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Shipp, Margaret M. Letters, 1901-1905

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This collection contains 315 letters: 19 addressed to her family, 248 to her sister, 2 to her father and sister, and 46 to her father. The letters cover her entire time at Vassar. Shipp describes her courses and impressions of faculty members (President James Taylor and Lady Principal Georgia Kendrick [22 Sept 1901], Dr. Elizabeth Thelberg [e.g. 7 Mar 1902, 18 Mar 1902, 2 Apr 1902], Grade Macurdy [7 Mar 1902], Abby Leach [25 Oct 1903], Lucy Maynard Salmon [25 Jan 1905, 3 Feb 1905, 8 Mar 1905], and Gertrude Buck [9 Mar 1905]). Her letters contain various aspects of student life at Vassar, including attending chapel [24-26 Sept 1910], religious life [e.g. 24 Oct 1901], healthcare (being in the infirmary [e.g. 2 and 3 Oct 1903], physical examinations [2 Oct 1901, 16 Apr 1905]), socializing with men [e.g. 19 Oct 1901, 26 Oct 1901, 29 Nov 1901, 1 Dec 1901, 30 Mar 1902, 30 Apr 1902, 2 May 1902, 3 May 1903], her social life including "spreads" and stunt parties [e.g. 12 Mar 1902, 28 Mar 1902, 30 Oct 1904], smashing [15 Nov 1903], fashion [e.g. 21 Mar 1902, 5 Apr 1902, 18 Mar 1905 with sketch], and housing (living off campus her freshman year [e.g. 24 Oct 1901, 11 Nov 1901], room draw and descriptions of her rooms [6 May 1902, 21 Sept 1902, 16 Apr 1903]). Shipp was active in athletics, describing rowing on Sunset Lake [e.g. 4 Oct 1901], sports (basketball, hockey, gymnastics, tennis) [e.g. 24 Nov 1901, 18 Mar 1902, 18 May 1902, 22 Apr 1902], and ice skating [e.g. 27 Feb 1902, 7 Jan 1902, 13 Jan 1902]. She also participated in the Vassar Christians' Association [13 Oct 1901, 28 Sept 1902, 27 Sept 1903, 26 Nov 1904], and planned a Y.W.C.A. party [23 Apr 1905]. She also writes about the arts at Vassar, such as Philalethean Society plays [e.g. 18 Feb 1902, 16 Nov 1902], concerts [e.g. 24 Nov 1901], plays [e.g. 7 Dec 1901], participating in the Greek play [12 Mar 1902, 21 Mar 1902, 18 May 1902], and Choral Club. She references putting on a minstrel show on campus [1 June 1902]. Shipp often participated in and attended debates (intersociety on campus, versus Wellesley, and in her courses) [21 Mar 1902, 24 Mar 1902, 28 Apr 1902, 16 Jan 1903, 26 Apr 1903, 20 Oct 1903, 25 Oct 1903, 8 Nov 1903, 15 Nov 1903, 22 Feb 1905, 1 Mar 1905, 18 Mar 1905, 22 Mar 1905]. Shipp also records the political life on campus leading up to the 1904 presidential election [13 Oct 1904, 15 Oct 1904, 19 Oct 1904, 23-25 Oct 1904, 30 Oct 1904, 4 Nov 1904, 8 Nov 1904]. One letter describes visiting Sing Sing prison with friends for a course [29 Apr 1905]. She includes many Vassar traditions, such as Washington's Birthday [14 Feb 1902, 23 Feb 1902, 22 Feb 1903, 28 Feb 1904, 26 Feb 1905, photographs in 1 Mar 1902 and 25 Mar 1902], excursions to Mohonk [e.g. 19 Oct 1901, 23-25 Oct 1904], Sophomore Party [22 Sept 1901, 17 Nov 1901, 9 Nov 1902], Junior Party [15 Nov 1903], Field Day [11 May 1902, 26 Mar 1903, 27 May 1905], Founder's Day [2 May 1902, 3 May 1903, 30 Apr 1904, 1 May 1904], Tree Ceremonies [6 May 1903, 10 May 1903, 21 Apr 1904], skating carnivals [20 Jan 1904, 31 Jan 1904], Junior-Senior boat ride [26 May 1904, 28 May 1905], Senior Parlor [16 Nov 1902, 19 Oct 1904, 23 Oct 1904], the Vassarion [30 Oct 1904, 26 Apr 1905], Senior Birthday [30 Oct 1904], Thanksgiving [circa 23 Nov 1904, 24 November 1904], and Halloween [1 November 1901] (including one Halloween party where the girls dressed up as "nationalities" [1 Nov 1901, 4 Nov 1901]). She notes current events on campus, such as a fire at the college laundry [8 Feb 1902] (and a fire at Bryn Mawr [19 Mar 1902]), opening Davison House [1 Mar 1902], laying the cornerstone of the new chapel [5 Oct 1902] and the dedication of the new chapel [4 Nov 1904] (for image of new chapel see postcard circa 13 March 1905). Visitors to Vassar include lectures by William Butler Yeats [6 Dec 1903] and Lyman Abbott [14 Jan 1905]. She also meets Alton B. Parker [22 Mar 1905] and John Burroughs [23 Apr 1905]. In addition, she comments on news outside Vassar, such as President McKinley's illness [8 Sept 1901], the impact of the Iroquois Theatre fire in Chicago on Vassar students [10 Jan 1904], and President Theodore Roosevelt and Booker T. Washington's dinner at the White House [26 Oct 1901]. Some letters include other materials like cyanotype photographs [26 Feb 1902, 27 Feb 1902, 1 Mar 1902, 25 Mar 1902], photographs [5 Jan 1905, circa 13 Jan 1905], visiting cards [e.g. 25 Jan 1905], valentines for her sister [e.g. circa 16 Feb 1905], and a Commencement invitation [circa 1 June 1905].,VC 1905
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vassar:letters-margaret-m-shipp,: vassar:letters-margaret-m-shipp
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