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Slade, Caroline E. | to sister, May 20, 1866:

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May 20, 1866
VC Spec 1865-1866

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vassar:24983,,Box 72,VCL_Letters_Slade_Abigail-L_Caroline-E_1865-1866_016
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: VCLLettersSladeAbigailLCarolineE18651866016001
Vassar College N.Y.
May 20th 1866

My Own precious Sister,

I have seated myself to
write you in the cool of the morning, as it promises
to be a very warm day. Three weeks from to day
I suppose you will all be in Newport, you
must enjoy yourselves for as as well as for
yourselves. I wish Mother would get me a
pair of Corsets when she is in Newport, at Cousin
William Shermans, they fit me better than those
I get any where else I wear number 19.

The great event of last week was a call from
Charles E. Gilford of Fall River, it seemed very
pleasant and natural to see him, he brought
us a package of Bonbons from Maillards in New
York I suppose he arrives home this morning.
It does not hurt us to exercise, I am trying
to get over being so round shouldered if such a
thing is possible. I only exercise from eight to nine


: VCLLettersSladeAbigailLCarolineE18651866016002
in the evening every other night. Our dresses came
in very good order, the Cookles were very nice and en-
tirely acceptable. We are not tired of that kind.

I think Lillle Slocum might have waited
till we were home, but never mind maybe she
will down again by that time. What has
Father gone to Maine for why couldn't he come
home by the way of Poughkeepsie and Vassar
College. Many many thanks for sending the
picture we were right glad to get. it was next
to seeing him. It will be very pleasant to
have uncle Asia folks so near us, I hope they
will find it pleasant give my love to them to
all Last Sunday we wore our thin dresses and
to-day we are going to wear our whites it is so
warm. You will probably receive the Catalogue
we sent this week, we would send them to more
of our friends but the cost twenty-five cents apiece
we sent one to uncle William California. Are
they not got up in nice style, what do you think of the
engraving is it not fine, and now my dear
sister good bye I must close ever remaining
yours lovingly


: VCLLettersSladeAbigailLCarolineE18651866016003
My Dear Mother

Another pleasant
warm Sabbath morning has come bringing
with it the pleasant duty of writing home
This week has passed much the same
as usual as the term draws near the
close we have more and more to occupy
our time so that each hour has its duty
but that is very easy when we think that
It lacks only five weeks more and then our
school days will be over but I hope to keep
on learning though I may not go to school again
You knew of course that Charlie came to see
us it was too bad that you had so much
trouble writing that permission for by
coming with Elizabeth Haviland he did
not need it (Miss Lyman came in and
talked with her about mission schools
bible societies and the like Elisabeth
Haviland seems very much taken up with
meetings at present they had a revival
in Poughkeepsie and Friends seem to


: VCLLettersSladeAbigailLCarolineE18651866016004
have caught the spirit since Quarterly
meeting they have had several meetings
and a great many of the young people
have taken part they are progressive here
I think. Joseph Collins said that Eli
Jessup said he did not put so much stress
on little things that they would soon
get over that first the flowers and then the fruit
I wish our meetings home were getting
larger instead of smaller there are so few
young friends that the interest does not seem
as great. What was father's business in
Maine you did not mention he was
going has the other contraband arrived
and how do they succeed I hope I have
not lost all my skill in the art of
cooking. What kind of a bonnet is thee
going to have this summer Do not
over work this warm weather does Aunt
Lois seem to like the idea of moving over
it seems as if her lot in life was rather hard
but still she has many blessings to be thankful
for With much love to thyself and father


: VCLLettersSladeAbigailLCarolineE18651866016005
[In Abbie's hand:]
Very much love to Pa and Ma keep a goodly portion for yourself five weeks from Wednesday Hurrah, love to the neighbors and enquiring friends.