Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar College. Class of 1913.

Fitt, Harriet (Bradley). Letters, 1910

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The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

VC 1913,31 letters, dated between 13 Jan and 8 Apr 1910, from Fitt (VC 1913) to her family. Fitt discusses a spring semester at Vassar College. She describes coursework, lectures, and exams in subjects such as geometry, Latin, medieval history, and Renaissance history. Fitt also discusses features

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Ordway, Katherine Gretta. Diary, 1909-1910

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The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

VC 1913,1909-1910: Detailed daily entries from 11 Nov 1909 to 2 May 1910 of Ordway's first year at Vassar College. Throughout the diary, Ordway demonstrates an intense interest in her academic coursework, including her classes in Latin, math, history, English, and German. Additionally, Ordway

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Ordway, Katherine Gretta. Diary, 1910-1911

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The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

Detailed entries every day. In this volume, written during her sophomore and junior years, she describes student life on campus, including "fancy dancing" class, concerts, a YWCA conference, Vassar College Christian Association, sports (track, swimming, basketball, bicycling, rowing, and tennis)

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Ordway, Katherine Gretta. Diary, 1911-1912

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The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

VC 1913,1911-1912: Detailed daily entries from February of Ordway's junior year to January of her senior year at Vassar College. Ordway discusses coursework and lectures in Latin, German, physics, English, biology, philosophy, and economics. She records scholarship information. Ordway mentions gym

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Ordway, Katherine Gretta. Diary, 1912-1913

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Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

Entries every day. Ordway details her experiences at Vassar College between January of her junior year and May of her senior year. Her academic involvement in English, German, Economics, Biology, and American History is a central theme of the diary. Ordway mentions attending concerts and dances

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Ordway, Katherine Gretta. Diary, 1913-1914

53280-Service File.jpg
Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

This volume covers the end of Ordway's senior year at Vassar and her first year after graduation. She describes the Senior Excursion to Mohonk and bicycling trips. She includes accounts of her graduation events, specifically Commencement, Class Day, "Strong Steps," Tree Ceremonies, and the Daisy

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