable and pleasant one. Marguerite Ruddiman plainly showed she didn't want me to walk to chapel with her. So I went alone as I very often do.

[in margin] last exercise


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Tues. Nov. 23.
Rose at 6. Studied. I said at breakfast this A.M. "Please pass the rolls Frances. Thanks". and she answered "Yes, Miss Ordway". So next time I said "Miss Chaffee, will you please" etc.". Yes, Miss Ordway." I am very glad you called me Miss Chaffee". Oh! to please people is a great problem. Rec'd home letter. Papa says "When you get to it tell us on what train you will reach Rochester from "Pookipsy" and I will meet you in Rochester. Claire begins to talk about "sister" coming home in four weeks. The little rat seems lonesome for you yet. She is real well and is much more quiet and "gentle" than she has been sometimes". Mama writes about Claire's hearing the fire bell and sitting up in bed & telling her of it. Hitchinson's evaporator burned. She also says she went to Roch. Fri. and "I was so tired I could hardly drag myself around. Yesterday I felt very bad so exhausted but I scrubbed and baked and Papa and I sat up until nearly eleven P.M. getting our thank offering invitations ready to give out today". That is just like her. She will not stop until she has to. Also rec'd an invitation to a Club for Priscilla Ordway. Rec'd a nice letter from Rose Sutter who is attending the Rochester Training School on [Scio] street. "Auntie wants to be remembered to you, as to her mind,


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you are just the right sort of girl. Did my German. Did some errands and hunted up "Milman". Wore my pink & black silk waist to dinner. Came in late but quietly. Noticed some girls look at me as I came out. Wore my winter suit for first time today. Went over to Maud's before chapel and asked her to give me her honest opinion about the waist. "Well, I do think it is a trifle unusual". So I asked Florence Hopper too. I said I have a grudge against it. "I do not see why you should". I think it is to [too] conspicuous and Maud agreed. So I folded it up and put it in a paper in my suit case. May it excite no more curiosity but rest in peace. I tried on my red dress then to see if that too, looked queer. I'd like it better with some red underneath the net but the waist is quite good looking. Something does not suit me about the skirt. It is quite plain and the plaits at the side of the front are not quite right. I am going to ask Maud about it. I'll wear it anyway. She came over after choir and we did [Livy] 24th chap. Had a fourth impromptu in English this A.M. I am certainly not like other girls. Just how I'm different I don't quite see but I do not care particularly for clothes except to have them neat and well fitted and in good style. I can't


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seem to be interesting. All I can talk about is school work. I do not feel that I am living up to what papa and mama and Claire are expecting of me and have a perfect right to expect. I work and work but don't come out as I'd like to. Surely I can't be perfect but I can be nearer perfection. This is the hardest problem I've had to solve yet. Hope I get the right answer.

Wed. Nov. 24.
Wore my Peter Thompson for first time today. Cold today. There has been a sharp hailstorm more like sleet than hail all day. Prof. Baldwin discussed physical features of map of Germany and also the duchies. Dismissed the class before time. Miss McCurdy had such a cold that she made us write. 1. a long sentence in Latin. 2. Translate chap. 24. 3. Give an account of historical works, of Caesar, Sallust, Nepos & Tacitus and their dates. Went over to Davison. Florence wrote me a check for $2.50. I helped her with chap 24. Staid to lunch with Maud but had Gladys sign the ticket for me. Scampered home and Clara Hill and I worked on our German till class time. After German I donned my winter suit and winter hat with my big square veil and took the car downtown. Saw Gladys Ross and Edith Salter off. Also saw Helen Simpson and Louise beside a score of others. That's what I'll


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not be sorry to do next month. Then Viola, Maud and I walked up to the stores & shopped till 5.30. Took car home and had dinner. Our table was full, 3 at table two and 3 at Faculty table. What a contrast to the usual appearance of the dinning room. Maud came over a few minutes 3rd hour and said she thinks my dress is so pretty. Helen Adler likes it too. After dinner we went to Senior Parlor and praticed songs for tomorrrow. Went to Maud's and wrote about one page in Math. Notebook. Read some more in "If I were a Girl Again" Helen had a box from home and we helped her eat it. Candy, cookies and jelly. Good. Helen spoke about my suit and hat. Glad she likes them. Mamie Blount came in about 10.45 P.M. and gave me some candy. Said she had been in earlier in the P.M. I mailed a card to Aunt Lilie Parsell this A.M. Hope she gets it

Thurs. Nov. 25.
Rising bell rang at 7.30. Breakfast at 8. I went to service in Assembly Hall at 9 A.M. Prexy led. A hymm, responsive reading of psalm, lovely prayer by Prexy, "America" and closed with benediction. Waited in Grace Patton's room until Express office was open. Maud and she each have a box. Then went to 403R and straightened my room. Went to Helen Adler's and after arduous effort we [manged] Helen rec'd a bouquet of violets from Florence.


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Rec'd postal from Mr. Holyoke from Ellen Sargeant to make a pair of umbrella drawers for our dear little dolls. I staid to lunch at Davison. Helen & I worked on the drawers after lunch. Then Helen, Maud, Isabel Beaver and our monitor in Chapel and I walked to Young's and the violet farm. Our feet were dry but oh! our legs. My stockings were soaking wet from my ankles to my knees. I hustled home and shed my wet garments. Rubbed my legs energetically with a Turkish towel. Than bathed them in hot water and rubbed again and put on some dry footgear. Found a box from the Flag shop awaiting me. Opened it and found a beautiful bouquet of violets (from the Violet Farm). This card was in the box. Thanksgiving greetings to Gretta from Florence. Miss Florence Louise Hopper. I hustled into my Sicilian dress. Miss Blount helped me and I helped her. She also lent me a long violet pin. We went over to Main togetther. I left my things in Grace Patton's room. Hustled up to 445 Main & found my name wasn't posted for my table. So I eagerly asked somebody about it and she had me wait until the end of the line. I finally was seated at a table with Dorothy Faber, Laura Lewis, Virginia Butler, Clara Hill, Miss Clemens and some other girls. Had a vey nice time. Our place cards were paper turkeys. Our dinner began at 5PM and consisted of 1. soup


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and little rolls, 2. fish & sauce. 3. turkey (cold) (breast meat) mashed pototoes, creamed onions, little green peas, celery, olives, (Almonds between courses). 4. nut salad, wafers and cheese straws, 5. Small piece each of pumpkin and mince pie. 6. vanilla ice cream, with melted chocolate poured over it. 7. mixed nuts and raisins 8. fruit; bananas, apples, oranges and Malaga grapes. coffee. During dinner the different tables sang. The faculty sat at a round table by the door and went out at close of dinner but returned after we clapped hard. Prexy spoke and so did Mrs. K. Oh. I forgot to mention that I wore my violets. They are the first flowers I have ever received. It was so sweet and dear of Florence to send them. I wore them at my belt and their fragrance & beauty continually reminded me of her. After the speeches we withdrew to the parlors. Our dishes were the blue ones used only on state occasions. We had rose pink carnations at our table and 4 pretty candlesticks, two at each end. I sat on the floor in North parlor. The stunts were very cute indeed. Among them McGinty dance, story of the Tar Baby, a most comical orchestra of combs accompanying a painted [horror]. The lack of harmony between the fair maiden's voice and the orchestra was most amusing. Prexy beamed upon his girlish family in fatherly amusement.


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After the stunts the girls danced. Maud said, "Don't you dare, Gretta?" I said "No". "O Gretta" was the indefinite answer. I watched them for awhile. Then came home. Clara Hill, Charlotte Clemens and I walked around by the chapel and Main and back home after 9P.M. The moonlight on the snow was so attractive. Wrote a letter home between 10 and 11 P.M. Got to bed about 11.45. This is the way I rest. I have had a very pleasant day.

Fri. Nov. 26.
Breakfast at 8. I went to Library and worked on Nicholas II from 9.45 - 12.30. Saw Miss Ellery; she is so pleasant. She said she thought it wise of me to stay here during Thanksgiving. "It takes the edge off of going home Christmas to go home now." Found a letter from mama & a "Hello and Goodbye" note from papa awaiting me. In answer to my questions as to what they want for Christmas mama writes, Claire said tell sister I want a little comb and brush for my doll. Papa said he does not want anything but he needs some handkerships. Don't spend your little money for me as you need it all to help yourself. I want my big girl home for Xmas. If you want to get me anything you can get me a bottle of violet water." Hum, Hum. Ran in Maud's. Left a note for Helen Scobey to make out a History chart with me. Maud went over to the Flag shop with me to get my check of $2.50 cashed.


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Found Helen Scobey here when I got back. She had brought over her chart and a nice pasteboard box of candy and nuts that she had received from home. How kind of her. We talked awhile about Hist. then went to Main. The dining room is very pretty, decorated with large branches of [similax] and orange wisteria blossoms of paper. on a lattice work of green [camb...]. All upheld on white cheese cloth. I hunted around trying to find someone to cut me some doll clothes. In vain. At last the bookstore girl promised to get me a pattern. As I was coming up in the elevator with Elizabeth Kutzner I asked her about patterns and oh! joy she has some which she let me take together with a doll which she has dressed. Now I feel better. Wrote a note to Florence Hopper thanking her for the lovely violets. Wore my red dress tonight for the first time. Went to Maud's. Read some more in "If I were a Girl again" and about 9.20 went with her and Florence Bradford to Main. Watched them dance for several dances. They looked beautiful. The girl's dresses were so bright and all looked so happy. Some of the men are good looking. Maud & Betty Zahner are already planning to have men next year to the dance. Maud asked me to stay with her all night. So I got my kimono & n.g. & slept in Helen's bed.


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With love Aunt Lillie". Very thoughtful and nice of her. Did my Livy at Maud's. Then Louise Sisson and I worked over an hour on a History chart for our own private benefit. Chapel again tonight. My! how empty it seemed. Short service. Came straight home and worked on Math till quite late. Blessings on my math notebook.

First time I have failed to go down to breakfast since I came to college. Just enjoyed staying in bed till 9 A.M. Sent down to the window by Irene and had a nice little breakfast consisting of an apple, and a pitcher of milk, 2 nice cinnamon rolls, a butter ball and the turkey Aunt Lillie sent me. Was floating around in my kimona at 10.30 when I chanced to think that at that time my family was going to church and I like a heathen was staying at home. So I pulled my blue suit etc. out of the closet and took the car to Hamilton St. Went to the Presbyterian church. Was some late but in time for the second Hymm and the offering. Walked back. Text [Col] 3.3. Pretty good sermon. Figured up my expenses in getting ready for college. I mean I arranged them according to classes. 1. Clothes 2. Making 3. Trimmings 4. Accessories 5. Notions. Wrote to Aunt Lillie thanking her for the little Thanksgiving box. Wrote a long epistle Home. Went to chapel and Christians. Prexy spoke


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about the joy in Christ's life as shown in his love for nature. 2. children 3. companionship of dear friends and 4. joy in his work. Ran over to Maud's a minute. Borrrowed some paper of her. Finished my letter home. Angie came in a few minutes. Edith Maar showed me her doll which she dressed last summer as a baby in long clothes with a dear little embroidered pink jacket or cape. It is just sweet. Helen Brewster came in a minute. Glad to see her back.

Nov. 29.

Little test in History. Rec'd card from Irene Todd. Tutored Florence 5th. Class drill 6th. We played bean porridge hot. Learned the polka step and one slide two slide, one, two, three. Miss Thompson and I staid and practiced to get it right. Spent $.38 for necessities.

Nov. 30.

Was called at 5. Worked on my doll. Put tucks in the little dress and sewed it toghether. It looks real good. Heard from that glorious place "Home". Rec'd also a letter from Charlie Wodhams who writes "I have had to study like fun ever since I struck here. I don't even know what the country looks like in other words I have turned grind. Can you imagine it?" My clothes came back today. How lovely they look. Just like dear mama! Also a box of marguerites with them. Yum, yum! Class meeting 8th hour. Miss


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Dec. 1.
Paper handed back in German with ["Gut"] on it. either Tues or Wed.

Went to the doll show in Freshman parlor .05 admission. The dolls were very cute. Mine made a good showing. I enjoyed looking at them. A little girl about Claire's age and two little brothers came to see them.

Dec. 3.

Rose at 5 and studied the best I could on Math. Written on theorems p.360-377. Had my topic in Hist. on Nicholas II handed back with several pages crossed off and this on it. "Do you keep to the subject?" Alas I didn't. I had an Introduction; Hildebrand suggested Outline and Nicholas II. Say but he rubbed it in. I asked if I should do another one. He said no. Next time. Bet mine will be right next time. Rec'd my dear "Home" letter. Claire is learning "Hazel and Santa Claus" for Christmas. Get papa a couple of pretty white mercerized four in hand neck ties or some handkerchiefs. I want a pretty comb and brush tray to match my room with blue on or something that will go with blue. If you were rich I would ask for a silver mirror, brush and comb but you must not buy anything so expensive. Claire saw the eclipse. Papa says "you must not take any pains to read between the lines in my letters. It is enough to simply read the lines and let the between part go." Also, "Will you be able to


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reach Rochester on Friday or will you have to wait till next day?" Also received a nice letter from Irene. We had a lesson on German that was no snap. 1. A Corwin exercise. 2. Half of Schiller's life 3. Finish poem about Ibykus. 4. Give the contents of each verse and 5. Learn any 6 lines in the poem. She called on Bessie Rector to recite hers. She flunked. Called on me. I recited one & flunked so did some others. Some also recited theirs perfectly. I worked over 2 1/2 hours on my German then. She admitted that the lesson was too long. Sagen Sie es einmal in der nachsten stunde". Und so will ich. Went to Library and read about the Crusades but not in the best chosen book. Wish to goodness I'd hit the right book once in awhile. I do not know how to study History in this way. Hope I can learn before it is too late. Took Apparatus work 8th instead of 4th. Went to lecture. Prof. Neilson of Harvard on "Milton, Puritan ["Arist"]. Was too tired to appreciate it. Went over to Davison a few minutes.


Swept and dusted my room thoroughly. Papa would have to put his specs on to find any dirt. Stopped in to Frances Chaffee's room a few minutes. She is very friendly now. Wonder what has made the change. Squandered a half hour. Worked on Hist. in Library till lunch. Rec'd three letters Lowell Palmer


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writes "Hope you may have the honor of being an Honor student. I am sure you will." Yours truly obtained first prize at Teachers' Institute Prize Speaking contest at Fairport. He writes 2 jokes also this verse "Silently one by one In the notebooks of the teachers Blossom the neat little zeros the forget-me-nots of the seniors". Aunt Mary writes "How lovely not to have any care only your books. I thought with your busy life you would not have time to write to your old Auntie. Little Claire is longing for the time for your return". Marian Hendricks writes "How strange it does seem to know that all the girls I used to chum with and go to school with are away at school. Thanks, Gretta, for your hopes and prayers but mother, we fear, will never be any better and she cannot be with us very long." Worked in the Library on English for over 2 hours. After chapel went to Maud's and spent 1 1/2 translating Livy when I should have spent 1 hr. Florence & Helen made us shake with laughter while they sang "Scotland's burning". Again I have come to realize painfully that the Lord made me to study all alone by myself. I can accomplish something then. I have two commandments which I have been obeying since Monday. Thou shalt not eat any sweets. [Thou shalt not eat] things fried.* Edith Maas. Got a call down for letting water run out the tub after 10 P.M.


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In P.M. Gladys White came in despair over the [Modak] and I broke the Sabbath by helping her.

Sun. Dec. 5.
Took down 2 plates and 2 breadfast orders. Studied Bible lesson. Went to Bible class. Was Late. Shame on me, I didn't go to church. Read some and puttered. Mission Study class in 353 Main at 3 P.M. Miss Cooley spoke very clearly and interestingly about her sister's work in St. Helena Island off the coast of South Carolina among the pure African Negroes. Katharine Taylor told a little about a summer she spent among the mountain whites. Went to chapel but not to Christians. Wrote home and went to bed.

Mon. Dec. 6.
Rec'd card from Bertha Loder. Gave Florence tutor lesson No. 12. 5th. Class drill 6th. We formed in circles this time and did exercises. I enjoyed it. Also passed a basket ball around the circles alternately. Went to flagshop with Florence Hopper. Ordered some goods.

Tues. Dec. 7.
Rec'd lettter Papa didn't write from Home and a card from Lois. Calendars came by express today. I had Stella DeLand to dinner. Prexy talked about the water supply being in good condition still and even if there were danger of its giving out we still have the river to draw on. Spend the evening delivering those calendars & getting money for them.

Wed. Dec. 8.
Rec'd letter from Bertha (no not till Thursday). Prexy spoke very much to the point tonight about lying and deceit. He mentioned chapel excuses


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for sickness when the girl is not ill at all. We must be truthful.

Thur. Dec. 9.
Had an English conference 6th. Miss Connell's theme on Carlyle's picture was picked to pieces. Had apparatus 7th. Joy - another Latin lecture 8th. Miss Pecks on Latin inscriptions. Prexy sat in the back seat of our side of chapel tonight. I attended Christian's meeting in the Reading Room. Miss Doan led. I asked about peace, rest, and the little courtesies of life; satisfied, satisfying, repose.

Fri. Dec. 10.
Dear Prof. Jimmy sprung a test on us this A.M. Rec'd card from Ida and a letter from HOME. Tutored 6th. Went to flagshop. Got 1 banner, 75, 1 banner, 50, 3 strings, 90. Gym 8th. Went to Maud's in P.M. Got her money for the calendars and figured up my account for Bertha. Pauline Tenny and I called on Miss Stroebe right after chapel. Had a very pleasant call 430 Main. Put my brown and white waist that Mrs. Jones made me in the box for Grandview [Tenn]. Prexy announced in chapel tonight the death of Miss


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Church who for many years has been the head of the messenger room. Frances Chaffee called for over an hour in the evening so I didn't study.

Sat. Dec. 11.
Went over to Main at 9 A.M. and bought my ticket home $6.10. Then at 10 A.M. went to gym and drew for Hall play tickets. I got 6 this time. Studied History. Delivered my calanders which came today. Went to 2nd Hall Play "The Lady from the Sea" by Henrik Ibsen at 2:15 P.M. in Phil Hall. Enjoyed it greatly. Sat with Helen Adler down in front after the first act. Paid Jane Farley $1.25 for my renting Her Schiller books. Went to chapel. Cashed my express money order for $8.00 this morning before buying my ticket. Wrote a card home and a letter to Bertha Loder. Rec'd a card from Bertha and a card from Frances Glotzbach. Did my Latin prose in the evening when none too rested.

Sun. Dec. 12.
Went to Bible class at 9:45 A.M. then to chapel. Mission class last meeting at 2 P.M. I read the leaflet "From within one heart" paid $.25 for expressage of box which we are to send. Helen Adler asked me to go with her to call on Miss Kuffner who lives opposite Putnam hall. I did and we had a fine walk and pleasant call. She treatd us to cider.


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Called on Helen D. & Stella DeLand also [Mug] D. and her room mate also on Helen Lockwood. Looked up a maid Phoebe Scandal who was Lois' room mate at Chautauqua last summer. She is in Strong. No chapel. Christmas music at 8 P.M. I enjoyed it very much. Wrote home.
Mon. Dec. 13.
Had class drill 6th. Attended lecture 8th hr. on "The English Budget" by Prof. Baldwin in Rockefeller. Enjoyed it very much. He had several large cartoon posters belonging to each side.

Tues. Dec. 14.
Today did not run smoothly. My conscience hurt as I hadn't looked at my English however it was for the first time. Rec'd letter from Home. So glad to hear. Studied hard on German. Went downtown on the car with Maud. Bought some postals. Ordered a stunt book $1.25 at Flagshop.

Wed. Dec. 15. M.
Maud came over 3rd to read her Latin. I went to Davison in the afternoon and presented my bill to Florence. It was only $4.25 that was due me but she made out a check for $7. She is a dear. I bought my stunt book $1.25. Prexy spoke about using our influence


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to gain a donation for the college. We need a new dormitory to accomodate the off-campus girls. Be careful not to give a wrong impression. Wrote an English theme on "Bookbinding". Attended pupils' recital 8th hour. Betty Zahner sang.

Thurs. Dec. 16.
Rose at 5 A.M. Had to do my Latin in one hour today. Went to Dr.s office, had another treatment and got a new bottle of lotion. Rec'd a letter (ette) from Cecelia. Rec'd a letter from Home. Papa enclosed a very humorous and appropriate sketch of girls coming home from Vassar. Did History. Went to Christmas tree in soap palace. Marion Brown was Santa Claus and the Seniors received gifts. I went to Christians with Maud. "How Joseph was like Christ" patient.

Fri. Dec. 17.
Hip Hip hoorah! Going home today.
People were stirring at 6.30 this A.M. I tied up my package of papers, fixed my suit case and after breakfast and a Math test and History recitation tied up my suit box and at 10.45 got some lunch with Miss Lewis (the better looking one). Corinne Lernon and Elizabeth Kutzner. Had cold ham, saratoga chips, bread and cocoa. I had as baggage a suit case, a


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suit box and a box that my curtains and couch cover came in. Was well loaded but having no steamer trunk I did the next best thing. Helen A. who presented me with a Christmas box in Math. today went down to the train with us. I saw several girls at the station. Maud and I left on the 12.25 train. She rode in a parlor car and I in the day coach. Helen D. & Mug and Stella De Land were in the chair car. I have been in Vassar just three months to a day and although I love Vassar dearly there is still no place like home. We stopped at Albany, Utica, Scenecteday, Syracuse and Rochester. It was snowing hard in Syracuse. My! how exciting to be going home. I called on the "chair car" girls and 3 times or so on Maud and Margaret Clapp who lives in Rochester. My excitement was stirred to a very high pitch the minute our train pulled in the suburbs of Roch. Our day coach was toward the front of the train and no one was visible to meet me so I went in the station and soon papa and Claire came in. Glad was I? I should say so. Claire said "It doesn't seem like you sister. I can hardly believe it's true. Why did the doctor take the Epsom salts

[in margin] Arrived at 7.05(?)


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away from you". I never was so glad to see anyone in my life as I was to see Claire. I longed to have a good cry for sheer joy. She wore her white silk bonnet with the little pink roses, her dark blue chinchilla coat and her little dark blue and white golf gloves. We took the car to court & S. Ave. and walked to the station getting the 8 o'clock car home. Claire was so eager to talk I had little opportunity to converse with papa. She seems rather plaintive and more quiet and gentle than last fall. Perhaps it is just because I haven't seen her for some time. We came in the front door mama meeting us. My! it is good, so good to see her again and be home once more. My room was fixed nicely, awaiting me. For supper we had oyster soup and it tasted like "mother makes" so excellent and perfect as usual. Talked a while. I really didn't give papa a satisfactory greeting until I hugged him after supper. He gave me a nice kiss and squeezed me so hard even though he didn't say much, in fact he said nothing, but actions truly speak louder than words. It is a veritable feast to look upon papa and mama and Claire once more.


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Sat. Dec. 18.
It seems so natural to be home that I can scarcely realize that I have been gone three months. I cleaned the lamps as usual. I paid Bertha Loder the money for the calendars and sachets which I ordered & sold. Gave Claire her bath.

Sun. Dec. 19.
Went to church. It seemed as natural as can be. Went in papa's class. Read some to Claire. We took a little walk. Played on the piano. Went to evening service.

Mon. Dec. 20.
Claire and I went to Roch. at 8.30 and saw Santa at Duffy's. We made a thorough tour of the stores and I bought a cute doll's set comb, brush etc. at Burke's for $.30. Claire didn't know it and teased me to buy it. We went back and of course found it gone. I suggested that Santa had bought it for her. She yielded then more readily. We went to Mrs. Covert's. I saw in the city today Maggie Sergeant, Miss Estelle Fewster, Mable Gay, Muriel Brown, Annie Craigie & sister, Carrie Heath, Julia Sauer, from Henrietta, Seward Hendrick's and Marian, Ruth [Surgenno]. Enjoyed showing Claire around very much. Came home at 6.


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Tues. Dec. 21.
Mama went to city. Claire and I got up late. I did the work. Ironed some. In the evening went to Mrs. Barnam's and called. She said to me as I was about to leave What is the matter with your face? I believe nothing ails you but constipation & I guess she may be right. I hope so.

Wed. Dec. 22.
Went in to Roch. at 8.30. Walked once more across Alexander St. this time in company of Robert Wadhams and Sam Crump. Dear old East High School. How very natural it looks. A good friend to me. Hazel Lush saw me & sat with me during the Assembly. Orchestra and "The Land of Heart's Desire". Visited Miss Kelly, Miss Faber, Miss Groves, Miss Williams (Hazel's English teacher) a new one, Mr. W. Betz, Mr. Clark, who asked me about college, scholarship, exercise. He told me to find out who the scholarship committee is, also to take plenty of exercise and get if I can those instructors who have an inspiring and attractive personality regardless of what they teach. It is the influence of the instructor that counts, not the subject studied. If I can do anything for you at any time let me know. He asked me for the names of some girls who might like to


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go abroad with him next summer & asked me to send him more names after I get back to college. Saw Mr. Gray too. Walked downtown. Bought a fernery for mama $1.50 at Glenny's, very pretty. Went to Mrs. Covert's. $.60 for making a red silk slip for the waist of my red dress. Came home at 6. Went to prayermeeting. Good to be there again. Began study of David's life. Worked on doll's clothes.

Thurs. Dec. 23.
I cleaned the pantry today. Sent off Christmas presents. Took Uncle Henry's box to station. I think a great deal of pleasure is to be derived from doing up one's gifts in a pleasing and attractive manner. Mama and I worked more on dolly's clothes. We labored on the dress. Thanks to Christian assoc. doll I knew something about how to do it.

Fri. Dec. 24.
Mama and I spent three hours in giving the cabinet in the kitchen a fine purification. I went on some errands for mama in the afternoon after bathing. Also called on Alice K. She had made fine "divinity candy" and was making chocolate peppermints with Charlie Wadham's aid. Such a tender handshake when they parted. I rolled the creams in the chocolate and washed the dishes for Alice. Had a


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Christmas gifts to
Papa - book, 2 handkerchiefs
Mama - tray, fernery, barrette
Claire - doll's set, book "A child's Garden of Verses"
Irene - banner
Ida - banner
Anna Mann .25
Maud - jabot
Florence - jabot
Helen A - jabot
Helen Scobey - postal
Uncle Charley - "
Aunt Jennie - jabot
Marian H = Vassar string
Marian C = "Jessica's First Prayer"
Ellen S - Vassar string
Alice K - Vassar string
Gladys Hill - postal
Evelyn Noble - postal
Gladys Dutton - "St Elmo"
Carolyn, Ceclia, Theckla, postals
Wilhelmina, Lois, Avora, calendar & postage stamp holder combined


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nice time. Attended Christmas exercises in the church. Sheldon Smith made his mouth go (as he couldn't sing) to the ammusement of everyone. Lewis Curtis and his sister were very cute. L. was to speak but instead, he stood on the platform with his arm around his sister's neck. Dorothy Todd sang prettily "Wont you play House with me?" Helen & Alice Welch sang very nicely about Santa and Claire spoke "Hazel and Santa Claus" most creditably. Mama, Claire and I were remembered on the tree in the lecture room. When Claire was asleep I did up my home gifts while papa and mama fixed the tree.

Sat. Dec. 25.
I was sick 3 times last night so didn't eat very much & papa was sick in bed with a bilious attack so he didn't have a very merry time. Anna Mann came as usual and watched the distribution of the gifts. We saved papa's for him. Claire seemed very much pleased especially with her piano. I am delighted with my gifts. photos of papa and mama, 4 fine silver things, 3 nice pictures framed so prettily. 1. Casca Blanca


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Papa. Christmas 1909.
postal Mrs. Shreve
Miss Brainard
song book - Uncle Henry - "Alexander's"
"The Doctor" Ralph Connor - mama
"Recollections of a Long Life by Theo Cuyler"
"My friend Mr-" - Gretta
"Lorna Doone" - Esther Steele
2 handerkerchiefs - Gretta

apron - Mrs. W. H. Barker
hand painted olive tray - Emily Gaskin
plum pudding - Aunt Lillie
handkerchief - Mrs. Wiltsie
box of candy - S. S. class
comb & brush tray - Gretta
fernery - "
barette - "
towel - Eva Corteville
cards Mrs. C. T. Shaw
Aunt Laura Clark


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3 doll's hats - Aunt Jennie
fan - Miss Brainard
Santa & paper table - Sydney
red hair ribbon - Mrs. Wiltsie
box of candy - church
handkerchief - "
knife fork spoon - Christmas
piano "
book "Dolly Dimple" "
" "Garden of Verses" "
miller (toy) "
dolls set "
postal Aunt Ella
Julia Anscomb
Miss Tappan


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tie - Helen Adler
calendar - Wilhelmina
permant - Ida Jan 9
Box of paper - Cousin boys Jan 9
sachet - Marian Case Jan 9
photo - Irene Todd
box of paper - Mrs. Wiltsie
3 pictures - Christmas
4 silver things " shoe horn
nail file
paper knife
papa' & mama's photo "
motto - Anna Mann
2 gold beauty pins - Maud
postal & bow - Gladys Dutton Jan 9
calendar - Rose Sutter Jan 9
handkerchief - Marian Hendricks Jan 9
note - Helen Simpson
Christmas letter - Helen Dickinson
cards Helen Thomas, Theckla, Ida
Maurice B. Mattye P.


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Porto Rico, 2. Paul Potter's Bull 3. Papa's Party with which he went abroad near the Sphinx. I arranged my presents on the table in front of the dining room window, also fixed Claire's and mama's. Mama fixed her fernery & put it into immediate service on the table. I ate a little Christmas dinner, raw oysters, oyster stew, broiled tenderloin, mashed potatoes, cranberries, celery, cabbage salad, bread, raspberry gelatine jelly containing sliced orange and bananna and English walnuts and served with whipped cream. Claire and I wished Mrs. Myron Smith and Ollie a Merry Christmas. I drew Claire on her sled. We slid 4 times down the hill by Schoen's. Great fun. Claire had a cunning birthday cake with one red and five white candles. I can scarcely believe it is her sixth birthday. I ate a very small piece of the festive cake. Played some for papa. Jessie Stronger called in P.M. I showed her some souvenirs.

Sun. Dec. 26.
Went to church. Papa gave a Christmas sermon. text 1 John. The cry of the human heart is "Where is He?" Illustration of a large mirror to reflect the beautiful picture painted on some ceiling in the old world. Was in papa's class. We had papa come in the


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Christmas 1910


Ida - tie
Marian Case - Vassar cal.
Ellen Sergeant - Vassar cal.
A. Rowlands - cal. Thos. Hughes Friend
Theckla Jones - jabout
M. Hendricks - cal. "our duty"
Cecelia - cal. wood scene
Wilhelmina B. - jabout


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parlor and I called off his presents for him and Claire delivered them. It seemed vastly more like Christmas to have papa with us. He & I could both enjoy our meals more today. Read to Claire "Sunbeam", "Westminister Lesson Story": "Aunt Charlotte's stories of the Bible", Mama & I read aloud "Snowbound" a verse apiece alternately. I enjoyed it greatly. Claire asked mama this, "Don't you think Sister has been real nice since she has been home?" Mama said this for my encouragement. She thinks I have improved. Played some. Claire and I took a walk. Went to evening service. Fine sermon about the Wise Virgin going into the feast because they were ready at midnight. A rather sad address but one to make me think. 1. Lamps that have gone out. Opportunity, Time 2. Lamps we can still light before 1910, 2.Faith, 3.Hope Repentance. A crowded house should have heard it.

Mon. Dec. 27.
Shovelled the walks yesterday A.M. & this A.M. Straightened my bureau and stand drawers. In the afternoon I arranged my souvenirs and pasted them in my "stunt book."

Tues. Dec 28.
Had my first sleigh ride this winter with papa and Claire by Stewart's, Clare Barker's, Cartersville


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Rec'd letter from Ellen Sergeant and home. Enjoyed it greatly. In P.M. I went to Episcopal church to get papa to marry Harry E. Giblin of Roch. and Allie L. Soper of Clarkson.

Wed. Dec. 29.
Rec'd letter from Theckla. She doesn't seem to be in love with Brown.
Didn't go to prayermeeting. Funeral of Mr. James Shearer today. Frank Shearer's father.

Thurs. Dec. 30.
Worked putting the house to order. I put on my heavy underwear today. It feels good.

Fri. Dec. 31.
Mama and I went in city at 9. Came home 6 P.M. Went to Central Church from 2.30-4.30 to one of the meetings of the Student Volunteer Convention. Rev. conducted it. Different missionaries spoke briefly giving what they deem essential qualities for a missionary to possess. Among them were love, the ability to sink one's self below the level of one's work and a sense of humor. Lists of workers needed on specific fields were read. Regarding the training of a doctor it was said "More thorough training is needed if one goes abroad than if one stays here. For here we have specialists while there a Dr. has to do everything". I had the pleasure of hearing Robert Speer speak for the first time. No one will be sent as a missionary who has not a vision of the face of Christ no matter what his


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Jan. 1.
New Year's day. We had a fine dinner as we all were able to eat at the same time. For dessert chocolate sponge such as only mama can make. Studied some Hist. Papa and I drove in the cutter to Mr. David Thompson's & got his Hist. chart. A fine sleigh ride. An elegant air. Then papa took mama and Claire out for a ride. I helped Mrs. Hayner look up some material on the Mormoms in our bound Home Mission Monthlies. Helped once more to give Claire her bath.

Sun. Jan. 2.
Went to church and S.S. Wore my red dress with the slip. Met 2 Misses Halstead. Enjoyed another Sunday dinner home. Had the Juniors at 3 P.M. Marian & George Loughborough, Claire, Belle Eaton, Edna Neighbor and myself. Went to church in P.M.

Mon. Jan. 3.
Did some patching. Washed my hair. Papa fixed his photo and mama's in my new gilt frame. Gathered my things together and papa packed my books first in a box then in mama's little trunk. Rec'd a letter from Wilhelmina. Charlie Wadhams called in the afternoon and said that Van would


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just as soon go as a student volunteer. Chuck asked me "Do you expect to teach here or go over there as a missionary?" I was quite surprised. Mama and I staid up quite late sewing. At last my suit case was packed and I retired. On the evening's mail I received a picture postal of Hosea Clark's baby Lawrence David born Feb. 4. 1909. Oh dear, the last night of my vacation. How quickly it has passed. Miss Brainard came back today.

Jan. 4.

Rose early and prepared to depart. Papa woke Claire up so she could eat breakfast with sister. All too soon the time to start for the car came. Mama gave me $5. and a cunning box of lunch. I can see Claire now sitting in her little rocking chair. I kissed her & hugged her hard. Said goodbye to mama near the table in front of the sofa. Squeezed her hard & had to cry. Papa took my little trunk and suit case down on Claire's sled and checked my trunk for me at steam station. We went in on the eight o'clock car. Papa said he is going to get a vacuuum cleaner for mama then she'll have to let him help her. I think it will be a good plan. I begged him to look after mama, not to let her work so hard. To get Claire to keep her things picked up and not worry mama so.


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He gave me some advice. "Drive your work, don't let your work drive you." "Be nice and affable to the girls as Aunt Jennie has done. Take plenty of exercise, keep your health. Be nice to old(er) people for it counts." Saw Maleline Madagan near Sibley's. Papa & I walked from Clinton & Court to the steam station N.Y.C. it was stinging cold. Saw Helen Landon there and pointed her out to papa. Several Vassar girls were there. Our train was late. I got started after awhile. Papa saw me on and I said "Remember my commission about mama." I waved to him from the window and off we went. At Lyons Alma Klippell and Elizabeth Cramer of Penn Yann got on and we travelled together. Had a pleasant journey. Were 2 hours late in reaching Poughkeepsie. Got up to college in time for dinner. Had to go to Mrs. K. for my door key and Mrs. Curtis for my closet key. Settled my room in about 2 hrs. so it seems like home again. Didn't undo my package of pictures which I carried in my hand as papa thought they would break in my trunk. I think I deserved to seek my downy couch. Found one of the glasses in my drop light shade broken in two pieces and the mantel is litterly gone. Neither Maud, Helen nor Florence have come.


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letter from Home. My first in 1910. Miss Ballantine excused me from Gym this afternoon provided I'd loaf. So I hung papa's and mama's photos & put a ribbon on my jack o'lantern. Studied some Hist in the Library. Wore my red dress. Went to chapel and concert a reading of the music of "Elektra" by Mr. Hutcheson of Baltimore. Florence came over at noon and I tried to help her with a little Latin. Had hard work to keep awake during last part of concert. Felt cold when outdoors. Borrowed Mrs. Curtis hot water bag which I kept by my throat and hurried to bed.

Sat. Jan. 8.
Was a little late in getting down to breakfast. Went to the Dr's office. She said "I'm awfully sorry but you'll have to go to the Infirmary." Cheering thought. So I told Florence we couldn't have any Latin and then I packed up. Took clothes a few and almost all my college books. Arrived here at 11.30 A.M. Sat down and began to study. The nurse came in a few minutes later and said "Why, I thought I'd find you in bed". She made me go to bed then. I had something chopped on toast, 3 slices of bread, a glass of water and of milk, a sliced bananna with cream. Read all the Hist. references in Rob. Hist. and Readings. Did part of my Latin. Had hot oyster stew for supper. Dr. B.


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came in P.M. to see me. Painted my throat. Mrs. Curtis called to see how I was. Fixed my face and had a good sleep.

Sun. Jan. 9.
I didn't waken till 8.30. Shameful for me. Had "hot water please", a dish of Wheatina, poached egg on toast and some dry toast. Started a letter to mama. Studied my SS lesson. Fixed my expenditures up to date. Wrote up my diary. Had chicken, mashed potatoes, creamed onions, celery, bread and a small piece of mince pie for dinner. Wrote a letter to Ida. Reread the letters I have rec'd since my return to college. Wrote more home. Wrote cards to cousin Louis Parsell, Marian C., Gladys D., Marian H, and Hosea Clark also Rose Sutter. Rec'd notes from Helen Simpson, Marguerite Ruddiman, Louse Boynton, Trix and Edith Maas. Trix brought the notes over. All but here came to see me after chapel this noon also Helen Benton. Dr. Thelberg visited me this morning. Gave me encouragement that I can go out tomorrow. Had chicken broth, cold chicken and toast for supper. Dr. Baldwin came in after 8 P.M. said I can't go out tomorrow. As she went out the door she said "Better hang your fiddle up about going out tomorrow." Such is life.


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Spent in the Infirmary. Was in little room on 3rd. [small diagram] also in big room on opposite side on 3rd. Came down to 2nd. on Sat. Jan. 15 when Miss Johnson went down to Dr. Cardwell's with me. He found a cavity in right side of my nose containing pus. Oh! how I enjoyed having things thrust up my nose!!! Jan. 10 Note from Maud and Helen together. Jan. 11. Note from Ethel and Gladys Hull, Jan 12. Ad. for Clara Lipman in Marjorie's mother, card from Cornelia Adele Teal, Chantanqua, card from Aunt Jennie and letter from home. [(2) in one]. Jan. 13. note from Maud. and letter from Gladys Dutton Jan. 14. 1 doz. beautiful pink carnations from Helen Adler. Helen Simpson came to see me but was refused Jan 15. Letter from papa, letter from mama, note of thanks from Miss Hallon (these 3 at 2 P.M.) at 11.45 A.M. 1 dozen beautiful pink carnations from Helen Simpson. Jan. 16 letter from papa enclosing reports of Annual meeting Jan 17. 12.30 1 doz. beautiful pink roses from Florence Hopper. Jan. 18 a letter from Home which Helen Brewster brought over, a door block note, notes from Peggy, Eliz. Baldwin, Louise and Trix. They thought they couldn't see me but were allowed to. So my callers were Trix, Peggy, Louise and


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Free choice involves elimination. honest straight sincere. "intellectually shabby"

a great opportunity
How much sense have you?
pleasure, a joy.


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Sunday Jan. 16.
Ethel and [...], Corinne Lernon, May Williams, Alma Klipple, Mildred Arrowsmith, Maud and Viola came to see me.

Wed. Jan 19.
Gladys Bassett, Kate Dunham, (Bessie Rector) Florence Hopper and Ann Erickson called. I worked on my Math notebook. Dr. Cadwell tells me I should have four operations. 1. Tonsils removed. 2. Adenoids in throat. 3. septum in nose straightened. 4. piece of the bone taken out. $125. Went to Dr. Cadwell Jan. 15, Jan. 17. Jan 19. Jan. 20. Went to classes Thurs. for first time since going in the Infirmary. Went to classes Fri. Staid to Raymond for lunch. I have spent just thirteen days in the Infirmary. I went to Dr. J's room after German to make sure I could come away from the Infirmary. Dr. B stood in the door and said "What are you doing out in the wet?" "I should like to know." "I have been to classes". "Well, Dr. J. said seeing you are wet now you may go to the Infirmary and get your things, but don't you go out again today." So I came home, got my suit case and brought back what I needed and staid in. Expected Florence to do Livy in review but company detained her. So I did the two chapters I missed in Livy. Tired. Glad to retire in my own bed.

[In margin] Fri. 4th lecture by Prof Wylie on what we ought to get out of our Freshman English. Fine.

Read my Home letter in my own room today.


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Sat. Jan. 22.
Got the rest of my things from the Infirmary and am now really at home in 403R. Spent the biggest part of the day reviewing Math. particularly my notebook. Florence came in P.M. and we reviewed Livy.

Sun.Jan. 23.
Went to chapel at 11 A.M. Rev. Samuel Crothers of Cambridge Mass. preached from Philip 4-11. "for I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content." "We shouldn't accept the conditions in this world as we find them and be satisfied therewith but should aspire to a higher plane. content here means self sufficience. True contentment is spiritual coming from within not without". Wrote home. Called on Elsie Bogert at McGlynn's. She gave me the pages of the poems we have had in German. Called on Miss Thallon. Asked her to help me in reviewing my Hist. Called on Mildred Arrowsmith. Went to music, chapel, Christian's. Prexy talked about the signs of the true and fake Christ. Unselfishness was one. Then Mildred & I came to 403R and blue penciled or Robinson's Readings Vol. 1 according to the blue pencil marks in Miss Thallon's which she kindly let me take. Was in Louise Sisson's room. We went up on 3rd & saw Comet.


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Mon. Jan. 24.
Rose about 5 AM. Studied my [math note] book. Helen Lockwood stopped for me and we went around the Lake. Mr. first college exam in Solid Geometry 10.50 to 12.50 in Room 22. I sat on the front seat as is my custom. I had the middle of one proposition wrong. "All the lines [perpendicular] to a given line at a given point lie in the plane [perpendicular] to the given line at the given point." After assuming that one [perpendicular] did not lie in plane [perpendicular] I said draw a line in plane #[number] [perpendicular] to the line at given point instead of saying that the two planes intersect & their line of x is [perpendicular]. Left my Math. notebook in Room 6 after the exam. Well, I have survived one examination. Helen Brewster came in this morning after I came up from breakfast & said "Gretta Ordway did you eat a good breakfast this morning?" "I certainly did, as I always do." She said those who are used to the Regents exams have a much easier time than the others. Went to Dr.'s office had a short treatment. Plugged away on "Literatur kunde" in afternoon. Read marginal notes on Hist. in P.M. till I went to sleep. Miss Silver borrowed my Latin notebook. Took my first cut. Got a German exam. paper from Mildred Arrowsmith.


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Tues. Jan. 25.
Rose at [...] A.M. Did the [Intr...] Livy. Read the headings of the [...] [Took] a little walk. Had Latin exam 10.50 - 12.50 in Room 35. Worked hard on rest of my German. Read poems I hadn't read. Studied map. Took a short walk. German exam. 2.30-4.30 in Room 35. Rec'd letter from Home. Didn't get a chance to read it decently till in the evening. Went to Assembly Hall at 4.45 to hear Booker T. Washington. He was a little late in coming. We sang. The hall was full. Prexy introduced him before he got there to save time. I was very glad to hear him. Cut chapel again. Went to Miss Thallon's after chapel. She made me out a fine outline just like the one she herself used in reviewing her classes. She asked me several questions and told me I answered them well. I thanked her very much & came home and studied after stopping in to Maud's a minute. Edith Salter has gotten under the influence of a bad girl and all we can do is to pray about it. "Instead of talking to the man himself talk to your master about the man" was said by one of the Convention speakers. Elizabeth McShane, who with Mary Lou Wilson are my new neighbors where Sarah Morrison


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[and] [Florence] Hodge used to be, [...] & [...] long while. College isn't as she thought it would be. She hates to go to chapel. She visited away at a great rate. I hope I can help her some. She is so bright. I went to bed about 11.30 P.M.

Wed. Jan. 26.
Rose at 5 or soon after and worked hard on History. Had my exam in Hist. 10.50-12.50 in Room 12 with "Jimmy" presiding. In the afternoon went to Dr's office. Had a treatment. She also gave me a big bottle of brown stuff to take 1 tablespoonful in a half a glass of milk after each meal. I did several little errands. Returned exam. papers etc. Went to chapel.

Thurs. Jan. 27.
No exam today. Borrowed Gladys Bassett's "Virginibus Puerisque" and had a grand time reclining on my couch reading "Truth of Intercourse" and "Walking Tours." Also reread "An Apology for Idlers." In afternoon reviewed Huxley, Green and Emerson. Glanced at Carlyle. Wrote down my quotation from each man and committed them to memory. Went to chapel and Christians. Mary Robinson led. She spoke about altruism about being kind and thoughtful of others in the midst of such busy seasons and trying as this. Studied more on my quotations.


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Fri. Jan. 28.
Rose a little early and studied a trifle more on my English. Had my English exam. in Room 11 from 8.20 - 10.20. Took my excuse to gym. Let me say here that I think college exams. are very fair. I have enjoyed doing each one. As has always been my case I dread reviewing far more than the exam. itself. I have great respect for the college exams and my first meeting with them has been pleasant. I especially enjoyed English exam. After lunch I walked alone downtown in 35 min. Went for fifth time to Dr. Cadwell's. Bought some new rubbers $.75. Walked from Ambler's to college in .38 min. Now I'm fine. Agnes Rowlands came to see me. Went to chapel. Then she & I attended "A Box of Monkey's" given in the Club House by the "Good Fellowship club." It was very good indeed $.10. We had to stand but could see well. Took about an hour. Irene our elevator girl was Lady Guinevere. Did well. Visited with Florence Hodge & Eliz. Ingersoll in latter's room. Rec'd letter from home.

Sat. Jan. 29.
I spent 5 hours today gathering material from Robinson's Hist for and making a History chart. Took 1 doz. handk'fs. to Mrs. Slosh. Paid $.15 for having them done up.


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Sat. Jan. 29.
Worked the buttonholes on my coat. Saw the family Marguerite Smith (boy) Madeleine Bowne (twin). Alice Wohlhaupter (mother) Marjorie Lamprecht (big sister). Applied my medicines and retired.

Sun. Jan. 30.
Didn't go to church altho is town Sunday because so few girls are here. Wrote on home letter for two hours. At 12M. Helen Scobey and I started out for a walk. Went around Sunset and it was perfectly beautiful. The ice on the tree tops looks like tinsel and a row of diamonds as the sun shines on it. Oh! it was really wonderful. Then we enjoyed looking at the beautiful effect produced by the ice on the bushes near the bench on Sunset. I never saw anthing like it before. We stood for some time watching the stream in the ravine noticing the different ways it flows in ripples in a miniature whirlpool, saw the tracks made by the squirrels on the bank near the stream noted the persistent oak leaves, heard the call of the blue jay and had to humbly bend ourselves to pass the snow laden branches of the evergreen trees. It was a most delightful walk. Got back at 1 P.M. for dinner. Had a call this afternoon from Virginia Butler and Alvah Wallander. We talked about the


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reputation Vassar has compared with other colleges. They invited me to come and see them. Wrote more on home letter. Went to chapel, Christians, Dr. Hill led and spoke about influence conscious and unconscious which we are constantly exerting. One girl said "A man may be a blot or a blessing but he cannot be a blank". I played some before supper. Finished Reading that article on Freshmen in college in Oct. Atlantic Monthly 1909.

Mon. Jan. 31.
Well one month of opportunity is almost gone in 1910 and I feel far from satisfied with the results obtained. It is not as I wish it were. I long to make the second semester what I'd like to have it. The very best I possibly can. This A.M. read that chapter in Matthew about not letting your right hand know what your left hand doeth. I prayed that today might be successful. I think it has been not to boast but merely to mention something pleasant. I helped Agnes Rowlands and Gladys Hull to get copies of Miller's Ovid and directed a gentleman on the campus. Had English & History and Latin today. Showed Jimmy my chart but rec'd no word of commendation.


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However he corrected only two things on it. Our section has Miss Guthrie now. She had us read at sight "Primus armor Phoebi" etc. I had this line "Dixerat; ista decent umeros gestamina nostros". and carelessly translated nostros as your. I looked at her as I have a habit of looking at my instructors and she said "Don't look at me but look at your book". I know she thinks I am a poor ignoramus. Well, here is a good opportunity to prove that I am not as big a fool as I may appear at first sight. I hope to redeem myself ere long. She will be the first teacher I have had who hasn't had respect for me. Class Drill 6th. Rec'd letter from Aunt Lillie. Louis only stood in the 60s in his exams. Miss Patton read us a selection from Thoreau and wanted us to connect its thought with the ideas of the other essays we have read. I wrote a theme. Read it to myself, didn't like it and rewrote it. I hope it is better, it ought to be, I tried to make it so. Went to library after chapel and almost went to sleep. Came home and put a good patch on my combination suit. Holes look somewhat familiar and patching is natural. Retired 10.40.


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Tues. Feb. 1.
Oh! that my work this month may come up to the standard I have set for myself. I really feel discouraged. I have not yet acquired the faculty of being accurate in all things, I feel lonely for I have no close friend here. Maud, Florence and Helen do not come to see me any more and when I go to see them I feel that they talk to me only because they think they ought to, not because they like me. At table the seat next to me is left vacant unless necessity demands that it be occupied. Why this is so I do not know. I can't talk if no one will talk with me. I realize I am not a fine conversationalist but I do not see why I am so isolated. I feel that no one cares a flip about me here. I am indispensable to no one. Whether I have a good time or not makes absolutely no difference to a soul. Their pleasures are very complete without me. The girls are all very friendly when I meet them but I do not know them any more than that. There is no one to whom I feel free to talk. I am in mortal terror of butting in and intruding, sticking myself in where I am not wanted. I hate that characteristic in others and do not want to process it myself. I wonder if the way to


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girls' hearts and affections is through their stomachs. I guess it must be. I haven't had any spreads. I haven't fed them up and I guess that is the secret. Oh! how I'd love to do something for some one, something which would arouse their love for me and make me if in a rather small way necessary to their happiness and comfort. As it is I feel like a floating island, on the great sea of life, fighting my own battles, doing my own work, having no share in the lives of others, yes, utterly detached from the numerous human beings, of my own age, around me. I wish I knew whether it is my fault or not. I ask them to come and see me and I don't know what more I can do. I don't think it is right to go to their rooms three or four times in succession without their coming to see me. If it weren't for chapel, Christians and the comfort of Christian life and my Home letters I am sure I do not know what would become of me. Being worth just $.07 at present I don'think I'll try to give a spread, but when my ship comes in I'll try to give them something to eat and see if the bait will land any fish. The girls whom I have had to dinner do not invite me to dinner with them. Well this sort of thing will not do Ovid for me.


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That is a cheering thought $1.50 for a copy of Gayley's Classic Myths beside money for other books. Easy to spend it when you have it but rather hard to see it go when you could make use of it in other directions at the same time. Well, Sister Guthrie, the tasks before me now is to know my Latin so well that I'll be able to gain your lasting favor. Hooray, may the benignant spirits all help me in this praise worthy task. One more thought possibly I have not had enough experience with young people my own age. But I know one girl whose arms go around my neck gladly and who likes to sit by me, sit close too, I must bend all my energies to do my best that she may have a chance too. What troubles me is that I am not doing what I feel I ought to do with this grand opportunity which is now mine. Rec'd letter from home containing a cunning little note from Claire bless her heart.
Wed. Feb. 2.
Are studying the thirty years wars in Germany. Oh! I invited Florence Hopper to dinner. We went over the Latin paper together previous to Florence's visiting Miss Guthrie. Rec'd a letter from Cecelia Poler which I didn't read till after 10 P.M. Florence says she is more discouraged than she was last semester.


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Thurs. Feb 3.
I had a conference with "Prof. Jimmy" 3rd hour. He went over my Hist. exam paper with me and snorted, as is characteristic of him, at the idea of a villeins doing military service. He made this remarks, "Can't you put more head into it than that?" I asked him how he valued the paper. He said it was middling. You were handicapped at the end. If it hadn't been for that I think you would have done better". Well Jimmy, I see a fine opportunity here to get a word of praise from you. If there is any such thing in the game I mean to have it. Bought from Trix Newmark "Idea of a University" and from Alvah Wallander "Fine place Logarithims" Jones Gym Apparatus 7th. Was told I needed to use more will power. Went to Christian's in P.M. A very interesting meeting. Printed reports of the financial receipts, expenditures & opportunities were handed to us and different goals spoke on the different phases of work. Letters were read from the recipients of the dolls. I enjoyed it very much. Walked home with Eliz. Kutzner.

Fri. Feb. 4.
Had a sort of written in Math. i.e. had to work in class and hand in 4 examples. "Now is your chance Miss Ordway" Aristotle. Sent a card home. Got my Latin notebook from


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McGlynn's. Eliz. McShane walked over with me. Took apparatus work 7th. Can swing some from that ladder arrangement. Blistered my hands again. Agnes Rowlands & I went to Prof. Tonks (of Princeton Univ.) lecture on Leonardo de Vinci and Andrea del Sarto Illustrated. I enjoyed it. Bessie Rector asked me to stop in afterward and have some tea and cake. I did & had a good time. Paid Trix $1.57 which I owed her. Rec'd letter, postal, and 8 sweet sample valentines from Bertha Loder. Also a nice Home letter. Deut. 1.21 fits me exactly. Sent a second card home. Rec'd $5. by money order.

Sat. Feb. 5.
Went to Main at 8.30 A.M. Made out an application for monitor in chapel next year asked Mrs. K's assistant what to do about my scholarship & she said make out a formal application. I came right home, wrote it & took it to Miss McCaleb. She read it & said as she said before to attend to it in March. Watch the bulletin. Then I went to Dr.'s office was treated and given another bottle of medicine and some pills. Went to Library and did my Hist. for Mon. before lunch. After lunch worked on French towns & what I missed when in Infirmary. Thought I'd watch others enjoy life although I didn't have time so walked down to the lake and


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watched the girls for a few minutes. The passion to skate took possession of me and I went home to put on my skating shoes and tried to fasten my skates on to make sure they were OK. One of the levers was badly bent so I took them to the janitor in Main & he kindly straightened them both for me. Then I went down to the Lake carrying my skates and appearing quite as a sportsmanlike girl. Put them on and was initiated to Vassar lake skating. To my great surprise I could stand up O.K. and had a fine time trying to skate. Gladys Hull and May Williams both skated with me at different times. There is some hope for me yet. Bought Gayley's "Classic Myths" today $1.50. My first extravagance. Prepared for sleighride when I got home. Put on my bloomers, sweater, two newspapers, coat, tam, rubbers & gym tie for a scarf. We left Main directly after chapel. I sat on the front seat between the drivers as we had a four horse team. Kept warm. Sang with the rest of them and the driver took us wherever I wanted to go. Had hot chocolate and cakes in 418 when we got home. Helen Benton and Edith Maas prepared it. Enjoyed it very much. Had 2 cups chocolate.


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After 10 P.M. I finished reading Huxley's essay on the "Advisability of Improving Natural Knowledge" and wrote a theme on what I want my Education to do for me. Retired at twenty minutes of one. I believe in keeping early hours. I am sure turning into a sport. But I've had a fine time this afternoon and evening. I must admit to be really honest that I have been missing a large part of college life by studying so constantly and I honestly believe that my work will be better for the closer contact with other people and the physical thrill of skating and more outdoor life.

Sun. Feb. 6.
Went to Bible class then took car downtown & attended Baptist church Communion service in which I participated. I walked back with Agnes Rowlands & Rae Harris and 2 others. Heard a good sermon on "He pruneth the branch that it may bring forth more fruit". Report of Student Volunteer Convention at Rochester, Rochester N.Y. Interesting. Maud sat on the platform but didn't participate. My the student volunteer movement is a most glorious one.

Mon. Feb. 7.
Tutored Florence 5th hr. The long looked for carnival came off tonight. Of course I went. A band stand was erected on the east side of the lake and about six large watchfires at intervals along the shore


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produced a most pleasing effect. The girls wore white and the different classes were distinguished by scarfs of cheesecloth. A grand march was held first. The music sounded very nice. As I walked around and watched the girls gliding over the ice and saw the fitful glow of the fires play over them, I could not but think how utterly foreign it all was to ordinary college life. It seemed as if we had suddenly been transported into another country. I enjoyed it immensely. Watched them first by the pier then went towards the watchfire nearest the road. I carried Maud's shoes around with me. She & Helen and Vi skated. I was also with Corrinne & Ethel. Am taking orders for Valentines, handpainted ones made by Bertha Loder and her cousin. They are dear.

Tues. Feb. 8.
Had a History lecture today by Prof. Cheeney of Univ. of Pennsylvania on "The Origin of the English people". He has an unpleasant intonation. Rec'd home letter.

Wed. Feb. 9.
Took a test to make up my back work in Hist. Make an outline of the Rights and Privileges of a typical mediaeval town of France or England.


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Thurs. Feb. 10.
Helen Landon's sister a Faculty led Christian assoc. tonight. She spoke of one man who introspected himself & made a list of the things which he wanted to correct in his own life & character & taking one a week centered his attention on eliminating it. Thus he reduced the number.

Fri. Feb. 11.
Latin lecture by Miss Palmer on "Ovid" at 11.30. Very interesting indeed. I enjoyed it. Had a test in German on the 30 years war. Went to concert in P.M. by a Bohemian singer. He had a fine voice. My but he was an awful flirt. The eyes he made were really quite terrible. He gave us about 6 encores. Called on Helen Simpson a few minutes. Her sister Ruth is here. Helen spoke about my face looking better. She invited me to a party tomorrow night. Peg's sister Dorothy is here too. (Peg brought me a plate of cake & candy Sat. P.M. after their party). Letter from Home.
[in margin] Miss Brainard says Harvey Schrieb is the only one in her English class who knows anything.

Sat. Feb. 12.
Treatment at Dr.'s. Louise Sisson came over after lunch to get the notes for past lessons. I went to Library & did Hist. After chapel went to Helen's. Oh yes before dinner I hung my new pictures which I got for Christmas, "Paul Potter's bull", "Gov.'s palace, Porto Rico" and Papa's Palestine party near the great pyramid. Chewed gum & made a lizard on a card. Refreshments were 1). a pig in a sty. pig=


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hard boiled egg with tooth pick legs and clove eyes enclosed in a pen of (4) brown bread sandwiches of cream cheese about an inch wide. His trough was a piece of stick cinnamon. 2). salad, bananna & nuts on lettuce. 3). ice cream in the shape of a ship. Played charades and "My grandmother doesn't like tea". Had a very nice time. Mary Philips had me come in her room & talk awhile.

Sun. Feb. 13.
Read Bible lesson in Joshua instead of Judges. Went to Bible class, church. Rev. Ball of Trinity M.E. church downtown gave us a fine practical sermon whose principal thought was to be in the world, not of it, and seek to remedy it's conditions without going off as a monk in a cowardly way to escape its evils. At 2.15 P.M. went to Room A in Main to first meeting of a Mission Study class on India led by Shurley Leonard and Gertrude White. Called on Julia F. Pennypacker who wrote to me in behalf of the Christian Association in the summer. Am not carried away with her by any means. Dorothy Van Allen came in to the Reading Room while I was finishing an article on Wm. Gladstone & began discussing Religion. Dorothy Appleyard is a "Christidelphinist". She D.V. said that Christian Science girls are proselyting around college. Viola spoke of my face too. Christians at 7. Katharine B. Davis spoke on her work in the ... Reformatory. Exceedingly interesting. Heard her in Senior parlor too.


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Wrote home and send a postal of our library to Miss Coe (Mrs. Hugh Quim) Tampico Mexico.

Mon. Feb. 14.
Rec'd a note telling me to see Mrs. K. at office hours. So I went, it was for unexcused absence in English. I showed my excuse to Miss Patton too. Sent a Valentine to Ida. Had Helen Brewster address it. (I adore you). Rec'd a Valentine from Marian H. Class drill, a dance, we learned. Went walking with Florence 8th hr. to Mrs. Slosh's. She took me to Carey's and we had 2 olive sandwichs, cup of cocoa and chocolate ice cream. Hurried home & we had a Valentine party at our table. It is Frances Chaffee's birthday. We had 4 brass candlesticks with red candles. At each place was a heart valentine and a red heartshaped box containing little candies. We had fruit salad and chocolate ice cream, almonds and a most delicious chocolate cake beside our regular dinner. Tutored Florence after dinner. The chapel bell rang before we were quite through. Went to bed at 12 P.M.

Tues. Feb. 15.
Letter from Home containing a dear little letter from Claire printed in regular type letters both large & small in their proper places. (I rose this A.M. before 6) It read "Dear Sister. I have been to church. The snow is deep and white. There were three in my Sunday School class. Papa has some cold but he is better. My lesson was Jacob's Ladder. I am well. Your loving sister. Claire". That goes in my memory.


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Rec'd my semester bil today. About $25. Doctor's bill including the Infirmary. Had the prologue to "Wallenstein" today and 15 lines of it to learn by heart. Mama has been called by the Board to go to Michigan and speak on the Pres. Hospital at San Juan in Battle Creek, Cold Water, Howell and several other places beginning April 6th. Fine. The change will do her worlds of good. She also writes "You will be home for Easter won't you dear?

Wed. Feb. 16.
I asked "Jimmy" about my test on the towns and he said "How long did it take you to write that?" I said "about 45 min." "It is good as far as it goes." One more thunderbolt. Jimmy I hope I can please you sometime ere long. What do you want anyway? Wrote a letter home enclosing my semester bill. Began Wallerstein proper today. We were reseated tonight after chapel. I have to come in the middle aisle now. Sit in 51. 4 seats from center aisle.

Thurs. Feb. 17.
Rose at what I thought was 6 A.M. instead it was 5 A.M. Wrote an English theme from 5-7. Took class drill again today. We had a terrible time laughing at our table tonight. I slipped as I was about to sitdown & that started M.L. Then I told her she'd laugh more if she knew I was going to take Fancy Dancing lessons. Did my Ovid in one period today. Consequently I shivered mentally during class but wasn't called on to recite. i.e. translate. Had the rest of fruit salad. Tutored Florence 8th hr.


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Treatment and big bottle of medicine.

tonight. Didn't go to Christians but did Hist. in Library.

Fri. Feb. 18.
Had a cut in Math. to attend Math. lecture by Miss Cowley on "Geom. to Descartes" practically what Wm. Betz told us last year. She showed us some interesting slides. I enjoyed it very much. Finished Wallenstein's Lager. Signed at Gym. for membership in Freshman class for Fancy Dancing. Miss Ballantine gave permission to walk instead of gym. today. So I walked downtown with Miss Arnold (a girl from McGlynn's at our table) and Bessie Rector, down College Avenue. Went to Dr. Cadwell's. He said my nose is now in as good condition doubtless as it ever is. He says I ought to have my adenoids taken out anyway and it would be wise to have my septum straightened. The opening in my right nostril between bone and side of nostril is about 1/8 as large as it ought to be. Rec'd letter from Home. Papa writes "Well Gretta I see you are getting pretty well saturated with college spirit and I am so glad too. College life is unique sure nothing on earth just like it. That is sure. I want to put in an emphatic warning. Look out for exercise. You are meeting my expectations grandly and I am just proud of my girl. Be careful and go ahead." Much love Papa. I also rec'd a letter from dear little Marian Case. The first one she has ever written me herself. She is taking dancing and music lessons. I rode back from downtown. Attended lecture in P.M. on "The Dramatic in Education"


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by Franklin T. Sergeant of New York City. Dramatics have their proper place between the physical development and the purely intellectual development. We should cultivate spontaneity and learn to read the feeling in sentences as well as the words. Sat with Alma Klippel and Elizabeth Cramer. Went to Davison after lecture. Helen Adler was going out skating on the crust which makes of the entire campus an ideal skating ground. The crust is absolutely wonderful so strong that teams can go on it without breaking through. Girls were skating in front of chapel, the Library, Raymond and Davison. I came home & changed my shoes and from after 9.30 till 10 P.M. I had some fun trying to skate on this wonderful and most unusual skating expanse. One more of the Events of my college year.

Sat. Feb. 19.
Went to Dr. had a treatment and got more pills. Sent $2.75 to Bertha Loder keeping $1.20 commission on 24. Did Hist. in A.M. fixed my coat after lunch. From 4-5 I toiled back and forth on skates from Raymond walk to North walk. At first skated with Irene (our elevator girl) then struck out for myself and today I really skated for several strokes. Oh! how I enjoyed the sensation. It is grand. Wrote a note to Carrie Renaker who is in the Infirmary with pneumonia & gave it to Mrs. Brown for her. Studied Latin & English. Rec'd letter from papa.


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Mama found my compass and his oval forms behind the books on book case in the sitting room. He sent my compass & fixed the box for me. "Claire says the last half of sister's stay has come and soon she will be home again." Paid $.70 for Mission Study book.

Sun. Feb 20.
Read story of Samson. Then went to Bible class. Church. Rev. Brown .......preached about prayer. Dorothy Van Allen read aloud the lesson on India in chap I of Bishop Thoburn's book and I gazed at the map while she read. Went to Mission Study class at 2.15 in Students' Room. Then Agnes Rowlands (I stopped for her) and I walked beyond Richmond Hill. Oh it was grand. The light on the Palisades in one place was just the faintest tinge of pink in at least 8 places. We had a very interesting walk both as to Conversation and Scenery. Were out an hour. Went to chapel and Christians with Alma. Prexy spoke about "I can do all things through Christ who strengthenth me." Possibilities and powers of which we have not dreamed lie dormant in each of us. We are often surprised at the powers which we see manifested in our friends, abilities of which we had never thought. He cited Miss Katharine B. Davis in her work in Syracuse at time of Messina earthquake as an example. We need 1. An Ideal. 2. Effort. Throwing our whole selves into working for our Ideal. Don't be afraid young women of


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the responsibilities which are put on you. You can meet them". Wrote my diary & wrote Home.

Mon. Feb. 21.
Had a very pleasant day. My head was clear and I was wide awake in class. Everything went smoothly. Went to class drill. After dinner tutored Florence from 7-8. This afternoon I heard the Hampton Quartette sing and also heard Prof. Forissell and Major Molton speak at 4.45 P.M. No Chapel. I enjoyed the singers and particularly Major Molton.

Tues. Feb. 22.
Rec'd a card from Mrs. Wadhams saying Charlie is O.K. in everything and made the college relay team too. Also letter from Home. Claire wrote me another darling little letter. She used a lavendar thank offering envelope and addressed it Sister Ordway Vassar N.Y. The letter reads. "Dear Sister: It seems good to think about you coming home". For vacation. Our lesson today was about: 'The little sleepy head' there were '[FMR] in my class: I(:l:) am well. Your loving sister Claire. (printed in large and small letters all by herself I think.) The little dear. Miss Stroebe had a man in German class today. I saw the notice relating to scholarships on our bulletin board today and wrote home at once so I can get my application in without delay.

Wed. Feb. 23.
Rose at 5 A.M. Had a test of 10 lines to translate in Latin. Miss Stroebe was gone today & Miss Murendorf heard our prose and we had


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to write a synopsis of the scenes in Wallenstein that we had for today. Spent the afternoon working on Math. Had Maud to dinner. She was very much interested in talking to Levara Arnold. I was surprised and glad. I told Maud how the girls snub her at the table. "Well they needn't she's an awfully nice girl". Maud said "I've heard a lot about her". Eliz. Hubbel who saw us in R. & E. station when I came home Christmas and who lives at Canandaigua walked to chapel with us. She said she will have me come down to the lake where they live, sometime.

Thurs. Feb. 24.
Rose at 6. We are studying Logarithims in Math now. In Latin oh woe':" Love conquered. This god is well known in the upper work, whether he is here or not I doubt, etc. I missed the thot. and I know Miss Guthrie thought I hadn't looked at it. True I hadn't reviewed it but we had a page and a half new and it took all my time to do that. Maud walked home with me from class and said "Whenever you do anything like that I think of those adenoids. What's the matter with you Gretta you don't do nearly as well as you did last semester." I was so tired and ashamed of the blunder I had made in class that I rushed up to my room and had a good weep. I have a clear conscience regarding the time I spend


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studying but oh! I feel blue over the quality of work produced. It is so mediocre. I must make it superfine. How to do it is the momentous question for me to solve now. Studied Hist. Had gym. apparatus. Worked a little on parallel bars. Gave Florence a lesson from 7.20-8.20. Every time she thanks me for helping her. Had a treatment from the Dr. this afternoon. Didn't go to Christian's but studied . I haven't been to bed any night this week before 11 P.M. It is too much of a good thing. I have studied not fooled.

Fri. Feb. 25.
Got my Hist. topic back with only 2 or 3 marks on it. This is some encouraging. Had a lecture on the English courses by Prof Wylie 4th hour. Rec'd letter from home. Also a box from Home which I got in the afternoon. Also a money order for $2. Agnes Rowlands called for me and I got permission from Miss Ballintine to go for a walk. We went to Arlington, down Main, across South and home by College Ave. I opened my box then and found some drop cookies, a box of marguerites, a glass of jelly and a lovely 3 layer cake with chocolate filling, the kind I love. Yum Yum but it's good. I gave Agnes a nice piece and she said tell your mother when you write I think she makes fine chocolate cake. Studied some in P.M. Shared my cake with Gladys Bassett, Bessie Rector,

[in margin]Agnes & I had a most interesting discussion of the influence of teachers on us. She told about Fraulein Hummire who has influence her greatly.


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Agnes Wright, Ann Erickson and Anne Hayes. Had tea and a piece of candy in Peg's room. They had a party for 3 graduates who are back for 3rd Hall play. They sang some of their class songs for us. Gave Eliz. Mc. a piece & we talked about instructors till 11 P.M.

Sat. Feb. 26.
Swept my room. Went to Freshman parlor and drew no. 3. Pauline Pratt and Frances Chaffee and I are going together. Pauline got the seats for us on the bleachers I2. I worked 2 solid hours on Latin. Hope I know it now. Maud stopped in for a minute. I gave her a piece of cake. Went to Library. Spent 1 1/2 hour in looking up the Bibliographies of 12 books on the Reformation in Germany. Studied Hist & then came home and lay down for about 1/2. So tired my neck feels stiff. No chapel. Went over to Florence's & listened while she read aloud the last few pages of "The Lilac Girl". She read the proposing part very understandingly. Pauline & I went to the gym. Waited just a few minutes. The third Hall play was just fine. A. No 1. All did splendidly. I enjoyed it immensely. Got home 11 P.M. Oh, it was perfectly great. I am quite wild about it. Mrs. Curtis brought me some candy this A.M., she made it.

[in margin] I signed for trade work.

Sun. Feb. 27.
Read S.S. lesson. Went to Bible class, chapel. Sermon on "Breathing out a wholesome pure spiritual atmosphere. Are you living so that


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your influence is uplifting?" He gave many good illustrations & references to literature. Read my Mission study lesson. Went to Mission class at 2. Came home and lay down and slept over an hour. Helen Adler called. I gave her a piece of cake. Went to music and chapel. Asked Trix, Peg and Louise if they didn't want some cake and they came down the hall in a double quick hurry. I gave each a big piece and they enjoyed it immensely. Wrote my diary and letter home. Irene Bier asked me after church this A.M. to come to dinner Thurs. P.M. with her.

Mon. Feb. 28.
Had a cut in English today. Translated in Latin but not as accurately as I ought to. Went to Dr's office and waited over an hour. Got some medicine another bottleful of that white lotion. Had a stingy treatment. Walked from Rockefeller to Main with Miss "Julia" Patton. Took Margaret Glessner over to North under my umbrella. Wrote a theme on "the Personal touch" in a spoken address a book and contact with a wonderful person. No chapel. Attended fancy dancing class 8.45-9.30 P.M.

Tues. March 1.
Another month of the new year gone. Rec'd bill from Dr. Cadwell for $20. for a treatment and removing polypoid from my nose. A most cheerful prospect. Rec'd a letter from each member of my own family. Also one from


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papa containing letter of explanation to Dr. Taylor about my applying for a scholarship. I didn't answer Miss Stroebe when she asked me something today in German about the Grafin in Wallenstein, first time I ever have flunked there point blank. Spent two periods drafting a suitable application for a scholarship and mailed my letter and papa's in Main. Did History. No chapel. Went to Students. 2 questions discussed. 1. Recommendation of faculty to give us Thurs. & Fri. at Thanksgiving time and have us back her for chapel Fri. P.M. and recite on Saturday instead of being allowed to come back for classes Mon. morning. 2. Cut system 10% for Freshs and Sophs 15% for Juniors and Seniors of all recitations. ie. for the former in three hour courses 5 cuts a semester, for the latter 7. All absences must be included in here. No Dr's excuses can be obtained as now. But if the number of cuts is exceeded the girl must present her excuses in writing before the faculty committee which shall be chosen and they shall decide on their validity. I have led such a sense of lonliness today. A constant feeling of self distrust which I never used to have. Ruth Pember came in a min. about 9.30 P.M. I long to hug somebody and hold her face close to mine.