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Xmas gifts given
Mother - Rev. of R. 2.25
Work basket 1.10 Minnie - Wast basket 1.39 Harold - "Fishermans Luck" 1.45 Ruth Ray - Work basket .75 Ralph - Gloves 1/2 .93 Bertha - "Newcomer" 1.24 Minfred - Table cloth 2.75 Ruth - Gold thimble 1/2 1.06 Frank - Brush .79 Harvey - Shakespeare" 2 vol. 1.00 Ray Lloyd - Outlook 1/2 1.25 Phoebe - Umbrella 1/2 .49 Mrs. Porter - Embr. 2.00 Edward - Game .20 Miss Porter - Emb. 2.00 Lena Bostwick - "Eliz"& Gem gad.1.35 Marin - Dr. Ling's book .57 Mrs. Gruyer - Thackeray .90 Mrs. Packard - Emb. 1.50 4 servants 1.25 John - neck tie .25 Mrs. Bartlett - Handk. .25
26.72 Mrs. Griffin - Handk. .25 Esther - Picture .25 Stella Heath - Pict. .15 Rob Bliss - Picture .25 Todd baby - Book .19 Cousin L. & Jess. - Money2.50 Miss Porter - vase Mrs. McGregory - Handk. .25 Postman .25 30.81
Gifts rec'd Mother - Down quilt. " - Bedroom slippers. " - Box woven names. Minnie - Diary Harold Bohemian - glass vase Marguerite - Silver handled Clothes brush. Bertha - Silver pencil holder. Will "Alexander the Gt" Winifred - 2 collar bands. Ruth - Hat pin, old coin Frank - Hat pin, old coin Harvey - Picture in [gold] frame Miss Porter - Hand bag Mrs. Porter - Writing tablet Edw. Porter - Lace tie Lena Bostwick - Thackeray Marion Maltice - " Mrs. Packard & Webb - " Eliz. Gruyer - " 16 "Elvis" girls 4 " Carrie King - Calendar Ethel Van Edusen - " Stella Heath - Lace collar band Rob Bliss - "Little Flowers of St. Frances" MRs. Griffin - Pincushion [Col bank]. Esther Patchen - [Rubaiyat] Mrs. Collins - Ivory paper cutter
Wea. MON. JAN. 1, 1900 Ther.
Harvey Dobson came to dinner. In the evening we had a New Years frolic. The Sharpes, Laura Breeze, Frank Davis, Kittie Elliot, Louise Cadmus, etc. Made fudge. Chicken fight etc.
Wea. TUES. JAN. 2, 1900 Ther. Mrs. McLean came to [sew]. Winifred, Ruth, & I took supper with Warren Francis' family & he brought us home. Ruth is sleeping with Mother & me.
Wea. WED. JAN. 3, 1900 Ther.
Mrs. McLean came to sew. Belle Hart Hinman came to luncheon, arriving about 9. In the night, Harold came home. He wanted me with him & I cared for him. At night he waked me up coming down stairs. I went for Frank at 12, but couldn't get him. At last I quieted him & till two we were together in the parlor.
Wea. THUR. JAN. 4, 1900 Ther.
Harvey came to dinner. Will, Ruth, Winifred & I went to Marg. Cornings. Will wore high hat. Harold wants me with him all the time. He acknowledges that he is at war with God.
Wea. FRI. JAN. 5, 1900 Ther.
Mother, Cousin Sallie, Susy, Lillie, Miss Powers & I took lunch with Lillie Healy. Susie called here twice & Lily once. This evening I remained home from prayer-meeting. Harold talked to mother & me, made a great confession. Finally prayed "O God, keep me today, tomorrow, it will be a battle". He met Minnie & the children with the news.
Fred Reeve writes that he is to have an operation on his hand & that he has broken off with his girl.
Wea. SAT. JAN. 6, 1900 Ther. This morning Harold told Agnes. We had prayers. Minnie read Rom. 8 & made a wonderful prayer. Susy Raymond & I
went over to the N.Y. Alumnae meeting. This evening I called on Mr. Dixon & told him of Harold. Mother, Harold, & I prayed together. Harold has written to his wife. Mrs. William sewed here today. We fear Frank has diptheria.
Wea. SUN. JAN. 7, 1900 Ther.
Wonderful day! Harold took communion. Fred Reeve came to dinner. He may have to lose his finger. He has broken off with the girl. Harvey was at dinner. Frank has only tonsilitis. I took his class. Tonight Harold on Mr. Dixon's invitation went forward to the pulpit as an act of Consecration.
Wea. MON. JAN. 8, 1900 Ther.
Harold has written to Ruth that we are praying for her. He & I walked down town to buy ticket & see about Mother's placque. I wrote Cousin Lizzie. James & Ruth Porter have a daughter.
Wea. TUES. JAN. 9, 1900 Ther.
I came away this A.M. on 12 oclock train. Harold brought me over & we were so happy together. I came with Wend. Maxwell, Eliz. Sherwood, Helen Keeper. Feel lonely tonight. Ruth [is] sick.
Wea. WED. JAN. 10, 1900 Ther. Began school. Mip King 14. Called on Joe & told him of Harold. Gave Mr. Schenck Father's Life. Called on Underhill's. Aline has typhoid. Edana & Florence returned.
Wea. THUR. JAN. 11, 1900 Ther. Beatiful letter from Harold. Told about him in prayer-meeting. Mip Hitchock 7.
Mr. Story 26.
Wea. FRI. JAN. 12, 1900Ther.
Harold writes about "breaking it to boys". Gyms. Entertained girls by illustrating songs in brown paper. Miss Ayres has disappeared.
Wea. SAT. JAN. 13, 1900 Ther. Sleigh rides. Called on Mrs. Hubbell. Harold sends Joe 1.00. [Lill] [a...] talks with boys. Annie Bosworth & Dr. Greene engaged.
Wea. SUN. JAN. 14, 1900 Ther.
Dr. Moxom Mark 3:2. "Criticism & Religious Sensibility" [Nor] Higher Criticism. He spoke of the ripples of controversy, meaning Mr. Hahn. Grand sermon. I have written to Harold, Ruth, Joe Howard, Dr. Nixon, Mr. Dixon & Cousin Lizzie. Talked with Mrs. Webb about next year & Harold. My 1st meeting in Joe's new quarters. Some members led.
Wea. MON. JAN. 15, 1900 Ther. Lovely letter from Harold. Mrs. Carmichael brought Mrs. Hubbell to the Outlook class. Miss Porter has strained, or sprained, her ankle. Mr. Story 27.
Wea. TUES. JAN. 16, 1900 Ther. Outlook class. Prof. Podgorski 9. He wants me to go to a concert Feb. 1st (Thursday!) Letters from Jessica, Esther, & Dr. Moxom.
Wea. WED. JAN. 17, 1900 Ther. Miss King. 15. I went to [Breeves] music store, Johnsons, College Club (Ex Pres. Mead of Holyoke) & library. Eve. Concert in High School. Miss Stein, Leo Schutz - cello, Miss Regall accompanist.
Wea. THUR. JAN. 18, 1900 Ther.
Mip Hitchcock. 8. Mr. Story. 28. Union prayer-meeting. Mr. Hubbell was there. I spoke again of Harold.
Wea. FRI. JAN. 19, 1900Ther. Letter from Harold & from Ruth. I don't know what to think of her letter. This eve. we played consequences.
Wea. Rain. SAT. JAN. 20, 1900 Ther.
Read a great deal of Vanity Fair. I called on Mrs. Reed & Mrs. Underhill. Gladys has [full] depression but is better. Aline is sitting up. Worked successfully in lab with Wolff's [f...]. Read all the eve. Marguerite Corning has told Mother a secret. Mr. Quick sends his 2nd 1.00 for Joe. My new umbrella won't stay open.
Wea. SUN. JAN. 21, 1900 Ther.
Talk by a representative of [...] Church Building Society, Mr. Hood. About 30 at Joe's. I talked about slavery & Harold. Joe showed me H's letter. Mr. Chapin a conductor (?) gave ma a dollar. The young man who was so distressed in Volunteers 2 yrs. ago seemed much affected but wouldn't yield.
Wea. MON. JAN. 22, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story (29). Agnes writes of Harold's experience in prayer-meeting. Worked in labratory & got all choked.
Wea. TUES. JAN. 23, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 10. Letter from Mother inclosing beautiful one from Ruth to Harold. She says "I am very glad to know so much of your new
found happiness & I will add my prayers to the others." "Wishing you god speed in your new life". Elizabeth Gruyer, Josie [Barllett] & I went to Prof. Tyler's lecture: The Teacher's Problems.
Wea. WED. JAN. 24, 1900 Ther. Mip King 16. Letter from Harold about Dr. Broughton's fanaticism & the theatre. He doesn't disapprove of moral plays. Dr.
Broughton does. Called on the Sweets, Mrs. [Townsley] (out). Joe & he is distressed about women collecting 2 cts here & 2 cts there. Went to Celia's & took tea with her & Cousin Helen. Went with her to the Griffins.
wea. THER. JAN. 25, 1900 Ther.
Mr. Story. 30. Mip Hitchcock. 9. Mother sends a lovely letter from Mrs. Hudson. At prayer-meeting, Capt. Cummings spoke & 3 of his men. One seemed very refined.
Wea. Cold FRI. JAN. 26, 1900Ther. Joe is flooding the lawn. I read aloud "To Have & to Hold" & Miss P. read Cromwell's Own. Lena has taken Marin down to Dr. Collins.
Wea. SAT. JAN. 27, 1900 Ther. I read for Outlook all day. Lena brought Marin home. This evening I sewed hooks & eyes on dresses.
Wea. SUN. JAN. 28, 1900 Ther. Went to Epis. Church. Mr. Brooks "The glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ". Took Gertrude Knowlton down to see her Mother. Marg. Carter went with them to supper. More than 30 at the Mission.[Langell] was there. Called on Capt. Rock. Last night Smith was there drunk & talked about me.
Wea. MON. JAN. 29, 1900 Ther. Letter from Minnie, Harold & Mother. I took Edana down to dentists. Finished Vanity Fair. Leslie Chapin [ran] pencil into her hand. Mr. Story 31.
Wea. TUES. JAN. 30, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 11. He invites me to a Wagner concert at Northampton on Feb. 14. Harold is worried about Joe's [starving]. He sends newspaper accounts of [fight] Dr. Boughton & Plymouth Ch. Discussed Vanity Fair in Outlook. Took Florence Barker down town.
Wea. WED. JAN. 31, 1900 Ther. Miss King 17 I took Edana to the dentists & Dr. [Hurlbut] game me $1.00 for Joe. Emily Carrigan took dinner with me & we went to
Volunteers. Small meeting. I heard of Mr. Doolittle's gossipy remarks.
Wea. THUR. FEB. 1, 1900 Ther.
Much surprised by a call from Foreman Arlee. Mad. Maxwell & I went down to P.O. At prayer-meeting, I talked to Mr. Hahn about A.C. Dixon & Dr. Broughton. I wrote to H. Mr. Story 32.
Miss Hitchock. 10.
Wea. FRI. FEB. 2, 1900 Ther. Mother writes that Harold, Frank & Minnie are studying the S.S. lesson. Girls bought sleds and lost one. Evening. Ther girls made candy.
Wea. SAT. FEB. 3, 1900 Ther.
I went down town with Marg. Carter & Mary Cutler in the A.M.
P.M. Gave music lesson to Edward. Took Edana Collins to dentist. From there we saw Mr. Bryan. Gave music lessons to Florence Barker & Helen Keeper.
Took supper with Capt. Carrigan, Rick & Leonard. Went to Joe's & led a meeting. Went back to Volunteers & found them serving coffee.
94 - 94
Wea. SUN. FEB. 4, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Ida Cox and I went to Communion.
Mr. Hahn 1 Juo. 3:3.
Letter from Harold about his speaking in the Greene Av. Church. 4 converts. At mission I talked about the [tongue]. [Jame] 3:5-18. A man is there under deep conviction. He can't believe God will save such a sinner.
1.00 Tap.
1.40 Coll. 2.90
Wea. MON. FEB. 5, 1900 Ther. I felt blue because Mother wrote that H. was down on my letters. Letter of apology from Smith. Went to Mr. Hubbells Recognition Services. Mr. Baldwin spoke & Dr. Judson expounded Sermon on the [...]. Mr. Story 33.
Wea. TUES. FEB. 6, 1900 Ther. Letter from Reeve. His parents are converted. Worked on reports. Prof. Podgorski 12.
Wea. WED. FEB. 7, 1900 Ther. We went to Mrs. Rice's reception. Worked on reports. Mrs. Barker came.
Wea. THUR. FEB. 8, 1900 Ther. Closing day. Lovely letter from Harold. Staid home from prayer-meeting to work on reports. Eliz. went to rehearsal. Mr. Story 34.
Miss King 18.
Wea. FRI. FEB. 9, 1900 Ther. Girls gave their charity ball. Began new term. Marin had sick time. Mrs. Barker left.
Wea. SAT. FEB. 10, 1900 Ther. Marin sick. I read to her some. Went down town. Talked Joe's Mission with Mr. Schenck. Eliz. went to rehearsal. Saw Harold's speech in [Tuesday's] [Sun].
Wea. SUN. FEB. 11, 1900 Ther. [Dr.] [...] this A.M. Dr. Sweet had operation for apendicitis. Marin has been sick all day. Only 9 at Mission. 2 young men sang.
Wea. MON. FEB. 12, 1900 Ther. Prof. Story 35. Rainy day. Marin still ill with gastritis. Outlook. 5 of us went to Leonard Jackson's violin recital.
Wea. TUES. FEB. 13, 1900 Ther. Outlook class. Miss P. went to Mrs. P's whist club. Mother has lost her $1000 [f...] money & Louie Juo. & Frank Sharpe have [lent]. Prof. Podgorski 13.
Wea. WED. FEB. 14, 1900 Ther.
Miss King 19.
Took Edana to dentists.
Took the 5 oclock train for Northampton. Prof. Podgorski met me. [We] drove to his room. I met his Polish club. I ate supper. Went to Wagner concert. Came home & ate Frankfort. He put on my rubbers. Mr. Allen & I came to S. on 11 oclock train. I told him about Harold.
Prof. gave me Mr. Allens letters & purse given him by Madam Paderenski.
4 [Green] [Nepis] [Eng Hut.]
Wea. THUR. FEB. 15, 1900 Ther. Missionarie ladies led prayer meeting. Mr. Story 36.
Miss Hitchcock 11.
Wea. FRI. FEB. 16, 1900Ther.
Went to college club business meeting. Girls had valentine auction.
Wea. SAT. FEB. 17, 1900 Ther. Read Outlook & all N. America & studied. Sort of blizzard tonight.
Wea. SUN. FEB. 18, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Dr. Mrs. B. Long. Saving the Lost. Luke 19:10.
At Mission found a piano had been sent in. Joe got mad & said I need never collect money for him. Heard Dr. Lucy at Vespers on The Beast & the [Lord]. Before & after church read Princess & Goblin to Marin.
Wea. MON. FEB. 19, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 37. I went to library. Mother sent Harold's letter to Eagle about Mrs. Booth.
Wea. TUES. FEB. 20, 1900 Ther. We went to The Golden Wedding given by Hampton students. Prof. Podgorski 14.
Miss King 20.
Wea. WED. FEB. 21, 1900 Ther.
Went in special car to Casino to the College Club play "The Ghost of a Chance" followed by spread, fudge, olives, crackers. Found letter from H. about his visit with Ruth. Leila Diane [Lefevre] is dead. Call from Mrs. Hubbell.
Wea. THUR. FEB. 22, 1900 Ther. At prayer-meeting, I told about Ruth. Mip Hitchcock 12.
Mr. Story 38.
Wea. FRI. FEB. 23, 1900Ther.
I went down town shopping. Evening we had our Washington party. Gertrude [Knowlton] & Eliz. Clark were Gen. & Lady W.
Wea. SAT. FEB. 24, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Girls had photos taken. I went down town. Mr. Dixon is giving candy to any child who cuts his "advertisement from News".
Read "Monkey who wouldn't kill" to Marin & Eleanor. Gave two music lessons. Eve. Read. Studied. Went to [Rep...] office for Miss Porter.
Wea. SUN. FEB. 25, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Day preached on Isa. I came home & slept.
P.M. Miss P. & Gruyer took girls to hear Hampton students. Good meeting at mission. 2 men recently converted were there. I talked on raising of widow's son. Drank cup of tea. Called on Miss Emerson & told her of Harold.
Evening. Miss Porter read "In the Golden Days". We did not go out or sing. I read Tramping with Tramp. Wrote Mrs. Booth & Harold.
Wea. MON. FEB. 26, 1900 Ther. Bitter cold. Outlook class. I got mad at table because they laughed at baptism. Mr. Story 39.
Wea. TUES. FEB. 27, 1900 Ther. Outlook class. We discussed "Tramping with Tramp". I did not go to Mip Harris' tea. Prof. Podgorski 15. Congregational Club tonight. Rec'd Harold photo.
Wea. WED. FEB. 28, 1900 Ther.
I went shopping & to call on the Driscolls. Learned from Mr. Lee of Dugan's being tortured to death by insurgents when he lagged back for drink. They had an awful meeting last night. Mr. hahn was not nice or Dr. Frank. Dr. Moxom couldn't reach them. This evening I staid with Edw. while Mr. & Mrs. Porter went to concert. Later Mr. & Mrs. Ahern came in & I ate cake
with them. Rec'd Ruth Raymond's photo. Miss King 21.
Wea. Pouring rain. THUR. MARCH 1, 1900 Ther. I did not go to meeting tonight & did not feel like seeing Mr. Hahn. Mr. Story 40.
Mip Hitchcock 13.
Wea. FRI. MARCH 2, 1900 Ther. Lovely letter from Harold about Dugan. Played tonight for the girls.
Wea. SAT. MARCH 3, 1900 Ther. Studied & read. Frances Booth's brother is here. I read aloud to Miss Gruyer.
Wea. SUN. MARCH 4, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Sermon on Truth by Dr. Moxom. II Cor. 13:9. I went there instead of to Bapt. Com. Wrote him afterward a letter which Eliz. showed Miss Porter. At Joe's there were but 12 because Admiral Philip was at City Hall, but [sweet] meeting. Old man there & cried because his wife died 5 mos. ago. The [Mericks] occupied much time.
Wrote to Harold & Fred Reeve.
Wea. MON. MARCH 5, 1900 Ther. Went to library today. Nice letter from Harold. He is happy about Aiken but blue about his own sins. Eliza Buffington has measles. Mr. Story 41.
Wea. TUES. MARCH 6, 1900Ther. Eliza Buffington has gone to [contagious] hospital. Snowy so we did not go out. Prof. Podgorski 16.
Wea. WED. MARCH 7, 1900 Ther. Miss King 22. I did a little shopping & called on Joe. Then took supper at Mip Emerson's with the Hahns & the Quicks. Staid till
11.15. Long nice letter from Reeve. Dr. Moxom called. We were out & he left a note for me. Very sweet spirit.
Wea. THUR. MARCH 8, 1900 Ther.
Mr. Story 42. Mip Hitchcock 14.
Instead of going to prayer-meeting I went to hear Jane Addams. She is very inspiring but evidently non-religious. I liked what she said about not narrowing your social circle to those who wore your clothes etc.
Wea. FRI. MARCH 9, 1900 Ther. This evening I studied. Wrote serene letter to Smith. Girls talked & played muggins.
Wea. SAT. MARCH 10, 1900 Ther. Read Outlook. Spent about 2 hrs. this A.M. in the labratory.
P.M. On our walk "Daisy" Smith invitied us into her greenhouse & gave us flowers. Then went down town. Then with Marin Hill & Helen Keyser I went to Dr. Moxom's 5 o'clock talk "Uses of Bible".
Eve. Read Outlook over at the Porters as they were out. Miss Hill (1).
Wea. SUN. MARCH 11, 1900Ther.
Dr. Moxom Matt. 15:30. Every plant etc. The 3 Tendencies of Judaism were sacerdotal, legal & [ethereal]. Jesus represented the latter. Mr. & Mrs. Porter & Edw. came to dinner. At Joe's Smith appeared. That was the effect of my scolding! I spoke on Luke 5:1-14, 27-32. Joe had rec'd a nice letter from Harold.
Wea. MON. MARCH 12. 1900 Ther. Outlook class. Another letter from Smith. He is saving his money. Will's salary is to be $1200 next yr. Mr. Story 43.
Wea. TUES. MARCH 13, 1900 Ther. Outlook class. Miss Price and Hodgkins called & staid a good while. Prof. Podgorski 17.
Wea. WED. MARCH 14, 1900 Ther. Marjorie Briggs burned her hand, eye, & forehead with H2SO4 [hot]. I had her keep her hand in NaCO3. Went down town. Came home, read, lay down, etc. Evening Miss Gruyer and I went with Miss Price & Hodgkins to see Scrap of Paper at Chicopee. Came back drank
coffee, etc. Miss King 23.
Wea. THUR. MARCH 15, 1900 Ther. I am worrying because H. doesn't write. Rather cold prayer-meeting. Joe has told Mrs. Hahn he should give up mission. Miss Hitchcock 15.
Mr. Story 44.
Wea. FRI. MARCH 16, 1900 Ther. Almost a blizzard. Judge [Deevry] died. Mip Gruyer, Marg. Carter, Mary Cutler & Gertrude Knowlton went to Vassar. We [sugared-off] & had [graphene].
Wea. SAT. MARCH 17, 1900 Ther. Dreadful dream about Harold. Mother does not write me. Marg. Briggs came up to recite. I went to Mrs. [Ca...] silver wedding tea & to Dr. Moxom's talk. Miss Hill (2) Edw. sick with earache.
Wea. SUN. MARCH 18, 1900Ther. Wonderful service by Dr. Moxom on Loveliness of Christ. After all my anxiety rec'd beautiful letter from Harold. His boy Billy died suddenly. Small mission meeting. [Burnadette] was there. Smith went to S.S. He came in & sat with Joe & me. They returned from Vassar.
Wea. MON. MARCH 19, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 45. Miss P. tried to get me to go to grand opera with Edana. I slept this afternoon.
Wea. TUES. MARCH 20, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 18. Slight cold so I go to bed at 8.30. Bertha has had a terrible attack of asthma. Tell her about [chlorofor]. Marin Hill went to grandmother's funeral.
Wea. WED. MARCH 21, 1900 Ther. Miss King 23. I am miserable with cold but went to hear Pres. [S...] on [Women] in Literature in College Club.
Wea. THUR. MARCH 22, 1900 Ther. Miserable today from effect of liver pill & epsom salts. Slept instead of walking. Staid home from prayer-meeting. Mip Hitchcock 16.
Prof. Story 46.
Wea. FRI. MARCH 23, 1900 Ther. Better today. Edward is 9 yrs. old. Edana went to [Green..]. I stayed with Ed. till almost 12 & slept in chair.
Wea. SAT. MARCH 24, 1900 Ther. Miss P., Mrs. Packard, Juo & I cleaned lab. till I nearly died.
P.M. Walked, went to library , took girls to Dr. Moxom's talk on Christ. [(U...?)] Miss Hill 3. I feel worn out.
Wea. SUN. MARCH 25, 1900Ther. Dr. Moxom. Wonderful sermon. [...] Rom 14:10-13. Mr. & Mrs. Porter came to dinner. We had a big meeting. Man [showed] [picture] of wife & child & her letter. I visited with Joe & Smith till time for
[Edana's] train. [Lunched] No. 5 Juo. St.
Wea. MON. MARCH 26, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 47. Last afternoon Outlook class. Tried to read this evening but too sleepy.
Wea. TUES. MARCH 27, 1900 Ther.
Prof. Podgorski 19. Harolds letter made me blue about Mrs. McLean, the Ballington Booths etc. Last Outlook class. I went to bank for Miss Porter. I wrote to Mother & Harold. We discussed Leeky's Map of Life & No 5 John St.
Wea. WED. MARCH 28, 1900 Ther. Miss King 24. I called on Mrs. Sweet, Joe, Mrs. [Crohn], Mrs. Files & Edith. Rene was out. Had head washed at Mrs. [Whitneys]. Sweet note from Harold.
Wea. THUR. MARCH 29, 1900 Ther.
The family went to see Irving and Terry, & I stayed home & went to prayer-meeting. First I came home part way with Mrs. Hahn, the rest of the way with Dr. Moxom & Miss Palmer. Mr. Hahn has headache & Mr. Reed led. Mr. Story 47.
Miss Hitchcock is ill.
Wea. FRI. MARCH 30, 1900 Ther. In the evening the girls read & I studied.
Wea. SAT. MARCH 31, 1900 Ther. Miss Hill 4. I mended all my stockings this A.M. Ruth Coe passed 92 in Chem. Took Mad. & Florence to hear Dr. Moxom on the Christian Life. He ready my question. Had 2 corns cut out.
Wea. SUN. APRIL 1, 1900 Ther.
Dr. Hahn Juo 15:12. Lovely sermon on Love. Afterwards we had a lovely talk about Dr. Moxom. He says he doesn't believe. Inspiration. Miracles. Christ equality with God. Christ [resurrection].
Came home to find Dr. Moxom came to dinner.
Nice Mission meeting. Had a good talk with Smith recently converted.
Joe & my Smith visited afterward.
Eve. Walked. Wrote Harold & read a little to girls.
Wea. MON. APRIL 2, 1900 Ther. Reeve writes as if he had a new girl. Miss Aldrich. Mr. Story 48. Mrs. [Ackum] asked to [Commune] of Education in Philippines.
Wea. TUES. APRIL 3, 1900 Ther. Prof. Pod. 20. Mr. Rude the [st...] is dead.
Wea. WED. APRIL 4, 1900 Ther. Miss King 25. We all went to a meeting of College Club at Miss [Shisterats]. Eliz. came home before I went. Miss Bennets mother is dead. Miss P. & I went to a [mascerade] at The MacDuffie's. Juo. fixed trunk & i got things ready some.
Wea. THUR. APRIL 5, 1900 Ther. I took Marion to the train as she has a cold. [Devry] is willing to run for presidency. Mr. Story 49
Miss Hitchcock 17 Packed earlier than usual.
Wea. FRI. APRIL 6, 1900 Ther. I packed last night till 3 A.M. Last day. Left on 11.45 train with Mad. Maxwell, Florence Barker, Frances Booth, Helen Keyser, Ruth Coe, Eliz.
Sherwood. When I reached Brooklyn, I found Mother & Minnie out, but Frank & Harold were home. Harold went to meeting tonight. Theatre question came up & Harold & I both spoke a little against it.
Wea. SAT. APRIL 7, 1900 Ther.
Went twice to [Fathers], twice to stores, twice to Mrs. Morse. Mr. Komwill made me a light gray suit, & Mrs. Morse a dark grey skirt. Evening. We played crokinole & I played the piano. Mrs. Milian is here. Mr. [Sinwill] is to take his Sat. suppers here.
Wea. SUN. APRIL 8, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Fred Reeve and Miss Aldrich called & went to church with us. J.Q.A. Henry preached on Anti [Saloon] League & we have [g...].
P.M. I lay on April's & [Sashe's] bed. Garry Cox came to supper.
Eve. Harold & I took long walk & talked about things. Then heard Mr. Henry on the three crosses. Cross of Redemption, Salvation, Condemnation. Harold made a cross of palm for Julia to wear. She went home and returned [sober].
Wea. MON. APRIL 9, 1900 Ther. Mrs. Morse is here making my dark grey skirt. I began Richard Carvel to Minnie. Miss Hastings called. Eve. Harold & I washed dishes. Will & I went to call on the Healys.
Wea. TUES. APRIL 10, 1900 Ther.
Mrs. Morse finished gray skirt & made fronts. I went to Mrs. Jordan (out), & went to Estelle to have one tooth filled. Went for first time to her house.
Eve. Went to Mrs. Jordans & left hat. Read to Minnie. Russell came in. Frank went with Glee club to Plainfield. Mrs. Richardson has whooping-cough.
Wea. WED. APRIL 11, 1900 Ther.
Mrs. McClean is here, making a white waist. Julia's sister came to work & evidently brought whisky, for by dinner time Julia was drunk. Harold left the table. Went shopping. Went to tailors. Called on Susy but Sallie said she had started to see me. So I returned. She did not come & I went out for lace. Slept (?). Called on Mary Sharpe, Mrs. Breese & Laura.
Fred Reeve & Miss Aldrich called. Went home at ten.
Wea. THUR. APRIL 12, 1900 Ther. Rained today. Mr. [Kom] tried on my dress. I worked a good deal for Minnie. Letter from Lena Bostwick. Susy Ray called.
Wea. FRI. APRIL 13, 1900 Ther. Good Friday. Had my last fitting at [Koms]. Called on Lucy Skinner. She was out but I saw Mrs. S. and Bess. Worked for Min. Eve. Mr. Dixon at prayer-meeting. H. & I spoke to him about Unitarian Services. Wrote a good many letters today.
Wea. SAT. APRIL 14, 1900 Ther.
Went to Mrs. Jordan for hat. It has cost me but $2.75. Washed dishes. Mother & I went over to lunch with Marg. & Rufus. Called on Mrs. Barker & the [Ortins]. Bertha came home to get Columbia library books. Harold took me out to scold about Min's extravagance. Mr. [Kom] sent my dress home $23.00.
Wea. SUN. APRIL 15, 1900 Ther.
Mother & I went to hear Dr. Hillis. Sat with Sallie, Susie, Arthur Dwight. Met Dr. Backus, Hamilton, & Florence Cushing. Dr. Hillis preached on "Immortality". Good but [flowery] & long. Took dinner at Sallie. Saw Jennie, Dwight, & Alfred. Called on Aunt Susan, better. Saw Joe & Anna. Slept. Harold & I spoke at Breakfast Ass.! Harold must learn the World. That has been worrying him. He is wonderfully [sound]. He has left it all with God.
Wea. MON. APRIL 16, 1900 Ther.
Very happy tonight. Harold is going on the Journal. Night & space work. Long walk tonight. He told me that Russell had kept him but Jesus [x+]Christ was keeping him now. He thinks he has spent $30,000. Ruth has written him a lovely letter. Bertha has grippe. Mrs. McLean sews for her & for me. I went shopping & called at Helen Smith's office. Nellie Little is expecting for June.
Wea. Rain. TUES. APRIL 17, 1900 Ther.
I washed breakfast & lunch dishes & made beds. Left after lunch. Harold gave me candied fruit & perfumery. He expects Ruth tonight.
Came up with Madeleine Maxwell, Florence Barker & Frances Booth. Miss Porter & Mrs. Webb had gone to hear Dr. Moxom at Cong. Club. Mrs. Packard very sick with bronchial grippe.
Wea. Rain. WED. APRIL 18, 1900 Ther. I called on Joe. Visited with Mr. Schenck at [store]. Eliz. & I went to hear [Viola] Scudder address College Club on settlements at Mrs. Dr. [Sidgers]. [Howland] has come. 5 have not see her. Mabel Cone ill. Miss King 26.
Wea. THUR. APRIL 19, 1900 Ther. Bapt. Union meeting at Highland. Hahn's & Mr. Hubbell walked down. I met Mr. [Brag]. Miss Hitchcock 18
Mr. Story 50
Wea. FRI. APRIL 20, 1900 Ther. Heard Dr. Packmann for 2nd time.
Wea. SAT. APRIL 21, 1900 Ther. Entertainment at Leuck College. Met Bradley Selman. Miss Hill 5.
Wea. SUN. APRIL 22, 1900 Ther.
A.M. [Dr.] Davis of Newton Acts 22:20. Socialism of Evil. Pretty good Mission meeting. Smith seems all right. Eve. Sang before Miss P. read. Bad cold. Mrs. Howland came to dinner & tea.
Wea. MON. APRIL 23, 1900 Ther. Mrs. Packard seems worse. I have been asked to address B.Y.P.U. of Highland Church next Sunday. Had to decline as Elizabeth goes away. Mr. Story 51.
Wea. TUES. APRIL 24, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podg. 21. We went to hear Marshall Danach recite Twelfth Night.
Wea. WED. APRIL 25, 1900 Ther. Miss King 27. I went to tell Miss [Fales] & Mr. Quick I would come Sunday. Long talk with Mr. Schenck. Sat down & looked at
books. Called on Mrs. Tillingharte, Brogan & Coates. Met Charlie [Sandson]. Most of the family has gone to see "The Only Way".
Wea. THUR. APRIL 26, 1900 Ther.
Mr. Story 52. Watched Odd [Fellows] procession. Mr. Reed led prayer-meeting as Mr. Hahn is at Ecumonial Conference. Mr Hyde walked home with me & I told him
about Harold. I saw him wipe his eyes. Rec'd Ralph's class picture. Miss Hitchock 19.
Wea. FRI. APRIL 27, 1900 Ther. This evening girls danced & we played Russian Patience. Mrs. Porter has the grippe. Minnie wrote about Ruth since her [return].
Wea. SAT. APRIL 28, 1900 Ther. Went to Agawam to get [arbutus]. Saw Marin. Reed there. Miss Hill 6.
Wea. SUN. APRIL 29, 1900 Ther.
Very full day. Dr. Moxom preached on Ecumenical Conf. In the afternoon I went to Joe's Mission. Smith was very blue, wanted to die. Came home & went right out after a bite to speak in Highland Y.P. meeting. Mr. Schenck was there & Mr. Quick. Mabel [Fales] gave me $5.00.
Came home & walked with girls.
Wea. MON. APRIL 30, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 53. I spent afternoon chasing Crescent Hill selling tickets for [Bishham] concert. Came come with $13.
Wea. TUES. MAY 1, 1900 Ther.
Took the girls to Longmeadow & saw Mrs. Bacon. Miss P. told Eliz. never to let the girls buy candy etc. Came home, heard Latin & then went to Driscolls to tea. Mr. Driscoll came from [...]. Prof. Podg. 22. Stan Lloyd is dead. Dr. Erwin's son [here] today.
Wea. WED. MAY 2, 1900 Ther. My day out. Sold tickets & called on Joe. Mr. Van Vliet & Jane Gruyer came. Miss King 28.
Wea. THUR. MAY 3, 1900 Ther.
Letter from Miss. Mr. Hutchison from World has said men who scoffed at goodness could say nothing against Harold. Gave Mr. [Krum] $5.00 that Miss [Fales] sent Joe.
Mr. Hahn & I walked up together. Mr. Story 54. Miss Hutchcock 20.
Call from Grace [Irving].
Wea. FRI. MAY 4, 1900 Ther. Richard Driscoll can't come back this year. Miss Gruyer has gone down to visit Jennie at her cousins. I am not to be allowed to wait on the table! Played duetts with Florence Howland. Lena has gone to see her Mother.
Wea. SAT. MAY 5, 1900Ther.
I took Eliza Buffington to the tailors & to the stores. Then I went to sell tickets. Mrs. Griffin 4.00, Mrs. Breck 1.00, Mrs. Whitcome 1.00. Dr. Frank said "What Porter?" "No I don't want one", & slammed the parlor door. Eliza & I watched [circus].
P.M. I went to corn doctors. Lena came back. Mother better. Miss Hill did not come.
Wea. SUN. MAY 6, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Dr. Moxom Rom 14. Gertrude [Knowlton] is cross about going away. Lena talked to her. Smith looks sick. Elizabeth is away with Jennie. Prof. [Coenen] is dead.
Wea. MON. MAY 7, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 55. Eliz. & Jane Gruyer went driving with Julia Hamm & [L] [...]! I went down town. Met Smith. His foot he says is better.
Wea. TUES. MAY 8, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 23. Rained in the A.M. so Jennie Gruyer did not go away. Sweet letter from Harold. Blue about his Journal work but trying to see God in it.
Wea. WED. MAY 9, 1900 Ther. Miss King 29. I sold ticket to Miss Emerson & got promise of 1.00 from Miss Hill. Unsuccessful on Ingrahm Av. & Mrs. [Fuller].
Called on Joe. Bought silk & cotton shirt waist at Brigham. 1st is red.
Wea. THUR. MAY 10, 1900 Ther. Miss Hitchock 21. Mr. Story 56. Lilian Mitchell getting worse.
Wea. FRI. MAY 11, 1900 Ther.
Played "Compliments". Duetts with Florence Howland.
Wea. SAT. MAY 12, 1900 Ther. Sold tickets till I was about dead. Attended College Club Annual Business Meeting. Elected same officers. Eliz. & I went in evening to Miss Howard, Pierce etc. Went into Johnsons. Miss Hill did not come.
Wea. SUN. MAY 13, 1900 Ther. Dr. Moxom "My word is not [bound]". At Mission Smith looked awful. Joe thinks he is going to die. He says he has no ambition. We took tickets to Mrs. Wallace & Celia [Minna]. Went to see Mrs. Porter.
Wea. Hot. MON. MAY 14, 1900 Ther. Students Musicale. Prof. Podgorski came down. I sold Mrs. Warner 2 tickets. Mr. Story 57. Told Mr. Story about Harold. Miss King 30.
Wea. Hot. TUES. MAY 15, 1900 Ther. Prof Podgorski 24. He had stayed all night. I went to Rep. Office this eve. in rain & sold Mrs. Shipley a ticket. Called on the Woods. Lilia Mitchell died today.
Wea. WED. MAY 16, 1900 Ther.
Miss King 31.
I went up & down Main St. selling tickets from Mr. Ahern's list. Sold 7 making 56. Attended College Club Papers on 4
decades of VC. Misses Hubbard, Tillinghart, Wylie, Rice.
[Awbrie] Stone died.
I stayed with Edw. Wrote [Jan Hutchmann Sulvill] about Agnes [Jones].
Called on Miss Fales. Highland Young P. will [p...] a [peanut] one Sunday in the month.
Annie Bosworth & Dr. Greene married.
Wea. THUR. MAY 17, 1900 Ther. Went to prayer-meeting & came home with Mr. Hyde. Lilian Mitchell's funeral was today. Mr. Story 58
Miss Hitchcock 22.
Wea. FRI. MAY 18, 1900 Ther.
Rather blue letter from Harold. Ralph is not to go to Paris. Lena took girls to woods. Miss Porter attended "Aunt Electra" Stories funeral. Eve. I read Joe Jefferson. Mothers visit to Marguerite ended.
Wea. Rainy. SAT. MAY 19, 1900 Ther. I went out this afternoon. Sold no tickets. Mr. [Meekens] died. Miss Hill 7.
Wea. SUN. MAY 20, 1900 Ther.
Dr. Moxom Juo. 10:16. May Cutler left breakfast table sick. I blew up Abby & Gertrude for trading their dresses in street. Beautiful Mission Luke 7:38. Smith was not there. Old man called me a perfect angel. Miss Blunt & collected [a...] 2.00 for Joe. Coming home I stopped at South Ch. & told Dr. Mox. about Harold. Collect?
Wea. MON. MAY 21, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 59. The Bispham concert. I carried invitations to reception. Beautiful concert. He and Mr. Witzler (organist of Trinity) his accompaniest wrote autographs galore. I met Mr.
Whiting, truant officer. Prof. Podgorski was here.
Wea. TUES. MAY 22, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 25.
Wea. WED. MAY 23, 1900 Ther. I stayed in and corrected papers. Finally went down town for Miss P. Conversed at Johnsons with Mr. Schenck. Miss King 32.
Wea. THUR. MAY 24, 1900 Ther.
Miss Hitchcock 23. Mr. Story 60. In prayer-meeting talked of the dead. Mr. Stowe walked up with me & told how Joe slandered him. Mr. [Taply] 1.00
Wea. FRI. MAY 25, 1900 Ther. Miss Porter & Lena took tea at the Ingersolls. We played games with Marion, danced, read Joe Jefferson. Took Abbie Tillingharte & Marion Hill down town. Mr. Lewis told me of Dudley's work in [Jenrite] quarter. He had
one [warning].
Wea. SAT. MAY 26, 1900 Ther. Studied hard. Mother wrote a letter dated June 1st. She felt forlorn because we did not remember her birthday. Took
Edana to Greenfield train. Man in Johnson said "I wish you would stay here always". [(Humming)]. I wore my new white waist. Went to library. Mip Hill. Miss Hill 8.
Wea. SUN. MAY 27, 1900 Ther. Dr. Moxom preached to the G.A.R. Post. I preached [Col. 3:1-]. Then I took letter to Bessie Moore.
1.32 (?)
Wea. MON. MAY 28, 1900 Ther.
Though very busy, after tossing up a cent I went to Thompsonville & heard Dr. Paton. Mrs. Tapley, Mip Avrill, Miss Myers of Pok. went along. Mr. Schenck, found me, we sat together & he made by carfare home. Dr. P. was inspiring. Told about New [Hibrids]. Mr. Story 61.
Wea. TUES. MAY 29, 1900 Ther.
Went to French College Course. Dr. MacArthur on Patriotic Americanism & Dutious Foreignism. Met him. He is to talk about Founders of Rochester. Took the Hahns, Pres. Lee & me to get [...]. Prof. Podg. 26.
Wea. WED. MAY 30, 1900 Ther. I staid in this afternoon, & then went with Eliz. to Dr. Moxom's reception. I met Jonathan Barnes. Miss King 33.
Wea. THUR. MAY 31, 1900 Ther. Beautiful prayer-meeting. Subject. Church good fellowship. Many spoke. Miss Hitchcock 24.
Mr. Story 62. Mr. Tapley 1.00
Wea. FRI. JUNE 1, 1900 Ther. Mother is 80 today. We had our picnic to Mt. Holyoke.
Wea. SAT. JUNE 2, 1900 Ther.
Mother writes she had a lovely birthday. Pin from Cousin Sallie, gloves from Aunt Susan, handkerchiefs from Susie, stamps from Minnie, 5.00 from me, 5.00 from Harold & R., 5.00 from Marg. I am so worried about examinations. Fear Marg. will fail at Radcliffe. Gertrude Knowlton passed Germ VII. Went down town this A.M. Eliz. went to Country Club.
Helen Keyser's father was here. Miss Hill not here. Corns cut.
Wea. SUN. JUNE 3, 1900 Ther.
Talked to Edana & Florence about Ida.
Communion. Ida & Mrs. [Core] talked together.
Mission Girls examination day. Matt 25:1-13. Res 20:11, 12.
Sang a few minutes tonight.
[...], peanuts, etc came for Highland Club.
Mr. Schenck 50 Collect 2.42 C.M.R. 10
Wea. MON. JUNE 4, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 63. Hard day. Taught all day. Miss Porter thinks I do not put my conscience on my teaching. Gertrude Knowlton has gone to wedding in Albany.
Wea. TUES. JUNE 5, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 27. This afternoon we all except Lena went to a musical at Mrs. [Shekneys]. Miss [Guy] played beautifully. Gertrude Knowlton returned.
Wea. WED. JUNE 6, 1900 Ther.
Went for my silk dress & to laundry & with Gertrude Knowlton for shoes. Came home dressed & though I didn't want to went late to College Club. Miss Porter is made honorary member. So tired I went to bed early. Miss King 34.
Wea. THUR. JUNE 7, 1900 Ther. Did not go to Mrs. Brooks tea nor to church. Call from Mrs. Underhill. Took silk waist to cleaners. Miss Hitchcock 25.
Mr. Story 64.
Wea. FRI. JUNE 8, 1900 Ther.
Rained but I did the shopping. I took Florence Howland to station. She is going to Conway. Mr. Schenck thinks his mother will go to Hamilton next week. I imagine he will be there too. "Aunt Margaret" Barker is here. Miss [M...] dropped into dinner. I worked on exams & papers till 2.30.
Wea. SAT. JUNE 9, 1900 Ther.
Worked hard on papers. Gave Florence Barker's lesson & Cicero. Left Springfield at 11.25. Arrived Chatham 1.53. Left at 2.00. Arrived at Hudson 3. Left at 3.30. Arrived Pokeepsie 4.35. Mrs. [Emery] & daughter & the Days on train.
Wea. SUN. JUNE 10, 1900 Ther.
A beautiful day at Vassar. Dr. Taylor preached on the "permanence of the [structures]". Heaven & Earth shall pass away. Walked around the lake in afternoon. Took tea at the presidents. Organ concert in the evening. Pauline Day played.
Wea. MON. JUNE 11, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Took Mother to the Swans. Called on Marion Hickock. Her husband drinks. She has 7 + 1 children & is a devout [Xn] Christian Scientist.
P.M. Mrs. Taylor's afternoon tea. Supper at the Morses. Eve. Prof. Giddings Address to [OBK].
Wea. TUES. JUNE 12, 1900 Ther.
Call from Mrs. Johns & Marin. Alumnae meeting. Alumnae banquet. Class Day. Promenade & Pres. Reception. Harold & Ruth, Harvey, Frank, Sadie, Mr. & Mrs. Jacobs came. Bertha's eye was [p...], so she had to attend class day in blue goggles.
Wea. WED. JUNE 13, 1900 Ther.
Commencement. Min.. and Ruth graduated. May Healy came. [...] luncheon. Mother & I came out at about 4. Took train to N.Y. 4.50 (?). Arrived in S. at 12.20. I had forgotten to send ticket back.
Wea. THUR. JUNE 14, 1900 Ther. Did not go to prayer-meeting. Worked like a dog.
Wea. FRI. JUNE 15, 1900 Ther. Graduates invited us to a little party. Potato race, [advertisements], flower game. I got prize for last.
Wea. SAT. JUNE 16, 1900 Ther.
P.M. Under graduates had Salamagundi party & tea on the lawn.
Wea. SUN. JUNE 17, 1900 Ther. Dr. Moxom. I [hunted] up Laura Rice. Joe's Mission. I talked on Matt VI. [Seek] first the kingdom of God, etc.
Wea. MON. JUNE 18, 1900 Ther.
Tea for College Club. Our girls served. Lovely time. Adele Buffington helped about arranging reports. Clara Russell is here.
Wea. TUES. JUNE 19, 1900 Ther. Last day of lessons.
P.M. We sent out past [hospital] for daisies. Found strawberries too.
Wea. WED. JUNE 20, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Closing exercises & class day. Awful mess about Mr. Porter saying [s...] about Prof. Guillet's. Eve. We went to apologise. Evening. Leslie Chapin, Abbie Lillingharte, Ruth Coe, Gertrude Knowlton were graduated. Mrs. [Allee] Leeman
Palmer spoke on Sources of Happiness.
Wea. THUR. JUNE 21, 1900 Ther.
All girls left but Ida Cox & Marg. Carter. I went three times to the train in the A.M.
P.M. Called from Cath. [Hundale] & Uncle Richard.
[Coe] 5.00 Ball .25
Wea. FRI. JUNE 22, 1900 Ther.
Went down town. Took Johnson's clerk my [p...]. He tho't it must be good if my education began with it. Said "Shall you not be in a [fair]." Miss P. & Mr. P. went to Edward's Memorial. I took supper with the Hastings & called on Mip Hodgkins.
Wea. SAT. JUNE 23, 1900 Ther.
Aunt Carrie's birthday. Took Mother to get glasses. Marg. did some work Mother, Mrs. Noble, Aunt Carrie & I took trolly to [Westfield]. Called on Mrs. [Core] & saw her fathers body. Mip Jordan & Isabelle Young came to supper.
4 [Phy G...]
Wea. SUN. JUNE 24, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Dr. Moxom "Signs of the Times". China, [B...] [War], Phillipines, India Famine. Very optimistic. Lena, Edward, Marion & I sat in my seat. Girls staid home.
Joe's Heb. 12:1-11. Stowe told me afterward that Smith seemed broken down. I went to station about Ida's section through Ferry St. Talked again with Jews, Syrians etc. 2 little girls went to station with me.
Eve. Walked round with girls, played a few hymns. Wrote Fred Reeve & Harold. Collect 1.07 Joe [6.32]
Wea. Hot. MON. JUNE 25, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Margaret Carter tried Geometry, Greek, etc. today. Lena took Marion & Edw. to N.Y. to oculists & to Central Park. This evening Marg. & I went to the library.
Wea. TUES. JUNE 26, 1900 Ther.
Letter from Reeve. He is to be married to Cora Aldrich July 11. Stowe writes asking me to pity Smith. [Nettie] Tuttle very ill with childhood fever. Studied with Marg. Carter all day. Calls from Carrie King & Celia Merriam. Called on Miss Emerson (out) & on Miss Hill. Juo. Cox came. He & Ida took tea at Miss Bucklands. He is very bright.
Wea. WED. JUNE 27, 1900 Ther.
Taught Marg. hard this A.M.
P.M. Marg. & I went to High School commencement. Heard Prof. Briggs of Leland Stanford on Education for [Art] of Life. Prin. [Orr] appears as principal. Mayer Hayes gave diplomas.
We got Soda Water. I called on Mrs. Sweet. Met Mother at Cousin Helen [Springs]. Took supper with her & Mrs. Griffith.
Mrs. & [Ms.] Sue Kirkham called. I had never met her.
Wea. Hot. THUR. JUNE 28, 1900 Ther.
Marg. Carter took her exams in Elem. Latin, Advanced Latin, Latin Prose & Elem. Greek. She thinks she failed in Greek.
I went shopping & called on Joe. He says Peter was a rough fisherman, Paul a thrashing military & Christ did not make a horse & buggy or a [felocipede] but walked on his feet. He wants men to serve Him not [working] washing things with their [heads] on their arms, & their coats on.
[C...] [choir] books & cleaned lab. We staid in lab to get cool. Had wind & rain. Went to meeting. Chinese boy examined. Letter from poor Mrs. Stowe.
Wea. FRI. JUNE 29, 1900 Ther. Marg. examined in Germ. & Algebra. Fear she didn't pass the first. Frank Richardson came at 12.27. I met him & then went to the 3.30 train. He went to Northfield. Mrs. Hahn called. I gave Ed. a music lesson.
Wea. SAT. JUNE 30, 1900 Ther. Mrs. Webb & Marg. Carter left today. Marg. took her exam in History. Marin & I went with her to train. Gave Edw. 2 lessons. His mother has sciatica. I had a great time writing [a...] in Chem. books. I kept spelling laboratory wrong. Took tea at the Driscolls. Came home & looked over papers.
[Rear] Admiral Philip dead. Fearful fire at Hobokon dock.
Frank Richardson is 18.
Wea. SUN. JULY 1, 1900 Ther.
Mother & I went to Mr. Hubbell's. He talked about the communal life of the church & its influence on home & business. Took money to State St. & taught a class of girls. Stupid. Mother [...] my farewell given in church. Over 40 in the meeting. Mark 4:41. Because you belong to Christ. I told Merrian he was pudding. Joe thinks him a hypocrite. Well-dressed lady rose for prayer. Rev. Mrs. Hahn there. 6 singers, pianist from Highland.
P.M. Heard Mark Levy (Jew) at State St. on opening Bible for text. Mr. Hahn baptised Chinaman.
Joe Collect 3.15
[Schen] 1.00
Wea. MON. JULY 2, 1900 Ther.

Went down town twice in A.M. once in afternoon. Called on Volunteers in new headquarters. 112 Grove St. Very tired this afternoon. This A.M. Lena & Marion went to Hudson. Eve. Called on Mrs. Porter & Miss Emerson. [...] waist.
[Nepea-Orid] - [Curtins] Began giving up coffee & tea after breakfast.
Wea. TUES. JULY 3, 1900 Ther.
Left Springfield 8.33. Arrive Albany 12.10 Leave Albany 12.15 Arrive Utica 2.20 Leave Utica 5.00 Arrive Hamilton 6.08.
Rained hard before we reached Utica. Met Dr. & Mrs. Clarke there. He took us across to station in carriage. On train, women heard me speak of my pupil Courtland Robinson. They said "She can't be his teacher, she's too young. He looks as young as she does". No I didn't go to hear Pres. [Stryker's] Baec. I live next door & [it aint] no treat to hear him.
Found Mrs. McGregory on piazza. Met Mr. Hawkins, Mr. [Juimp], Mr. Morse, [M...], Mina, & Miss Thomas.
Wea. WED. JULY 4, 1900 Ther.
Calls from Dr. Clarke & May Smith. Called on Bostick. Slept hard A.M. & P.M. Read in Bob Son of Battle. We hear that all foreigners in [Pekin] are murdered. Beautiful letter from Harold at Bensonhurst. May Smith & I went to prayer-meeting. Met the [Bumhaurs], Mr. Savage.
Wea. Hot. THUR. JULY 5, 1900 Ther. Rec'd $1.00 from Mr. Quick. Walked to library. Slept all afternoon. Eve. Mr. & Mrs. Bostick took Mother & me driving. We stopped at the Burchards.
Wea. Hot. FRI. JULY 6, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Called on Bosticks, Mrs. Kilburn. Mrs. Ranbant is a little better. Her hip will not [kick].
P.M. Slept. Mother & I called on Savages & [Bumhaurs]. Eve. Wheeled Mrs. McGregory in her chair.
Wea. SAT. JULY 7, 1900 Ther.
Dr. & Mrs. Clarke called in the A.M. & asked us to tea this evening. I went to a fire. An old woman of 90 had her oil stove tip over.
P.M. Slept. Drove up to the Clarkes in a bus. The Bosticks & Allens were there & Mr. [Juemp] called. We had tea on the piazza. Last call from Mip Hackley.
Mr. Burns a teacher of Rep. politics in Yonkers came on piazza.
A.M. Mr. Savage. Juo. 6:11. Christ in the Indiv. Life. Went into Primary class. P.M. Mr. Juemp called. Read "itch" letter. Slept. Eve. Beautiful prayer-meeting.
I am 39 today. went over the Merrill house with Miss Bateman. Came in rain to library. Talked with Marg. Judson & Mr. Juemp. Browning reading proposed. We had 1st meeting at Judsons today. Began Xmas Eve. Talked about everything. Eve. Miss Judson & Marg. also Will [Riot] were on steps. Cold. I scolded about [cheeks]. [c/o] Miss Aldrich 186 Garfield Place
Wea. TUES. JULY 10, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Went to library & saw Dr. Clarke there.
P.M. Browning Club (2). Eliz. Judson & I have struck up friendship. We walked up to College cemetery & ate bananas. Eve. Mr. Juemp called & Anna Blanchard. Then Eliz. gave me a bicycle lesson & we then sat on Judson porch.
Reeve's wedding day. Wea. WED. JULY 11, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mother, Mrs. Bostick, Lizzie & I drove with Mr. West to Earlville to see Mrs. Francis-Cotton. Dinner at the Bosticks.
P.M. Browning club (3). Mrs. McGregory came. Told sleeping car story. Came home & slept. Went with Mother called on Mrs. Taylor but saw only Dr. Taylor.
Eve. I went alone to Mr. Juemp's prayer-meeting & Bible class. In 1st he spoke of gifts to be used Intellectual, Keenness, Humor, Enthusiasm, Music, Sympathy. The later was on Election. Very suggestive & inspiring. Rec'd birthday stamp from [Min]. Joe writes he has been notified to leave.
Wea. THUR. JULY 12, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Took 3rd bicycle lesson with both Judsons. Rode quite a little without their touching me.
P.M. Browning club (4). We talked more than we read. Mrs. Judson gave us chocolate & cake. Told Dr. Judson about Harold.
Calls from Mrs. Eaton & Celeste.
Eve. Called on the Bosticks. Call from two Mrs. Bouchards. Mr. Paine talked over old times with Mother on the piazza. Lin Isbell has pleurisy.
Wea. FRI. JULY 13, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Rec'd Reeve's wedding announcements. Read Browning & Loville to Mother. Went to library & read up Browning.
P.M. Browning club (5). We did not expect Mr. Juemp but he came. Mrs. Bostick, Mother & I drove to call on the Clarks & Bouchards. Then Margaret Judson & I went to Cong. tea. Then Mr. Juemp & I took Mrs. McGregory to see sunset. Marg. Carter has passed all exams. Both Lat., Ed. Greek, Germ., Am. Hist., Algebra!!! May Smith & I went to Mr. Victors [stereopticon] lecture on Burmah. Marg. J. is spending the night with Mrs. McGregory.
Wea. SAT. JULY 14, 1900 Ther.
Great day! I have ridden the bicycle alone. I was so amazed! I kept jumping off the wheel but came way through the village & rode about the hotel. Then I went around the square with Mr. Juemp. He proposed the club going out to the woods, Chaser Glen. I went to Judsons & began a talk with Dr. J. about my work. After some talk we dicided to start at
3. Mr. Juemp would come if he could. I was too tired so we left our wheels at house & walked joined by Mr. J. We didn't read but ate his candy & talked. He thought I was under 30. Mother took tea at Bosticks. Dr. Lawrence called & spoke beautifully of Father at Polyt. He told the J's he had [de...] half hr. Soda with Dr J. & fam. Marg., Mrs. McG., Mr. Hawkins, & I talked. Joe is to keep his place. Mr. Russell [pays].
Wea. SUN. JULY 15, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Savage Juo. 13:27, 30, 31. Strange sermon almost fatalistic about character being fixed by heredity & environment. Dr. Judson & Marg. sat behind me. Mother did no go as it rained.
P.M. Mr. Kingsley & Prof. Howard sat on piazza. Later I slept & wrote Harold, Joe, Mr. Russell & McKinnon.
Eve. Prayer-Meeting on Judas. Walked alone to campus. Stopped on Judson step. Dr. J., Dr. Lawrence & Dr. Lloyd talked about sermon. Marg & Mr. [Hawkens] sat on hotel piazza. Mrs. Rambant worse.
Wea. MON. JULY 16, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Finished Easter-Day to Mother. Went to library. Mr. Juemp was there. Then I went with Eliz. to try to learn to mount. Finally Mr. Juemp came out & taught me. I did it about 3 times. P.M. We read Browning without him, but he appeared to talk. He can't get over my age. Dr. J. advises doing his work incidentally. He will give me board at Judson any summer [even] for 4 or 6 wks. I had chance to tell him whole story of Harold & the tears were in his eyes. Call from the Brownells. Called on Miss Merril. Others out or in [bath]. Calls from Mrs. Judson & Mr. Kingsley. Mr [Voight] thinks Carlton Rice (aged 89) is struck. Mr. Juemp brought mother to call. Treated us to boot beer & ice cream.
Wea. TUES. JULY 17, 1900 Ther.
Last day at Hamilton. I mounted alone 14 times. Dr. Clarke & Dr. Judson both watched me, & Dr. c. said "I am not afraid to say I love you".
P.M. Last Browning club. We read a little of Easter Day & also The Last Ride Together. Mr. J. seemed sorry to go. S Said what can I do about my age? He said "Stay as you are till you die". Said Why can't you live here. I had call from Mrs. [Cleres] & sister. We & Mrs. McG. took tea at Judsons. Grand time. Then came home & Mr. Hawkins treated us to lemon ade.
Wea. WED. JULY 18, 1900 Ther. Left on 7.30 stage. Home sick all day. Nice to see Eaton folks. Missed Mr. Thorne at meeting. Deacon Cole led.
Wea. THUR. JULY 19, 1900 Ther.
Mrs. Rambant is dying & we all drove over with Cousin L. I called at the Judsons. Hired a wheel & Jessie watched me try to ride. Too hilly. Dr. Moulton writes that lab. periods are twice as long as rec. periods.
Wea. Rain. FRI. JULY 20, 1900 Ther. As Mrs. Rambant seemed about the same, Cousin L. came home. Letter from "Mrs." Reeve from Lake Mahopac. Slept this afternoon, wrote to Will & ripped dress. Eve. Cousin Cara called. Box of Hope's Caramel from Harold.
Wea. SAT. JULY 21, 1900 Ther. Cousin L. all used up today. Told of her trials with Libbie. I finished Margaret Worthington. Slept. Felt lazy.
Wea. SUN. JULY 22, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Shephard Ex. 17:12.
Mr. Shephard 2 Cor. 5:10. The church elected him as pastor. I had Mrs. Darwin Morse's class.

Slept. Wrote to Agnes Jones. [Instructed] [Xn] Endeavor. Subj. The Needy at Our Door. Luke 10:25-37..

Wea. MON. JULY 23, 1900 Ther.
We were weighed this A.M. Jessica = 85 Mother 87 1/2 Cousin Lizzie 88 1/2 Cousin Jane 90 1/4
127. I had a bicycle ride nearly to poor-house. In middle of it Miss Merrill & Miss Bateman called. Lovely letter from Harold enclosing $2.00.
P.M. Slept. Took bath. Mended gloves. Began "Caleb West".
Eve. Sat on porch.
Wea. TUES. JULY 24, 1900 Ther.
Mr. Juemp telephones that the Browning club would come & bring supper. After much worry & consultation with J. I sent word to him to come. I got lemonade & olives. Mr. Juemp candy & the girls the substantials. Bad word from Mrs. Rambant & Cousin L. was ill. Jessica wouldn't leave her. I got a wheel & we went to Cousin Walters woods. Jolly time. Mr. J. wants me to write to him this fall.
Wea. Rainy WED. JULY 25, 1900 Ther.
Bertha is 26 today. Telegram announces Mrs. Rambant death, probably yesterday. Mother & I are not to go to funeral. We read in Caleb West. I darned some stockings. An evangelist is here but we did not go to his meeting or to prayer-meeting.
Wea. THUR. JULY 26, 1900 Ther.
Cousin L. & Jessica went to Hamilton by train. Mother broke down at the idea of not going & they both said "Of course, come". We drove over at 12.30. Funeral at 2. Dr. Clarke & Mr. Savage spoke. We drove to cemetery. Then to the Bosticks while Cousin L. & J. heard will read. Reached home after 6.
Mother rec'd letters from Min & Marguerite. Latter is at Lake Mohonk. I wrote to Fannie Beauman. Cousin Ada called this A.M.
Wea. FRI. JULY 27, 1900 Ther. Calls from Cousin Ada, Jane, & Percy. Called on Cousin Ada & Jane. Wrote to Sadie Jones.
Wea. SAT. JULY 28, 1900 Ther.
Wrote Gertrude Burleigh. Grand letter from Minnie. Bertha is doing better than most novices, girls have their licenses & Grandma Richardson expects to pay Frank's college expenses. We went with Cousin Ada to see the sizing factory. Call from Mrs. Eaton.
Wea. SUN. JULY 29, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Taft (of Japan) Heb. 1:3. The idea that Jesus had wicked woman as ancestors & could sympathise with our temptations. Went into Mr. [Inman's] sleepy class & played organ. Slept. Read etc.
Mr. Banford led Xn Endeavor. Mr. Belnap evangelist preached in M.E. church on Heaven Rev. 21:10,11. Awful sermon. Then he laid every one out for not supporting [him].
Wea. MON. JULY 30, 1900 Ther.
I tried to mount wheel, but it hurt my back so I gave it up. Mary Payson can't come this week. Mrs. Fairchild wants Jessica to apply to the Wadsworth library at Geneseo. She spent the afternoon writing there. I slept, read, darned stockings. Called at Mrs. Scrams to see about [horse]. Called on Mrs. Saunders. The Judsons drove by to West Eaton.
Mother sent slippers to Aunt Susan & crib blanket to Marg.
Wea. TUES. JULY 31, 1900 Ther. Percy called & later took Jessie & me driving through Pierceville. Went Eaton to Eaton Brook Reservoir.
P.M. Slept. Read Caleb West. Mother & Cousin L. called on Mrs. Eaton & Cousin Cleste. Jessica & I arranged [Rome] pictures.
Minnie sends [Lina's] letter saying that Mrs. A. will pay Frank's expenses.
Wea. WED. AUG. 1, 1900 Ther.
Rec'd $5 from Harold for summer expenses. Nice letter from Agnes Jones. Ripped silk overskirt & mended corsets. Walked to poor house & heard cockatoo talk. Finished Caleb West. Mr. Inman led a small prayer-meeting.
Wea. THUR. AUG. 2, 1900 Ther.
Mother, Cousin L., Jessica, & I drove with Mr. Lombard to Sherburne Falls. This was Mother's birthday gift to J. Mr. L. ate luncheon with us. We stopped at the Thomas and [Coltures]. Stopped at Earlville hotel coming home because of [shows]. Met Clintin Holmes at the Falls. He is in the dining room. Long letter from Jennie Hughes & note from Miss Dix about wheel for "10. Mrs. Miller & Cousin L. are getting up musical evening at Mrs. Eaton's.
Mrs. Nevins went to Methodist picnic today.
Hopeful news from China.
Wea. FRI. AUG. 3, 1900 Ther.
Mended drawers. We began Les Miserables. Mrs. Eaton can't have the musicals. We called on Mrs. Miller & Jessie went there again, & it is to be given up. Call from Mrs. Morton. Letter from Lena asking about Hilda Johnston. No word yet from [Geneseo].
Wea. SAT. AUG. 4, 1900 Ther.
Letter from Bertha about her work. I wrote to Joe. Took bath. Finished mending drawers. Read Les Miserables. No word yet from Geneseo. Cousin George took Jessie & me to get ice-cream.
Wea. SUN. AUG. 5, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Shephard Juo. 21:21, 22. Individual Responsibility. His first sermon as pastor. He asked whether he should give out invitation to communion. Warm day. I went into Mr. Roe's class. Jessie came home. This is her 37th birthday. I gave her Bob Son of Battles, & [Morse's] gave her [Mind of Tennyson] wh. we bagan.
[Celestia Morton] led Y.P.S.C.E. then we came home.
Cousin L. says she has a heart trouble & is mentally [weaker].
Wea. MON. AUG. 6, 1900 Ther. Very hot. Read a great deal of "Les Miserables". Went to hear Mrs. Simmons on [Huns] Department S.S. work.
Wea. TUES. AUG. 7, 1900 Ther.
We read a good deal of "Les Miserables". I finished darning & patching corsets. Rec'd 1.00 from Mr. Quick. Wrote Miss Hastings & Jennie Hughes. May Smith invites us there next week.
Wea. WED. AUG. 8, 1900 Ther. Harold telegraphs "Did you hear it. Marguerite girl. All doing well". Very hot. Fixed Mothers white dress. Read Les Miserables. Mary Payson writes she can't come.
Wea. THUR. AUG. 9, 1900 Ther.
Minnie sends following telegram from [Ruper.] "Six & half lb. girl arrived Tuesday afternoon. All well notify great grandma".
Calls from Mr. [Tainter], Cousin George, Cousin Jane. Read "Les Miserables" & mended corsets. Slept. Helped get supper.
Wea. FRI. AUG. 10, 1900 Ther. Hot day with frequent rains. We read "Les Miserables". Mother washed my head. Mrs. Eugene Richardson called.
Wea. SAT. AUG. 11, 1900 Ther.
We had a hot day, but went to a covenant meeting. Mr. Shepherd's first here. Then we watched sports of Odd Fellow's Field Day. In the evening, Jessie brought ice-cream. A letter from Minnie. One sentence worries me. This A.M. sent money to Miss Dix for wheel.
Wea. SUN. AUG. 12, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Shepherd Luke 22: 19, 20. Good sermon followed by Communion. As Lela is sick I took Mrs. [Bennie] Morse's class. Wrote Minnie & Harold. Slept. Read in Mind of Tennyson & Burroughs.
Mrs. Bachs led C.E.
P.M. Mr. Shepherd Luke 16:10-13. Faithfulness in little things. Supper after we came home.
Wea. MON. AUG. 13, 1900 Ther.
My hay fever has begun but not very badly yet. Read over 200 pages of "Les Miserables". Mother & J. began to copy Ada's baby's cape. Called twice at Cousin Celestes. Called this eve at Mrs. Eaton's & looked at pictures.
Wea. TUES. AUG. 14, 1900 Ther.
Father died 22 yrs. ago. No hay fever to speak of. I rode my wheel for an hour towards poor house then past Mrs. Richardson's & [Bingam's]. Emma has a 3.00 adjustable saddle. This evening we finished Les Miserables.
Wea. WED. AUG. 15, 1900 Ther. Calls from Mrs. Saunders & Lillie Dunbar. Called on Mrs. Morton. So grateful & happy because a note from Min explained her sentence. Nice prayer-meeting on "Xn Assurances". Practiced crocheting. Dr. [Buck] & Gifford have decided that Lela Morse has gastric fever.
Wea. THUR. AUG. 16, 1900 Ther.
Mrs. Eaton went to Lake Placid & Cousin Liz. went by train to Hamil. We drove over in afternoon. We called on Judsons with mother's golden [wd.]. I went to Bostick's & saw Rob, Matt, his wife & boy. Called on Mrs. McGregory & saw Mr. [Blish] & Mrs. Lieut. Eaton & boy. Called on Mrs. [Kilburn] & [Dunton]. Took supper with May Smith. Went out in boat. Drove home reaching here about 8.
Letters from Amy [Hopson], Mr. Gibson, & Harold.
Wea. FRI. AUG 17, 1900Ther.
Miss Hastings came today for a short visit. I had a good time with the bicycle. Mr. Richardson started me off, & I went way past poor house. Started little cape for the baby.
Wea. SAT. AUG. 18, 1900 Ther.
Miss Hastings expected to take morning stage but did go with Mr. Lombard at 11. Jessie & I went down to hear Ellis & Ada try the new organ. Dr. Clarke telegraphed he would come for Miss Hastings. He, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Judson, & Miss Hastings all drove over.
Harold sent mother Hope's candy.
Wea. SUN. AUG. 19, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Shepherd Phil. 2:5. I taught Mrs. D.B. Morse's class. Slept. Read "Mind of Tennyson". Ethel Curtis lead temperance meeting of C.E. We did not go to evening church. Slight hay-fever.
Wea. MON. AUG. 20, 1900 Ther.
[Tried] bicycle ride past the Fullers. Worked on baby cape. Calls from Cousin Celeste, baby, Mrs. Whitney, Fannie, Mr. schenck & Miss [Ulter] (?) from Georgetown who teaches in Earlville, Ada, Eve. & Ellis. Eve. We read Brownings Christmas Eve.
Wea. TUES. AUG. 21, 1900 Ther.
Worked on cape, & Cousin L. read the paper & Dr. Griffin on Holland. Mrs. [Cotton] writes Mother, Morsie & me. Dr. Clarke sends his lecture.
Wea. WED. AUG. 22, 1900 Ther. Worked on my cape. Called on the Shepherds. He told about his education. I played in meeting.
Wea. THUR. AUG. 23, 1900 Ther.
Almost no hay-fever. Nearly finished cape but [s...] gave out. Blue letter from Mollie Stevens. Read in Bob Son of Battles. I went to Fullers on wheel to see about horse, to go to Earlville. Coming home I fell & twisted handle so couldn't ride.
Wea. FRI. AUG. 24, 1900 Ther.
We have spent the day at Earlville with the Cottons. Met on train or at station Mary Payson, Eliot & wife, Mrs. Bostick & Lizzie, Jennie Kingsley Curtis, May & Nettie Hume. Went through perfumery & essence [works]. Called on the Thomes.
Letter from Lena. Wrote to Lena, Mary Stevens & a 3 sheet letter to Mr. Juemp.
Wea. Hot! SAT. AUG. 25, 1900 Ther. Worked on cape. Read in "Bob Son of Battles". Eve. Called on Cousin Hattie Morse.
Wea. Hot. SUN. AUG. 26, 1900 Ther.
Very little hay fever. Mother & Cousin L. stayed home from church.
A.M. Mr. Shepherd
P.M. " "
Union Service I had Mrs. [Stints] class. Melville & Mayo Brown, & Leslie Greene. Subject: The Good Shepherd. Melville is very bright.
Afternoon we read Dr. Clarke on the [Atonement]. Anna Nightingale led C.E. I wrote to thank Dr. Clarke.
Wea. MON. AUG. 27, 1900 Ther. Almost no hay fever. Finished Dorothy's cape. Finished "Bob Son of Battles". We all called on Mrs. Eaton. Suffered from heat and felt dizzy.
Wea. TUES. AUG. 28, 1900 Ther.
Began a second baby's cape. Cousin Lizzie is not well. Called on Fannie Whitney (out). Called on Cousin Jane. Mary Payson came tonight. I made the Welch rarebit. Letter from Mr. Francis. Returned Dr. Clarke's lecture. Almost no hay-fever yet.
Wea. WED. AUG. 29, 1900 Ther. No hay-fever really. Mary Payson left this P.M. I slept after dinner. I worked on cape & cut up apples. Prayer-meeting. Faith & Work.
Wea. THUR. AUG. 30, 1900 Ther.
We cored apples while Morsey read. In the afternoon Mr. Juemp came riding up on his wheel & visited with Mother, Jessica & me. We talked about everything, principally the Atonement. I think he must have staid two hours. Cousin Hattie called but I did not talk with her. Then came Mr. Shepherd & after tea Mrs. Wheeler. Then J. & I went up to call on Fannie Whitney & her mother.
Minnie writes that Julia has gone again after 5 weeks of good work. Her sister brought her whiskey.
Wea. FRI. AUG. 31, 1900 Ther. Some hay-fever in the night but very little today. I cored apples & worked on cape. Julia is drunk again. After tea J. & I walked to Lillie Dunbar's. Cousin L. is having dizzy times.
Wea. SAT. SEPT. 1, 1900 Ther. Mr. Lombard took us all to Eaton Brook Reservoir. He treated us to fruit fiz. Cousin L. paid for the ride. Afternoon. Worked on cape. Read some of Easter Day. Call from Miss Hastings, May Smith, Miss Bartlett of N.Haven, & Mrs. Savage. Eve. Called on Cousin Celeste & Mrs. Richardson. Morsie read paper & I worked on cape. It is almost finished.
Wea. Hot! SUN. SEPT 2, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Sheppard Gen. 1:1. Taught Mrs. Darwin's class. We took dinner at the Lombards. Harriet Morse led Xn Endev. We didn't go to church.
Wea. MON. SEPT. 3, 1900 Ther.
Left Eaton by [N.Y.O.N.] Mr. Sheppard went to Randallsville. Talked of possible boy's club. Very hot disagreeable day. Train about 1 hr. late. I had hay-fever all day.
Wea. TUES. SEPT. 4, 1900 Ther. Washed dishes, made nut crackers, wrote Jessie, slept, read. Took bicycle to be repaired.
Wea. WED. SEPT. 5, 1900 Ther.
Made Welch rarebit. Washed dishes for breakfast & luncheon. The others wiped. Mrs. Backus asks me to be director in Vassar Aid. Went to N.Y. to see Mrs. Young-Fulton about Mary Stevens & girls. Went to [Wanamakers]. Eve. Tried my new wheel. I can't ride on rough pavements. Worked on baby cape.
Wea. THUR. SEPT. 6, 1900 Ther. Washed dishes. Worked on cape. Some hay-fever. Mother & I called at 138 E. 78th St. & saw [Rupus], Marguerite & Dorothy. I took the little cape. Julia came home.
Wea. FRI. SEPT. 7, 1900Ther. The twins are 25 & Ralph is 20. Frank Sharpe's son Malcolm was born this morning. I worked. In afternoon I rode out & punctured tire. At prayer-meeting I played one tune. Afterwards Harvey took us for ice-cream.
Wea. SAT. SEPT. 8, 1900 Ther.
Helped make cake, prepare apples & pears, & wash dishes. Rode up to Bedford Ave. & to [Kom] 432 DeKalb. Fell with wheel on Bedford. Worked on cape. Eve. Went with Ruth to see Dr. McClean, Mr. Sprague, & Mr. Bassett. Harvey came to dinner.
Wea. SUN. SEPT. 9, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Dixon
P.M. " " Harold came to dinner. Asked blessing. Gave me 5.00 for my bicycle. Is to give Min. 2.00 a week for Mother's [board].
Wea. MON. SEPT. 10, 1900 Ther.
Washed dishes. Finished cape. Went with Ruth to call on Miss Cummings. Ruth & Minnie began teaching. Min. taught at Miss Cummings school & Ruth at Miss Ward's. Ruth had the hardest time.
Wea. Hot! TUES. SEPT. 11, 1900 Ther.
Harold is 43. Mrs. Morse is sewing here. She is making me my blue dress trimmed with red. I went to Horatio Kings for a letter introducing Minnie to Mr. Fagin.
Wea. WED. SEPT. 12, 1900 Ther.
Worst day of hay-fever. Mrs. Morse sewed 1/2 day. I went to take tea with Fred Reeve & wife 168 W. 135th St. Best way is Mad. Ave. cars. They seem very happy.
Wea. THUR. SEPT. 13, 1900 Ther.
Mother & I spent the day at Bensonhurst with Ruth, Harold & the [Jews]. H. gave me $1.00 for Joe & $4.00 for self. We then called at [Dickerts Height] 83rd St. on Nellie Little. She was out but we saw Walter & Lawrence aged 3 mos. Eve. Called with Ruth on Mr. [Kircland] Schenck Ave.
Wea. FRI. SEPT. 14, 1900 Ther. Mother has diarrhea. I rode my wheel to find Mrs. Jordan but she is out of city. After prayer-meeting, Sadie took Ruth & me to get ice-cream. Frank came home from Chatham. Frank Sharpe fears his baby will die.
Wea. SAT. SEPT. 15, 1900 Ther.
Mother is better. Wrote letters. Finished [band] & calico bag. Began 3rd cape. Seemed a very little for Frank. Malcolm Sharpe is a little better. Rode my wheel this morning & evening. Wore my golf skirt. Played Russian Patience. Played on piano.
Called on Lucy Skinner but she is out of town.
Wea. SUN. SEPT. 16, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Dixon had the gravel & so Hartwell Pratt preached from Ps. 51. Rightness with God necessary for soul-winning. Our standard must not be that of community church, or conscience but the Bible. Dirty clothes not so bad as thine badly washed, so bad Xns worse than [sciences]. Harvey at dinner & tea. We went to se a fire at Fulton & Ft. Greene. Boy hurt by bursting hose. Ralph Raymond came to tea.
Eve. Dr. Gregg Juo 15:22. Christ our test by his character, prayers, ambitions, self-denial. It was a musical service. [Terzah] Hamilton (?) sings grandly.
Sharpe baby died tonight. They are heart-broken.
Tues. 18 Wea. MON. SEPT. 17, 1900 Ther. Harold came over & Ruth to say good-bye. He gave me $5.00 & saw me to the car. I took 3 oclock train & stayed in
N.Haven from 5 to 8 with Aunt Mary. Will Francis has sold out. Found Edana Collins & her mother here. We expect 18 pupils including Marion. Arthur Bartlett is dead.
Wed. 19 Wea. TUES. SEPT. 18, 1900 Ther. Lena says Miss P. does not wish golf skirts worn in school-room! I went down town. Saw Mr. Schenck & he says Miss
Ulter is a cousin's cousin. Met Mrs. S. & she invites me to tea Wed. evening. She said "Isn't he beautiful?". Called on Joe, out. A good many girls came. New ones are Hilda Johnson, [?] Price, Bertha Smith.
Mon. 17 Wea. WED. SEPT. 19, 1900 Ther. Went to Sharpe baby's funeral. Later called on Mary who was crying over some little baby sick girl rec'd. Called on
Lucy Skinner in the evening.
Wea. THUR. SEPT. 20, 1900 Ther.
Miss Porter bagan by scolding me for standing badly, objected to my shirt dress. Said I tried to do too many things. There was days of our failing to be useful, as I was getting old. I feel like leaving the place. Began school. Adele Buffington was here to call. Deacon Hathaway led prayer-meeting. Christ walking on the Sea. Went into Miss Hastings.
Wea. FRI. SEPT. 21, 1900 Ther. Mrs. Driscoll called. Mita is to stop her lessons & Isma is to begin. This afternoon I slept. Worked on cape this evening. Played Up Jenkins, dancing, I told stories.
Wea. SAT. SEPT. 22, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Miss P. says I lied about [Germ.] that I said I wanted it because Miss Gentry wished it, but I really wanted the key. 9 of us went to Mt. [Fern] to come back on the same car [staging] but 20 mins. took us 2 1/2 hours.
P.M. Worked in lab. Call from Miss Buckingham. Eve. Went down town.
Wea. SUN. SEPT. 23, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Prof. [Genning]. Ecc. 3:22. Hay-fever bad. Slept.
Went to Mission. Between 20 & 30 there. Talked with new convert on tobacco. Alexander has left. Walked home through Ferry St. & saw my little friends. Mrs. Collins is here sleeping in my room & I with Mrs. Packard.
Wea. MON. SEPT. 24, 1900 Ther. Bessie Canady came. Mrs. Burleigh took luncheon with us. Lena's birthday. I gave her a pound of candy. Prof. Story (1)
Isma Driscoll begins music. Bessie Canady came.
Wea. TUES. SEPT. 25, 1900 Ther. Mattie [Boyd] cme. We went to get apples & a mand insulted us. Mother writes that Frank is homesick. I went down town shopping. Mrs. Collins still here. Prof. Podgorski (1).
Wea. WED. SEPT. 26, 1900 Ther. Ella White came. Miss Canady left. I went with Edw. on my wheel to [Dadworth], [Ferrarr] & Yale St. Call from Miss Avery about Emmies music. Tea at Mrs. Schencks. Mr. S. came home with me. Miss King (1).
Wea. THUR. SEPT. 27, 1900 Ther.
Mrs. Collins feels dreadfully about Edana's carelessness. She misunderstood a joke of mine & said "You have an unfortunate manner; you never could do anything with me". Later it was explained. Mr. Rice led a testemony meeting. I came out to go to Dr. Moxom's reception, but there was none. Jessica is one of 3
candidates at Geneseo. Mr. Story (2).
Wea. FRI. SEPT. 28, 1900 Ther. Sat up till after one. We walked about [water] [shops] for about 2 hrs. Old girls gave a [colored] party to new, & I then told ghost stories.
Wea. SAT. SEPT. 29, 1900 Ther. Gave exams in Caesar to [Boyd] (passed) in [Caesar] to Howland & Johnston (neither passed). Spent evening at library & buying cheap music at Taylor's.
Wea. SUN. SEPT. 30, 1900 Ther. Dr. Moxom on "Impressions of [Eng.] Life". Dr. [Faunee]. Ps. 43:1. "O God thou art my God". About 45 at Joe's Mission. I talked of Neglected Opportunities. A crowd of children came up Ferry St.
Wea. MON. OCT. 1, 1900 Ther. Mother & Minnie wrote me a sad story. He says he has not prayed enough. I went down town. Mr. Story (3).
Wea. TUES. OCT. 2, 1900 Ther. Half sick because of yesterdays news. Miss King (2). Old Irish woman gave us apples: told us not to marry man with curly black hair, & white teeth. "Dick" wants Marg. Carter to take [Plupie & Astronomy].
Wea. WED. OCT. 3, 1900 Ther. Miss Porter went up to Smiths 25th anniversary. Came down with Pres. Taylor. Prof. Podgorski (2). He wants me to spend a day with him & correct his story.
Wea. THUR. OCT. 4, 1900 Ther.
No word from Harold. I am depressed. I have changed to having my day out on Thursday. Children took me through Mr. Wesson's yard. Went to the library. Mr. Parsons led old fashioned covenant meeting. Mrs. Woods has intermittent fever. Mrs. Moxom is very ill. Mr. Story (4).
Wea. Hot. FRI. OCT. 5, 1900 Ther. We played duetts, danced, crokinole. Elizabeth went to Rummage sale. Miss King 3.
Wea. SAT. OCT. 6, 1900Ther. Very depressed letter from Minnie. Took Hilda Johnston shopping. Walked with girls. Read periodicals afternoon & evening. Eliz. & I went out & bought cakes & olives. Eliza Buffingtons first lesson in music.
Wea. SUN. OCT. 7, 1900 Ther. Went to Communion with Ida. Dr. Stifler preached. Felt very sad. Juo 17:-. Disputed with Miss Porter about close communion. Cried. Told her I was worried about Mother's sickness. Mission. About 32 there. Mat. 14:22-32. Told Joe my trouble. Took [cat] took to Ferry St. Children walked to car. Mr. Baldwin is going to South Church.
Wea. MON. OCT. 8, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story (5). Went to Kneisel concert. 1st Outlook class.
Wea. TUES. OCT. 9, 1900 Ther. Very few at Outlook class. Miss Porter took girls to hear Elbridge Hubbard. Miss King (4).
Wea. WED. OCT. 10, 1900 Ther. Miss P. took the Episcopal girls this A.M. to dedication of Xn Church. Frances Booth returned from her brothers wedding. Prof. Podgorski (3). He wants me to go to Northampton on Sat. to help with his story.
Wea. THUR. OCT. 11, 1900 Ther.
Letters from Mother & Minnie. My day out. Went to library. Called on Miss Chapin (but found she lived 14 Park St.), Mr. [S...], on Mrs. Hubbell (out), Cousin Helen (out), & Mrs. Brooks. Mr. Smith led meeting. I talked to Mr. Rice about H. He thinks he ought to [...] to church. Mr. Story (6). New hat came.
Wea. FRI. OcT. 12, 1900 Ther. Miss King (5). Miss P. rec'd letter from Prof. Podg. asking her to let me come up & correct his story. I am to go. Eve. Florence Howland & I played duetts.
Wea. SAT. OCT. 13, 1900 Ther. Took 11.45 train to Northampton. Started for home at 6.40. Went to dinner at the little hotel. Corrected story all the
P.M. Supper at the little table.
Prof. told me of the mistake he made 10 yrs. ago. Made some today. All the girls but 6 went to see Mrs. Fiske as Becky Sharpe. Aunt Carrie came from Pittsfield.
Wea. SUN. OCT. 14, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Dr. Moxom. Gal. Liberty not license. Told Miss P. & Lena about Prof. P.
19 at Mission, rainy. Gal. 6:1-8. Mr. McKinnon & came to talk over finances. I am to address Y.P.S.C.E. Eve. Walked. No singing.
Wea. MON. OCT. 15, 1900 Ther. Rode on bicycle (2). Saw Dr. Moxom. On reaching home I fell. Marg. Carter is to take Astronomy and Plupies. Mr. Story (7).
Wea. TUES. OCT. 16, 1900 Ther. I had Marg's 1st Astr. lesson. Miss King (6). Eliz. had horrid letter from [N.] U.
Wea. WED. OCT. 17, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podg. (4). We all went to Miss Price tea for college club. Then Eliz. & I went to Laura [Malton's]. Rather blue letter from Harold.
Wea. THUR. OCT. 18, 1900 Ther.
Mr. Story (8). Analysis class (1). Miss Clark of Northampton, Mrs. Burleigh, & Miss Rose Smith came. My day out. I staid in & Read
N.A.M. Rev.
Judge Lyford led meeting "Friendship with Jesus". I played. Mr. Francis was there. Afterwards, we held a meeting & discussed raising a yrs. rent for Joe's Mission. Dick Carter has blown his thumb off.
Wea. FRI. OCT. 19, 1900 Ther. Miss King (7). Hilda Johnston has gone down to N.Y. to visit with Mrs. Thorsen. Girls danced. Eliz. & Laura Malton have gone to fair.
Wea. SAT. OCT. 20, 1900 Ther. Sold tickets from 9.10 to 6.20 (except [1/4 hr] for lunch. Sold 35.
Wea. SUN. OCT. 21, 1900 Ther.
Dr. Moxom. Necessity of being alone. Matt. 16:24-26 was my mission talk on saying "No". I was [nubbed] by Ferry St. children because I wouldn't give them all books. Addressed State St. Young People on Joe's Mission. Met Hilda at station. Letter from Mr. Juemp.
Wea. MON. OCT. 22, 1900 Ther. Went into afternoon Outlook. We had [unharried] Board but no time for discussion. Chem in the even. Mr. Story 9.
Wea. TUES. OCT. 23, 1900 Ther. Miss Porter & Lena went to hear Dr. Hillis. Lena likes the man, but not his sermons. Miss King 8.
Wea. WED. OCT. 24, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 5. He is beginning to talk of my coming up again. Ought I to go. We went to Am. Miss. Ass. Overflow meeting in 1st Church. Mr. [Bognitore] (?) presided. Fiske [singers]. Dr. Frissell,
Booker Washington, Dean of Fiske Univ., Mr. Pickens (colored Soph), colored preacher & a China man. Marg. Carter & Mary Cutler have gone to Marg's brother's wedding.
Wea. THUR. OCT. 25, 1900 Ther.
Went in afternoon to opera house. Heard Miss Nettie Crump (Fiske singer) & Mrs. [Terrell] a beautiful colored woman of Washington.
Eve. Went to 1st Church heard Dr. Noble, Mrs. Woodbury (on Mt. Whites), Mrs. [Terrell] & Dr. Barrons. Went with Dr. Moxom to opera house, sat in box. Heard Dr. Barrons & colored boy spoke of dead President of Fiske. Met Mrs. [Terrill], Mr. Pickens, Nettie Crump and Dr. Barrons.
Some girls wore their hair plain tonight.
Wea. FRI. OCT. 26, 1900 Ther.
Madame Alberta (1) came & taught us to walk. I was auctioneer tonight & girls dressed up. Rather tiresome. Eliza as "devil" rather disturbed things. Miss King 9.
Wea. Rain. SAT. OCT. 27, 1900 Ther. Cleared closet & sewed. Read [Pendennis] & Outlook. Elizabeth & I went to hear the Fiske Jubilee Singers in the Smith Church. Dr. Merrill & Dr. Moxom spoke.
[ct. of Saxon Sho]
Wea. SUN. OCT. 28, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Dr. Moxom on Am. Miss. Ass. Slept.
P.M. I talked on Rom 8: 1-14. Walking in flesh & Spirit. [Cranks] spoke on tobacco & Joe re-[buked] them guilty. Found that he and I were "advertised" to address Highland Y.P. I rushed up to Mr. Quick. He sent me to [...] nursery. Went to meeting & spoke about 10 [m.]. Home to supper. Walked. Called at Porters. Saw Mr. Ahern & wife.
[...] of colored
Wea. MON. OCT. 29, 1900 Ther. Library & also down town. Mr. Schenck says Joe spoke very well on service. Mr. Story 11.
Wea. TUES. OCT. 30, 1900 Ther. Miss King 10. Little [c...] note from Harold with 1.00. I feel [happy] about him. Mary & Margaret returned. Eliz. Gruyer has gone to see "Sherlock Holmes" with Julia [Gaurrun].
Wea. WED. OCT. 31, 1900 Ther.
Mr. [Bispham's] 2nd concert. Miss Barker & Mrs. Hunt are here. Not large audience. Reception. I entertained Mr. Sculpa. Mrs. Hunt sang. Mr. [Burd] told me about his wife's Kidneys. Prof. Podgorski 6.
Wea. THUR. NOV. 1, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 12. I rode on wheel. Called on Mrs. Schenck & on Joe. Prayer-meeting led by Mr. Reed.
Wea. FRI. NOV. 2, 1900 Ther. Miss King 11. Mrs. Thorsen came to luncheon. Girls celebrated Hallows eve.
Wea. SAT. NOV. 3, 1900 Ther. I felt miserable with my cold.
Wea. SUN. NOV. 4, 1900 Ther.
Sick with cold. I did not go to church, & I felt so faint at dinner that I went to bed & sent Eliz. to tell Joe I could not come. Dr. [Stibbries] came to see me. Girls are cleaning silver etc. for Mrs. Booth. Miss Gruyer & Mrs. Malton took tea at Smiths. Mrs. M. then told Mr. Taylor what I said about Mrs. Bond's Kidneys.
Wea. MON. NOV. 5, 1900 Ther. Miserable all day. I went to bed early. Afternoon. Outlook class. Mr. Story 13. Big Rep. parade but I was too miserable to get up.
Wea. TUES. NOV. 6, 1900 Ther. Still forlorn with cold. This is election day. McKinley defeats [Bryan] by large electoral vote. I went to library & down town. Miss King 12.
Wea. WED. NOV. 7, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 7. On account of my cold Eliz. walked for me. Elizabeth Gruyer went to Julia [Hanmun's] this evening.
Wea. THUR. NOV. 8, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 14. So forlorn that I spent afternoon in bed, had doctor this evening & again went to bed early. [Sunday] night Phil [Loomis] brought Eliz. home. He was gossiping.
Wea. FRI. NOV. 9, 1900 Ther. Still sick with cold. Lena read Hamlet this evening & I went to bed. Miss King 13. Miss Porter went to N.Y. Bessie Canady went to N.Y.
Wea. SAT. NOV. 10, 1900 Ther. Miss Porter in N.Y. Ella Whites father came. I read [Pendennis] almost all day. Went to bed in the afternoon about an hour. Julia [Hanmun] came with little niece & I helped her with Germ.
Wea. SUN. NOV. 11, 1900 Ther.
Letter from Jessica telling of Celestin Morton's death. Wrote to Harold, Agnes Jones, Mrs. Morton, Jessica, Mother. Staid home all day. Marin has cold & Lena has headache. Dr. [Stibbries] came & I saw him. Slept & read morning & afternoon.
Wea. MON. NOV. 12, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 15.
Wea. TUES. NOV. 13, 1900 Ther. Miss King 14. Girls went to opening of homeopathic hospital.
Wea. WED. NOV. 14, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 8. We took long walk going past [Meta] Driscolls. Aunt Mary Francis died of pneumonia.
Wea. THUR. NOV. 15, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 16. Analysis class (2). I had a long sleep.
Wea. FRI. NOV. 16, 1900 Ther. Miss King 15. Mrs. Booth & Jennie came. They, Lena & Miss Porter went up to Northampton. Lillie Bellinger has a daughter. Girls had study hr. I had Dr. Stebbries for the 4th time.
Wea. SAT. NOV. 17, 1900 Ther. Jennie, Mrs. Booth & I walked to Crescent Hill & into Mrs. Rowley's. Drawing room meeting. Lots of leagues.
Wea. SUN. NOV. 18, 1900 Ther. Mrs. Booth in South Church. I went to Mission & Mrs. B. to Y.M.C.A. She had heart trouble. Dick Carter was here to supper. To bed at 8.30.
Wea. MON. NOV. 19, 1900 Ther. In Northampton & Spfield [Springfield] Mrs. Booth has [1500+]. She talked to girls this A.M. She left at 2. Outlook class. Discussed [Pendennis]. Mr. Story 17.
Wea. TUES. NOV. 20, 1900 Ther. Miss King 16. We had chemistry for 1/2 hr. in the afternoon. Girls rehearsed play in the evening. ? Mrs. Thorsen came to tea.
Wea. WED. NOV. 21, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podg. 9. Mrs. Packard thinks he is infatuated with me. Chemistry for 1/2 hr in afternoon. Girls rehearsed in the evening. Martha Boyd's two sisters came.
Wea. THUR. NOV. 22, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 18. I went to library & shopping. Wore gray jacket & fear I took cold. Saw the doctor again (5). This is the day of Charlie Booth's operation. After coming in I read & slept. Girls rehearsed tonight.
Wea. FRI. NOV. 23, 1900 Ther. My cold seems better. Miss King 17. Girls practised play this evening. I put Marin to bed. Mrs. Webb came.
Wea. SAT. NOV. 24, 1900 Ther. Read Outlook. Went to Celia Merriam's afternoon tea. Came home with Laura [Mattom].
Wea. SUN. NOV. 25, 1900 Ther. Rained so I staid home from Church and Mission. Slept A.M., P.M., Eve.
Wea. MON. NOV. 26, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 19. Girls had rehearsal.
Wea. TUES. NOV. 27, 1900 Ther. Miss King 18. Dress rehearsal. Abbie Tillingharte came Tuesday.
Wea. WED. NOV. 28, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 10. He seems very blue & lonely. Girls many of them went home. Mr. Canady & Grace came. Miss Porter, Mrs. Packard & Mrs. Webb went to Porters to tea.
Wea. THUR. NOV. 29. 1900 Ther. Thanksgiving. Mrs. Chamberlain, the Porters, the Boyds came to dinner. I sat at Miss P's table. Mr. Hubbell preached on Non partisanship in Municipal Gov. Negro Questers. Government of New Poss. I [concluded] & [studied] a little.
Wea. FRI. NOV. 30, 1900 Ther. Miss King 19. Studied in the Studio. This eve. we gave Place And Dances & Miss Mox.
Wea. SAT. DEC. 1, 1900Ther. Read Outlook. Went to library. Met Mr. Pope (Rev.) at the bookstore. The Boyds & Miss Merwin came to dinner.
Wea. SUN. DEC. 2, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Hahn 2 Cor. 1:11. The Boyds went away. There were about 45 at the mission. It was good to get back. Went home through Ferry St. Went into a store, saw a little girl draw & told stories on a bench. We walked.
Wea. MON. DEC. 3, 1900 Ther. Outlook class. Talked of [...] & [...]. Mr. Story 20.
Wea. TUES. DEC. 4, 1900 Ther. Miss King 20. Felt very tired today. Mother's embroidery came & Marins slippers. Marin has tonsilitis.
Wea. WED. DEC. 5, 1900 Ther. Prof. Podgorski 11. More rested. Mrs. Packard advised me not to go always into the kitchen with the Prof. as the servants talked!
Early Dan. [Hueward] [Hereward]
Wea. THUR. DEC. 6, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 21. Afternoon out. Went to library, came home & lay on the bed & read. Did not go to prayer-meeting.
Wea. FRI. DEC. 7, 1900 Ther. Miss King 21. Girls had chemistry examination. Birthday party for Bertha Smith, Marg. Carter & Mary Cutler. All are 18 this week. "Harts". Lilian, Ida & I played
Wea. SAT. DEC. 8, 1900Ther. Studied & read. Florence Howland asked to go home early for Christmas. Ella White went to a lunch party with some McDuffie girls at
the Gilman.
Wea. SUN. DEC. 9, 1900 Ther. Dr. Moxom Matt. 23:23. Use & Abuse of Form. Over 30 in mission. Jennie has been converted (?). I spoke on [Jacchaeus] Luke 19:1-10. Went into Ferry St. store to get warm. Talked with Russian Jews. Martha Boyd returned. Collection 1.72 + 19.
Wea. MON. DEC. 10, 1900 Ther. Something dropped off in studio. Very tired. Miss P. did not like it because I looked cold. I was not allowed to walk with girls but I took Ida & [Bernice]
to Poverty Office! Mr. Story 22.
Wea. TUES. DEC. 11, 1900 Ther. None of us went to college club at Miss Phillips, Round Hill. Miss King 22. Her mother was ill & anointed with oil. So tired before dinner I cried.
Wea. WED. DEC. 12, 1900 Ther.
Dr. Stibbries came & vaccinated us. He has given me a tonic. Eliz. Sherwood is going home, threatened with bilious fever. Prof. Podgorski 12. He seems very blue because I can't go up there. Miss P. suggests my age as my trouble.
Wea. THUR. DEC. 13, 1900 Ther. Grace Howard was married to Mr. [Mesuard]. Lovely letter from Harold about Joe etc. He sent a dollar. Analysis class (3). Mr. Story 23. Dudley Lewis called about Mrs. Booth. Then I retired to my room & a Bible Normal Student appeared
with questions. Of course I staid home from Church.
Wea. FRI. DEC. 14, 1900 Ther. Ther girls finished dolls selling up until eleven. Miss King 23.
Wea. SAT. DEC. 15, 1900 Ther. Took Ella White in a carriage to get trunk. Shopped all the afternoon. Eve. Helped Miss P. mark Outlook ladies.
Wea. SUN. DEC. 16, 1900 Ther. Went to hear old Dr. [Ashmore] 50 yrs. in China. About 40 at the mission State St. Y.P. there. Smith wrote that Joe lied & I talked to Joe. Went to bed at 8.15.
Wea. MON. DEC. 17, 1900 Ther. Mr. Story 24. Outlook class. Discussed Eleanor.
Wea. TUES. DEC. 18, 1900 Ther. Miss King 24. A perfect epidemic of colds. Mrs. Packard went to Madison. Ida Cox very bad cold. Bertha Smith in her room. Chicken pox (?).
Wea. WED. DEC. 19, 1900 Ther.
Elizabeth Gruyer went to her brothers wedding. Prof. Podgorski 13. He seems sad. Talks of an old man's home. Miss Porter gave me a shopping bag. We cleaned the bed this afternoon. I went shopping this P.M. I have bought corsets. Packed till nearly two A.M. Edana put up my parcels for Xmas.
Wea. THUR. DEc. 20, 1900 Ther.
I came to Brooklyn on 2.22 train with Ella White, Bessie Canady, Florence Barker, Frances Boothe & Martha Boyd. Bertha Smith had to stay ther with chicken pox. Heard that H. had been ill just before he wrote me.
[...] [Herndoln]
Wea. FRI. DEC. 21, 1900 Ther. Did Christmas shopping. Prayer-meeting. Frank came from Cornell tonight.
Wea. SAT. DEC. 22, 1900 Ther. Russell & I went to buy a book for his father. Miss McClean is here repairing. This evening I read Booker Washington & Will did up my bundles.
Wea. SUN. DEC. 23, 1900 Ther. Mr. Dixon A.M. & P.M. Harvey came to dinner. I spent the afternoon at Agnes Jones, 123 McDonough St. Sadie called on me & we went to Church.
Wea. MON. DEC. 24, 1900 Ther.
Harold came in & scared us by being cross about my present. Frank & I took gifts to Bensonhurst. Gt. time getting there. Came home to find Harold had been in again. Went out to buy Mothers basket.
Wea. TUES. DEC. 25, 1900 Ther. We had our gifts arranged on strings like colored party. No candy at church. Called on Lucy Skinner. Harvey came to dinner. Called on Mary Sharpe (out). Found her here. Played College [Songs]. All but Mother, Bertha
& I went to Fiske [Singers]. Harold called this A.M.
Wea. WED. DEC. 26. 1900 Ther. Met Fannie Aldridge & we bought [furs] & black broadcloth. Long call from Harlans. Eve. Minnie & children went out. Mother & I stayed with Bertha. She has terrible [redenination] in her feet.
Wea. THUR. DEC. 27, 1900 Ther.
Had my broadcloth fitted. Mother & I went to little Dorothy's christening. Mother came home sick. All but Min, Bertha & me went to Xmas entertainment. Wore my gray silk waist for first time.
Wea. FRI. DEC. 28, 1900 Ther.
Rainy day. Min & Ruth took lunch at Miss Wallach's in N.Y. I took lunch at Lucy Skinners. "Trotty" was there. Read Booker Washington & began Sky Pilot to the family. Got my walking hat from Miss Dunn. After prayer-meeting I played for the Professor's orchestra. Blanche Martin came tonight.
Wea. SAT. DEC. 29, 1900 Ther.
I went over to Bertha's office to take her place, but Miss MacCartie did not want me. Went to Fiske Agency & talked to Volunteers & found that Jennie is very ill. Talked with Anna Hughes. Augusta [Chrath] came to lunch. Evening. Fudge party. Miss Edwards Wellesley freshman. [Ch...] Harvey came. Garlin & Ralph did not come.
Wea. SUN. DEC. 30, 1900 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Dixon I. Pel. 4:7. I worried about Harold. Harvey did not come to dinner. I slept. As it threatened to rain, we gave up prayers till Sallie came to take us in her carriage. She brought Mother a book & $10. Harold & Ruth came & Harlan. He went to prayers. We went, he & I by car. We met Will & he went the other way. Supper at Cousin Ros's. We played the [pineola], read story telling Lib, told stories, talked of Berea College. Came home in the carriage. It rained.
Wea. MON. DEC. 31, 1900 Ther.
Stella filled 4 teeth. Rad aloud to Will. Began "Sky Pilot" alound. Slept afternoon & evening. Went at about ten to watch the century out. Heard Mr. Sears, Mr. Wood, & a Persian & Mr. Dixon.
Name Residence
Mother owes me 60.70 53.55 38. 81.00
Jan. 26. Mother owes 80.15 73.80
Apr. 11 " " 58.00 14 " "53.98 14 " " 53.48
51.43 23 " " 61.43 May " " 58.73 5 " " 57.73
26 " "58.58 June 5 " " 66.58 " 6 " "66.00 " 23 " " 72.20
27 " "72.00
July 1 " " 70.45 74.69 75.27
July 12 Mother owes 16.93
" 14 " " 17.03
" 25 " " 15.78
" 26 " " 17.28

Name Residence
July 30. Mother owes 17.28
" " 5.55 Aug. 1 " " 1.50 " 2 "" 5.55
10 "" 4.55
I owe Mother 5.45 11 " " " 5.53 13 " " " 5.40 15 Mother owes me 3.03 16 " " " 4.53 20 " " " 4.43
Sept 4 " " " 3.83 " 8 " " " 3.76 " 10 " " " 9.01 " 11 " " " 7.30 " 13 " " " 5.00 3.04
[2.89] I owe Mother 1.61 Mother owes me 5.07 " " " 4.47 " " " 0 I owe Mother .25
Dec. 12 " " " 17.35 28 " [57.99] I owe Will 25
Nov. 11. 639.83 579.89
" 10 Miscellany 1.00
11 Silver cleaned .10
15 Miss Porter 10.00
17 Mrs. Booth 1.50
" Candy etc. .10
18 Mrs. Booth .25
Carfare .10
21 NH4HO .15
22 Repub. .05
23 Carfare .05
Black waist 3.15
Music .75
Hairpins .18
Necktie .23
Shoestrings .10
Licorice .10
Dress cleaned 1.00
Mutual life .75
Envelope .02
27 Sugar & cookies .12
Car fare .10
Cough drops .05
28 Collector .50
Dec. 1 Car fare .05

649.83 591.29
649.83 591.29
Dec. 1 Watch mended .75
" Church etc. 3.05 Carfare .05 Joe photo .25
" 5 Stamps .10
" 6 Library .46 Licorice .05 8 Marion's [...] .25 9 Carfare .05 Joe .19 Muff lining 1.25 Gifts 25.22 Church etc. 2.70 Car fare 1.23 Traveling trunk etc. 3.50 Miscellaneous 4.99 S.S. Times .75 Salary 210.00 Shoes 3.50 Furs 30.63 Broadcloth 23.50 Silk waist 7.50 Hat 1.45 Dentist 4.00 Unact. 15.40 859.83 725.11 Candy & ticket 134.72 859.83
Date Dolls. Cts.
Charity I owe charity 5.64 Jan. 7. Hauson Pl. 24 5.40 " 14 South Ch. 5 5.35 " 21 " " 5.30
" Cong. Church board 25 5.05 28 " 5 5.00 " Joe 75 4.25 31 Volunteers 25 4.00
Feb. 4 Bapt. Chur 1.25 2.75 " " 5 2.70 11 Christ " 5 2.65
Joe 25 2.40 14 Salary 1.00 3.40 18 South Ch 10 3.30
Joe 25 3.05 25 South Ch 05 3.00
Joe 25 2.75 Mar 4 Bapt. Ch. 475 -2.00 " 5A.C.Dixon 1.00 -3.00 " 6 Salary 50 -2.50 " 11 Joe 25 -2.75
11 " 39 -3.14 14 Salary 1.00 -2.14 18 Joe 1.32 -3.46 " South Ch. 5 -3.51 25 YMCA 15 -3.66
Date Dolls. Cts. Mar 31 Bapt. Miss -4.66 Apr. 1 Benev. Mar. 2.00 -6.66
Bapt Seat .75 -7.41
Church .05 -7.46
Salary $19. 13.54
5 Cong. Seat. 10.00 3.54
8 Haus. Pl. .10 3.44
13 " " .05 3.39
15 Plym. .05 3.34

Breakf. Ass. .05 3.29
22 South Ch. .05 3.24 Joe's Miss. .25 2.99 [Anti] salary 3.00 - .01
29 Church .05 - .06
May 6 " .05 - .11
9 Joe's food .51 - .62 13 Church .05 - .67 20 " .05 - .72 27 " .05 - .77 28 Dr. Pater .50 -1.27
Salary 2.50 1.23
Ju 3 Church April 3.75 -2.52 Joe .10 -2.62 Salary 1.00 -1.62
17 Joe .25 -1.87 24 South Ch. .05 -1.92
Date Drawers Time June 30 Salary 21.50 19.58 July 1 1st Bapt. .20 19.38
Benev. 11.00 08.38 Seat Ch. 5.50 2.88
8 Ham. Ch. .15 2.73 13 Mr. Victor Bunich .30 2.43 15 Ham. Ch. .15 2.28 22 Eaton ch. .11 2.17
Indian Fam. 5.00 -2.83 30 Eaton Y.P.S.C.E..05 -2.88 " Church .06 -2.94 Aug. 1 [Freu Haskl].50 -2.44
5 Eaton ch. & S.S..12-2.56 12 " " ".06 -2.62 19 " " " .06 -2.68 26 " " ".06 -2.74 " " P.S.C.E. .05 -2.79
Sept 2 " .21 -3.00 " 9Haus. Pl. .15 -3.15 " " 1/12 of Harold .50 -2.65 " 13 1/10 " " .40 -2.25 " " Anti Sal. 3.00 -5.25 " 16 Colored orph. .50 -5.75 " " Dr. Gregg's .05 -5.80 " 18 Harold .50 -5.30
24 Interest 6 -5.24
No. Where Payable Due Amount 24 South Ch. .05 -5.29 30 " " .05 -5.34 " Seat for Oct. 1.00 -6.34
Joe .15 -6.49 Oct. 6 Book for Ferry .15 -6.74
7 Church seat 2.25 -8.99 Collection .05 -9.04 Joe .35 -9.39
10 Volunteers 5.00 -14.39 " Salary .50 -13.89 14 South Ch. .05 -13.94
Joe. .50 -14.44 21 " .50 -14.94 " South Ch. .05 -14.99 27 Fiske Sing. .80 -15.79 28 South Ch. .05 -15.84 28 Joe 1.00 -16.84 30 5 Pts. .25 -17.09
Nov. 4 Bapt. Nov. 4.00 -21.09 " 10 Doll .43 -21.52 15 Salary 1.00 -20.52 Mrs. Booth 1.75 -22.27 28 Collect Bapt. Un. Thank..50 -22.77 Dec 2. Joe .50 -23.27 Bapt Nov & Oct 2.55 -25.82 9 Joe .19 -26.01
DateTo whom given Time Dec 16 Salary 21.0 19.08 Dr. Ash. 1.25 17.83 24 Foreign Miss 1.10 16.73 Haus. Pl. .05 16.68 30 Foreign Miss. .25 16.38 Hausen Pl. .05 16.35
Date Received Paid
1 145.62
[Korn the Factor] 5.85
2 Mrs. McLean 1.50
Diary .44
3 Mrs. McLean 1.10
Car fare .05
2 [drawers] .98
2 [combinations] 3.00
6 Mrs. McLean 1.50
Car fare .20
N.Y. alumnae 1.00
Hat .98
Board 8.60
Meals 3.00
Tickets 3.25
7 Church .24
8 Testament .27
unacct. .63
Cambric 1.25
Braid .35
Washing .50
Mrs. McClean 2.60
9 Carriage .50
10 Carfare .15
14 Church .05
145.62 37.31

Date Received Paid
145.62 37.31
16 [S.L.Times] .50
17 Car fare .10
Hat pins .02
Compass .25
20 Sugar .10
21 South Ch. .05
Church Build .25
14 Church .05
" Car fare .10
21 " " .10
22 Express .45
24 Car fare .10
Glycerine .05
Book for Dugan .15
26 Mutual Life 1.25
Diaper .85
28 Carfare .10
Joe .75
Christ Ch. .05
29 Stamps .50
30 Thread & Need. .15
31 Volunteers .25
Car fare .05
145.62 43.53

Date Received Paid
145.62 43.53 2 Winifred [all] 50.00 3 Shopper for bag .15
[Pheng & Caf] .23
Paper .15 4 Bapt. Church 1.30 " Car fare .05 3 " " .05
10 " " .05
10 Candy .20 Book for Ruth 1.10 Watch clean .15 Gloves cleaned .10
11 Carfare .10 Joe .25
14 Carfare .05 Northampton & ret. .66 Carriage 1.00 Paper .04
15 Car fare .05 17 Arrival 18 Church etc. .35
Carfare .10
15 Salary 10.00
155.62 99.81

Date Received Paid
155.62 99.81
19 Library fine .48
22 Stamps .10
" Miss. mar. .25
23 Car fare .05
Sun. .03
24 Map & pict. .11
Rubber bands .13

Candy .10
25 Church .05 Joe .25 Car fare .10
23 [Lost] 5.67
26 Stamps .30
28 Rubber bag .65 Car fare .10 Needles .06 Knife sharp. .10 Paper .03 4 Church 2.75 Carfare .10 " Stamps .50 5 A.C.Dixon 1.00 6 Miss Porter 5.00 " Mother 5.00 160.62 119.72
Date Received Paid 160.62 119.72 7 Car fare .10
Pins etc. .11 10 Music .45 11 South Ch. .05
Joe Carfare .10
14 Salary 10.00 Carf. .05 Scrap of P. .50
17 Charcoal .05
18 Church .05 Joe Car fare .10
21 Library .06 25 Y.M.C.A. .15
Car fare .05 27 " " .05 28 " " .15 " Head washed .50
Hair pins .10 30 Stamps .50 31 Corns .50
Bapt. Union 1.00 170.62 124.34
Date Received Paid
170.62 124.34
31 Miss P. 195.00
1 Benev. 2.00
Bapt. seat Mar .75
Car fare .05
Church .05
5 Kneisel .50
Carr. .50
Slein concert .50
Concert .75
Hampt. play 1.00
Church seat 10.00
Outlook 2.50
Miscellany 1.00
Aid Society 1.00
OBK 2.00
Ticket 2.75
College Club 2.00
Colleg. Alum. 1.00
6 Carriage .50

Sandwich & pap. .13 Car fare .10
7 " " .10 Gloves cleaner .15 4 yds cloth 6.00
365.62 159.77
Date Received Paid
365.62 159.77 8 Church .10 7 Mrs. McLean 1.10 9 Mrs. Morse 2.00
10 " " 2.00 Car fare .15 Divinity .50 [Inserting] .65 Mrs. McLean 3.30 Julia .50 Silk 2.76 Percaline .45 Facing .23 Shoes 3.90 Velveteen .50 Lace .66 Green leaves .75 Buckle .65 Mrs. McL. lunch .75 Corsets 1.75 [Mull] .75 Car fare .15 Lace .22
12 Car fare .10 Dentist 3.00 365.62 186.79
Date Received Paid 365.62 186.79
11 Mrs. McCleans 1.10 2 prs. gloves 2.00 1 5/8 Ribbon .82 1 yd. " .11 2 undershirts .96 Flannel .23
13 Car fare .05 Prayer-meeting .05
14 Car fare .35 Hat - Mrs. J. .60 Car fare .10 Kom - dress 23.00 Stamps .50
15 Church .05 Car fare .15 Breakf. Ass. .05
16 Car fare .05 Gloves 1.00 Lace .25 Button .02 Hairpins .12 Silk .68 Corsets .19 Nighty 1.00 365.62 220.12
Date Received Paid
365.62 220.12
16 Ticket, trunk 3.25
17 Car fare .10
Trunk & can. .50
18 Express .25
Car fare .05
Paper & env.
19 Prayer m .25
21 Car fare .30
22 Church .05
Mission .25
Car fare .05
23 Minfred V.C. 50.00
Anti [salem] 3.00
Board etc. 11.50
25 Car fare .05
Soda W. .05
28 Car fare .10
29 South Ch. .05
Car fare .10
30 Soda W. .05
1 Longmeadow .20
Car fare .10
2 " " .10
Stamps .57
365.62 291.39

Date Received Paid 365.62 291.39 Candy .10 Cheeze .07 Sleeve button .25 Watch chain .25 6 Car fare .05 Church .05 7 Corns .50 9 Joes grocery .51 Silk waist 5.00 Shirt " 2.25
12 Car fare .05
" Pencil .05 Cheese etc. .15
13 Church .05 Car fare .05 Candy .05
16 Car fare .05 Stamps .50 Soda .05 Fan .10
19 Car fare .05 Curlers .08 Paper .02 Sewing silk .10 365.62 301.77
Date Received Paid 365.62 301.77
19 Candy & concert .15 Hooks & eyes .20 Hair pins .25
20 Church .05 21 Carfare .05 25 [Sh...] .25
Stocking sup. .17 Gloves .25 Belt .25
26 Life of Christ 3.00 Daily Strength .75 Ralphs collar 1.25
27 Church .05
Car fare .15
28 " " .10
Dr. Paton .50
29 Car fare .05
Mother 5.00
Stamps .10
2 Salary 25.00
Hat pins .10
Corns .25
Black belt .39
White " .50
390.62 315.58

Date Received Paid 390.62 315.58 Neck tie .25 3 Bapt. Chur. 3.75 Car fare .05 Joe .10 5 Salary 10.00 6 Dress cleaned 1.00 Laundry .20 Gloves cleaned .10 7 Car fare .20 8 " " .05 Waist cleaned .50 Shirt .25 9 Carriage .40 Sprng - Pok 2.99 Candy .15
11 Car fare .10
12 Banquet 1.00
13 Ticket to N.Y. 1.00
N.Y. to Spring. 2.75 Car fare .05 Carriage 2.00 Luncheon .25 Car fare .05 Joe .25
400.62 333.02
Date Received Paid 400.62 333.02 Car fare .15 Ribbon Grape juice .15 Peanuts .05 [Ph... o Caff.] .23
24 Church .05 Car fare .10 Telegram .26
25 Library .10
27 Car fare .10 Orange [Phos] .10
28 Pin .05 Hairpins .25 Tooth powder .20 Shoes 3.00 Dress cleaned 1.25 Compass .10 Cheese cloth .10 Ribbon .58 Buttons .03
29 Car fare .05
30 Salary 215.00 Car fare .05 Marin .09 615.62 340.06
Date Received Paid 615.62 340.06
30 Stationery 6.69 [Pa...] 1.00 12th Night 1.00 Newspaper .14 Hair combs .20 Newspaper .06 Frank's book 1.00 Miss [Welhende] .55 Laundry .05 Gloves cleaned .10 Soap .05 Sugar .04 Telegram .27 Knife sharp. .10 1 1st Bapt. .20 Benev. 11.00 Seat 5.50 Car fare .10 2 " " .10 Mend .10 Homestead .35 Corns .25 Candy .10 Lace .25 615.62 369.26
Date Received Paid
615.62 369.26
3 Servants 1.50
Trunk & Carr. .75
Spring. - Utica 4.24
Unacct. 5.26
Utica - Eaton .72
Paper .03
4 Trunk .25
" .30
5 Note book .05
6 Stamp .02
Soda Water .10
7 Bus .40
8 Church .15
9 Stamps .50
11 Candy .08
Listerine .10
12 Board 14.00
Washing 1.25
Mother Trav. 4.96
13 Carriage 1.00
Church sup. .10
Missionary .30
14 Bicycle .40
Candy .38
615.62 406.10

Date Received Paid
615.62 406.10
14 Buttons .12
Sugar .04
15 Ham. Ch. & S.S. .15
16 Lemon soda .05
18 Stage & trunk .50
Servants fees .75
Mothers stage .25
Eaton stage .40
Randalls - E. .20
Mother " .20
19 Wheel .10
Collars washed .06
21 Laundry 1.25
23 Wheel .10
24 " .10
" [Tumblers] .15
" Lemons 1/2 doz. .15
" Olives .10
? [...] & ice
25 Berthas gift 1.00
28 Board 5.00
29 Church etc .11
30 Stamps .32
615.62 417.20

Date Received Paid 615.62 417.20 Washing .30 Indian fam. 5.00 Board at [Hav.] 14.00
31 Washing 1.00 1 From Harold 5.00 Eaton board 5.00 Lemons .18 2 Corset string .02 Tumblers (3) .10 5 Eaton Ch. & S.S. .12 6 Thread .05 9 Board 5.00 Washing .50 Stamps .50 Ribbon 1.00
10 Bicycle 10.00 Jessie's book 1.00 Photos .44
11 Peanuts .05 Cotton .03
12 Eaton Ch & S.S. .06
13 Blank book .05
Stamps .50 14 Della [Macende] 3.00 620.62 465.10
Date Received Paid 620.62 465.10 14 Bicycle .10 [Findings] .35
15 Washing .50 Board 5.00 Trunk mended .20
Bicycle .10 19 Church .06 20 Bicycle .10 21 Washing .50 22 Board 5.00 23 Lost .10
Bicycle .10 24 Earlville trip 1.32 25 Stamps .40 26 Church & C.E. .11 28 Spool of thread .05 29 Washing .50 31 Washing .50
1 Board 8.60 2 Church .21 3 Tickets 10.00
Paper .05 Apple .01 Bench fees etc. .20
620.62 499.16
Date Received Paid 620.62 499.16 3 Car fare .20 4 Glasses .50 Trunk 1.50 Peanuts & crack. .10 [Salt] water .60 5 Car fare .20 Soda water .05 6 " " .05 Car fare .20 Tissue paper .02 Pink ribbon .27 7 Hausen Pl. .05 8 Car fare .10 Bicycle tire .25 Lace .07 Crochet needle 9 Church .15 Stamps .50 Linen facing .30 9 Harold 5.00
10 Car fare .10
11 Tape .12
" Car fare .15 Soda .10 625.62 504.74
Date Received Paid 625.62 504.74 Silk 1 1/2 yds 1.19 Board .40
12 " .40 Glasses .50 Mrs. Morse 1 1/2 days 3.50 Car fare .20
13 " " .20 Glasses .40 Golf suit 7.50 Harold 4.00 Unacct. [.58] Board 11.00 Washing 1.00 Wheel sent .85 Anti salom 3.00 Crochet needle .05 Saxony .38
16 Dr. Greggs ch. .05 Colored orphan .50
17 Ticket & trunk 3.25 Shoes Ribbon .13 Curlers .10 Belt buttons .06 629.62 540.18
Date Received Paid
629.62 540.18
17 Laundry .06
Silver watch rep. 2.00
Shoes 2.50
18 Mrs. Morse board .50
Stockings 3 prs. .38
Hair pins .21
Collars 2 .24
Writing paper .20
Harold 5.00
Car fare .25
Paper .02
19 Trunk .25
Bicycle [ex...] .80
Writing paper .25
Car fare .05
Dropper .05
Shoe-strap .10
22 [Mt] [...] .55
Lost .05
Car fare .05
Lenas candy .40
Cookies & cheese .23
23 Church .05
Car fare .05
634.62 549.37

Date Received Paid 634.62 549.37 Interest .51 [Pell...] .29
25 Glasses 1.00
26 Car fare .05
27 Stamps .25 Bible [Dues] .50
30 South Ch. .05
" Church Oct. 1.00
" Joe's Miss. .85 4 Bottle .05 6 [Haven to Hold] 1.00 Book for Ferry .15 Rubbers .85 [Book] black .10 Tie .25 2 Collars .25 Silk .10 Comb .10 Envelope .15 Cake & olives .13 Stamps .75 Lat. Leaflet .25 Handker. 1 doz. .60 7 Church seat 2.25 634.83 559.64

Date Received Paid
634.83 559.64
7 Collection .05
Car fare .10
Joe's .35

10 Miss Porter 5.00
11 Hat 4.10 Express .40 Skirt .29
13 Northamp & [...] .66 [Shirts] .10 Stamps .08
14 Church .05 Car fare .05 Joe .50
15 Copper .05 Soda .05 Cards .25
20 Candy .15 Book for Ferry .20 Compass .10
21 Church .05 Car fare .05 Joe .50
25 Watch chain .23 Shoe string .05 639.83 568.05
Date Received Paid
639.83 568.05
25 Pin for hair .12
Pendennis .75
27 Fiske sing. .80
28 Church .05
Car fare .10
Joe 1.00
29 Car fare .05
Candy .10
Paper .05
[Ink] [...] .25
Thackeray + .30
Tooth powder .14
Needles .05
30 5 Pts. .25
1 Hat 1.75
Car fare .05
4 Bapt. benev. 4.00
Medicine .75
6 Car fare .05
Licorice .10
Shoes [blacked] .10
Gloves cleaned .10
10 Stamps .50
Doll for Vol. .43
639.83 579.89

Music [Postman]
Lena owes me 25 I owe [...] " " Joe
James Lane Allen - Reign of Law Fred. Stanley Root - What is the matter with the Church. Patterson Dubois - The Point of Contact in Teaching. Holden - Stories of the Gt [A...]
In bank
June 30 $160.00
Aug 100.00
Sept. 60.00
Nov. 40.50

"Is your life worth living" Shepherd. Father do you want your children to be like you. Prov. 23:32
Ps. 14:3 Luke 11:43,44. [Herca] last [chirp] Desire sincere milk of word.