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Mother - Rev. of R. 2.25
Work basket 1.10
Minnie - Wast basket 1.39
Harold - "Fishermans Luck" 1.45
Ruth Ray - Work basket .75
Ralph - Gloves 1/2 .93
Bertha - "Newcomer" 1.24
Minfred - Table cloth 2.75
Ruth - Gold thimble 1/2 1.06
Frank - Brush .79
Harvey - Shakespeare" 2 vol. 1.00
Ray Lloyd - Outlook 1/2 1.25
Phoebe - Umbrella 1/2 .49
Mrs. Porter - Embr. 2.00
Edward - Game .20
Miss Porter - Emb. 2.00
Lena Bostwick - "Eliz"& Gem gad.1.35
Marin - Dr. Ling's book .57
Mrs. Gruyer - Thackeray .90
Mrs. Packard - Emb. 1.50
4 servants 1.25
John - neck tie .25
Mrs. Bartlett - Handk. .25
Mrs. Griffin - Handk. .25
Esther - Picture .25
Stella Heath - Pict. .15
Rob Bliss - Picture .25
Todd baby - Book .19
Cousin L. & Jess. - Money2.50
Miss Porter - vase
Mrs. McGregory - Handk. .25
Postman .25
Mother - Down quilt.
" - Bedroom slippers.
" - Box woven names.
Minnie - Diary
Harold Bohemian - glass vase
Marguerite - Silver handled Clothes brush.
Bertha - Silver pencil holder.
Will "Alexander the Gt"
Winifred - 2 collar bands.
Ruth - Hat pin, old coin
Frank - Hat pin, old coin
Harvey - Picture in [gold] frame
Miss Porter - Hand bag
Mrs. Porter - Writing tablet
Edw. Porter - Lace tie
Lena Bostwick - Thackeray
Marion Maltice - "
Mrs. Packard & Webb - "
Eliz. Gruyer - "
16 "Elvis" girls 4 "
Carrie King - Calendar
Ethel Van Edusen - "
Stella Heath - Lace collar band
Rob Bliss - "Little Flowers of St. Frances"
MRs. Griffin - Pincushion [Col bank].
Esther Patchen - [Rubaiyat]
Mrs. Collins - Ivory paper cutter
Harvey Dobson came to dinner. In the evening we had a New Years frolic. The Sharpes, Laura Breeze, Frank Davis, Kittie Elliot, Louise Cadmus, etc. Made fudge. Chicken fight etc.
Mrs. McLean came to [sew]. Winifred, Ruth, & I took supper with Warren Francis' family & he brought us home.
Ruth is sleeping with Mother & me.
Mrs. McLean came to sew. Belle Hart Hinman came to luncheon, arriving about 9. In the night, Harold came home. He wanted me with him & I cared for him. At night he waked me up coming down stairs. I went for Frank at 12, but couldn't get him. At last I quieted him & till two we were together in the parlor.
Harvey came to dinner. Will, Ruth, Winifred & I went to Marg. Cornings. Will wore high hat. Harold wants me with him all the time. He acknowledges that he is at war with God.
Mother, Cousin Sallie, Susy, Lillie, Miss Powers & I took lunch with Lillie Healy. Susie called here twice & Lily once. This evening I remained home from prayer-meeting. Harold talked to mother & me, made a great confession. Finally prayed "O God, keep me today, tomorrow, it will be a battle". He met Minnie & the children with the news.
Fred Reeve writes that he is to have an operation on his hand & that he has broken off with his girl.
This morning Harold told Agnes. We had prayers. Minnie read Rom. 8 & made a wonderful prayer. Susy Raymond & I went over to the N.Y. Alumnae meeting. This evening I called on Mr. Dixon & told him of Harold. Mother, Harold, & I prayed together. Harold has written to his wife.
Mrs. William sewed here today.
We fear Frank has diptheria.
Wonderful day! Harold took communion. Fred Reeve came to dinner. He may have to lose his finger. He has broken off with the girl. Harvey was at dinner. Frank has only tonsilitis. I took his class.
Tonight Harold on Mr. Dixon's invitation went forward to the pulpit as an act of Consecration.
Harold has written to Ruth that we are praying for her. He & I walked down town to buy ticket & see about Mother's placque.
I wrote Cousin Lizzie. James & Ruth Porter have a daughter.
I came away this A.M. on 12 oclock train. Harold brought me over & we were so happy together. I came with Wend. Maxwell, Eliz. Sherwood, Helen Keeper.
Feel lonely tonight. Ruth [is] sick.
Began school.
Mip King 14.
Called on Joe & told him of Harold. Gave Mr. Schenck Father's Life.
Called on Underhill's. Aline has typhoid.
Edana & Florence returned.
Beatiful letter from Harold. Told about him in prayer-meeting.
Mip Hitchock 7.
Mr. Story 26.
Harold writes about "breaking it to boys".
Entertained girls by illustrating songs in brown paper. Miss Ayres has disappeared.
Sleigh rides. Called on Mrs. Hubbell.
Harold sends Joe 1.00. [Lill] [a...] talks with boys.
Annie Bosworth & Dr. Greene engaged.
Dr. Moxom Mark 3:2. "Criticism & Religious Sensibility" [Nor] Higher Criticism. He spoke of the ripples of controversy, meaning Mr. Hahn.
Grand sermon.
I have written to Harold, Ruth, Joe Howard, Dr. Nixon, Mr. Dixon & Cousin Lizzie.
Talked with Mrs. Webb about next year & Harold. My 1st meeting in Joe's new quarters. Some members led.
Lovely letter from Harold.
Mrs. Carmichael brought Mrs. Hubbell to the Outlook class.
Miss Porter has strained, or sprained, her ankle.
Mr. Story 27.
Outlook class.
Prof. Podgorski 9. He wants me to go to a concert Feb. 1st (Thursday!)
Letters from Jessica, Esther, & Dr. Moxom.
Miss King. 15.
I went to [Breeves] music store, Johnsons, College Club (Ex Pres. Mead of Holyoke) & library.
Eve. Concert in High School. Miss Stein, Leo Schutz - cello, Miss Regall accompanist.
Mip Hitchcock. 8.
Mr. Story. 28.
Union prayer-meeting. Mr. Hubbell was there. I spoke again of Harold.
Letter from Harold & from Ruth. I don't know what to think of her letter.
This eve. we played consequences.
Read a great deal of Vanity Fair.
I called on Mrs. Reed & Mrs. Underhill. Gladys has [full] depression but is better. Aline is sitting up.
Worked successfully in lab with Wolff's [f...]. Read all the eve.
Marguerite Corning has told Mother a secret.
Mr. Quick sends his 2nd 1.00 for Joe.
My new umbrella won't stay open.
Talk by a representative of [...] Church Building Society, Mr. Hood. About 30 at Joe's. I talked about slavery & Harold. Joe showed me H's letter. Mr. Chapin a conductor (?) gave ma a dollar. The young man who was so distressed in Volunteers 2 yrs. ago seemed much affected but wouldn't yield.
Mr. Story (29).
Agnes writes of Harold's experience in prayer-meeting.
Worked in labratory & got all choked.
Prof. Podgorski 10.
Letter from Mother inclosing beautiful one from Ruth to Harold. She says "I am very glad to know so much of your new found happiness & I will add my prayers to the others." "Wishing you god speed in your new life".
Elizabeth Gruyer, Josie [Barllett] & I went to Prof. Tyler's lecture: The Teacher's Problems.
Mip King 16.
Letter from Harold about Dr. Broughton's fanaticism & the theatre. He doesn't disapprove of moral plays. Dr. Broughton does.
Called on the Sweets, Mrs. [Townsley] (out). Joe & he is distressed about women collecting 2 cts here & 2 cts there. Went to Celia's & took tea with her & Cousin Helen. Went with her to the Griffins.
Mr. Story. 30.
Mip Hitchcock. 9.
Mother sends a lovely letter from Mrs. Hudson.
At prayer-meeting, Capt. Cummings spoke & 3 of his men. One seemed very refined.
Joe is flooding the lawn.
I read aloud "To Have & to Hold" & Miss P. read Cromwell's Own.
Lena has taken Marin down to Dr. Collins.
I read for Outlook all day.
Lena brought Marin home.
This evening I sewed hooks & eyes on dresses.
Went to Epis. Church. Mr. Brooks "The glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ".
Took Gertrude Knowlton down to see her Mother. Marg. Carter went with them to supper.
More than 30 at the Mission.[Langell] was there.
Called on Capt. Rock. Last night Smith was there drunk & talked about me.
Letter from Minnie, Harold & Mother. I took Edana down to dentists. Finished Vanity Fair.
Leslie Chapin [ran] pencil into her hand.
Mr. Story 31.
Prof. Podgorski 11. He invites me to a Wagner concert at Northampton on Feb. 14.
Harold is worried about Joe's [starving]. He sends newspaper accounts of [fight] Dr. Boughton & Plymouth Ch.
Discussed Vanity Fair in Outlook.
Took Florence Barker down town.
Miss King 17
I took Edana to the dentists & Dr. [Hurlbut] game me $1.00 for Joe. Emily Carrigan took dinner with me & we went to Volunteers. Small meeting. I heard of Mr. Doolittle's gossipy remarks.
Much surprised by a call from Foreman Arlee.
Mad. Maxwell & I went down to P.O.
At prayer-meeting, I talked to Mr. Hahn about A.C. Dixon & Dr. Broughton.
I wrote to H.
Mr. Story 32.
Miss Hitchock. 10.
Mother writes that Harold, Frank & Minnie are studying the S.S. lesson. Girls bought sleds and lost one.
Evening. Ther girls made candy.
I went down town with Marg. Carter & Mary Cutler in the A.M.
P.M. Gave music lesson to Edward. Took Edana Collins to dentist. From there we saw Mr. Bryan. Gave music lessons to Florence Barker & Helen Keeper.
Took supper with Capt. Carrigan, Rick & Leonard. Went to Joe's & led a meeting. Went back to Volunteers & found them serving coffee.
94 - 94
A.M. Ida Cox and I went to Communion.
Mr. Hahn 1 Juo. 3:3.
Letter from Harold about his speaking in the Greene Av. Church. 4 converts. At mission I talked about the [tongue]. [Jame] 3:5-18. A man is there under deep conviction. He can't believe God will save such a sinner.
1.00 Tap.
1.40 Coll.
I felt blue because Mother wrote that H. was down on my letters. Letter of apology from Smith.
Went to Mr. Hubbells Recognition Services. Mr. Baldwin spoke & Dr. Judson expounded Sermon on the [...].
Mr. Story 33.
Letter from Reeve. His parents are converted.
Worked on reports.
Prof. Podgorski 12.
We went to Mrs. Rice's reception.
Worked on reports.
Mrs. Barker came.
Closing day. Lovely letter from Harold. Staid home from prayer-meeting to work on reports. Eliz. went to rehearsal.
Mr. Story 34.
Miss King 18.
Girls gave their charity ball.
Began new term.
Marin had sick time.
Mrs. Barker left.
Marin sick. I read to her some. Went down town. Talked Joe's Mission with Mr. Schenck. Eliz. went to rehearsal.
Saw Harold's speech in [Tuesday's] [Sun].
[Dr.] [...] this A.M. Dr. Sweet had operation for apendicitis.
Marin has been sick all day.
Only 9 at Mission. 2 young men sang.
Prof. Story 35.
Rainy day. Marin still ill with gastritis. Outlook.
5 of us went to Leonard Jackson's violin recital.
Outlook class.
Miss P. went to Mrs. P's whist club.
Mother has lost her $1000 [f...] money & Louie Juo. & Frank Sharpe have [lent].
Prof. Podgorski 13.
Miss King 19.
Took Edana to dentists.
Took the 5 oclock train for Northampton. Prof. Podgorski met me. [We] drove to his room. I met his Polish club. I ate supper. Went to Wagner concert. Came home & ate Frankfort. He put on my rubbers. Mr. Allen & I came to S. on 11 oclock train. I told him about Harold.
Prof. gave me Mr. Allens letters & purse given him by Madam Paderenski.
4 [Green]
[Eng Hut.]
Missionarie ladies led prayer meeting.
Mr. Story 36.
Miss Hitchcock 11.
Went to college club business meeting.
Girls had valentine auction.
Read Outlook & all N. America & studied. Sort of blizzard tonight.
A.M. Dr. Mrs. B. Long. Saving the Lost. Luke 19:10.
At Mission found a piano had been sent in. Joe got mad & said I need never collect money for him. Heard Dr. Lucy at Vespers on The Beast & the [Lord].
Before & after church read Princess & Goblin to Marin.
Mr. Story 37.
I went to library. Mother sent Harold's letter to Eagle about Mrs. Booth.
We went to The Golden Wedding given by Hampton students.
Prof. Podgorski 14.
Miss King 20.
Went in special car to Casino to the College Club play "The Ghost of a Chance" followed by spread, fudge, olives, crackers.
Found letter from H. about his visit with Ruth.
Leila Diane [Lefevre] is dead.
Call from Mrs. Hubbell.
At prayer-meeting, I told about Ruth.
Mip Hitchcock 12.
Mr. Story 38.
I went down town shopping. Evening we had our Washington party. Gertrude [Knowlton] & Eliz. Clark were Gen. & Lady W.
A.M. Girls had photos taken. I went down town. Mr. Dixon is giving candy to any child who cuts his "advertisement from News".
Read "Monkey who wouldn't kill" to Marin & Eleanor. Gave two music lessons.
Eve. Read. Studied. Went to [Rep...] office for Miss Porter.
A.M. Mr. Day preached on Isa.
I came home & slept.
P.M. Miss P. & Gruyer took girls to hear Hampton students. Good meeting at mission. 2 men recently converted were there. I talked on raising of widow's son. Drank cup of tea.
Called on Miss Emerson & told her of Harold.
Evening. Miss Porter read "In the Golden Days". We did not go out or sing. I read Tramping with Tramp.
Wrote Mrs. Booth & Harold.
Bitter cold. Outlook class. I got mad at table because they laughed at baptism.
Mr. Story 39.
Outlook class. We discussed "Tramping with Tramp".
I did not go to Mip Harris' tea.
Prof. Podgorski 15.
Congregational Club tonight.
Rec'd Harold photo.
I went shopping & to call on the Driscolls. Learned from Mr. Lee of Dugan's being tortured to death by insurgents when he lagged back for drink.
They had an awful meeting last night. Mr. hahn was not nice or Dr. Frank. Dr. Moxom couldn't reach them.
This evening I staid with Edw. while Mr. & Mrs. Porter went to concert. Later Mr. & Mrs. Ahern came in & I ate cake with them.
Rec'd Ruth Raymond's photo.
Miss King 21.
I did not go to meeting tonight & did not feel like seeing Mr. Hahn.
Mr. Story 40.
Mip Hitchcock 13.
Lovely letter from Harold about Dugan.
Played tonight for the girls.
Studied & read.
Frances Booth's brother is here.
I read aloud to Miss Gruyer.
A.M. Sermon on Truth by Dr. Moxom. II Cor. 13:9. I went there instead of to Bapt. Com. Wrote him afterward a letter which Eliz. showed Miss Porter. At Joe's there were but 12 because Admiral Philip was at City Hall, but [sweet] meeting. Old man there & cried because his wife died 5 mos. ago. The [Mericks] occupied much time.
Wrote to Harold & Fred Reeve.
Went to library today. Nice letter from Harold. He is happy about Aiken but blue about his own sins.
Eliza Buffington has measles.
Mr. Story 41.