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Ordway, Katherine Gretta. Diary, 1911-1912

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VC 1913,1911-1912: Detailed daily entries from February of Ordway's junior year to January of her senior year at Vassar College. Ordway discusses coursework and lectures in Latin, German, physics, English, biology, philosophy, and economics. She records scholarship information. Ordway mentions gym class, swimming lessons, swimming in a tank (Apr 19) and bicycling (referred to as "r[iding] wheel").\nIn addition to describing their frequent correspondence, Ordway discusses her family's summer travels and Christmas festivities during her vacations from school. Ordway details sermons by Lyman Abbott and Prexy, and mentions her frequent attendance to Bible class, missionary lectures, chapel services, and VC Christian Association. Ordway shows interest in lectures and studies on woman suffrage and missionary work. Traditions mentioned by Ordway include hall plays, the flag shop, senior parlor, debates, field day, student government, students' recital,serenade, sophomore tree ceremonies, sophomore party, senior boat ride, class day, alumnae lectures (Sept 30), the mock Yale-Harvard football game, and meeting Saunders (Dec 10). She also reports the Phi Beta Kappa achievement of a blind student, [Marjorie?] Howson of the VC class of 1910 (Oct 9), and the death of her classmate Helen Taylor (Nov 15).

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VX 45

Katerine Gretta Ordway, '13


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g. Catherine A. Parnell


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Sun. Feb. 26.
(continued) wrote to Ellen. Wrote home.

Mon. Feb. 27.
Miss Wick in Infirmary so a cut in Lab. Margery Davenport urged me to go out to kick so I went to the indoor meet and did the standing kick and hitch kich. Because only three were trying in the latter I made 2nd place i.e. 3 points for 1913. Enjoyed the meet but felt mighty cheap for my part in it. I let Henry Walter and Katherine Myers come to see it.

Tues. Feb. 28.
Rec'd letter from papa containing draft for which I took right over to Mr. Polk and sent the receipted bill home. Mama and Claire wrote me too. Cousin Gretta sent me an advertising calendar. Toiled on Arg. till 12 P.M.

Wed. Mar. 1.
Rose at 7. Spent 3 hrs. on Brief in addition to previous work. Looked up postal discussion of increased postal rates in Outlook on which I gave a bum report in Arg. My brief was in on time and I went to bed at a decent hour too. Rec'd letter from papa containing his letter of endorsement to Dr. Taylor. Wrote out my application for a scholarship renewal for 1911-12, enclosed papa's endorsement and mailed them to Dr. Taylor.


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Feb. 16, 1911

Scholarships 1911-12.
All applicants for aid from the college funds for the year 1911-12 are requested to make their applications to the President, in writing, before March 4. This notice applies to all those now holding scholarships who wish to have them continued, as well as to new applicants.
1. The application must state the amount needed and whether it is asked for as a loan. In view of the fact that the funds are limited and the applicants many, it is urged that each student name the smallest amount that will enable her to return.
2. The student's request must be accompanied by a letter from the parent or guardian explaining the circumstances and endorsing the application as necessary. This endorsement is required in every case, even if the candidate has been approved in previous years. No acknowledgement of the letters and requests will be made till after the action of the committee.
3. The students are reminded that the conditions of aid are good scholarship and evidence of need, and that the reception of such aid is a virtual promise to make the best use of their opportunities as students and to exercise, a proper economy in all their expenditures.


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The attention of the class of 1912 is called to the Barringer Prize scholarship's which is open only to daughters of physicians, preference being given to members of the senior class. Applications must be made before March 4.


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Had a little visit with Helen Simpson who was waiting at Main gate for Fred Dutcher. I furnished some little cakes. Helen spoke of her strong liking for Alpha Robbins. Wrote home. Fancy dancing in P.M. I was in front row. Miss King explained the steps more clearly than usual. I thoroughly enjoyed it tonight (Eliz. gave a coffee party after dinner)

Thurs. Mar. 2.
Translated in Horace this A.M. Miss [Bruid] gave a good synopsis in German of the last hall of "Undine". Spent two hours in Lab and accomplished nothing, couldn't get the image of the slit to appear on both sides of the prism. Deutsche Verein 4.30-6. [Preisraten] & Irene Bier got the prize. My verse of poetry was the last of Schiller's "Die Teilung der Erde". Lucy Penniman led Christians. Spoke about trust. Ethel Hull said Zaccheus made an effort to see Jesus. Peggy Chambers spoke of the necessity for trusting people. We can find something to admire in the girl we say we hate.

Fri. Mar. 3.
Punk Physics recitation on my part. Had first recitation in Spoken English 3rd hour in Assembly Hall. Miss Yost criticized our briefs. Rec'd letter from home. "Christian Endeavor was organized last Sunday night with about 15 who took the pledge". "You quite overcame me


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with your laurels as a kicker". Went to flag shop & saw Mr. Bussing about selling pictures left from Christmas lot I got from Yamaguchi on commission. Agnes and I started to call on Mrs. Hill but found she had gone to Phil. Attended Dr. Ramson's lecture on the work of Egyptologists in Egypt illustrated. Good. Trouble with lantern. Prof. Shattuck and Dr. Thallon.

Sat. Mar. 4.
Drew tickets for Hall play. Took Japanese panels to Flag Shop to be sold on commission. Third Hall Play "Chums" by Ludwig Felda. Good and well acted. Wrote comparison of Richard III and Hamlet in P.M.

Sun. Mar. 5.
Bible Class. Took car to church. Heard Rev. Stockwell of Newburgh. We must rise about the level of ordinary things as the elevated reservoir gives pressure to the water. We must "believe what we cannot prove" as Tennyson says "In Memoriam".

Walked home with Marie Gold, Helen Brewer and Mabel Chapin. Copied questions which Mrs. Hill gave Agnes this A.M. Margaret Glessner called. Albertina invited me to have tea with her. Was very cordial & talked about need for


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using care in selecting people for class offices. Heard Dr. Mary Noble of India and Mrs. Montgomery of Rochester speak in PM. The former talked on her work as Vice Principal of the Girl's Medical school there and the latter on "Opportunities in the Orient". Heard each in Senior Parlor - "Chinese girl of 10 who thru her teacher brought 30 prominent Chinese women to know Christ". - "School established & after 9 mo. the visiting examining teacher questioned the girls on the Life of Christ as she would not dare to question any group of Christian girls here". - "Needed to be brought around a corner". Talked with Elizabeth and Minna about room drawing etc. Wrote home and a card to cousin Gretta.

Mon. Mar. 6.
Snowed this A.M. ground covered. Discussed Hamlet. Miss Wicks had spectroscope all adjusted for me. So I finished doing my experiment. Bought Kleist. Had soup with Minna and Elizabeth. In Lib. after chapel reading for Arg. Gladys Sutton came up about 10 as is her custom this semester and I read the advance. We did the review together & help each other. Rec'd invitation to Y.W.C.A. conference Sat. Mar. 11.

Tues. Mar. 7
Home letter. Miss Yost criticized our Briefs. Mildred & I talked over the negative side 7th. Agnes and I walked between lunch & 5th hr.


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Rec'd a lovely letter from Wm Betz. Class meeting again I was teller and Francis Jewell, Ruth Valentine, Ruth Kinsey, were elected to choose the daisy chain.

Wed. Mar. 8.
Met in 422D to plan debate work. Student Volunteer class at 4:15 in "J". Enjoyed fancy dancing.

Thur. Mar. 9.
Rode my wheel to lab. & later to Inn to see exhibit of spring gowns. Prof. Shattuck led christians and talked about our life after college, discouragement, failure, daily humdrum from which will come one day of partial success. He read a long poem from Kipling.
[in margin] Went to Miss Doane's Tea.

Fri. Mar. 10.
Eliz. Mc. brought me in some ice cream last night. Christian Assoc. reports are out. Class drill was interesting lying on floor and sitting up without touching hands to aid you. Debated 7th in 422D poor. Agnes & I called on Mrs. Hill. Miss Doane presided. Miss Ellery talked with me & Dr. Hill showed us the pictures. Heard Prof. Mills lecture on "Economics" in p.m. Splendid. Miss Stroebe presented me with a copy of "die Hermannschlacht". Home letter.

Sat. Mar. 11.
Did Horace to suit me. H.M. White wanted some money so I drew first installment for Davison 1 & 2. Started German.


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In two hours went downtown & back and heard the last of one speech and all of the Dean of the Normal School's speech at the Y.W.C.A. conference for college girls. Read [critick] on Kleist's "Hermannschlacht". Agnes came to dinner. The Qui [Vuie] debaters are Ruth Robinson, Louisa Myers and Frances Dugan.

Sun. Mar. 12.
Bible class. Mrs. Hill said "You have no idea how I love this class." Dr. Barbour of Rochester preached a wonderful sermon on I John 5:4. "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." In his prayer he spoke of the love without suspicion which is in the hearts of our loved ones at home who believe in us. And also that if we in our scholarship were not coming up to what we had hoped God would give us courage and strength to do it. His sermon was beautiful. Born of God. Torn after Bishop Foster had talked with him in the church after finding him standing on the bridge, shut out from home by his own mother and determined to die. The world - whatever in our lives resists the Divine. Our worlds are not alike. Many have selfishness as their world. He quoted


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from Sidney Lanier "Marsh Hen." Sin cannot be blotted out of our lives until it is slain. There are chords in the human heart which never vibrate except to martial passages like these he said in beginning. In connection with the world of selfishness he said very forcibly there are many here who like the Dead Sea are receiving streams from all sides but never think of giving them out. They do nothing to show their appreciation of the sacrifices which father and mother are making for them. There are people who lack mental power because they have never set a hard task before their minds and made them carry it out to its ultimate issues.
In the evening Dr. Barbora again spoke on the characteristics of the early Christian church. They had love, courage faith. Story of commerical traveller and Bishop "I want to take a good report home to my father." "So do I." Wrote home. Ans. some of Mrs. H's questions. Wrote all hour on Tempest.

Mon. Mar. 13.
Letter & package of Easter goods from Bertha Loder and letter from Ida. 7th & 8th had a debate conference in Rachel's room 422D.

Tues. Mar. 14.
Home letter. Only a couple of more years and we will be interested in the doings of the Boards of Education when our girl has to do


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with them." Miss Brainard has had her salary raised to $700. if she will stay another year. Lois Yergin who is at the Thomas Normal Training School wrote me a nice letter and sent me a good picture of herself. Debated 8th hr, and after chapel in Miss Yost's room. Rachel, Florence, Victoria, Neida & Mildred. Prexy prayed tonight that we might not be content to be ignorant and sightlers.

Wed. Mar. 15.
Rec'd letter from Irene Todd. Ruth Bigelow met me by Rockie and said "You haven't been over to see us this year Gretta You'd better hurry up." Had Helen Adler to dinner.

Thurs. Mar. 16.
Written all hour in Horace. Debated 7th. Did not go to Christians. Worked in Lib. Read Henry James's "The Question of our speech". Missed the P.M. mail by not waiting in the office for it.

Fri. Mar. 17.
Physics written all hour. Miss Fiske said one of the greatest lacks of the preparatory schools today is their failure to teach people how to read fast and discriminatingly. (To Dietrich, Ordway and Hill after class. "Now you girls have awfully good minds. Home letter containing money order for $7. and a cute picture of Claire standing up very straight. Also 2 prints of the picture Bessie Rector took of me at my desk last June. Aunt Mamie wrote me a nice letter too. Worked on my direct speech for Arg. Spoke on Spoken English on a part of "The


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Question of our Speech." Intersection debate 7th in Arg. Whitcomb, Ordway, & Barrett, Affirmative Jackes, Hagerman & Pearsall negative. Resolved that the present immigration law should be amended by the passage of the Gardner bill. Affirm. lost on merits of question but won on the merits of the debate. I sent a St. Patrick pin ball souvenir anonymously to Rachel and Florence. Agnes had me to dinner. Attended Prof. Tombo of Columbia lecture on "Comparison of higher education in Germany and America." illustrated. Learned much both about Gemany and America.

Sat. Mar. 18.
Studied all A.M. cashed order & bought ticket home. Outlined theme for German. A comparison of the 6 novels we have read. Rushed over to 4 N. Main after chapel & eventually arrived in N. gallery. College dressed in white with yelow halos & ties for Junior & 1914 and green ones for 1911 & 13. See program. I didn't like Starbuck's sarcasm & the 1911er's talked overtime. It was a fine debate. I took careful notes on it. Talked in Ruth Robinson's room till 1 A.M.

Sun. Mar. 19.
Bible class. Rev. McMullen preached from Psalm
1. God loads us with blessings.
2. " puts a burden upon us.


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3. God bears his burden upon us.
Wrote to Mr. Betz and to Margaret Beeker. Called on Mary Wright & Ruth Bigelow, Mary Gavin, and Anna Van Winkle & Lucy Penniman. Chapel & Christians. Prexy from story of Lot's Choice drew three rules about choosing.
1. Not selfish choosing.
2. " self indulgent " .
3. " the line of least resistance
"endure hardness". Good mmeting. Wrote home.

Mon. Mar. 20.
Called to Sec'y's office. Rec'd scholarship for $150.00 for next year. Sent slip home at once. As Miss McCaleb handed it to me she said "your standing is all right for that."

Tues. Mar. 2.1
Home letter. Emily Post died Wed. A.M. and mama went to the funeral. Claire wrote a little letter. Rec'd circular of Prof. Shattuck's Yellowstone trip this summer.

Wed. Mar. 22.
Letter from papa containing parent's signature. Attended fancy dancing exhibition in P.M. Just an hour long. Very pretty.

Thurs. Mar. 23.
Miss McCaleb led Christians "I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains from whence shall my help come. Good meeting. Packed my trunk and it went. Sent Yamaguchi $4.55.


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Fri. Mar. 24.
After Physics, Soph. Lit, Spoken English and a hurried distribution of the morning mail, ate a little lunch and made the 12.20 train by (1) minute. Rather exciting. Visited with Ethel Thompson and Alma Klippel. Papa & Claire met me. Walked over to R & E station. The train waited long enough so Maud, Florence Hopper, M.J. Williamson and Margaret Glessner saw Claire and Papa who very gracefully tipped his hat to them. Reached home at 9 P.M. Mama had a fine oyster stew waiting for me. How glad I am to see my loved ones & home again. Colder up north.

Sat. Mar. 25.
Worked. Had Mr. Strickland bring up my trunk. Mama & I went to city in afternoon taking Claire. I bought a new pair of shoes.

Sunday. Mar. 26.
Church & S.S. Prepared to lead the Young People's meeting. Spent almost all the afternoon trying to give them some of the inspiration I have gained in college. Led at 6 P.M. Church in P.M.

Mon. Mar. 27.
Letter from Yamaguchi asking me about going to the 1000 Islands this summer. Went to Rochester with Mama


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in afternoon. We saw Mrs. Gagnon & bought cloth for a lawn dress. Very pretty white background with blue O figure.

Tues. Mar. 28.
Helped get ready for company. Polished silver. Mama entertained the teachers.
Miss Brainard Miss Elvira Martin
Miss Fosdick " Cullen
Miss Somers " Hinderland
Miss Elnora Martin
I waited on table. Bishop of Oxfords Riddle dandy 4 course supper. I played P.H.S. alma mater in closing the evening.

Wed. Mar. 29.
Ironed. Visited P.H.S. in afternoon. Mr. Zornow's II German, Physics, after I had spent a few minutes with Claire and finally Miss B's. I English. Prayer meeting in p.m. Preparatory service. Papa asked me to play the piano.

Thurs. Mar. 30.
Have read "The calling of Dan Matthews". Splendid. An out of the ordinary book. Helped mama clean her clothes room.

Fri. Mar. 31.
Went to city in A.M. Did some errands for papa and mama. Prepared the guessing cards for P.M. "Great Warrior" etc. Mama entertained.
Mrs. Pugsley Sarah Barker
Cassie Smith Emily Gaskin


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Mattie Wadhams Beatrice Ginn
Lily Hartman.
Miss Brainard and I waited on table & ate in the kitchen. (Miss B. & Russell). They seemed quite astonished to hear me play the piano. After they went Miss B., papa & I got on a tare and sang. Perfectly funny.

Sat. April 1.
Claire & I april fooled papa and Miss B. by tying their chairs together. Worked, sewed, darning stockings & putting new small hooks & eyes on my white dress.

Sun. Apr. 2.
Church, communion. The two young Rayson boys, Clara Platt & Mrs. McMillan joined on confession. A very pretty & impressive service. S.S. nice class. Read to Claire. Finished Alice in Wonderland. She & I walked down to Mrs. Myron Smith's. I wore mama's pony coat and met Elsworth Killip as I was coming home. Clara Platt led C.E. I spoke about supporting the evening service. Played for the family after service.

Mon. Apr. 3.
Went to city. Bought some Japanese cups & saucers. My pocketbook is all


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fixed. Had my dress fitted at Mrs. Gagnon's. Ironed all my things in afternoon. Read more in "Fighting the White Slave Trade". Have almost finished it. Packed my trunk. Played accompaniment for Marian Loughborough and Mc Millan for the social. Mary Crump called in P.M. I enjoyed having her come very much. Papa attended Auburn Seminary Alumni Banquet at 1 P.M. in Powers Hotel. Played school with Claire (see stunt book). Papa & I took trunk to station.

Tues. Apr. 4.
Papa and Claire saw me off at 8. Mama went in to city with me to the station. I saw her and looked at her long before the train started. She looked lovely in her pony coat, hat with the parrot and a blue veil. Waved a last farewell and the train pulled out 8.55 A.M. Mama came in to attend the Ladies' Prebyterial at Calvary Pres. church. Dr. Cortney Fenn of China and Miss Fraser were the speakers. I sat first with a woman from Buffalo who was on the way to Saranac to see her husband. Then sat with Alma Klippel and Margaret Clapp. Finished John. R. Mott's "The Decisive Hour


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of Christian missions" and read a light novel "The Climax". Arrived on time at 3.50. Louise Garver came in and told me about her vacation her and helped me settle my room. Peggy kissed me. Had dinner with her crowd. Sewed with them after it in 319. Had water, marshmallows and crullers. Wrote home. Was in bed at 10 P.M.

Wed. Apr. 5.
Reread Sidney's Defense of Poesy. Miss Fiske read some of Shakespeare's sonnets. Did German. Bernice Marks read for Miss Yost the speeches of Brutus & Antony. Had double mail at noon. Agnes R. came to see me & embraced me. Started English 4.15 Dorothea Day's class. Trunk came during chapel & I unpacked it.

Thurs. Apr. 6.
Miss Haight lectured to us. My sentence in German prose was perfect today. Did vacation mail 7th & night mail 8th. Marjorie McCoy led Christians and spoke on the association pledge. In Lib. in p.m. working on [Beecher] H.W. & time of 1863 for Arg. with Betty Hosterman.

Fri. Apr. 7.
Wasn't called on in Physics. Had a cut given in English. Went to Spoken English. Knew almost nothing about 1863. German lecture 7th by Prof. Max Walter (in German) on


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"How to acquire a modern language". Splendid in subject and entertaining in delivery. Senior birthday. We went over to Main after dinner & waited for the Seniors to come out of the dinning room and then sang to them. The concert in the evening by a Polish woman was fine.

Sat. Apr. 8.
Went to Doctor's for red throat and cold. Worked in Library on English. Gladys Barrett walked to Arlington with me. I bought at the Inn a .$75 ticket for the Williams College Dramatic Club entertainment next week Saturday. Had dinner with Agnes R. (Pauline P) Walked to chapel with Pauline A. Students - officers for next year nominated & reduced to two. Pres. M. Tibbits & , Vice P. Sec'y. M. Armstrong & M. Clark. Treas. Eliz. Housen Ruth Whithed. Ground white with snow.

Sun. April 9.
A beautiful white fairyland outdoors. Bible class. Rev. Samuel Eliot preached about imagination. The object of our college education is in his own phrase "to turn sight into insight". Worked over two hours in the afternoon finishing the answers to Mrs. Hill's questions. Miss Spanish instructor in Wellesley spoke on the "The Girls Institute in Madrid Spain. She told us some legends, about Mrs.


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Gulich's work, etc. In Senior parlor she related an interesting tale about Wellesley girls sending the King of Spain 25 large photographs of Wellesley and how she at her home stations in Spain saw the king and talked with him and how he gave her sister a box of candy. Wrote home.

Mon. Apr. 10.
Had a delightful day. Lucy Penniman asked me to dinner. Am not yet up to date in Lab.

Tues. Apr. 11.
Home letter from mama stating that papa received letter from Newark N.J. asking him to come there and preach Sun. & he went. Class meeting 8th. Plans for Sophomore tree ceremonies were announced. I was out for track 7th. Tried sprinting. i.e. getting started. Dined with Lucy Penniman. Letter from Ellen.

Wed. Apr. 12. .m.
Signed for registered package at office and found therein a lovely pin in white and green enamel on silver bearing the seal of Porto Rico. Class meeting. Had first swimming lesson 7th. Enjoyed it. Faculty vs. Seniors baseball 10-9. Saw it.

Thurs. Apr. 13.
Called on to translate for first time this week. German special topic on comparison of the 6 novels was marked Gut. Took wheel to Flag Shop to get it pumped up. S.T.C. 1.10. Am one experiment behind in Lab. Wrote to


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Aunt Jennie. Heard part of Deaconness Goodwin's Christian Assoc talk on 1. Companionship with Christ. 2. Service. 3. Cross. Caroline Hall invited me to come and see her in 321 M.

Fri. Apr. 14.
Made a little speech in spoken English on the Candy kitchen. Home letter from mama containing clipping about Captain Stebbins who died Apr. 3 age 94, also a copy of papa's picture taken from the one of him and me when I was 15. Mama writes about Newark possibilities. Read my first minutes in Arg. today. Wrote home about possibilities for N.J. Attended Prof. Mason of lecture on "Drinking Water and Disease" in Saunders Lab. Very interesting. He is a fine looking man. Called on Gladys B. and Pauline F. at the Infirmary. Heard Prof. Treadwell on Biology in the evening. Then had a delightful serious earnest talk with Helen Simpson about the courses in college.

Sat. Apr. 15.
Did Horace & German (partly). Went to town and saw "Seven-Twenty-Eight" by Williams College Dramatic Club. ($.75) splendid. I went alone. Sat however between Margaret Dickinson and . Walked home. Did Suffrage in Lib. till 9.20. Heard Margaret Tibbits and Julia Lovejoy make their little


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speeches after being serenaded. Studied Heine. Minna came in about 15 of 12 and I made her out a list of the books we have read in Soph. Lit. Rec'd lovely letter from Mrs. Avora Morris inviting me to visit them at Oneonta.

Sun. Apr. 16.
Bible class. Went alone to Pres. Church. Wore my white kid gloves for first time. Rev. Frederic Campbell preached on "The Redemption of the Body". The limitations now upon us will later be removed. Walked home. After dinner for first time the girls sang hymns. Easter ones particulrly. I read the Outlook for Apr.8 all through. Splendid. "A Girl in Heidelberg" is fine in this number. Eliz. Dodge called. Wrote Ida, Lois, Irene, Aunt Mamie and Claire. Went to Easter music at 8 p.m. with Agnes R. & Pauline A. It was beautiful and not quite an hour long. Retired 11p.m. This hasn't seemed like Easter to me. I broke my little vase of glass with gold. Mrs. Hill looked at me so sad when I came in this morning. I was a very few minutes late. Handed in my answers to the Bible class review questions.

Mon. Apr. 17.
Had cuts in Horace and Soph. Lit. Miss Stroebe sprung a quiz (short though)


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on us today. Lay down a few minutes. Seem to feel so tired. Lab. 5th & 6th. Rec'd letter from Yamaguchi today giving me his rates for summer work. Heard Lecture 8th hr. in Room 35 by Miss Haight on "Robert Herrick the English Horace". We sang our ding dong while chapel bells are ringing song and had to send for Seniors to come out and hear us. Read Milton's "Areopagitica". Felt some lonely tonight. Kathrine Otis came up & practiced Spoken English with me. The Juniors (incoming Seniors) drew for rooms today. Retired 11 P.M.

Tues. Apr. 18.
Didn't know who [Cratenius] was and that with one other question which I did know was all that was asked of me in Horace. Thoroughly enjoyed the Physics lecture today on the Polarization of light. Miss Stroebe said after class that the American is better able to appreciate foreign literature than the Englishman. Did some more on woman's Suffrage. S.T.C. practice 1.10. Rec'd nice home letter. The Easter at Pittsford Pres. church was, "Papa preached a fine sermon and the music was exceptionally good. They sang three selections and papa led them with the baton." "Claire sang a solo in the primary room and she did beautifully." Mama says & "Your lovely letter came yesterday and did


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us both good." Cassie & Beatrice gave her a pot of daffodils and Mary Thornell 19 eggs. "With much love and a kiss from your devoted mamma." Claire wrote me a nice letter. Discussed in Arg. Resolved that women should have equal suffrage with men. Bernice Marks Mildred Terry and I were on the negative but Miss Ordway had to do most of the talking. S.T.C. practice 7th hr. I rode my wheel downtown & back eighth buying a foot pump for Raymond Hall girls and a new pen top for my fountain pen. Took a short walk with Pauline. Reread Milton's "Areopagilica" and looked for a subject for Arg. speech for June 2.

Wed. Apr. 19.
Fooled 1st hour. Soph Lit recitation 2nd in which we discussed [Comus.] the virtue theme. 3rd hour I read the paper and looked over magazine articles to get some idea of what to write on. Did a little of Grillparzer's "Sappho". S.T.C. practice 1.15. Arg. Handed in as my subject Is the present system of education adequately fitting its student's for life after school? It was suggested by an astute in the April Independent. My minutes were terribly inadequate today. Miss Yost returned our papers giving the way in which Mr.


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Beecher attained his object in making his Liverpool speech. She said mine was full but quite hard to follow. Miss Hosterman's, in the form of a game [diagram] was the best & clearest. Swimming lesson under Miss Ballantine 6th. Heard Psychology lecture on the Role of the Senses in Mental Life by Prof. and 8th hr. Sources of Wagner's ideas and ideals by Prof. White of Harvard. While at the Gym Miss Myer was there in the tank and swam beautifully on her back. This is only her 5th lesson. Miss B. said "She learns so quick". College singing on "Rockie" steps. Studied. Collected money for bicycle pump which came today from Bauer's.

Thurs. Apr. 20.
Was called on for the review which I hadn't reread. (Why do I so often get jumped on for the one part I haven't had time to do?) S.T.C. practice 1.10. Class meeting. was elected cheer leader and college song leader. Fooled awhile in Peggy's room. Started Milton's Paradise Lost. Melanie Avery asked me to usher at Christians. I did. The meeting was a report by several girls of the Silver Bay conference from the beginning when they started on the boat until the last night of the conference. Prof. Shattuck sat in seat with me. He left before it was over.


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Fri. Apr. 21.
My early morning slumbers were disturbed by shouts and unusual noises. After awhile I got up and on looking out saw the roof of Prof. Leach's house in a blaze. Waked Marie and Mamie & watched the fire for a time then dressed hastily and went over. Lots of people were out. [diagram] Staid from 6.20 - 7.10 A.M. Very exciting and interesting. Miss Fiske gave us a written. Rec'd letter from mama containing $1. "I enclose $1.00 and will try and send another next week. Papa paid Hutchinson $10.00 on our coal bill Tuesday and we only got $15.00". The comment on me in Spoken English was that my talk on the Candy Kitchen was good. Had 3rd swimming lesson 4th hour with Williams. Swam(?) with the basket ball. Miss Yost read us a speech by Patrick Henry and one by Richard Henry Lee. Rode Lucy Lovell's wheel downtown & had her bell put on. Ambler's man paid me in the office $4.85 for Miss F.B. Tracy's Easter goods. T & M initialed 1913 at 4 P.M. The Seniors were dressed as chefs and after a comical debate we were served with lemonade and apple pie. Christians met after chapel. Agnes R. nominated me for Recording Sec'y. The nominees are


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Pres. Helen Ferris & Kathryn Brown
Vice Pres. & Defeated candidate
Rec. Sec. Agnes Wilson & Eliz. Ingersoll
Cor. Sec. Florence Bracq & Eliz. Baldwin

Heard Prof. Salmon's lecture on "The Modern History." Fine lecture delivered in a most monotonous voice. I learned primarily that the object of history is "to learn how things came to be as they are." Sat with H. Clevenger - M. McNaugton asked me to take off my shoes as E. Page didn't feel well. Went to Bessie Rector's room for awhile.

Sat. April 22nd.
D. Hood got me a ticket for 2nd minor Hall play. Did Horace & sent my notebook to Gladys Sutton by Evelyn Noble. Did German. Took Mail. Sent $2.30 to Miss Tracy and $1.30 to Lombard for a red tie. Saw "The Jack-daw" (by Lady Gregory) with Agnes R. & Eliz. Cramer. Agnes borrowed my wheel. Attended in P.M. Prof. Shattucks lecture on Orchids illustrated with pictures which he himself took (colored photographs). Went with H. Clevenger and Martha Herrick. I just escaped a call down for laughing aloud at the Strong Juniors shut in Elinor Cowen's room. Finished Paradise Lost. Went over Horace. Retired 12.15p.m.


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Sun. Apr. 23.
Chatted in Eliz. McShane's room & borrowed her indelible ink. Bible class. Mrs. Hill called A. Wilson, Agnes, Samuel A. Bishop, of New York preached on this is the record.
1. Don't lose your heads. 2. Simplicity. 3. The clock strikes twelve. Took some toilet articles to E. Page who is in the Infirmary. Read newspaper. Wrote home. Looked over courses in catalogue. Irene Beir called. I called on Ina Scott, Margaret Glessner and Eliz. Stumpf. Went to Ter-centenary Anniversary celebration of the publication of the King James Version of the Bible. Dr. Hill, Prexy, Miss Judson and Prof. Bracq gave splendid addresses. Spoke to Louisa Myers about Mrs. K's not letting the girls of 1913 who have conditions draw with their class. Prexy knows so much history. At E. Stumpfs we talked of some who are "whizzes".

Mon. Apr. 24.
Had a grand time in my three recitations. Did Horace. S.T.C. 1.15. Lab. finished Experiement 14. S.T.C. 7th. Lib in evening. Finished Sappho. Track 8th. G. Bassett drew 104R.

Tues. Apr. 25.
Studied some more on suffrage. Letter from Miss Tracy. Tie from Lombard. Home letter from mama and Claire who attended Jamie Payne's birthday party. Nothing definite heard yet from Barrett. Trudell & Ordway met Miss Yost at 1.15.


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Gladys Bassett led the discussion & called on Barrett and Trudell to uphold the afformative and Whitcomb and Ordway the negative. I was decidedly muddled up in rebuttal. Didn't know myself what I was driving at. Copied Arg. minutes. Miss Yost gave me a very curious looked when I finished rereading to her the last minutes I wrote. At our committee meeting she said " It is better to present the matter to the girls than to force them to do it. (getting points ready before coming to class.) The great need of the college today is clear thinking." Miss Haight spoke today of the knowledge of Greek history being part of our culture background. S.T.C. off campus. Last meeting D. Day's class in pine grove back of the chapel. Worked in Lib. on history of 1846-1856 including Missouri Compromise of 1820.

Wed. Apr. 26.
Started reading in Oxford Book of English Verse. Discussed vastness of conception of Paradise Lost and the human qualities of the characters even of God himself. Did Horace in Lib. Miss Yost told us in criticism of our yesterday's discussion to use our common sense, and referring to what I said yesterday she said "Dont tell me that women shouldn't vote because they cant be policemen". Had to write on Dred Scott case. Lecompton Constitution Discussion & effect of Territory


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(Dandelions are out.)
acquired by Mexican war on the slavery question. Did part of Act I of "Ein Treuer Diener seines Herrn" Practiced for dancing Exhibition 7th & then went by the Tennis courts to practice S.T.C. 8th. Did Physics in P.M. College singing 6:30. I went.

Thurs. Apr. 27.
Was called on for advance in Horace today. Sentence almost perfect in German. Went for a swimming lesson but water was hot and dirty so did Arg. Spent all the afternoon in the Lib. on Arg. speech. Bought Founder's program $.15. College singing 6.30. Christians. Caroline Hall led & spoke about spiritual refreshment. Miss an alumna (I guess) held forth after the meeting was all over on the recent Y.W.C.A. convention at Indianapolis. Worked in Lib for an hour. Saw Louise & Eliz. Mc. a minute. Ruth Robinson brought me in 4 cakes from Marion's party (birthday). Wrote to papa. Perfect weather.

Fri. Apr. 28. Founder's.
College singing on Rockie. "Brownie" was back and led a few pieces. Then we marched in a solid column across campus to Prexy's house and from the porch he delivered the address of welcome. We sang and as we sang he stood leaning on the post in a beautiful attitude. We then sang to him.


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Did some Latin. Saw Mr. Bussing. Went to Pageant viewing. The procession as it wound up the hill and from a pillow seat commanding an excellent view of the stage where the five scenes were enacted. Saw the procession as it went down.

Seated in Raymond Reading room alone I read Miss Wood's "Earliest Years at Vassar", and as I looked out upon the quaintly gowned figures passing the window, almost imagined I was back in the 60ies.

The addresses in the chapel were good. Prexy "Is Vassar making a tradition worthy of its founder?"

Letter from home.

Sat. Apr. 29.
Drew money for last 6 weeks of mail. Rode wheel around the circle. Looked at exhibition in Library. Bought song book. Attended concert. The Glee Club encores were fine and funny.

Was in dancing exhibition at 2 p.m. Then dressed for reception. Went with Gertrude R. & Henry W. Had eats first then shook hands with Julia Lovejoy. Prexy who said looking right into my eyes


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when I spoke of the celebration "It has been fine hasn't it?" Mrs. Prexy, Mrs. K., Prof. Chamberlain and . Did my German. Vic asked me to debate in T & M. Senior hoop dance at 7 pm. Very pretty. Walked around the lake with Pauline A. Attended musicals or concert by Choral Club and Alumnae chorus. Fine.

Sun. Apr. 30.
[Mirna] Soule and Mary Hutacheck slept on my floor all night. (Sat.) Bible class. Chapel. Rev. Smith of N.Y. City. Induced influence, (current) strategic point, surrender. Walked with Agnes. Started down from Arlington but when one of three fellows who were ahead of us turned back and said "Are you ladies acquainted down this way" I answered "No" and we turned back and went by circle & farm creek. In 455M. Theo Jessup was elected leader and Maud Kelsey Sec'y & Treas. of a Student Volunteer Band for next year. Prof. Chamberlaine led Christians. Finished "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine". It is splendid. Wrote home. Retired 12.40

Mon. May 1.
Had to translate at right-in Latin. Miss Yost is in the Infirmary so I didn't


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have interview. Had to carry mail before and after lunch. Did Exp. 15. Letter from Miss Tracy. My dress came today. Very pretty.

Tues. May 2.
Finished "Ein Treuer Diener seines Herrn" today. Discussed whether membership in the Debating Societies should be voluntary or compulsory as it is now. Worked on the Ottowa debate. Met, after being reseated in chapel so I sit now 4 seats from end of 99, with debaters and committee in Students' Room. Home letter. Claire wrote me too.

Wed. May 3. M.
Rose early & worked 3 hrs. on Ottowa Debate but wasn't ready then with the answers to the questions on it. Worked after Arg. till dinner time on it so missed Hampton Quartette.

Thurs. May 4.
Sight translations in Horace handed back. Mine with serveral red lines. H. Lockwood's with good on it. Had conference 4th hour with Miss Yost. It was wonderful. She talked right from her inner self and made me do the same. It was more informal anyway than usual because she lay or rather reclined on the couch because of inflamatory rheumatism. That conference was a veritable oasis. Enjoyed Lab. Practiced S.T.C. Studied Physics in Lab. for quiz tomorrow. Sat up over an hour writing Spoken


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English paper on the consonants.

Fri. May 5.
Rose early. Read "Essay on Criticism" Pope. Did some Physics in Millihan & Mills. We had a quiz in Physics on work from Easter vacation up to date including Lab. Discussed in Soph. Lit Nature in art. Home letter. Spoken English. (Victoria) "Vic" Searle came over 4th hour to discuss with me the answers to the Ottowa debate. I finished mine & handed them in. Did work on T & M debate 6th & 7th. Final S.T.S. practice 8th. We have been at it all the week. Albertina hung my skirt & I hemmed it. Vic came & sent me to 422 D to discuss debate with Rachell W. & F. Jackes.

Sat. May 6.
Irene Beir called me at 4.45 A.M. & I woke up all the Sophomores in Raymond. Donned my garb with Albertina's help. She made cocoa for us. Met back of north & waited long. Finally the long looked for Sophomore Tree ceremonies began & were truly beautiful. Frances Jewell and Lucy Penniman were the priestesses & did splendidly.

(a drawing)

A chain fastened to the tree our class seal. After the ceremonies we marched in a column to Sunset


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where a nice breadfast of banannas, sandwiches and coffee was served. Went to our tree and got a garland.

Field day 9, lunch. Very interesting. Doc. Smith broke record for baseball throw. I had a good time with Miss Wick. Stood behind Ellen Eayrs & heard her opinions on class spirit and the most intellectual offices in college. Worked on material for T and M debate. Met with Jackes, Whitcomb & Erwin in Starbuck's room & mapped out affirm. stand. Did Horace. Read some debate. Did 2/3 German, had to stand up & read it to keep awake. 11.30.

Sun. May 7.
Got down to breakfast after the bell rang but Mary brought it in for me. Bible class. Rode down to Pres. ch. Sat as usual with Mrs. Matthews. Rev. F. Campbell preached about Peace. We first make our peace with God, then we can make peace with ourselves. Next peace with our fellowmen & finally do all we can to help them keep peaceful. Walked slowly home alone through the estate in which 2 magnolias and 2 bushes were especially pretty. Saw a cherry tree and a peach tree in bloom. Mrs. Curtis had 2 '97 girls to dinner. Miss Richardson & Miss Nellie.
(Pres. Raymonds grand daughter)


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Wrote home & wrote up this record of my life at college. Donned my new lawn dress which Mrs. Gagnon made me. Received several compliments for it. Went to Music chapel. Christian's where I sat four seats from the front where I could plainly see Prexy who spoke about the Responsibility of the Hearer.
1. Come with spirit of reverence
2. Look for spiritual truth in it.
3. Hear for yourself, don't apply it to someone else.
4. Pass it on.
Went up to see Helen Simpson & Agnes tagged me up tho I suggested she wait. Read about the Mexican situation in Sat. paper. Finished home letter & retired. (critical spirit--nothing people deal out quite so generously as the application of the truth to others. - when I was a young minister -)

Mon. May 8.
Rose at 6. Closed door for Miss Haight who by an understanding glance told me she wanted it closed. Was called on for the review in Horace & translated it pretty well. Discussed "Essay on Man". Finishing Agnes Bernhauer. Met at 1.15 in Kathryn Starbuck's room to discuss debate. Spent about 1/2 hr. in Lab. Miss Wick wasn't there so all came


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away. I did Debate. Had my first trial 7th hr.

Rachel Whitcomb A. Rolands
Ordway Affirm Neg. Bradley
Florence Jackes Trudell

met in R. Todd's room after chapel. Rec'd invitation from Mrs. Hill to see [Oberammagau] Passion Play pictures Fri. at 7.30.

Tues. May 9.
Worked on debate. Had second trial 7.30 P.M.

affirm neg.
Hosterman Whitcomb
Starbruck Ordway
Erwin Todd
Had Tappie to dinner.

Home letter. Mr. & Mrs. Goss are home. Mr. Rason pled for the Christian Endeavor Sunday & is quite discouraged. Claire wrote me "I can play all of America". B. Loder asked me to settle for the Easter goods.

Wed. May 10.
Went to Dr's. office & she sent me home to stay in the bed with tonsilitis. I just rested & slept. Albertina & Gladys took fine care of me. Mrs. Curtis came up.

Thurs. May 11.
Dr. B. called on me 11 A.M. Rec'd note from papa containing draft for $5.00. Mrs. Curtis again came up. Florence Ackerman called "Teeny" gave me some violets & lent me her teakettle. I burned the handle of


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the extinguisher by not filling the lamp part away from the frame. Quite a blaze for time being.

Fri. May 12.
Started to do Thurs's German. Dr. T. called 10 A.M. & let me up. Very happy to be up again. Went to office & Argumentation was my first class. I conducted the discussion on Resolved that there should be compulsory attendance at debating society meetings. A. When membership is compulsory B. When membership is voluntary. We spent most of the time on the first. Went downtown. Made appointments for shampoo and birthday picture. Bought frame & mat for papa's nice photo of himself. Rode both ways on open car. Basket ball game 8th 1914 vs. 1913. '14 beat. Fine game. D. Van Allen took some little children who were looking on into the circle as we sang about our tree & they were much impressed. Didn't go to chapel. 7.30 went to Dr. hill's & saw colored slides of the Oberammagau Passion Play. They were beautiful & Dr. H. explained them. Ice & cream cake were served. I helped E. Kittredge & H. Lockwood pass it.

[in margin] Home letter.


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Mrs. Page showed us some of the signs of the Indian sign languages. Victrola was played & we then departed.

Sat. May 13.
8.30 O. Trudell's room with Whitcomb for most an hour. Read 7th Lincoln Douglas debate. Sent $2.13 to Water Color Gift Co. & wrote to Pin Money Club about Mrs. C.A. Paine's Cosmopolitan. Took noon mail. Met in R. Todd's room at 1.30. Read newspapers for 1 1/2 on Mexican situation. Did German & Rape of the Lock. Chapel. (Ruth Whithed brought me a note stating that I had "been chosen to speak in the T & M debate Monday May 15th 7th hr." She gave it to me with many congratulations. Fri. May 12) Went to "The Taming of the Shrew" in p.m. Waited 7.25-8.45 p.m. to get through the gate. Play from 5 min. of 9-11.35 p.m. Perfectly splendid. E. Dodge sat on one side of me and Mable Chapin on the other. The walk to the hill was lighted with Japanesse lanterns. The moon was big, bright & full and it was a perfect night. The Freshman had our beds all open for us when we came back. I enjoyed every minute of the play. It was simply fine.


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Sun. May 14.
Last session of Mrs. Hill's Bible class. I got in as she was praying. Discussed theories of the resurrection etc. Presented each of us with a copy of Dr. Hill's.

Margery Davenport and I have been there every Sunday.

Rev. Holmes of Buffalo preached a fine sermon on Prayer. He gave a beautiful illustration of a college girl writing home for a check & 1. receiving it. 2. being refused it because she was extravagant. & then at vacation time talking in the evening in the Library with her father only. We should become more intimate with God. He spoke about praying for success in exams.

I read part of "Billy's" book. Had a nice time at dinner. Grace Ludlow talked about her little brother being very stubborn. W.

Wrote home & called on Marie Gold & Mabel Chapin. Went to music, chapel, & Christian's where Prexy answered questions theological & ethical. Is conscience true guide? Lie, right to tell a to save persons feelings? etc. How to keep Sunday.


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Mon. May 15.
Rose at 6 & did today's Horace. Miss H. wasn't glad to see me back. Miss Strobe talked to us about the German courses. Worked on debate. Met in Ruth Todd's room at 1.15 and after Lab. at 3.20 when she served us with nice hot coffe just before we went to Rockefeller & debated in Room 35 in T & M before 19ll & 1913 on Resolved that the U.S. was justified in sending the 20,000 troops to the Mexican border.
7th hr.
affirm neg.
Bradley Whitcomb
Rolands Trudell
Erwin Ordway.

We won on both merits of questions & merits of debate. Vic called & congratulated me. Made up back Horace & did advance. Had cocoa in Pauline's room. Talked with Florence Ackerman a few minutes about Holland & French & courses for Junior year. Sewed. Retired 12.20 p.m.

Prexy talked bout student govmt. By what right is it that you demand a hand in the college administration. By what you have done for the college? He spoke


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of loyalty, self assertion. I enjoyed Horace, Soph. Lit. & German exceedingly today.

Tues. May 16.
So good to have Miss Wick back. Home letter. (Claire wrote too. "Sunday isn't kept very holy here. I hope you will be coming home soon." She enclsoed a litte picture card of a golden haired girl with a pink rose spray in front of her. Papa wrote about getting my picture taken. Mama writes that Mr. Goss called papa aside Sunday & told him he had been to church every Sunday in the South but he had heard no such sermon as he listened to this morning. Aunt Lydia Clark (Geo. Clark's mother) at Cameron is dead. Mr. Zornow told Miss Brainard it was almost impossible to get good English teachers. Perhaps here is a pointer for you.) Helen Simpson told me at noon that she thought I was the best one on the T & M debate & asked me to go out next year. Went downtown & had plain shampoo at Miss Donnell's. Had hair done up. Wore blue dress to "letzte Versaininlung des deutschen Vereins." Dr. Ziertman von Yale spoke on "Die Frauen". Mary Burkmier told me I spoke well for having learned to speak German.


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Went to Students' in p.m. 7.30-9.20. New proposed charter was read & discussed. Plan for seating freshmen in dining room also reported.

Wed. May 17.
Began work in dead earnest on speech for Arg. Had delightful hour in Soph. Lit. in which Miss Fiske pointed out the [beautus] of Pope's "Rape of the Lock". Did Douglas's speech in the 6th joint debate. Exams are posted. Attended last part of students' recital. Good. Did German in Lib., & 60 lines Ars. Poetica after 9.30. Retired 11.25 p.m. Many people have told me how nice my hair looks.

Thurs. May 18.
Rose at 6.15 & polished up today's Horace. Miss Haight read us an imaginary conversation between Horace & Virgil & had us look up references in Horace's poems which were suggested by the conversation. Finished Siegfried's Tod. Spent 4th hr. writing down & pondering the courses I must have & will have & those I'd like very much to take. Song practice after lunch. Rained today, a delightful shower. Staid in Lab till 4.15. Finished writing up 17 & did 18 & wrote it up. Dressed & heard some of the Students' Recital. Betty Zahner was fine. The Juniors beat


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the Freshman today 22 to 6, so they, 1912, have the championship. Had nice talk at dinner. Turned on Philosophy & Idealism. Miss Yost led Christians & spoke on Ideals. The need of their being practical. Prov. and used every day in the little things. Christ showed us how to 1. love our neighbor as ourselves 2. love God with all our heart etc. 3. be patient.
She seemed more modest and retiring than ever. She is a darling, oh! so fascinating! Read Physics. At 8.30 in Miss Yost's room we received a criticism of our T & M debate. Read Trans. Statins BkI. & read over notes on Douglas part of 7th Joint debate. Retired 11.05. Have had a delightful day. Peggy spoke about how nice my hair looks.

Fri. May 19.
Recitation in Physics. Miss Fiske read all hour from Addison's criticism of Paradise Lost. Worked on Arg. speech. Home letter. Papa received a telegram from Newark N.J. "Unanimous vote from committee & congregation to call you." So our stay in Pittsford is limited. Vic & Bernice gave report of 5th debate. Wrote a congratulatory letter to papa and mama for the 22nd. Worked in Lib on Arg. Stopped in Lucy Alexander's a minute then went


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to Lib. Tried to find material for & against Regents but in vain. Althea Erwin spoke about my hair so did Bessie on whom I called a few minutes. Retired 10.35.

Sat. May 20.
Handed in a statement to Sec'y of how I have earned money here. Saw Mrs. K. who paid me $.50 for twice delivering off campus notes in the fall. Did German & Latin this A.M. I accomplished something. Song practice. Worked in Lib. in afternoon on Arg. topic. Saw Juniors & Seniors off on their boat ride from Lodge at 6.30 p.m. We sang on Lib. steps, went to chapel held mock 1914 classmeeting on Rockefeller steps, sang "The Freshmen are going to Latin." went to cinder path & disposed of Livy singing 1914's song.
"I love my rooster,
My rooster loves me
I feed my rooster
On green bay tree
My little rooster
Sings oodledee
oodledee, oodledee" and sat on basket ball bleachers where we gave take off cheers & songs. Hazel Harrison made a fine "Doc" Smith. Then on Lathroop, Strong and Rockefeller steps we sang. I came in 8.15.


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Worked from 8.20 to 12 p.m. getting Arg. speech in shape to "brief".

Sun. May 21.
Walked with Albertina around lake before chapel found 8 four leafed clovers. Lyman Abbot preached about what he thinks the old Testament is.
1. There is a God.
2. God = Lord of nature.
3. God made man & woman, in whom his reflection is seen.
4. God gave humanity
Companionship with him.

Dined with Charlotte Clemens. Read "Life". Started home letter. Henriette Clevenger called. Music "Stabat Mater" by several girls. Fine. Chapel. Christians. Prexy led & spoke on "Encouragement of Unseen Influences"
A. Good in Roman Hist. (Hadran) followed terrible badness without aid of Christianity. There were good people then the bad was dwelt on.
B. Badness causes reaction for good. Greatly increased because of Christianity.
C. Angel of the Lord encampeth round about you.
Walked with Marth Manross. Finished Home letter. Wrote Mary Crump.


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Mon. May 22nd.
Papa's and mama's twenty third anniversary.

Was called on first in Horace today & went along nicely. Wrote in English on Addison's criticism of Milton's "Paradise Lost". Song practice. Lab. I staid thru 7th. Saw 1911 beat 1914 at basket ball 14 to 10. 8th hr. Did Horace & Physics.

Tues. May 23rd.
My twentieth birthday.

Goodbye teens. I hate to see you go. How old I feel. Finished Ars Poetica today. Began Physics review. Did review German prose at sight. Rec'd lovely letters from Mamma Claire and Ida. Mamma sent me "The Blue Flower" for my birthday present and Ida a very pretty white jabot. Gladys Bassett and I impersonated Lincoln and Douglas in our report of the Quincy debate. Wore sicilian and had picture taken at 3.15 by Wolven. Papa had his taken today too as is our custom every fifth 23rd of May since 1896 when Mr. Tuttle took them. Attended class meeting. An anonymous letter was sent to Delphina Hammer. Soph. Tree ceremonies expenses = $300.00. 8th hour heard Baron de Constant a member of the French Senate on "International Arbitration". (baseball)


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It is much cooler tonight. (No celebration at table.) Mrs. Curtis remembered the 23rd was somebody's birthday but that it was Mary's. She congratulated me and after chapel Mary wished me many happy returns of the day. Spent p.m. working on Arg. brief outlining it.
Have had a very happy birthday.

Wed. May 24.
Worked on Brief 4 hrs today. Had interesting discussion on "Gulliver's Travels". In Arg Mildred Terry finished the 7th Lincoln Douglas debate and we had a short quiz.
1. What have you gotten as students of Argumentation from these debates. 2. Would you advise next year's class to take them and why. Agnes Rowlands came over at noon and said "Was ist mit der? I am not going to run after you my child". Saw part of game between '11 & '13. Heard Miss Brown speak in Assembly Hall on the "Qualifications of a Missionary".

[in margin] 7th hr T & M debate. Holliday & Kinsey (Commencement speeches should be compulsory)

Thurs. May 25.
Looked up in Horace the references to him in Pope's Essay on Criticism. Spent 4th hr. thinking on & working out my next year's schedule. Interviewed Miss Fiske in her room at office hour 12.20 - 12.45. She said "I think that's very good". & suggested
Miss Haight suggested I take sight Latin.


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that I take Miss Elery's "Renaissance and Reformation" history. Rec'd card of thanks from Mrs. Hill for the flowers sent by our S.S. class. Did last two experiments in Lab. Had good lemonade. Evelyn Noble was there & told good jokes. Rained hard & I stopped at H. Brewster's room for an umbrella & was 10 min. late to conference so couldn't have any. Worked 1/2 hr. on Brief. Song practice 8th. Rachel Whitcomb here to dinner. Worked 2 hrs on Brief in p.m. & took it to Miss Yost at 9.40 P.M. Saw Gladys Bassett's schedule & the German F. on it made me homesick. I asked Marian Tallant's advice & she said I would get a good pronunciation taking French here so I reconsidered since I've had a year of it and put German F. in its place. Made out my schedule. Read "The Battle of the Books". Retired 1.15 A.M. Indexed Physics notebook.

Fri. May 26.
Rose at 5.30 & studied Physics. Took schedule to Sec'y's. Had written of two questions 1. Harmonic 3 Simple Motions at right angles. 2. Give equations for finding the wave length by use of the diffraction grating. I flunked it. Was late to Lit. Had last class in Spoken English.


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Miss Monroe handed back my paper on the consonants. She seemed sorry to have us go and wishes that we will do all we can to correct the American speech both in voice & pronunciation. Went to Lab. 4th & worked on the images of a dot seen thru two Iceland spar crystals at angles of 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees. Miss Wick told me she was much pleased with my work. Rec'd nice home letter. A gentleman from Newark N.J. visited the prayermeeting at Pittsford Wed. Papa expects to resign this next Sunday. Bought a college song book for Ida's birthday. "Vic" Searle was presented with the T & M jabot this noon. Discussed the clause of the new charter relating to registration in Arg. After class Vic. Bernice, Rachel and I continued it. Myrtle White asked me about going on with German. Wrote Ida and Home. Went to Lab. & "Iceland sparred" it again. Song practice 8th. Song Contest after chapel. 1914 won. Eliz. Toof called on me 3/4 hr. Went to Lib. Copied Horace notes for Gladys Sutton who is home but hopes to take the exams.


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Sat. May 27.
Finished "Duff". Had conference with Miss Yost at 10 A.M. She said I ought to subordinate the arguments for and against 1. Trade schools. 2. The Regents. to the rest of my speech. Not use opinions. Don't be personal by calling names. Reason for making a brief a deductive piece of work is to test the correctness of your arguments for it would be wrong ethically to employ means to gain your audience unless your conclusions were true. Finished "Kriemhilde's Rachel". Tried to study under a tree with Agnes but the ants were too much for me. So went to the Library and worked hard for 3 hrs. before I finished , "The Tale of a Tub". Students' in p.m. Plan for rotating the Freshmen at table adopted. New charter accepted. "Doc." Smith elected college song leader. In 300R. a mock wedding was held and Natalie Bassett was flower girl.

(Irene Riley came up to me in Lib. yesterday before closing and told me about her trouble with Miss Stroebe.)


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Sun. May 28.
Walked to Young's with Peggy & Louise. Lyman Abbott preached from John 20 v.21 & 22.
1. be happy. Some have genius grumbling. Happiness depends on character. It is what you are not what you possess that makes you happy.
2. Personality. Personality counts more that the curriculum.
3. Fellowship with God. Vine & branches.
4. Christianity means freedom, emancipation, liberty not prohibition. It means privilege.

Walked around lake with Agnes. Later took short walk with Pauline Pratt. Saw Maud and Rachel a few minutes. Fixed stunt book. Heard Gilbert Reid 7.15 - 8.15 fine. He has been for 30 years a missionary in China and has had indeed his "Ups and Downs in Life in China". Got a little pamphlet giving a Prospectus of the International Institute of China. Met Mrs. Peebles. Another ideal day outdoors.

Mon. May 29.
Rose at 6 & read Sellar, Horace, Soph. Lit. and German were very interesting. Did German. Worked 2 1/4 hrs. reviewing Horace. Mrs. K. called me up & I asked for a mail

Had to write a letter to the Horace of the Satires & Epistles.


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route for next year. Went out rowing alone for 1/2 hr. After dinner & dance and a "moving picture" were given in the parlor by Seniors advertising the Vassarion which came out tonight. Studied in Lib some & worked at home.

Tues. May 30.
Rose at 6 and reviewed Physics. Miss H. read us 3 of the letters written by the other class to Horace & had us translate at sight. Miss Wick gave back our last Fri. test papers and the ones before that. Made plan of Arg. work for this semester. Home letter. Papa handed in his resignation Sunday. Claire writes me that she cried & mamma cried. Also dear dear sister is her salutation. She says "I told mamma that the only ones you know are your own family. And I think that is true Don't you?" Mama feel quite unequal to the task of moving & now Mrs. Gagnon can't sew for her. Miss Yost read us part of a Socratic dialogue. Read Life. Did more Horace review. Class meeting.
Sylvia Conant Pres.
Gladys Robbins Vice p.
Clara Dana Sec'y.
Irene Beir Treas.


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Outlined Soph. Lit. work & found out in what [meters] the selections read this semester are written. At 9 gathered by gym. lamp post & practiced serenading songs which we sang to Lucy & Sylvia at the latters room. They each spoke splendidly. 1913 never turned out better than it did tonight. This has been a charming Decoration Day. Mama gave the address in the Town Hall.

Wed. May 31.
Spent 7 1/2 hrs. on my speech today outlining it & writing it. But it is done. I finished it 11.15 p.m. Had song practice 8th hour. Saw Seniors off on their boat ride from the Lodge. Discussed the 4 Social Engag. recomendations in Arg.

Thurs. June 1st.
Had last Horace class and last D.D. German class. Began copying my speech. Reviewed some more Horace. Had conference at 3.40 with Miss Fiske whom I had to wake up. She said I must watch out for 1. Not coming to an unjusticfiable conclusion from my data. 2. Loving my sense of scale. Song practice 8th hr. Got Soph. T. C. picture. Saw Miss Monroe about next year. Went to Students' 8.15 - 9.30. Reviewed Physics. Riverview cadets drilled here tonight. Marg Cushing knows about military


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drill & explained it. Eliz. MCShane paraded around with a man. Wrote mama & G. Sutton.

Fri. June 2nd.
Had last Physics class, last class in Soph. Lit. (we clapped Miss Fiske). Worked 3rd & 4th & lunch time copying speech but lacked 4 pages of having it done. Finished it 6th hr. & took it over. Last Argumentation class. Miss Yost said that she hated to say goodbye to us. (We clapped her). Finished copying my speech, read it over and took it to her room. Paid F. Barrett (who was not quite awake) $.13 for flowers bought last semester for Miss Yost. Home letters. Mama says "Yesterday was Memorial Day and I delivered my address to a full house & they were more than delighted & said it was grand and the best address ever delivered". Margaret Crump died Tues A.M. Papa sends an order for $5.00 and this note "Buried Mrs. Elliot Crump today... Busy packing...All busy, hip, hurrah. Papa". I paid Louise Boynton $1.50. Walked downtown taking my wheel to be repaired. Got my birthday negative $.75. Sent card home. Came back on car. Studied Horace & fixed a black petticoat. We all went to chapel but there was none. The front door alone was open no lights except at organ.


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Sat. June 3rd. M.
Song practice 8.30 A.M. Drew money $3. for 3 weeks of mail & paid H.M. White $2.10. Started Soph. Lit. review reading an account of the life of each author whom we have read this year 2nd sem. Borrowed Howe's "Primer of English literature" from Ruth Robinson & learned something. Worked almost 2 hrs. on Horace review. Read Life. Outlined German course for second semester. Read almost all my Sophomore Literature notes. Retired 11.45 p.m. Someone wrote on my door block "The best cramming is sleep".

Aunt Mamie wrote me a nice letter. She is living in the city proper now on Seminary Ave. has 8 rooms and is quite happy.

Sun. June 4th.
Heard Baccalaureate sermon to the Riverview graduating class at Pres. church. Splendid sermon. Be an adventurer for God in that frontier which he's between the known and the unknown. Walked home thru the de Garmo estate. The peonies are beautiful. Took a nice walk with Gladys Bassett [Arlington] for 1 1/2 hrs. Beautiful day. Read in Woman's H.C. Went to music, chapel & Christians to which I walked with Mrs. Hill. Prexy didn't say much tonight but let us


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have the time to tell what V.C. religious has done for us. Lilia's Wheeler was fine. Helen Zabriske was good too. Had a nice visit with Maud on way home. Wrote home & was in bed and asleep before 10 p.m.

Mon. June 5th.
Reviewed more for Soph. Lit. Card from Aunt Mamie. Had Soph. Lit. exam in Room 22 at 10.50. It was a nice paper. I enjoyed doing it. Worked in Horace in afternoon and evening. We sang our Fujiyama song tonight. Prexy prayed that we "do not judge ouselves by others but by the best that is in us". Rainy.

Tues. June 6th.
Spent 7 1/2 hours reviewing Epistles II 1 and 2 and Ars Poetica (960 lines in all). Studied some German in p.m. Rec'd home letter. "Last communion service Sunday. Mrs. Kuno & husband, Corrine Day and Hattie Siler united with the church. Fine audience. Mr. Ford and Stewart reinstated as elders. Our recepton takes place Friday night in the lecture room. I wish you could be here with us. Dan Woolston said today he was glad we were going, that we ought to have been in a place like that six years ago instead of here. Poor Mary feels so sorry to have me go so far away. Our new address is 25 West End Ave., Newark N.J."


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Claire writes in part. "When are you coming home? Franklin had a picnic".

I saw Mrs. K. about remaining here after Wed. June [14]. I can't do it. Sent some greetings to different people particularly "my boys". Rained all day. 1912 gave us Strong steps.

Wed. June 7th.
Crammed for German. Had exam in D.D.German at 10.50 in 22 Rockefeller. Nice exam. I didn't get the last question done and wasn't sure of the quotations in the next to the last. Crammed for about an hour for Argumentation in which I was examined in 23 Rockie at 2.30. Nice exam. to make out 6 speeches for a program and write one of them. (Albertina is hem-stitching handkerchiefs. "Oh but I am not doing them for myself".) Returned Helen Simpson's books. Rained all day. No chapel. Studied Physics. Met in Mrs. K's parlor to see about the mail. Worked in Library for an hour. Studied Physics till 12.30 p.m. Know a little something now.

[in margin] M. Tallant touched my arm as I started for German. Wished me good luck.

Thurs. June 8th.
Rose at 7. Reviewed Physics Lab. notebook. Crammed some more for Physics. Had exam in recitation room in Lab. Chiefly formulas. Crammed hard for Horace. Had at 2.30 in 22 Rockefeller my last


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exam. Horace. I finished 15 min. before the time was up. Miss Haight spoke of how good I have been to help Gladys Sutton keep up her work. She advised her not to take the exam. so as not to break her good record. Miss H. doesn't approve of using trots to review by. Song practice. Saw Margot Cushing. Chapel. Went to see Ellen Eayrs. Then to Christians. Katharine Brown led & spoke on our duty as V.C. Christian association members to be kind, cheerful and helpful everywhere and begin at home this summer. Dorothy Stinson spoke on "as thy day thy strength shall be" & Miss Griggs on taking a little time regularly each day for the development of our spiritual lives. Took a walk around the circle with Martha Manross. Marian Tallant told me about her trip to the Hudson River State hospital today with 30 of Prof. Mills Charities and Corrections' students. She curled up on the couch & visited while I darned stockings. Had a nice time. She did summer school work last year at Harvard in Pshcyology and American History. She said Miss Yost told Ruth Robinson today that my Arg. exam paper was good.


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Called on Peggy & Louise a few minutes. Dorothy Hook took the sleeper for Medina tonight & gets there tomorrow morning 7.10. Today has been wonderful. The Seniors escorted us to Strong steps tonight and then we sang as Juniors and they marched along on the side and clapped like we used to when they were Juniors and we were Freshmen.

Fri. June 9th.
Took car downtown. Gave Dr. Caldwell the medicine he had me buy last year when he treated my nose. Bought a roll of 6 films (2 1/2 X 4 1/4.) Paid for having front tire re-cemented & rode wheel home. Delivered morning and noon mail. Darned stockings, fixed black petticoat. Took waist to Mrs. Slosh. Engaged a room at Mrs. Millard's for Wed. p.m. June 14th. Bought a Soph. Lit. reading list ($.10). Nice letter from Home inclosing a Sodus Record clipping about a kitchen shower for Theda Rogers who is to be married to Dr. Roy Alling next week Wed. and also of a silver & linen shower for Eliz. Gaylord who will soon marry Irving Beal. Mamma writes "The man came


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after Tommie tonight (June 7th Wed) and Claire and I had a good cry. Dear horse, he looked so pretty as he trotted behind the carriage." "Papa got a beautiful picture of Tom before the carriage and also one alone for you." "Mrs. John Toor wants to come and spend Sunday with us and bring Hazel Turner so I told her to come. They will have to sit among the boxes. But she said she wanted to hear Papa preach once more dear soul he is so much to her." "I hope you will do finely in your examinations. When Tom went Claire said I don't know what I would do if I did not have sister. Be careful in your examination work." Wrote home. Song practice 8th hr. M. Hoard was Mrs. Curtis' guest & was one of 8 to take a river ride with Prof. Mills. Chapel very deserted tonight. (non-compulsory). Freshmen seats all vacant and just a few individual Sophs in the back part of the chapel. 1911 gave us a goodly number of their songs after chapel (on Rockie steps). Then they sang on Strong steps and then we sang and staid & sang


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sang sang. Marched to North & tried to serenade Miss Haight. Miss Yost came out on the balcony in a pink dress and said Miss H. wasn't home. I came in at 8.30 but the rest staid out till 9.30. Margaret Glessner came over & we went out to find 1913 & sing goodnight to 1911 but 1913 was invisible.

Sat. June 10th.
Mended. Took A.M. and noon mail. Rec'd $3.00 from Mr. Polk. Paid self 1.71, I. Riley $.61 and L. Alexander $.47 for the last six weeks. Bessie Rector took 3 time exposures of my room. Rode wheel & between Rockefeller & N. door of Main wound my petticoat around the pedal and freed me by aid of a pen knife. Pd. M. Pease $.50 I borrowed yesterday. Called on H. Simpson & she gave me one of her graduating pictures. It is fine and I am delighted with it. Irene Beir, Tappie & M. Herrick were in Marian Tallants room & I when I went in to get some white tape I told Irene I was going home to Newark N.J. Fixed white skirt torn on wheel. Put new string in chain guard. Called on Irene in her own room. Saw Miss


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Stroebe by the elevator on 4th and asked her if I can tutor in German next year. She said I can & we walked out to the Lodge together.

Saw M. Glessner a few minutes in her room. Rained & poured. Eliz. McShane came home tonight from West Point and Frances Chaffee's at each place she attended a dance. It poured at chapel time but I enjoyed going. Sat with Vic Russel in her seat. Took Ann Van Winkle to Main under my umbrella. Saw Irene again & bade her goodbye. (She leaves at midnight & reaches Rochester at 7.10 A.M.) Looked a M. Davenports photos of college splendid. Visited with Eliz. McShane & M. Tallant in 405 & watched the chain lightning. No 1911 ceremonies tonight. Retired 10.30 p.m. Got note from Ellen Eayrs.

Sun. June 11.
Heard Baccalaureate sermon by Prexy. Fine. Preparation, consecration, courage. Read in my Blue Flower A handful of clay and The first Christmas tree. Walked to Sunrise hill with A.G.R. & sat in the apple tree. Called on Marth Manross with whom I went to music (8 P.M.)


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It was beautiful. Maud's brother Earl is here. Papa

Mon. June 12.
Picked daisies 10-11.30 A.M. Helped unload at museum. Formed right after lunch at north of Main. Mary Wright asked me to sell Vassarions which I did from 3-6. Got my Japanese pictures from Mr. Bussing. Saw the Coronation procession. Viewed the hoop dance from 4th floor. Heard 1909 sing and it soon began to pour. Spent evening with the Hulls, Corrinne and Narola. Met a Mr. .

Tues. June 13.
Bunched daisies for 3 hrs. Rec'd 2 home letters, one each from papa and mama. Snapped Mrs. Curtis's picture. Dressed. Met in 2nd Main north wing at 3.45 & marched with Rose Bauman. Class Day was beautiful. Took Margaret Glessner's picture & saw her off. Had Martha Manross to dinner. Escorted 1909 to North Hall. Then Martha and I went to the reception. Sang out on Strong steps. Lucy Penniman and I sat together on the top step by


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the door. About 10.30 P.M. 1913 sang its good-bye song to 1911 who threw their class day boquets to us. 1906 had red lights around their tree.

Wed. June 14.
Wrote home. Florence Hopper has gone. Saw Helen Adler. Snapped Peggy & Louise. In 219M. Met Lizzie Smith put a poster on her trunk in Lathrop. Met her husband too and he said are you Sadie Parsell's daughter? Why I used to take her riding. Bade E. Stumpf and M. Manross goodbye. Delivered Helen Simpson's present. Saw the Commencement Day procession with Martha Manross and Henrietta Clevenger. Went in and heard the Commencement. It was truly a mountain peak. Agnes Rowlands "fond" parting from me. Tore room to pieces & packed. Goodbye to Marian Tallant. Helped her carry some things to Main. Miss Yost was at our table for dinner. I moved to Millard's at 8.30 P.M.

Thurs. June 15.
Went to Raymond. Packed my box and finished packing my trunk & locked my room finally. Went over to Helen Simpsons. She was very muched [pleased] with her picture. Packed Miss Thompson's books in a shirt waist box for Helen. Ordered 4 pictures of


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Commencement scenes of Wolvine's boy at the Inn. Rode wheel to town & walked home. Lay down & slept. Went to Helen's. Wrote a note of thanks to Mrs. Hill for the book "The Days in the Flesh" which she gave me. Bought 5 postals. Walked off campus with Helen Simpson, Ellen Ayres, and Godwin Carroll. Read. Clipped the commencement articles from the "Eagle".

Fri. June 16.
Walked downtown, read in Amblers. In coming home on the car met Mary Gavin. Saw Pearl Klouston who is to be married next year. Left note for Doc. Embry and Frances Jewell. Read in "Der [Engchirit]". Rode wheel down to station. Saw Frances Jewell and Lilias Wheeler. Went over to Raymond after dinner and visited with Mrs. Curtis. Said good bye to her.

Sat. June 17.
Paid Mrs. Millard $3.25. Left there for the 8.25 A.M. train. Saw West Point and the Palisades for the first time. Got in New York about 10.30 having my first ride on the "El". Followed Miss Morris. Papa met me at the Grand Central. Had my first ride in the subway and in the tube. Went to the Penn. Station in Jersey City & came to Newark N.J. my new home. Took


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So. Orange Ave. car & got off at S. Paul Ave. & went to Mr. Cassedy's. Met Mrs. C. and saw Claire and mama. Helped with the dishes. We four came down to see the house. Played croquet with Mr. Cassedy, Miss Dorothy Rolph and Miss Ethel Thompson.

Sun. June 18.
First S.S. & first church service for me in the Kilburn Memorial Church of Newark N.J. After dinner walked with Alvan and Helen through the woods past the Bishop's and past the college and Miss Killburns. Alvan & I walked to 25 West End Ave. Attended C.E. and church. Alvan "don't you want some root beer?"

Mon. June 19.
Went to 25 West End Ave. for my white dress. Mrs. Cassedy puffed my hair. Reception at 8 p.m. to new minister & family, very pleasant. Met a great many people. Lemonade and cake. Many young people present. Dorothy Hillman said , "you can't be lonesome long with so many young people". The T.O.Ts sang.

Tues. June 20.
Claire, Alvan, Helen and I rode to Mr. Edwards in his machine. The 4 Ordways had supper there & a fine time. Prayermeeting. Arthur Halsall made a


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beautiful prayer.

Wed. June 21.
Our goods have come so we found out at noon. Mrs. Cassedy and I went to a spelling match at Lincoln St. school. Walked with Alvan to Hemlock Falls. We rode a mile on the cars. Uphill there. Caught a crab and a little lizard i.e. my escort did. Had a fine time. Mr. & Mrs. Shannon called in the evening and we had root beer and cake. After dinner Alvan and I had a grand teeter across the road. One little "spin" in the late evening.

Thurs. June 22.
Left Cassedy's after breakfast. Mrs. Mudd gave us tea. Claire found the cupboard off the kitchen all stocked up. We had 3 van fulls the last one being unloaded about 10 p.m. Papa went down each time and supervised the loading. Jacob Hauser was the carter. Supper was our first meal in our new house. Mama and I unpacked barrels. A telegram came from J.S. Ford saying that Lyman Welch is dead & the funeral will be Sat. 2 p.m. Papa telegraphed he will be there.

Fri. June 23.
Alvan came down. Papa left about 9 A.M. to officiate at Lyman Welch's funeral tomorrow at 2 p.m. Mama and I unpacked


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barrels and I put them in the cellar. Got kitchen in fair order, unpacked my trunk & put my room to rights. Received letter from Gladys Sutton also my 4 pictures of Commencement from Wolvine. Sent a postal to each freight office. Miss Kilburn brought us a little basket of beautiful cherries.

Sat. June 24th.
Unpacked the big boxes with mama. Hung pictures. Gave postman our names. My books not at D & L office. Mama fixed her room. I swept the house, cleaned the porch. Had Mr. Mudd show me how to heat the water.

Sun. June 25th.
Papa came home for breakfast. Went to S.S. & church. Sermon 1. Think what your inclinations are. 2. Do that which no one else can do. 3. .
Read to Claire. C.E. Clara [Hilman] led. Subject Missions in China. Sat next to Sadie Morris. Handed in my pledge card. Evening service.

Mon. June 26th.
We 4 settled the dining room and parlor. Alvan came and helped.

Tues. June 27th.
Papa & mama washed. Attended prayermeeting in evening. Mr. Thompson spoke of Is Christianity a good investment? Story of Bessie Hielman's conversion.


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Wed. June 28th.
Ironed. Worked some in cellar. On her cordial invitation called on Bessie Hillman before tea. Nice call.

Thurs. June 29.
Mama & I went downtown shopping for first time. At Hahne's bought a rug for the hall and also carpet for the stairs. Fixed dining room cupboard and pantry. Papa & I went to business meeting at church. People late so we went on to Alexander St. school & saw Alvan Cassedy graduate. I slipped a note containing a V [5] for his college fund in his pocket.

Fri. June 30.
Helped papa in the study. Hall rug came & mama & I put it down. Mama put up parlor curtains & the portieres between parlor & hall. In evening attended C.E. rally in Peddy Memorial church. Went down with Bessie & Austin. Heard Rev. McDowell on the church.

Walked to Market St. Had soda with Miss Rolph, the Heilman girls & Laura Kemp.


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Sat. July 1.
Helped papa settle study. We have the rug down now. Went to Miss Dorothy Rolph's where I spent the afternoon & had tea with Laura Kemp & Margaret Towers. Saw Dorothy's pictures. She snapped us twice or rather Mrs. Rolph did. Dorothy & Margaret beat Laura and me. We took Laura home & I was told about the trouble resulting between the boys and girls of our crowd from Decoration Day.

Sun. July 2nd. M.
S.S. & church. We have need of prayer until we have no further need for patience. C.E. Bessie Hillman led & Howard Platts & I were received into C.E. membership. Consecration service. Church p.m.

Mon. July 3rd.
Very very hot. Darned stockings & sat on the floor. Claire & I went downtown & bought some fireworks. Wrote cards to Poughkeepsie freight office & Miss Volhner. Claire remarked "Sister you'll make a strict teacher. You'll make 'em mind or...".

Tues. July 4th.
Letter from V.C. treasurer containing my bill $6. Mr. Mudd put up Claire's flags. Hot. Ironed. Claire shot her fireworks off in p.m. & greatly enjoyed them. firecrackers. 12 sparklers. 5 pinwheels. 1 roman candle.


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Wed. July 5.
Slept till 8. Claire wiped breakfast dishes. Claire spent part of the afternoon with Mrs. Mudd who have her Uncle Tom's cabin to read. Rode my wheel for first time in Newark N.J. up to Cassedy's.

Thurs. July 6.
Rose early straightened the house. We 3 put up the dining room curtains. Rec'd card from Erie R.R. that my box is here. Papa went downtown. I am reading Nicholas Nickelbey. First reception day to the parish. Mrs. Mudd called in afternoon (metaphysics & christian science). Claire and I walked across lots to Edwards Cooler today. Mrs. Ed. Smith called in p.m. also Mr. and Mrs. John Garrabrant. Claire has a fad now for making rhymes. She'll think of some word to rhyme with one you say. Claire finished reading "Mary Lu" today. Papa attended meeting of C.E. executive committee.

Fri. July 7.
Arthur Halsall asked me to lead C.E. Sunday night. Did regular housework this A.M. Cleaned kitchen cupboard and cellar way. Swept bathroom & my room. My second German book "Land & Lente in Thuringen". Mamma and I went downtown, bought a pretty soft low necked white dress for me, and embroidered kimona


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sleeve waist for each of us. My books came and I unpacked them.

Sat. July 8. Picnic.
Left Newark on the Leheigh Valley train for Bellewood park at 9.30 A.M. arriving there at 11 A.M. (Ticket $.50) Saw Bessie H. & Austin M. who invited me to go to the farm after lunch. Viewed the attractions. Had splendid lunch. Put Claire on the merry-go-round.
Went to the farm with Bessie & Austin who treated us to ice-cream. The Kemp girls were there and Austin took our pictures. We went up the mountain after eating cherries and ate black-caps & black berries. Picked some clover & brown eyed susans. Went down to meet the afternoon train & waited for it in spring rustic house. Walked up by the pavillion & the Kemp girls got their lunch so Mr. Garabrant & I walked on. Rode once on the roller coaster then found how far the miniature railroad went & struck out on an old farm road. Peered into a yellow bungalow and had a fine walk. Saw 2 wild rabbits. Found my family & Claire, Mr. G. & I went twice on the merry-go-round. Started for the train leaving


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at 6.15. Sat with Mr. G. who is a Phi Beta Kappa man of Rutgers. His 10th reunion was this year. Told him I'd be glad to talk Vassar with him if he'd come over. Claire had a fine day with Grandpa Ward who took her on all the attractions & gave her ice cream and oranges. The view from the mountain was glorious. My June Miscellany came today.

Sun. July 9.
S.S. & church. I had a class of High School girls which the elder Miss Kilburn has been having. Mama puffed my hair. Were at Arthur Mudd's for dinner. Marie and Detluf are cute as can be. Mr. M's den is very pretty containing many Masonic emblems. Came home about 3 p.m. and worked on C.E. lesson. I led C.E. beginning at 7.05. Subject Lessons from great lives. David. Arthur Halsall was not there. Church. Mama & papa spoke about my leading. Wore my new white dress in p.m. Claire read a psalm "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help". She told me as she was going to bed. "I wanted to pray, Sister, but little folks don't have thought like big people do."


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Mon. July 10.
Rec'd note from Mr. J.L. Garabrant 156 S. Munn Ave., East Orange N.J. Took my books up to my room. Started my second German book & read while papa worked in the study finding out on what streets his people live. Terrible thunder shower at supper time. Played V.C. songs.

Tues. July 11.
Rec'd letter from Ida. She doesn't know we have moved. Helped papa fix the refrigerator so we began taking ice today. Read 20 more pages in my Thuringen book. Wrote a note to Mr. Garabrant. Prayermeeting in p.m. The Light of the World. Claire read a few verses. Bessie Hillman met me on the way to prayermeeting & told me that Austin Magic made an awful break Saturday when he asked Mr. Garabrant if his wife had gone to the country.

Wed. July 12th.
Cleaned the porch. Mamma & I went downtown and she bought me 6 1/2 yds blue plaid gingham & paid for it and the making $3.73; 2 pr. black stockings and a beautiful new blue & white kimona $1.98. Got home at 2 p.m. Did my part of the parlor & hall and wiped the floors. Took a hot bath. Mama puffed my hair. Wore my new white dress. Played some for papa. Mr. Jas L. Garabrant called at 8 p.m. Nice visit, lemonade. Vassar views. His sister said "Jimmy wasn't warm


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last Saturday only two (2 degrees) in the shade." Am invited to accompany him Saturday to Hopewell Junction. Fastened the windows 11 p.m.

Thurs. July 13.
We 3 worked in the attic. Papa & I put up the shelves and fixed the big books on them. Reception day. Bessie Hillman, Chloe and Marie Tielman, Miss Kilburn (the younger) & Mrs Mudd came in the afternoon. Wrote a card to Frances Burns. Read 10 p. in German book. In p.m. Mrs. Ludlow & Hazel, Mr. & Mrs. Lake, Mrs. Rolph & Dorothy, Margaret & James Towers, Sarah & Clara Heilman and Laura Kemp called. Nice visit with them. I showed my V.C. hall play photos & commencement photos & the two Vassarions. At Sarah Heilman's request played ("Watchman Tell us of the Night") Dorothy gave me the prints of the pictures she took of us 4 that Saturday. My new German book (the 3rd) came today.

Fri. July 14th.
We worked in the attic. Papa & I cataloging. I mean arranging the books on the revolving book case. Mama went downtown. Bought me a new waist, writing paper & correspondence cards. Put down the matting in papa's & mama's room. We 3 sewed it. Put the walnut set springs on their bed. After a late supper I put the bed room in temporary order. Mr. Cassedy called.


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Sat. July 15.
We put down the green & white rug (I used to have im my bedroom) in Claire's & my room which makes a big improvement. Had prompt dinner. Left home at 12.30 & met Mr. J.L. Garabrant at 1 p.m. at the corner of Market and Broad. Saw his office. We went to North Newark then to Pompton Junction where we saw the N.J. Pink Stone Quarry and climbed up on a big rock & viewed the landscape. Wrote postals (which Mr. G. himself printed) to Ida, Irene, Papa and Bertha Loder. "Are you comfortable?" Left Newark 1.56 p.m. Reached Pompton Junction 3 p.m. Left P.J. 5.54 p.m. & arrived in N. Newark a little after 7 p.m. reaching 25 West End at 8 p.m. "Gretta". Helped Claire bathe, then mama got me some supper after which we had a great talk of past & present on m-t-l lines.

Sun. July 16.
Studied S.S. lesson & went to church and S.S. I had 3 girls today. Read German read to Claire. Studied C.E. lesson. Went to C.E. Mr. Cassedy led. Subject Our debts & how to pay them. Church Subject of sermon God's plan for each of us. We 4 walked down the Ave. as far as Dr. Davenport's.

Mon. July 17.
Awoke to find a sparrow in my room. Read German & finished my book on, Thuringen by Prof. A. Scobel today.


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Papa's card from O.G.K. came today, also letter from Mr. Bennett. Put big bureau in the conservatory. Papa put the carpet down on stairs leading to third floor. Wrote letter to Gladys Sutton and mailed her my Horace Satires & Epistles notebook. Sent Thuringen book on to Frances Burns.

Tues. July 18.
Helped papa put up 2 hanging shelves in the cellar & fixed the cans on them. Did my ironing after dinner. Mended the stockings. Started my 3rd German book. Read the paper for today. Rec'd card from Mr. Garabrant. Went to prayer meeting. Before breakfast papa read me a letter he rec'd from "Dr." Bennett in March 1911. Today was delivered from Hahne's linoleum for the kitchen. Papa went downtown. Cool & delightful.

Wed. July 19.
Stuck Denison labels on over 100 books for papa who started to catalogue them. Sent a card to J.L.G. Hayne's man laid our linoleum. Mama & I went downtown & I took my films to Schaefer on West Park St. Saw Centre Market for first time. Went (we 4) to Kilburn's for tea & had a delightful tea & evening. Took car up & walked back. I played, Claire sang and recited.

Thurs. July 20.
Helped papa arrange the books on the attic shelves so his up there are now in order. Dusted downstairs. Fixed my room putting up the curtains, banners & pictures & ordering


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my table and bureau. Mrs. Mudd called in afternoon. Claire & I took a short walk. She is reading "A Dog of Flanders" and cried hard over the end of the story as she sat curled up on the sofa with her pink dress with the black stripes, short sleeves & Porto Rican edging. I played a few pieces. Put Claire to bed & read from "The Little Earl". Mr. Gilchrist called in p.m.

July 21. Fri.
Helped hem and put up the 4 curtains in papa's study. Also put up mama's curtains. Papa went to Centre Market for currants & pineapples bringing them home in my suit case. He got my films & all six turned out splendidly. Stemmed currants. Called for first time on Margaret Towers and Dorothy Rolph.

Sat. July 22.
Helped papa catalogue the last of his books & arranged them on the shelves. Rec'd letter from E.L. Sutton thanking me for the Horace notebook and stating that Gladys is again very sick as her left lung is full of water. Mama canned pineapples. Papa had his first funeral Mr. . I straightened the study. Rec'd card from J.L.G. while on his way to Swartswood lake. Helped Claire bathe.

Sun. July 23.
Studied S.S. lesson & taught a class of boys as not one of my girls appeared. Church. Who should come and sit with us but Mrs.


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Robertson. Papa preached on & emphasized particularly soldierly qualities. Mrs. R. took dinner with us & went at 3.30 Claire & I escorting her to the car. Read "Boys" World and "Girls companion" to Claire. Finished "The Modern Dance" by Rev. . Everyone should read it. C.E. at 7. Mr. Thompson led. Subject Lessons from Animals. Good meeting. Church. 77 present fine sermon on 1 Dam. 30:24 the illustration of Ben's going to college being excellent. The applauding of the audience as he stepped out as valedictorian was due more to the 4 people seated on the back seat of the gallery who had had no new clothes for six years than it was to him. It is the faithful performing of humble service that makes possible the honor of a few, the sacrifice of one for another who is before the world.

Mon. July 24.
Went downtown to get my gingham drss but it hasn't come in yet. Began sorting my things in the attic. In the evening we all 4 called at Thompson's, Cassedy's (root-beer) and Morrison's where we had lemonade, cake, fruit. Spent a delightful evening they were so hospitable. Rec'd letter from J.L.G. in A.M. delivery. I wrote J.L.G. a note so it went out in afternoon saying I can go Wed. on the trolley ride.


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Tues. July 25.
Mama went downtown in the P.M. and I worked in the attic on my things. Did my part of the ironing. Rec'd postal from Somerfield from Margaret Towers. Went to prayer meeting. Splendid. One body but many members. Papa's illustration of the little finger was very vivid. Mr. Shannon spoke. Mama & Claire staid home. Miss Rolph walked home partway with papa & me. "She is so modest" said papa.

Wed. July 26.
Mama went downtown this A.M. & bought rug for upper hall. Papa & I worked in attic. Papa called on West End Ave and Norwood St. Mama puffed my hair & helped me get ready. Mr. Garabrant called for me at 7 p.m. and we trollied to Maplewood, Springfield, saw his brother's drug store, Summit, stopped off then at drug store and got 6 birthday cards, had a wonderful chocolate & vanilla soda mixed with nuts & cream, met Mr. C Garabrant, was presented with a bag of beautiful chocolates & different kinds of candy. Came home by Elizabeth where at 10 p.m. we were waiting for a car. Came in Newark by South Broad & got home at 11 p.m. Wore my new white dress and new peanut straw hat which mama trimmed for me with a band of red velvet. It looks nice. Had a fine ride. Wore my suit coat as it was quite cool. Mr. G. asked me going


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down if I had been teased yet. "Do you prefer your first or second name?" carried my new purse.

Thurs. July 27.
Rec'd card from Heilman girls who are at Keansburg. I mopped the porch & cleaned the floors & dusted the rooms. Sorted the music & photographs, tying up some that are seldom looked at. Mr. G. wrote a note & sent the cards which he forgot to give me yesterday. We put the rug down in the upper hall. Mama's bouillon cups came and are handsome. Had fried mush in pretty round slices made by putting it in a baking powder tin. Mrs. Hillman and Dorothy called also Mrs. Arthur Mudd. (Dorothy said she saw a friend of mine on the car yesterday.) I showed her my Vassar photos. Finished my German book "Lichterfelderstrazze". A good story.

Fri. July 28.
Went downtown & had my new gingham dress altered. Did some errands. Left umbrella. Wrote Mrs. Barnam about $200.00 for next year & Senior year too. Sent Ida's birthday present (V.C. song book). Sent on the German book. Mama & papa hung the study pictures. Mama put up curtains on first landing. Papa put up "Lydia" and my little clock. I shined up Lydia's brass knobs and pendulum. Sorted some of my wares which


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I had deposited in my room. Had a dandy salad (lettuce, raw banana, peanuts and mayonaise) Read aloud to mama a few minutes.

Sat. July 29.
Cleaned the bathroom and gave my own room a fine polish. J.L.G. called at 1 p.m. & we went for a tramp to the mountains via So. Orange Ave, Swamp Road & zig zag railroad. Walked thru the park for about a mile & then rested & had marshmallow crackers. A little purple box appeared & soon I was wearing a Rutgers seal (pin) "I want to correct a statement" "Guess" "May I" "KGO my ambition for the future". (Saw Mr. Prentiss while waiting to go up the mountain). We went to Devil's rock and took some pictures. Tried one later of Hemlock falls & then walked down the mountain to So. Orange where we had a fine soda. Got home about 8. J. said I am a tease. He came in a few minutes. Austin MGee was on the car we took going down & I spoke. (some teasing in store). Had a very pleasant day. Tonight I relly had a hot bath.

Sun. July 30.
Dressed in time & we all were in S.S. before the bell rang. No one in my class of girls so Mr. Cassedy asked me to take the


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same class of boys I had last Sunday. Frank Platts came & listened for a while then went to the back of the room. It didn't occur to me that it was his class until after the service when I spoke about it. Attended preaching service. Sermon on Christ's temptation. That temptation is a compliment for it is in proportion to our power. I lay down & slept for an hour in the afternoon. C.E. Mama led on India. Church. Theme Burden bearing. I saw a man whom I was sure was Mr. Wm. Betz & I almost spoke to him but it was Mr. Axt.

Mon. July 21. M.
Ida's 21st birthday. (Ida E. Getzsche) I wrote her a letter, also a card to Flossie Seymour. Rec'd card from Miss Rolph. Did hard part of my ironing. The gasoline iron never worked better. Read in Nicholas Nickelby. In p.m. called on the two Teilman girls & we walked down S. Munn Ave. to Main St. in Orange. Saw I57 & 61 too. Very pretty St. Chloe treated us to soda at [Staihle's].

Tues. Aug. 1.
Ironed. Helped papa in the study & at last it is in order. Read in N. Nickelby. As Mama walked to the bread crock with 3 loaves of fine fresh bread she laughingly remarked "My daughter is home from college".


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Went to prayermeeting. Subject. Religion Is not 1. Doctrine 2. Personal life, 3. Cult. 4. Feeling or emotion but more. Mama said to me before the meeting began "What point did you make in last Sunday's lesson of Josiah" "Finding the book of the law"?"

Wed. Aug. 2.
Mamma put the guest room in order. Mrs. Robertson & Mrs. Baldwin called in the afternoon. J.L.G. called in P.M. & brought me a boquet of home grown old fashioned flowers, also a box of lovely candy. He showed me his photograph album of the pictures he has taken etc. Why did my glasses fall off? I made some brown sugar fudge with walnuts in but it didn't get hard tho it tasted O.K.

Thurs. Aug. 3.
Papa and I went downtown & looked for droplights. Papa fixed Pilate in p.m. Mrs. Mudd called. My 4th German book "Novellen Neuerer Erzahler" came this A.M. Went to C.E. business meeting at 8 P.M.

Fri. Aug. 4.
Rose early and went to Nutley N.J. Sold 6 Japanese pictures thanks to the results of an introduction to Mrs. Leeky by Grandpa Baldwin. Had lunch with the Robertson's at 102 Hawthorne Ave. Saw Grandpa's garden. He made me a whistle out of a


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sweet pumpkin stem. Told me I can call him grandpa and said I hope I'll never do anything to make you ashamed to call me grandpa. After I got home mama & I called on Mrs. DeSilver 192 Brookdale Ave. & left my pink voile with her. Bought 3 ferns at the Stuyvesant Ave. greenhouse. In p.m. I called on Laura Kemp. Had a nice visit with her father about the mail. (He is a mail carrier).

Sat. Aug. 5.
With papa pumping the vacuum cleaner I cleaned the whole house. We hung pictures. Pilate Man fishing, pansy, in hall. Put the bow & arrows and the shield & assagi up in dining room. Drop lights for parlor & study which mama picked out yesterday came & the man put them up. Gave Claire her path after taking mine. Paid Schaefer. Darned family hosiery & studied S.S. Times in P.M.

Sun. Aug. 6.
S.S. I had a class of girls. Church. Fine sermon. Text John 14 last verse "Arise let us go home". 1. Obedience. 2. Coming out from the world & staying out 3. Activity. Claire & I walked down to Laura Kemps. I read the account of the C.E. convention in Atlantic City July 6. Attended Claire's doll's S.S. & was organist.


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In p.m. went to "Echo" meeting at Central Pres. Mr. Spraul spoke. Good. The motto for N.J. as given by the N.J. delegation is Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for strength we promise him that we will go where you want us to go dear Lord, we'll say what you want us to say, we'll do what you want us to do dear Lord we'll be what you want us to be.
[in margin] N.J.'s motto for 1911 & 12.

Mon. Aug. 7.
Rec'd card from J.L.G. who is at Swartswood. Ironed in the afternoon. Papa pasted my Commencement clippings on the advertising pages of my 1911 Vassarion. I brought my stunt book up to date & read Nicholas in p.m. Archie Towers found out that the Carolina docks tomorrow between 7 & 8.

Tues. Aug. 8.
Rose at 5.15 A.M. We all went to meet Aunt Jennie via N.J. Central to Jersey City, ferry to N.Y. city, walk down past the Battery, ferry to Brooklyn. Aunt Jennie was waiting in the . Mama spied her first. Aunt Jennie, Papa , Claire & I went on board the "Carolina". This is my first view of an ocean liner. We staid on until the gang planks were down & then the steamer had to be moved back and the gang planks hauled up


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especially for us. My but the men were angry. This day I saw the statue of Liberty for the first time. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip. Claire saw horse cars for the first time. Aunt Jennie looks well & we are delighted to see her. Came right home (11 A.M.). Had nice dinner corn, tomatoes, potatoes, cold meat, raspberry jam & huckleberry pie. I did the work and mama & Aunt Jennie shopped down town. Claire has a new parasol & I 2 pr. stockings & 6 linen handkerchiefs. Rec'd card from Alvan Cassedy. Claire & I went to prayermeeting. "We may not be able to do what we like but I believe it is possible to like what we are doing. I think in heaven we shall have our longings & aspirations satisfied. I cannot get hold of the grand themes (of the Bible) as I'd like to but I do the best I can in my place". Aunt Jennie gave me the black straw hat she wore today with the white lace on top and pink velvet bow down in front. Had pink dress fitted at Mrs. DeSilver's. A beautiful day.


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Wed. Aug. 9.
Left Jersey city (N.J.C.) dock at 9 A.M. for West Point on the "Albany". Had a charming ride. Aunt Jennie treated us to full course dinner on board the boat. Arrived at West Point about 1 p.m. and toured the grounds. Saw the museum, library and Memorial Hall in particular. Enjoyed the trophies on Trophy point and the view from here is unsurpassed. Aunt Jennie bought me a book of West Point views ($.25) Saw the dress review at 4.30. Left at 5.45 p.m. had a lunch on board boat (put up at home). The return trip was glorious too. The lights shining out over the river were fascinating. Docked at Jersey city dock at 9 p.m. ($.90 round trip on the boat).

Thurs. Aug. 10.
Rec'd letter from J.L.G. Mama & Aunte Jennie went to New York to the Board rooms & to shop. Mr. Bennett was here to dinner. Came at 11 A.M. and left about 3 P.M. so I barely saw him. "Well Dr. it won't be long before you'll be standing up before this girl and a man and then she'll be gone". "Well, Gretta, it is the best kind of life to live (i.e. married life)". Wrote card to J.L.G. I finished Nicholas Nickelby at 11.35 p.m. Aunt Jennie had private conference with mama & papa on the porch. Rec'd card from Ida.

Fri. Aug. 11.
Mama & Aunt Jennie shopped downtown returning at 2 p.m. Rode wheel to 102 Brookdale


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& tried on pink dress. Took over the 6 yds. of 4 in. [...] & 3 yds pink messaline. It ought to be beautiful. Aunt Jennie left after 6 p.m. papa went down with her. Started my 4th German book today. Mama & I enjoyed sitting on the porch.

Sat. Aug. 12.
Cleaned all the floors with water & oil. Hahne's man came to fix the linoleum & spoke German with me. He said that the children of German parents who cannot speak English cannot speak German. Claire & I bathed. Mama & papa called on Mrs. Prentiss at St. Cloud. Mrs. Mudd called on me. I darned stockings. Rec'd postals from Minnie Kengott and J.L.G.

Sun. Aug. 13.
Went to church. Had class of Miss Rolph's girls in S.S. Read "Angela" in "Novellen neurer Erzahler". Claire & I took a walk & gathered some weeds. Wrote to Albertina, Peggy and Gladys Bassett. Papa went downtown and heard Dr. Hill. We three retired early.

Mon. Aug. 14.
Red'd letter from J.L.G. After dinner mama & I went downtown. Lost my black pocket-book at Bamberger's where I bought a pair of black velvet pumps for $1.00, and a pair of black ties for $1.00. First bargain I every struck in the shoe line. Changed my shields. Bought


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Papa said "You ought to be a fine athlete, especially good for heavy work." "You're getting sleep enough".

a W & B. Reduso Corset $2.00. After supper Mama Claire & I went to Mrs. DeSilver's and I had my dress fitted. It is beautiful. The lace and messaline just make it.

Tues. Aug. 15.
Ironed. Papa rode his wheel, for first time in Newark today. I wrote to Pin Money Club about our Delineator. Sent off my German book. Rec'd postal from Laura Kemp, postal from Bamberger's and a nice letter from Ida. Started "The Victor". Went to prayermeeting. Heavy thunderstorm this afternoon. It was very dark at 3 P.M. so one needed a light by which to read. Ethel Morrison called for Claire and she spent the afternoon up there having supper & meeting us at prayermeeting. Finished "The Victor".

Wed. Aug. 16.
I went downtown after dinner and regained my pocketbook. Wrote a letter to Pin Money Club (quoting the Delineator's letter about the W.H.C. calling for a memo.) Mama Claire & I went to Mrs. DeSilver's at 7. J.L.G. called and we trollied to Westfield where he used to work 8 yrs. ago. Had a "Sunday" there & then came home eating "Belle Mead" sweets (chocolates) on the way. Got home about 11 p.m. Discussion of dancing and card playing came up. "James." There

[in margin] pink dress making $6.00


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is a meaning in a line as well as between lines. Very pleasant ride. Rec'd letter from Agnes Rowlands. Saw Sadie Morris & D. Rolph down town.

Thurs. Aug. 17.
I cleaned all downstairs. Went to DeSilver's & got both my new pink dress and my copenhagen. She gave me 4 tomatoes. Claire and I rose quietly & beat Mama up. Started "The Maid of Honor" by R. Hohnes. Mama and I sewed. Papa began work on his books today (binding). Wrote a note of thanks to Mrs. Hartman, who returned my pocketbook to Bamberger's. Mrs. J. Garrabrant called in p.m.

Fri. Aug. 18.
Claire is singing the Winona hymns every day with song book in hand. Cleaned all upstairs. Mama & Papa went to Nutley where they had tea with Mr. Dr. & Mrs. Hogland at Robertson's. Claire & I took some rolls to Mr. John Garrabrant. Read in the "Maid". Claire was in bed at 8 P.M. She said while undressing in the twilight "Sister can I lean against you a little while when my nightie is on?" Rec'd letter from Mary Moore 2nd Pres. of the Rochester Branch of the V.C. Students' Aid Society saying I can have my $200.00 for 1912-13 and '11-'12. Rec'd 5th German book "Bocklin" von Fritz v. Ostini.


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Sat. Aug. 19.
Met James at Penn. station at 10 A.M. We went to New York, ferried over from Jersey city. Took elevated to Battery where we spent some time looking at the fish which are well worth seeing. Took elevated to Macy's which was closed so we walked to Penn R.R. station and dined there. Fine service and good dinner. Rode to Bronx park on El. and made a thorough tour of the zoological gardens. The animals are splendid. Saw the keeper play with the walrus, the elephant rang a little bell for pennies received in his trunk, a little girl lost temporarily was restored to her mother by the policeman. Walked a little thru the botanical part of the park which we left at 6.40 P.M. Taking El to 145th st. & hanging there to Subway we made splendid connection with the tunnel & Pa. train getting home about 9 P.M. Had a fine day. Wore white kid gloves with Copehangen dress & Aunt Jennie hat. Finished S.S. lesson & ate supper 10 P.M.

Sun. Aug. 20.
Jas. stopped at a quarter of ten and went to S.S. with me. I had two pupils today Minnie Kingott & Mildred Depew. J.L.G. sat with us in church. Splendid sermon on text "A word fitly spoken


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is like apples of gold in pitchers of silver". Everybody talking at the rate of 5000 words a day fills 12 vols. in a year. Finished "The Maid of Honor". It is a beautiful story. We all went to Nutley and heard Mr. Rice (Trinity singer) sing 4 songs. He is a great tenor & receives $30.00 each night. Rev. of Rome N.Y. preached a fine sermon from text. He that findeth his life shall lose it etc. Napoleon & Washington were cited as examples of finding and losing life. Selfishness is the root of every sin. Oil of praise. Today has been perfect. A glorious blue sky sprinkled with fluffy white clouds and an ideal air. Met Mr. Robertson.

[in margin] "It is not how much of our money shall we give to the Lord but how much of his money shall we use for ourselves." said the Episcopal rector.

Mon. Aug. 21.
I mended. Yes! I really began to mend today. Mama went downtown. Claire and I had a tea party & invited Leon [Schultz]. At 8 P.M. I went to Heilman's & had a very pleasant evening with Sarah, Clara, Emma, Margaret and Laura. Met Julia & Mrs. H. Had a glass of red drink & cake with raisins. Emma plays splendidly. I played "La Madonna" and played at "Titania". I did not seem to be a girl among girls. If not why not? I invited J.L.G. to dinner Wed.


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Tues. Aug. 22.
Rec'd card from Bertha Loder. Mended. Ironed. Rec'd note from J.L.G. Claire finished "The Glen Cabin". No Ordway went to prayermeeting as papa didn't lead as it is his vacation.

Wed. Aug. 23rd.
Darned stockings. Mama puffed my hair. James came to dinner at six. (tomato soup & croutons; souffle, creamed baked potatoes, conserve, olives, hot rolls, coffee: banana & peanut salad & cheesed wafers; shredded watermelon & maple cake.) Mr. Cassedy called just as the meal was over so Jas. & I went to the library where he showed me his postal album. He gave me a little boquet of roses and a box of "Quality" chocolates. I showed him my stunt book. Rocking chair and Morris chair don't fit well side by side. He went 11 P.M. Had a pleasant time. J.L.G. left me "Mar soul".

Thurs. Aug. 24th.
Left Newark 7.55 A.M. by Penn. R.R. for Princeton Junction. Passed Menlo park. At the Junction boarded the short train & after passing Penn's Neck (church) and lake Carnegie came to Princeton station. Passed up to the university grounds through the beautiful gateway of Blair Hall. I knew it would be magnificent but the actuality far surpassed my most brilliant conception. I do not see how even Oxford can excel Princeton in the beauty of its buildings and the inspiring


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campus views. Papa introduced himself to the Curator, Alfred B. Hoffman, who had the watchman Jim, put our things in his office and excorted us in person to and through some of the most interesting places. He is a tall man with reddish hair and wore a linen colored linen suit. I found him excellent company. Went up in old Nassau & stood in the room which was papa's Junior year. (He roomed on 3rd all four years) Mr. H. took us through Prospect gardens. We went down McCosh walk and were royally treated. Lunched in one of the offices then explored Alexander, Art Museum, Gymnasium, Library. Saw the basball game between the 9 of the Chinese Students' Assoc. and Princeton High School. Score 8:6 in favor of Princeton. Good game. What a great athletic field! I do not wonder the boys like to play. Walked to the cemetery where we saw the graves of different college Presidents, Aaron Burr, Jonathan Edwards, Rev. John Miller on whose stone are 10 theological statements and Grover Cleveland. Papa treated us to ice cream. I bought some postals. Papa & I walked by "The Commons", down the street so we could see the house where papa's 25th reunion


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was held; dashed up to the Seminary, saw Stuart hall, refectory, and left at 7.01 P.M. The hours from 8.55 A.M. - 7.01 P.M. were truly golden hours and I shall always look back upon today as one of the happiest in my life. Princeton is OK.

Fri. Aug. 25th.
Rec'd card, & booklets about N.J. traveling from J.L.G; a letter from W.H. Companion, and a letter from Peggy. Wrote a letter to Yamaguchi, and a card to Flossie Seymour and to J.L.G. Mama & I went downtown & bought me a beautiful white skirt $1.50 and some nice collar buttons. Sarah Heilman who with Dorothy Rolph came home on the car with us told mama she thought I had such a beautiful "touch".

Sat. Aug. 26th.
The Ordways left N.J.C. R.R. on Broad at 1.30 for Asbury Park, which we reached after 1 1/2 hrs. Passed thru Redbank where Mrs. Gardines lived. ( Thornell) We walked to the beach and Claire and I gazed on the ocean for the first time. She bought a pail & shovel and after looking around a little Claire & I went in surf bathing. It was grand. I didn't try to breast the breakers without the aid of the rope. Oh how I hated to come out. We had a fine