Vassar College Digital Library

Ross, Caroline (Barnes). Letters, 1902-1903

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This collection includes 10 letters: 8 letters to Ross' mother and 2 incomplete letters to unknown recipients, all spanning from Ross' freshman year through the fall of her junior year. Ross describes several elections on campus for the VC Students' Association and other student organizations. She participates in her class' basketball team [e.g. May 1902], the Philalethean Society [23 February 1902], the T. and M. society [31 May 1903], and fundraising for the Maid's Club House [10 May 1903]. She observes traditions including a variety of campus parties, the Junior-Senior boat ride, Commencement, Founder's Day [4 May 1902], a Dome Party [31 May 1903], Senior Day [1 June 1902], and Halloween [1 November 1903]. She gives particularly detailed accounts of dressing up for Washington's Birthday [23 February 1902], several class' Tree Ceremonies [27 April 1902, 4 May 1902, 10 May 1903], hearing and celebrating the results of the Vassar-Wellesley Debate [27 April 1902], and Field Day [11 May 1902, 10 May 1903]. Ross also reports on the room draw process [4 May 1902, 11 May 1902], laments her homesickness [11 May 1902], and mentions receiving visitors, sermons in the Chapel, and academic examinations. Throughout the letters, Ross includes details of her social life and reflects on the importance of the relationships between classes (e.g. her sister class, 1903).,VC 1905
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vassar:letters-caroline-barnes-ross,: vassar:letters-caroline-barnes-ross
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