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"Anna" — to Mary C. Gauntlett, September 22, 1866

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22 Sep [1867?]

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vassar:55120,Folder 64.4; VCL_Letters_Unidentified_1866-09-22_064_004_001
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: VCL_Letters_Unidentified_1866-09-22_064_004_001_001
Vassar College Poughkeepsie.
Sunday Morning. Sept 22nd

My Own Dear [Lettie?];

Just one week ago to-day I sat in church. looking at your dear face wondering if the [returning?] Sabbath would find me in the same place with the same surroundings. again later in the day. in your home I saw you. the image of the scene I now vividly recall as [I?] whirling around in the Doctor’s carriage fell head-long over the back of the seat [near?] by taking my breath from me. I then felt as never before. how soon our life plans might be changed.

Of our journey here. I need tell you nothing for you have passed over the same route from Albany to Pougheepsie the Lodge delegates occupied a seat next us. and the last I saw of them. we passed them on the


: VCL_Letters_Unidentified_1866-09-22_064_004_001_002
street - they on foot. we in a carriage. bound for the Morgan House. Mary & I both hoped to see Sanders on the college grounds. but [...] did not favor us with the least bit of a glimpse of him. I do not whether he visited the grounds or not.

Of the preliminary exams I presume you have also heard. either from Mama. or [D…]. the Rhetoric & English Literature Prof Backus placed Mary & myself in the 2nd year and said that he might yet change us to the senior year.

Prof Roberts. the head of the department of languages after inquiries as to [...] [...] and what of the Latin we had read. advised us both not to pursue it further but to take up French & German. but every thing yet awaits the sanction of the President. -- without which all things are nothing.

Perhaps Lettie you have some curiosity to know how we spend the Sabbath. well I’ll tell you as far as I have been and know.


: VCL_Letters_Unidentified_1866-09-22_064_004_001_003
In the first place let me say that we have no college laws no rules. They are merely hints - or wishes. The “hints-to-students” on our door gives the following “college hours.”
rising 6. o’clock. breakfast. 7. o’clock. 7:30 making of beds. this is the only thing which we have to do. next Private Devotion, which is called “silent-time” and last twenty minutes. 8.30 chapel services, which consist of singing with the organ, or piano, from the “Plymouth Collection” which is furnished by the college. dinner at 1 o’clock, tea at 6.o’clock, chapel services immediately after tea. bell for retiring at 10.o’clock. This you must bear in mind is our every day routine. and it just the same on Sundays only services in the chapel some times 3 times. but to day only one service at half past three. You thought that we would starve Lettie but there is no danger of that. for there is an abundance of good wholesome food provided. but no great variety. Thinking that as a [speci…?] our bill of fare for dinner may interest you


: VCL_Letters_Unidentified_1866-09-22_064_004_001_004
I give it. - white & graham bread and butter. tea for those that wish it. ice water for others sweet and [...ris…?] potatoes, cold beef & lamb succotash, dessert, [...ell?] cake grapes & melons. We have coffee every morning & beef steak, and occasionally hot rolls, so dont think of me as wasting away for my appetite is as good. & I expect to return now as fat as ever. So the I have not as yet shed a tear although I had two or three silent times. I meant solemn but they were [dry?] ones. but I have seen tears shed. I presume you enjoying yourself finely with Sarah [Jane?] & her sweet little boy. you cant imagine how rejoiced I was to find Sarah looking so well. it did me a world of good to see her. Lett would it surprise you to know that they have dancing in the gymnasium very frequently. it is a very large room. lit by gas conditions and about [1...00?] young ladies expected the [...] to perfection the other evening.

we have not yet obtained our dresses. there are delightful walks about here. we went to walk the other afternoon with two old students. &the other Miss Hubbard the grand-daughter of Mrs [Goodrich…?] friend. the first is from New York city. & the last from Mass. Springfield. All of the senior & junior classes and those over twenty can go to the city in threes with Miss Lymans permission. but Lettie I am afraid that I am wearing you with my prosy description if so pardon. & manifest that pardon by one of your good, long, big, sweet letters very soon. write just as soon as possible to [A...?]


: VCL_Letters_Unidentified_1866-09-22_064_004_001_005
As there is not a whit of privacy in this letter will you be so kind as to read or show it to Mama or [Bi...a?]. When I sat down


: VCL_Letters_Unidentified_1866-09-22_064_004_001_006
I meant to have written to you both, but I have made yours so lengthy that it is now time to dress for chapel services. Love to all your family. Tell Georgia that a share of this letter requires a reply


: VCL_Letters_Unidentified_1866-09-22_064_004_001_007
from her.