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Edited Text
Cornelia M. Raymond Vol. XII
From Minnie, Dec. 25, 1895
If any man lack wisdom, let him ask God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. James 1:5.
Bertha very sick with asthma. New Years dinner at 2. Harold, Ruth, & Ralph came. 18 1/2 page letter from Reeve. He has gone back to Bible reading & prayer. Ray came from Uncle Gus after dinner. Long call from Alfred Raymond who brought to Bertha from Susie Raymond & Lucy Bliss a brass tea-kettle. We all, except Bertha went to a party at Lottie's.
Wea. Thursday 2 Ther.
Bertha no better. Mother & I went shopping. Met Mrs. Thomes-Allris, Miss Penfield (81), Mary Sharpe, Ralph, Mary Goodrich, Lou Dickerson's cousin. An awful day. Bertha's attack began at about 8 A.M. & continued all day with no relief. She took Oxygen & everything. At 9 Frank & Jus gave her a hypodermic injection & she then became unconscious. Will & I called on Ella Frances & went to the Girls' High School. Ray & Will went to Franks & to Roberts.
Bertha better but still wretched and sore. Ray & Will left this A.M. for Angelica & Ithaca. Day of Prayer. [Soul winning]. Early meeting 6.30 at 10, at 2.30. I heard Dr. Elle's, Cameron, Knapp, Wolfkin Campbell. Eve. went to S.A. Holiness meeting. Met Miss Harnan. Talked & prayed with Mr. Young & Miss Thayer.
Wea. Saturday 4 Ther.
Ralph went to Keuka. I went to see Ruth & she came here. Bertha is better. Call from Mary Sharpe & Will Breeze. Kenmore came to take Minnie & Ruth to the 23rd Regiment Review. Mother, Frank, Russell, & I played History cards. I wrote to Emma Whittemore & to Sarah Lloyd. Mrs. Devins washed my head, Mother's & Mins. Helen Smith called with little Mary [...].
A.M. Mr. Dixon, Deut. 11:12. Albert Orton & Prof. Froelich came to dinner. Albert & Mother called on Holtis Gibson. I went to S.A. Army. There I met Younges again. He did not seem right, & at last I found he was waiting for Holiness. I confessed I hadn't it & he talked to me. He walked to elevated station, promised to send book & to pray for me & ask others. Now the old question came up. Can I ever have it? Albert came back to tea. Harrie Quintin gave Ruth a seal purse. I staid home & read to [Pharen] Dixon & Frank Read [...] [...]. Grace Dixon staid to tea.
Wea. Monday 6 Ther.
Hazel Francis died yesterday of scarlet fever. Bertha went to dentists. She left on the 3.30 train for Vassar. Louis Richardson, Ross Roberts, Miss McC?, Ruth, Lucy Bliss & Clara Aldridge called. Bitter cold. Lucy stayed to dinner. She invited us to Alfred's operretta but I declined. Minnie & girls went to church. Mother, Frank & I stayed home. I read Tom Brown.
Wrote to Mrs. Gibson, Capt. Carrigan, Will Richardson, Will Todd.
Came to Springfield. Ernest Sedman called to say good bye. Mother came to the train. We rode to 53rd St. Miss Goodwin not there. Bessie Mullen & Amy Gillette & Lucy Skinner came too. Lena has laryngitis. Found a 12 paper letter from Reeve, pen tray from Bertha Robinson, [Silne] seal from Pauline Day, Veil pin & photo of Lena from Mrs. Griffin, Ethel [Nadis] mother said she never saw any one improve in music as she had. Irene too ill to return.
Wea. Wednesday 8 Ther.
Began school. Edith Homes was detained till this A.M. She has met a Mr. Grubbs at Pittsburg. We began A Singular Life.
Lucy Skiner began music. Mr. strong has returned.
Snowy day. Amy Gillette broke my glasses with a foot ball. Prayer-meeting. Mr. Olmstead & Mip - examined. Talked with Mr. Rice & Mrs. Russel. Nice long letter from Will Todd.
Wea. Friday 10 Ther.
Rec'd wedding cards. Yesterday Grace Learned married Mr. DeWitt. Katharine Bates writes that Fannie has had an operation in a hospital. Rec'd "Vassar" which Bertha bought me.
Gave Ethel Nash her 1st Latin lesson. Called on Mrs. Porter at breakfast time. James came today & Violet & I called on him. Violet asked whether Mother was not coming. Edith [Turtlelotte] & I went down town. Letter from Carrie Moon.
Wea. Sunday 12 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Perry Christ Ch. Lessons of Epiphany Toleration etc. (good). Lena wants to box D. Abbotts ears. Brig. Brown at Salvation A. Talked with boy & [D...] girl. Took tea with James. Welsh Rarebit had ale & I stopped
eating it.
Edith Holmes does not seem well. They say that they had wonderful meetings at our church & two were saved. Began " [Mugg] [Meginch]" [Finished] "A Singular Life."
Wea. Tuesday 14 Ther. Periodical class. Bessie Miller took a second examination in Germ. & failed.
I hear that Mrs. Pelham (High St.) died in NY. James Porter wants Miss P & me to come to Boston to the opera. Letter from Capt. Carrigan. We wen to Hamilton Gibons lecture on Ichneumon flies. Judge Shunteff died yesterday.
Wea. Thursday 16 Ther.
Alice Kin's wedding. Called on Mr. Hahn for "Contemporary". We talked of church. Strange meeting tonight. He was said to kill the meeting by scolding. Mr. Rice's feeling were hurt. Called on Mrs. Dorn.
Wea. Fri. Jan. 17, 1896 Ther. Miss P. wants me to get a new coat. We played Crambo this evening. Put on my green & brown dress. Wore it last the day Will died. Wrote to Frank.
Wea. Saturday 18 Ther. Wrote to Bessie Libenthal, Grace Learned, Dr. Witt, Fannie Bates. Letter from Mrs. Griffin & John Date.
A.M. Dr. Moxom. Ps. 97:2. Went to S.A. & City Mission. At S.A. talked again to Mabel Dome. Frank Morse has heard from Reeve. Saw at City M. Johnson, Thayer - prayed with him for deeper work & Page - not sanctified. Capt. Cummings says Joe has left the Mission. Read a good deal of the [Disciples].
Wea. Monday 20 Ther.
Took a day off. Edith Holmes & I called on Mrs. Rising, Mrs. Whipple (out) & Mrs. Revel. Then Edith went home with a sick headache & I called on Miss Jacobs. Ray was out, but I saw Mrs. J. Then went to Celia's on Buchingham St. She kept me to tea. When I reached home the girls were starting for South Ch. play. Reeve wrote me about having his nose broken by a Stevens. I answered him.
11 yrs. ago I heard of Mr. Porter's engagement. Edith H. & I took tea with Miss Emerson at Mr. Reed's. Talked Theology.
Wea. Wednesday 22Ther.
Mr. Reed has sent me his book. Miss P. & I went down town & looked at coats. I sent home 7.50 & 12.50. I went down to meet Alice Rothschild who is to take Irene's place.
Mabel Cone told me that last night they had a cold meeting. Tonight it was a lovely meeting. Chamberlain spoke. An American minister was there.
Wea. Friday 24 Ther. Girls had Shakespeare anagrams. Rec'd 8.00 from Ana Graves. Evan [Ass.]
Wea. Sunday 26 Ther.
A.M. Pres. Dwight Juo. 1:35. Called on May Hodge. Mr. H. has softened of the brain. At S. Army saw Joe. Talked with a young [actor] & his friend. Letter from Geo. Youngs. He has Holiness. Called on Miss [Rolison], Edith Holmes & I called on Mrs. Porter this evening. No singing, so went to bed early.
Called on Mrs. Bartholomew (she [poured] out about children) on Rose Dulton. She is in Quebec but I saw Edith. Bought music. Edith Holmes taken sick. Lucy & I went to tell Mrs. Bill & Mrs. Dutlin. I am to read my S. A. paper in her [stead].
Rec'd books from Youngs.
Wea. Tuesday 28 Ther.
Copied by S.A. paper at the Union office. Read it at Y.M.C.A. Met Miss Barnard, Lee & many others. Barton Symphony Concert. Esther [Paletine] brother is dead. Miss Fannie Maltice came.
Wea. Wed. Jan. 29, 1896 Ther. Periodical class. I wrote a long letter to Mother. Miss Reilly called to consult me about her studies.
Wea. Thursday 30 Ther.
Miss King is ill so did not come. Prayer meeting. Queer one. Mrs. Bertrand ? spoke of the Indwelling. I have begun "Inbred Sin" & Mr. Reid's book on doctrine.
Neither Dr. Poole nor Miss King came. First [Ch...] letter from Mother. This evening Miss Maltise sang to us.
Wea. Sat. Feb. 1 Ther.
Edith Holmes had her tooth pulled today & I went with her. Dr. Hurlbut rubbed cocaine on. Miss P, Lena & I went to hear Miss Jordan talk on Ibsen at Mrs. Pillsbury's 55 Elliot before Smith Alumnae. Mrs. Robins came today. Mr. & Mrs. Russell are at the [Dencys] & called this evening.
Mr. Hahn. 1 Pit. 1:8. Communion. S.S. in which we discussed Faith Cure. I spoke to Mr. H. about Holiness. Violet has talked to Miss P. & Edith Holmes to Lena. At S.A. the [Brengles] were there. I had a long talk with Mr. [S...]. Wrote to Mr. Young & Miss Thayer.
Wea. Monday 3 Ther. Letter from Harlan. Called to see Miss Reilly.
Wea. Tues. Feb. 4, 1896 Ther. Letter from Mother. Wrote to Fred. Dr. Poole is ill so Edith had gym. Adile Buffington has some [fever]. Lena & Miss P. went to a lecture on Child Culture.
Wea. Wednesday 5 Ther.
Geo. McIntosh sent me his picture. Miss Lukes & Edith Holmes went to hear Mrs. Treat on Child Culture. Adile Buffington was sick yesterday & today with a cold from washing her head.
Pouring rain but cleared some in the evening. Wonderfully impression talk by Mr. Hahn on the leading of the Spirit. I think some did not like it.
Wea. Friday 7 Ther.
Note from Dr. [Fauvre], & Minnie. Fred Reeve writes that he will never live in S. [again]. He is trusting. Miss Julia Nack is here, we had an auction.
Wea. Sunday 9 Ther.
A.M. Dr. Moxom Juo. "Loneliness of Christ". Went to S.A. & City Mission. Talked & prayed with Page. He was all off last week. Mrs. Dorn haed had a nice letter from Fred Reeve. I read to girls from A Singular Life this evening.
Wea. Mon. Feb. 10, 1896Ther. Constance Copeland has come to spend the night with Lucy. Patch has had the doctor.
Wea. Tuesday 11 Ther. Periodical class. Miss Copeland went home.
Patch seemed better but he died in a convulsion today. We sat up till about midnight & made out reports.
Wea. Thursday 13 Ther.
Last day of term. Essays, children's poetry, etc. Vocal class in the afternoon. Miss Porter wishes me to take singing, so I had my first lesson. Miss King seems to be a fine teacher but I can't afford it! Fancy dress party tonight to which several day scholars were invited.
Wrote to Reeve.
Wea. Fri. Feb. 14, 1896 Ther. Edith Holmes, Violet Coen, & Ruth Chapin went to Vassar. I sent Bertha candy & a note. I sent Winfred my muff. Began the second term today.
Wea. Saturday 15 Ther.
I think Ethel Nash is to take lessons of Mr. Strong. We had a sleigh-ride. The writing lessons have begun. Went to library. Mrs. Webb came.
Letter from Mother. Dr. Moxom Matt. Lucy took dinner with the Porters & Miss Toles the soprano. Rickland has left S.Army. Page was there all right. I had to read again to the girls. Went to bed tired & nervous. Edith Holmes & Ruth Chapin returned. Violet went to N.Y.
Wea. Monday 17 Ther.
A letter from Fred Reeve. Studied hard all the afternoon. All the girls but Amy Gillette, Edith [Tristlelotte] & Violet went to Lohengrin. Violet returned from N.Y. Miss P. has had letters from Mr. Hardie & Mary. She has married a Mr. Jones & he has taken the name La Guy & they are going on the stage.
Letter from Bessies Mom. Studied hard all day & retired at 11.50. I feel worried about all my new lessons. I have Beginning Lat. 5 times a week Caesar " " Prose 4 Rachel, Edith Cicero 5 Rising & Edith " Prose 4 Holmes in music Virgil 5 Edith Nash Astronomy 2 began with Eng. Hist. 4 Mr. Strong today U.S. Hist.4 & Physics 2
Wea. Wednesday 19Ther.
Ash Wednesday. We went to Lentin service at 5. 1 yr. ago today!
2nd lesson- singing. Vocal class. I have been cross all the week. But I got good (I hope) in prayer-meeting. Joe was there & Mr. Chamberlain. Mr. Rice is sick.
Wea. Friday 21 Ther.
Took girls to Gill's Act Exhibition this afternoon. Edith [Turtlellote's] friend was here. Her name was - . Edith Holmes Cousin Lillie came to the city. Dr. Poole did not come. I studied this evening. Reeve sent a card asking why I did not acknowledge money. A new puppy has come.
The papers say that the Booth's have resigned their command & will take no other. We are all [stirred]. Col. Nicole, Eva Booth & Herbert came to see them. They have left & gone into retirement some where. Studied most all day. Long walk beyond the water shops. Miss Hill did not come. Dudley & Mrs. Lewis called.
Wea. Sunday 23 Ther.
Very excited about the Booth's. Saw Mr. Moxom about an auxiliary meeting. Epis. Church. Funny sermon by Langdon [Stewardom] of Worcester. Call from May Clarke. Talked with Rutland & Page at S.A. Capt. & Mrs. Miller on to [learn]. They wish to raise $80. Miss P. finished "Singular Life".
Contradictory reports from the Booth's. One says that he is to keep command here but will take no orders from England. Rec'd a letter from Reeve & another $20. Went down town. Put $40 in the bank for Reeve. Went to see Will's picture. It came with a crease. Paid Mrs. Lawyell. Mrs. Webb went home.
Wea. Tuesday 25 Ther. Periodical class. Discussed the theatre. Conflicting reports about the Booth's. I don't know what to believe.
Wea. Thursday 27 Ther. Beautiful covenant-meeting.
We went to Lenten Service. Address by Lady fainted. Miss Porter thinks I write too many letters! Girls played cards & I studied this P.M. Letter (printed) from Eva Booth.
Wea. Saturday 29 Ther.
Read U.S. History all day. Went to library this afternoon in the rain. Have caught a cold. Miss Hill did not come.
Dr. Moxom. Keeping of Lent. Rom. 14 Col 2:16.17. At Army great talk about [sticking] by the Army. The Millers have been told to wait for orders. Cameron was there all discouraged. They say Smith has been drinking.
Wea. Monday 2 Ther. Mr. & Mrs. Booth's "letter to friends" was published today. Miss P. is urging me to withdraw.
I composed a cutting letter to Edith Marshall in the night & sent it this P.M. Miss P. liked it. Letter from Rob saying he thought of me every day, from Esther, & from Bertha. Miss Hill came.
Wea. Wednesday 4 Ther. Lenten Service. Mr. [Leries] of New Haven on Conservation for the Sake of others. Juo. 17: -.
Harlan writes that Marguerite is engaged to Howard Benedict of N.Y. 3rd singing lesson. Prayer-meeting. Joe brought Mr. Martin. Mrs. Packard went. Sarah is to leave. I feel worried about Lena. She seems [sober] & tired. Geo. [Greenhalge] is dead.
Wea. Friday 6 Ther.
I rec'd a beautiful letter from Capt. Carrigan. She is with the Booth's. Dr. Poole considers Mr. Hahn for friend minister in Springfield. Girls played cards. For a short time I played Character Cards.
Susy Swift is to come tomorrow to settle things. Ethel Nash has gone with her mother to N.Y.
Wea. Sunday 8 Ther.
Mr. Gerald Stanley Lee Matt. 17:19. Juo. The Bapt. The young man is clever but conceited. Letter from Mother. Cousin Lizzie's [Cin. stick] sold for 1500. Quiet prayer-meeting in S.A. I took tea with Cousin Helen, Etta, George, Miss Clapp. Fannie [Ring] has a baby.
Last night the Booth's had their Cooper Union meeting, very enthusiastic. The auxiliary league is to be called the defenders' league. Called on Mrs. Baldwin (out), Mrs. Chamberlain. Her husband has not drunk since I prayed with him. Mr. Porter's birthday. Mr & Mrs. P. took dinner here then went home to a suprise party. Reeve writes that he is blue & not doing well.
Wea. Tuesday 10 Ther.
Long letter from Edith Marshall which I liked. OUtlook class. I retired with a sick headache.
Capt. Miller came to ask if Mrs. [Bre...] might hold a parlor meeting here!
Wea. Wed. March 11, 1896 Ther. Letter from Capt. Carrigan. She has returned to the Army! Met Ethel Nash who returned from N.Y. at 3 P.M. Almost a blizzard tonight.
Wea. Thursday 12 Ther. 4th singing lesson. Prayer-meeting. Mr. Rice looks sick & queer. Alice Rothschild's father has failed but She doesn't know it.
Wea. Saturday 14 Ther.
Studied all day & all the evening. Lucy told me that Violet said I made the girls nervous nagging them. I spoke to Chas. this A.M. I talked to Ethel about her [impertinence]. She passed her Eng. History.
Mr. Fergusson preached but Dr. Moxom preceded it by a talk about the drama. Not an agreeable S.A. meeting, boys very rude. At the close Capt. Miller stated his side for about an hour. I came home with a sick headache & went to bed before supper.
Wea. Monday 16 Ther. Snowed hard all day. We talked about S.A. Edith Holmes is 26; rec'd a box.
Wea. Tues. March 17, 1896 Ther. Josie Bostwick writes that Jessie Bostwick is married. Miss Hill came.
Wea. Wednesday 18Ther. Mother sent me a sweet letter from Marguerite. Mr. Hammond 1st organ concert.
Pouring rain. Did not go to meeting for we had home concert. Miss King, Mrs. Porter, Lena & Glee Club sang. Then had birday cakes. I had one candle. Very happy because Reeve wrote about his mother & sent her letter. He says I am his only true earthly friend. 5th singing lesson.
Wea. Friday 20 Ther. I told fortunes to the girls tonight. Wrote to Susan Smith.
Rec'd a letter from Lill Brengle just "going for" the others. Went down town with Violet. We saw Mrs. Griffith. This afternoon call from Bessie Moore. Went to a "Merriam" tea at Cousin Helen's to meet Cousin Lucy.
Miss Hill came.
Wea. Sunday 22 Ther.
I went to State St. Church. [Vicarious] [Atonement]. Heb. 2:9. Mr. Foster stopped Mrs. Church talking about 2nd Advent. Capt. & Mrs. Miller farewelled today. I went from S.A. to Mission. Talked & walked with 2 girls down Water St.
Lucy has told them that she may not come back. We are talking of Fannie Bates. I went to see Capt. Miller & say we won't invite Susan & I met the new Capt. Mrs. [Wilmont] took dinner here.
Wea. Tuesday 24 Ther. Last periodical class. I went with Edith Holmes to hear her paper at the Bliss St. home.
Wea. Thursday 26 Ther. Susan Swift spoke at Y.M.C.A. on recent trouble. Drunken man put out. Did not go to vocal class. 6th singing lesson.
Last day. Lucy Skinner, Amy Gillette, Bessie Miller, Laura White & I came together to N.Y. on 1.45 train, & Bertha Robbins came to Hartford. Ethel Skinner met us. I found Bertha here & Will came soon after.
Wea. Saturday 28 Ther.
Read Tom Brown to United Society of Bachelors (Frank, Russell, & Phason). P.M. Mother & I went to Mrs. Stephens (dressmaker) & [Jerry] Gibson's (out). Will Trann & wife called. They & Monford took dinner at Sharpes. Bertha, Ruth, Will went to Armory with Kenmore. I read Singular Life to Mother & Minnie.
A.M. Mr. Dixon Spirit-Filled Life. Wonderful sermon. A.M. & P.M. on the same subject. Miss Bradley the girls teacher was invited but did not come. Dr. Judson spoke most interestingly in the afternoon on his father's life. Read to Frank & Phasm.
Wea. Monday 30 Ther.
Minnie & I went to Dr. Stearns Bible Lesson on the Resurrection. Mrs. Stevens. 2nd time. Evening. Read a Singular Life.
Went over to N.Y. I went to S.A. Headquarters. Susan had gone to Chicago but I visited Edith Marshall & saw Miss Clarke. Miss M. says that Mrs. Booth would never speak to her after writing that letter about Carnegie Meeting after lunch. I returned to daily meeting 12.30 led by [Corrine] [Castleton]. Called on Mrs. Favre. Mrs. Stephen's 3rd time. Mr. Adams called this evening & stayed 8.30-10.45. Called on Lucy Skinner & Aunt Susan. Lucy is not to return.
Wea. Rain. Wed. April 1 Ther.
Cousin Darwin's wife is dead. Called on Ruth & Harold & talked on S.A. matters. Rain. P.M. I called on Capt. Carrigan & I feel that she did right to stay in the Army. Minnie, Winnie, & Ruth went to church & I read Tom Brown to Frank, Bret, & Phason.
Mrs. Stephens 4th time. Letter from Cameron. Wrote to Clara Morse, Cousin Lizzie, Rob Bliss, Geo McIntosh, Fannie Roney, Fred Reeve, Kate Foote, Wm. Cameron. Eve. Read alound A Singular Life.
Wea. Friday 3 Ther.
Wrote to Dudley Lewis, Jessie Bostwick Hume, Lillian Higgins, Stella Hitchcock. Winnie & I bought materials for my hat & she trimmed that & an old one. Mrs. Stephen's 5th time. Prayer-meeting. People gave one reason for thinking themselves Christians. I requested prayers for Charles.
Letter from Fred Reeve. He rec'd mine Friday A.M. & answered that evening. A good letter. Wrote to Carrie Moore. Went to Mrs. Stephens 6th & last time. Called with Mother on Alfred. Lucy Bliss is there. Ross had had 2 operations for piles. Saw pictures of little Alfred & heard stories of him. Bought shoes & Gloves. Read aloud. Girls went to Young Men's League. Sharpes came in.
Wea. Sunday 5 Ther.
A.C. Dixon Matt. 28:20. The professor came to dinner. I went to Capt. Carrigan's S.A. meeting. I took up the collection, read the lesson & talked to a young butcher, but saw no effect.
Staid home this evening. Call from Leila [Dunlap] & Lucy Hague. I had not seen the latter for years.
Dr. Stearns lesson. Before that Will & I called on Ruth, Harold, & their cousin. The "Beans" did not come. Russell came to say that if John had diphtheria his father would like Russell, Marg. & Belle to [bored] with [Min.]. Mr. Hadley's 1st meeting tonight. Mrs. Dixon would like to send Phasen & Marg in, while Grace has measles.
Wea. Tuesday 7 Ther.
Will left at about 7 & I at 10.45 (the 12 o'clock train). Lucy, Bessie Miller, & Laura White came with me. Bertha Robbins got on at Hartford. Saw Josie Cleveland in station. Her father has just died & she is teaching in Boston. Met Miss Jordan & she told me about Miss Healy. Mrs. Packard has had a [bed] full. [Medal] [...] [to] [P...] & Lucy.
School began. Amy Gillette came today, Ethel Nash, Alice Rothschild, Gloria Russell, Edith Turtlelotte. I met Alice in the evening.
Wea. Thursday 9 Ther. Egypt
Prayer-meeting. Long talk with Joe & Mr. Rice. Joe said in meeting he didn't want [Moses] to read his Bible for him. 7th singing lesson.
Wea. Saturday 11 Ther.
Letter from Mother. Studied all day. In the evening I had my corns cut, took a book from library, & went to S.A. for [War] [Eng]. Nice talk with Smith but not satisfactory. He drinks still. He promises to come to prayer-meeting Thursday night.
A.M. Judgement by Revelation. Dr. Moxom. Went to dinner with Cousin Helen & Etta. Ned Merriam has pneumonia & Alice is with him. At S.A. nice talk with new Capt. Violet & Morse gave me photos. Man who drinks some argued with me. Fear Johnson is tramping again. Martin gave me letter. Man met me & gave "Gosh I'm glad to see you". Read Supply at St. Agatha's to girls. Read Constance Jones letter about Miss Hastings.
Wea. Rain Monday 13 Ther.
Nice letter from Reeve. Strong statement by Ballington Brothers in paper today.
Gertrude Besse came with her Shetland pony & took me driving to Fred Park. Bessie Miller has slight symptoms of measles has gone home.
Wea. Very warm. Wednesday 15Ther. Letter from Will Todd. He does not wish to be Auxiliary Sec. He says Mr. Benedict is the cleanest man he ever saw.
8th singing lesson. At prayer-meeting Mr. Hahn spoke strongly about the effort for Christian Unity. Lucy took 3 girls to see Rip Van Winkle. Joe Jefferson.
Wea. Hot, then thunderstorm. Friday 17 Ther.
It was so hot that we didn't go out but later we had a thunder-storm. We had Violet's play "Love will find a way", & then raspberry [shrub]. Girls liked my dress.
Read a good deal today: Lord's Beacon Lights, Henry V., Count Robert of Paris etc! Sent Alfred the song In a Manger. Took Clara Russell to the [Devreys]. Took Edith Turtlelotte to the dentists.
Miss P. & Mrs. Webb took dinner with the [Sutphens] at the Poole's. Violet asked for Mother. We had a cold dinner, eggs, fruits, & sardines.
Wea. Sunday 19 Ther.
Beautiful service by Dr. Moxom Luke 12:15. Wealth & Life.
Reeve has come here on his way to N.Y. He met me on the way to S.A. & then walked home with me. He spoke beautifully there. I talked with a little girl & a poor old man who was a back slider from drink. He wouldn't pray, but cried & said "I will".
Patriots Day. I went to hear Miss Bostick Address the Junior Guild on Cleanliness. Had a nice time with Miss Lizzie Chapin.
Wea. Colder. Tuesday 21 Ther. Letter from Cameron, Mrs. Gibson & Mother.
Marion says "Aunt Carrie some morning Auntie Packard will say Auntie Carrie is dead". Mrs. Webb went home. Worked hrs over my Eng. History & 1st Prose papers. Called on Miss Hill.
Wea. Thursday 23 Ther.
Lucy seems miserable with a cold. 9th singing lesson. Reeve was at prayer-meeting & spoke beautifully. He wants to stay here & go on the electric R.R. Of course he walked home & I spoke about his grammar. We went on an errand to the drug-store.
Allen R. has lost his position. Both Rob Raymond & Will Raymond's [misses] have expectations. I called on [Maud] [Bourrer]. Mr. Strong lectured on the Orchestra. He had 12 refreshments. Mr. Hildreth & Mr. Blodgett played on 6. Mr. Strong, Mr. Cournen, Mrs. Scott, Miss Greenleaf played.
Wea. Saturday 25 Ther. Very busy day. Mrs. Chapin & Ned called. Met [Reeve] with the Sawyell baby.
Dr. Moxom. Lecture on the Conference for Arbitrater. Saw Parsons at S. Army. He & I talked to a man. Reeve came home with me. He thinks he must go to N.Y. Acted a little blue about it.
Wea. Monday 27 Ther.
Tried to find Mrs. Chamberlain to get Joe's address but her house was closed. Met Reeve on the Street. S.A. letters published in [War] Eng.
Wea. Tues. April 28, 1896 Ther. Mrs. Porter's 10th wedding-day. We took over roses, candelabra lantern. In the evening, went over & cut wedding cake.
Wea. Wednesday 29Ther. 1st Annual Union Conference in South Ch. Mrs. Packard & I heard Dr. Hodges & Mr. Fauvre. The other teachers in the evening heard Lyman Abbott. I met Mr. Hahn afterward.
Wea. Thur. April 30, 1896 Ther. Letter from Reeve about Mrs. Langrill. He is going to N.Y. Prayer-meeting. I felt blue. Talked with [Newhell]. 10th singing lesson.
Wea. Fri. May 1 Ther. Card from Reeve with his address. 261 W. 20th St. Mr. Strongs 2nd illustrated lecture. He, Mrs. Scott. Mip Allen, Miss Greenleaf played Beethovens Coriolan, Schubert
Symph. in C. Wagner [...] to [M...].
Mr. the Syrian Harvard student came today to sell his embroideries. They are beautiful & cheap. We all fell in love with him. Letter from Reeve in N.Y. He hopes for work. He was very blue. Called on Mrs. Dorn & we talked of Reeve & his past life. She thinks him very good, perhaps not very spiritual. Saw Mrs. Lawyell. Library. Wrote to Will Todd.
Wea. Sunday 3 Ther.
A.M. Communion in Bapt. Church. Mr. of Grand Ligne Mission. Early prayer-meeting. S.S. class. Found letter from Fred Reeve enclosing one for Mrs. Lawyell. At S.A. meeting I prayed with a Rom. Cath. who drinks. Had a long solemn talk with Smith. Reeve has had a nice welcome from Dr. Judson. He hopes to get $250.
Wea. Tuesday 5 Ther.
Miss King came today. Vocal class. 11th singing lesson. In the evening Lucy, Edith, & I went to Rehearsal of Lily Hymph & Eve. I got up to speak to Mrs. Reed & fell flat in the aisle. Miss Witheridge altered my collar.
Wea. Wed. May 6, 1896 Ther. Evening. [Masserats Eve.], Chadwick's Lily Nymph, Mme. Juch, Barron [Berchald], Campanari. Ada Morse's wedding day.
Wea. Thursday 7 Ther. Nice note from Dr. Judson about Reeve.
Schubert's Symphony, Barron [Berchald] [...] of Williams. Eve. Nordica & Heinrich. [N. San] Tristran & Isolde elegantly.

Poor concert. Sevrin's Lancelot & Elaine Arthur Whiting's Fantaisie. Evening Bruch's [A...] Grand. Miss DesVignes- Heinrich, Berchald. The latter learned his part in two days.

Wrote to Reeve & Mother. Had a little talk with "Joe" when I saw in Court Square.
Wea. Saturday 9 Ther. Hot.
Studied my lessons. Edith Turtlelotte went to her Uncle for one Sunday. Rec'd Alfred Bellinger's picture. Lucy, Edith, & I called at the Merriam's (out) so we got ice-cream & candy. Bess Chapin & Ruth went out to lunch with her. Sat up stairs & in Lucy's room this evening. Reading Oregon.
A.M. Mr. Gulick Matt. 5:17. He is a Japanese missionary & brother of Dr. Gulick. Long letter & postal from Reeve. He goes to work tomorrow. Nothing special at Army. Talked with man with [whom] I had talked before [...] sin. New lieutenant as Capt. is sick. They say that Warner is captured. Long talk with Mrs. Dorne. Called on May Hodge. Eve. we walked in groups. Called on Porters. Met Miss Tolles, Miss Miller, & Mr. Reid. I talked to Miss [...] about Christ.
Wea. Monday 11 Ther. Mrs. Prof. Bennett came. Her husband is Will Lat. professor at Cornell. Wrote to Mother & Fred Reeve.
Wea. Wednesday 13Ther. Rec'd from Reeve Volunteer's Gazetter for Frank Morse.
Beautiful prayer-meeting talk by Mr. Hahn on the Majesty of Christ. He went out with a headache & Mr. Newhall took his place. He came back at close & I talked with him about Unitarianism. Cousin L. writes that they will prob. be too sick to have us. Harold has given Mother board in E. for two months. 12th singing lesson. Letter from Miss Wood. Catharine Taylor engaged to a Knoxville prof.
Wea. Rain. Friday 15 Ther.
This evening I helped the girls with Shadow pantomines. Broke Miss P's little pitcher. Bertha Robbins went home. Alice Rothschild's fiather came. Wrote to Mother & to Fred Reeve.
Charles has not appeared today.
Chas. appeared. Said he was tired yesterday. Studied; Read part of Micah Clarke. Enid Mayo made up work. Girls went to woods. Violet, Amy, & I took short car-ride. I had head washed at Guild. Heard that Dolly Rogers is engaged to [sick] N. Yorker; shopped, shopped a minute with Mrs. Baldwin. Dr. Judson had been there to attend Mr. Greenleaf's funeral. Wrote Miss Wood. Lucy has gone to East Hampton. Bertha came back.
Wea. Sunday 17 Ther.
A.M. Dr. Whiten Eph. 5:17. The Will of God. Letter from Mother & one from Miss Hersy asking me to respond to a toast. At Army I saw Smith go out. Mr. Hale is backsliding & kept saying "I can't". Cameren was there & will try again to give up smoking. Called on the Chamberlains. They are going to Hartford. After tea we walked.
Wea. Rain. Tuesday 19 Ther. Letter from Belle Hinman. Called on Mrs. Hahn & talked about Joe, Mr. Chamberlain & Reeve. Very tired all day. Bertha Backus is engaged.
Wea. Thursday 21 Ther.
Mr. Hathaway led meeting as Mr. Hahn is at May meetings. Memorial meeting to Mr. Greenleaf. I find that Joe needs work. Went to see Miss Winter about Mrs. Booth's meeting. Met Lee in street. 13th singing lesson.
Wea. Fri. May 22, 1896 Ther. Called today on the Overmans & saw Marjorie O. Her mother fears she must give up Vassar for next year. Baby picture party tonight. Annie the maid from Hadley disappeared this evening.
Wea. Saturday 23 Ther.
A.M. Wrote letters & fixed closet.
P.M. All the girls but Alice Rothschild went with Miss P. & Holmes to Robin Hood. I studied Roman citizenship etc. Mrs. Denby called supposing it was Mrs. Booth's day. Ethel Nash's friend called.
Eve. Studied; read diaries, etc.
Dr. Moxom Patriotism & Immigration. I read And. Murray's unpres. sin sermon on Carnal Christians. Mrs. F. F. Woods writes that her husband has consumption. Edw. lied to his mother about the ice-cream. At S.A. Mr. Hags said my lecture last Sunday had helped him. Talk with a Cath. Long talk with Page. Washed dishes tonight. Wrote Capt. Carrigan.
Wea. Monday 25 Ther.
Letter from Mother enclosing one from Sarah Lloyd. Marg. is there & it looks as if she were driven from home. Kenmore is persecuting Ruth with [alt...]. Reeve has seen Minnie & is quite in love with her. Miss Tooker list [Trump] but doesn't seem to care.
Miss P. found that all the girls had communicated. Rec'd wedding cards of May Cooper & Ryland Kendrick. Mrs. Griffin writes that Jessie Smith Seely & Mrs. G's father are dead.
Wea. Wednesday 27Ther. Letter from Ada Mott & [Marel] [Nassau].
Rained, so small prayer-meeting. I played, took Capt. Carrigan's letter & read it to Joe. Very interesting discussion of the [Kinners]. Other teachers went for ferns & daisies.
Wea. Friday 29 Ther.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dean's beautiful recital. Mr. Dean talked to me of his father. Isabelle came. Marin Tice says I look like Mrs. Boothe. I wear such fine clothes. Tried to start my [...]. Lieut. Johnson called. He has left the Army.
Mrs. Booth & Lieutenant Hughes came. Crowds came to hear her. It has completely used me up. I like her prison work but not what she says of the Army. Met Mr. Paulinson.
Wea. Sunday 31 Ther.
Dr. Moxom's sermon reminded me so of father that it made me cry. Pauline, Clara Reed, Margorie Overman, Edith Brooks came to dinner & Mrs. Boothe spoke beautifully to girls. She addressed Y.w.C.A. I went to help Lieut. Hughes in overflow meeting. There was some so went to S.A. Frank Morse baby is dead. Crowded meeting at South Ch.
Wea. Tuesday 2 Ther. Rec'd letter from Edith Marshall. Took shoes to Mrs. Lawyell.
Wea. Thursday 4 Ther.
15th singing lesson. Went to see Dr. Moxom about Defenders. He is most enthusiastic. At prayer-meeting Mrs. [Br...] & Dean Russell repented Asbury Park. Miss Tooker is going to leave. Wrote to Reeve & Frank & Ida Morse.
Pauline Day invited Miss P, Lena, me, Marjorie Overman, Ruth Chapin, Violet Cohen to a lunch at the Nayasset Club. Pink roses, silver bon-bonnieres.
Wea. Saturday 6 Ther.
Letter from Mrs. Kendrick so I telegraphed Mother. Reeve writes of his trials with the Union. Working hard all day getting work ready for Vassar. Ruth failed in Eng. Hist. Violet & Marjorie went to tennis tournament at South.
Mr. Hahn 1 Juo. 3:14. Communion. At S.A. talked with Frank Morse & Capt. Tried to read tonight.
Wea. Monday 8 Ther.
Mrs. Burleigh, Gertrude, & I started at 7.14. Reached Pokeepsie via Albany at 6.45. Mother met us. We drove to Mrs. Downings then Mother & I went to college Room 90. Saw Susy Ray, Bertha, etc. We attended the concert. Miss Hersy says the [misters] are to Dear my heart.
Took Burleighs all over. Alum. luncheon 11-3. My toast went off all right. Saw Class Day from dining-room. Mrs. "Uncle Fred", Mr. McKelway of Bkln Eagle, Dr. Judson, Dr. Wood, Dr. Strong, Dr. Lathrop, Presidents reception. The new dormitory is Raymond House.
Wea. Wednesday 10Ther.
119 girls graduated. I sat on platform. Dr. Taylor spoke beautifully of father. We left at 2.43. Met Mrs. Baker (V.C.) & Miss Cavanagh (South) on train. Reached S about 8.30.
Wea. Friday 12 Ther.
Picnic to Mt. Holyoke. Just before starting learned from Mother that Minnie can't graduate & Marg. has been driven from home. Missed tea with Miss Emerson.
Wea. Rain. Sunday 14 Ther.
Mr. Perry "Bow in the Cloud". Very tired. Blue letter from Mother. At S.A. took Juo Rourke Chestnut St. Hartford to president forum.
Wea. Tuesday 16 Ther. Miss Nellie Crutchley has come to see about Lucy's position. Letter from Reeve with $15.
Wea. Thursday 18 Ther. Mother came tonight, so I went not to prayer-meeting but to meet her. 18 lessons.
Wea. Saturday 20 Ther. Went to Mrs. Waite to inquire about Mrs. Emma & Faith Traver. Mrs. Booth passed through.
Dr. Moxom had a beautiful sermon on Jesus Christ. At S.A. a young man promised to decide today. Talked with Cherokee-Mexican Indian. He was interpreter to noble man, medicine-man, circus rider. Mother took lunch with Cousin Etta & Helen & came home in the rain. Mrs. Cohen came.
Wea. Monday 22 Ther.
Mother & Miss Seymore went to see Mrs. Olmstead about position as nurse in blind hospital. I worked on reports going to bed at 2 A.M. May Coen came. She & I walked down to Hotel [Worthie] with Violet. Miss [Mitheridge] brought my white dress.
This afternoon went down town. Talked with Mr. Eva (from page 124, upside down on bottom of page) Fudge. Eve. Lena & I called on Lewises (Dudley, etc.) & Miss Townsend & on the Reeds.
Marjorie Overman has passed well in Virgil. Last recitations. Class day. Girls went for ferns & flowers. Grace Porter came.
Wea. Wednesday 24Ther.
Violet Cohen, Florence Bradley, Pauline Day, Jarjorie Overman & Ruth Chapin graduated. Miss May Whitney & Miss Porter made addresses. I met Mr. Mauley. Mrs. Swift is dead.
Girls went away. Lucy Skinner went to East Lampton. I saw Miss Whitney off. Mother & I called on the Merriams & saw Arthur & Jennie Dwight. Miss Coen & I went to prayer-meeting. Dr. Judson has spoke well of Reeve to Mr. Hahn. Madame Bonny called.
Wea. Friday 26 Ther.
Mrs. Webb & I took a bicycle lesson, my first. Slept a long while afterward. No letter from Reeve since the 16th. Called on Buckingham's & Miss Daggett (out), Mrs. Dumbleton (out), talked again with Mr. Eva. He says he will write an apology. Called on Hahn's in their tent. Talked with Eva & saw Mr. H. give Mr. Pomeroy a bicycle lesson.
2nd bicycle lesson. One teacher is Louise Collins brother (?). Prof. Mitchell's [Life] came. Letter from Reeve. P.M. Slept. Pauline Day called. Eve. Mother called on Mrs. Bartholomew. We talked with the Baldwins. I bough baby's medicine. Called on Randalls on White St. Found Uncle Richard, Aunt Till & Tillie with her new husband Harry. [Marg's] husband was Newton Allen (?)
Wea. Sunday 28 Ther.
Mother & I went to Bapt. Church. Mr. Hahn Eph. 4:14:19. I taught a class of little girls. Mr. Foster & I had a fight over Mr. Hahn. At S.A. I talked with a man who used to come & hear the Battleys. He is not a Christian because he has to be dishonest in business. Found an invitation from Clara Russell. Eve. Miss Lyman & I called on Cousin Helen about place as governess. Ian Juo & [...] stopped in at close of church & said good bye.
Mother & Lucy went at 2.20. Lucy having come from East Hampton. I settled with Miss P. packed etc. Went to train. Then shopped, called on Mrs. Chamberlain (her husband is out of work). Began to clean lab.
Eve. Miss [Leyman] came into my room. Talked of her parents etc.
Wea. Tuesday 30 Ther.
Cleaned lab. Miss [Willeridge] put band on dress. Found my new shirt waist [failed], so went down & bought another. Rushed to get 1.14 train. Reached Pittsfield at 2.52. Left at 3.30. Reached Gt. Barrington at 4.27. Clara Russell met me. Drove to her home. Then we drove with Clara Stanley. After supper, walked, called on Dr. Stillwell. Mary Russell & I played duetts.
Quartette played this morning. Miss Church, Mr. Gibson, Sarah Dewey, Mary Russell. The teacher Mr. stayed to dinner. I slept in library & out in the hammock. Letter from Lucy Skinner. Will Todd, Amy Hopsen. 2 from Mother & dress. [Lovely] drive. Tea on [...]. Played duos. Call from .
Wea. Thursday 2 Ther.
Mrs. Russell & I went to Club. Mr. spoke on Sayings & [Wine] & Otherwise. Called on Mrs. Stanley & Mrs. Palmer. P.M. Played games with Harold Thompson & Wm. [Deny]. Margaret Deny met with us. She & Amy Pope stayed to supper. 2 other Popes called.
Half-sick all day. Lay on the sofa all the A.M. Slept in the afternoon. Called on Taylors at Bryant Home. Saw Louise Church Durant. Harold came in, in the evening.
Wea. Saturday 4 Ther.
I left Gt. B. at 9.14. Stopped at Kent from 10.23 to 3.27. Saw Mrs. Hopson, Amy, Kate, Mr. & Mrs. Will H. & Mary Hopson. Saw the singer Miss [Topping]. Reached N.Y. at 6.40. Minnie & girls had gone to Long Branch. Will is at Northfield, Frank at Chatham. Reeve was here yesterday.
Reeve called & went with me to church. Mosely Phasm & the prof. came to dinner. Ruth, [winifred], Hannah & I lay in the bed & read The World Beautiful. Mr. Chivers. A.M. Juo. 12:24.25. Mr. Chivers. P.M. Coll. 3:17.
Wea. Monday 6 Ther. Called on Lucy Skinner. Saw Mrs. Bradford & the Trousseau. Saw Alfred & went to 123 Henry, & saw Cousin [Ren]. This afternoon I [sewed] a belt on dress & girls read Silas Marner. Minnie made me tell about Reeve at the table.
The girls finished Silas Marner. I wrote to Cameron, Johnson, Capt. Carrigan, Mrs. Russell. Basted patch work for girls. Slept in P.M. Girls went to reading club in the evening & I began [Woodstock] to Mother & Minnie.
Wea. Wednesday 8 Ther. Called on Aunt Susan. She is quite ill. We all read [Woodstock]. Harold came home with Gastritis. Went with the girls to a drunkards mission 23 Fulton St. Kitty Elliot led. I played.
I am 35 years old. Mother had already given me a belt & side combs. Read a good deal with girls Woodstock & Reveries of Bachelor. Harold better; went to Amagansett. Slept.
Wea. Frida 10 Ther.
Will came home from Northfield & [C...] this A.M. Went to get photo taken but I could not. Wrote to Fannie Beauman & Mrs. Gibson.
P.M. Cousin Hattie came. She is worried about Lizzie. Eve. Prayer-meeting. Reeve did not come. Sadie let me ride on her wheel.
Mrs. McClean sewed here all day. The girls & I lay around on Will's bed. Will has put the garden & the cellar in beautiful order. I wrote to Reeve & I keep expecting him. Eve. Played on piano. Sat on piazza with girls & Hannah.
Wea. Hot! Sunday 12 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Dixon Acts 3:6
P.M. " " 1 Juo. 3:1-3 Mr. Dixon came to dinner & supper. Reeve appeared at about 3.30. I took him to Open-Air, to walk. Kept him to supper & took him to church. Am glad that is over. He appears well.
All but Mother went down to Coney I. by trolley. We first found Reeve but there was no ice so we could not ride on his toboggan. He expects to go back to N.Y. We met Mr. Kinney & all but Minnie went in bathing. Ate our lunch. Mr. Kinney took us to "shoot the chutes". After girls came home, they went to C.E. meeting.
Wea. Tuesday 14 Ther.
Letter from Mame Todd letting of Harlan's misery. I had my picture taken at Dungeas. Called on Mary & Frank Sharpe. Sent my fee of $5.00 to Booth-Tucker. We all read together Woodstock. This evening we sat out on back piazza. Louise Cadmis called & Monfred went to see Hannah.
Mother & I left for Cold Spring at 3.45. Reeve met us at the Grand Central. He failed to get into the Union last night & so feels a little discouraged, but I guess I cheered him up. Harry Healy & Mabel met us at station & Lillie & Elizabeth at the house. Sat out all the eve. Wrote card to Mary Payson.
Wea. Thursday 16 Ther.
Wrote card to Mary P. that we would not come till [Monday]. Lillie, Mother, & I drove in A.M. Gus Healy returned from Europe. I did not see him. Slept in P.M. Lay in hammock. Read. Eve. Ray, May & I walked. Then others played [whist] & I read. Finished Micah Clarke, sitting up alone till 11.
Read "The Deemster" all day. Drove in the A.M. towards Fishkill. Call from Mrs. Gus Healy which we returned in the evening meeting Mr. & Mrs. Currier of Lynn & Miss C. of Skowhegan, Me. Slept in the hammock this P.M.
Howard Benedict is sick with typhoid fever & Mary wants to stay with Minnie. Paper tells of death of W. Hamilton Gibsen & Ex. Gov. Russell.
Wea. Saturday 18 Ther.
Cousin Lillie half-sick all day. Mabel took us to ride through beautiful places.
Slept. Finished The Deemster. Read other things. Eve. Frank Healy came.

Frank seems more religious. Led prayers. No one went to church except Mabel, in evening. Gus Healy, & Mr. & Mrs. Currier walked on.

Slept & read. Eve. Played hymns with Ray, looked at stars.

Wea. Rain. Monday 20 Ther.
Left Cold Spring 9.43. Reached Pok. 10.21. Met Will Frances on train. Rode to college. Saw Miss Wood, Mr. Dean, old cook Mary, Phil Fay, new Presidents House. [Win] writes that Howard Benedict is very ill. 3 nurses & doctor. Left Albany at 3. Arrived at Oneida 6.18 (or later). Mary Payson met us. Her father aged 88 is quite [well]. We went there for the night.
Sick in the night with diarrhea. Left O. at 8.53. Cousin L. in bed but better. Mrs. [Grove] is to do work. Found many letters & rec'd others in all today, nine. Letter from Reeve, proofs from Dunyea. Mrs. Witmer writes about Mussell shell ranch.
Slept & bathed this P.M. "A Kentucky Cardinal" rec'd from Esther.
Wea. Wednesday 22Ther. Margaret is a widow! She was married yesterday A.M. to Howard Benedict & he died at 6.20 P.M. Poor, poor child!! Jessie & I went to prayer-meeting.
Depressed all day, thinking of Marguriete. The N.Y. Tribune Sun, & Journal of Wed. give by account of Mr. Benedicts death. Calls from Cousin Carrie & Celeste.
Wea. Friday 23 Ther.
Rained all day. We began Mark Twain's "Joan of Arc". This evening did not go to C.E. but read about Mrs. Stowe in the Outlook.
Read in "Joan of Arc" also Robb Grant's "By Hook or Crook" Harper of May 1895. Calls from Mr. Wilson, Cousins Jane & George. Called on Mrs. Lombard & Cousin Celeste (saw Will Morse). Capt. Carrigan writes that she is called to St. Louis. Will Todd writes. Minnie writes that Mary will probably go to live with the Benedicts. She is calm but very much broken. Bertha is 22 today. Bryan nominated.
Wea. Sunday 26 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Thorne. Acts. 19:34.
P.M. Mr. Thorne 1 Kings 18:21. Began my S.S. class. 2 Sam. 7:3-16. "Scholars" Cousin Carrie, Elsie, & May Thorne. Am to sing in the choir next Sunday. We began Prof. Mitchell's life.
Mother & I went to Dr. Smith's Oneida. He did not pull her teeth as she expected. He is to make a new upper set. Called on Paper's. Got coffee etc in bakery. Came home on a freight train & walked from depot. On train Mother & I talked to 2 young men, one drunk. I believe we set them to thinking. Long letter from Reeve. He did not pass Union exam. Edith Ball has been unconcious for 11 wks.
Wea. Tuesday 28 Ther.
This A.M. Cousin Carrie came in & we began "Days of Auld Lang Syne". Mrs. Groves is taken very sick with dysentery. Helped get dinner & tea. Washed dishes, hemmed 2 towels. Bathed Mrs. G's head.
Up a great deal last night with Mrs. G. Mrs. Clark came. Dr. Beecham came twice. Prayer-meeting. Told about Monday on the train. Practices with choir.
Wea. Hot! Thursday 30 Ther.
Up all through the night. Cousin L. & Jessie both miserable. Slept a great deal. I guess I was cross. Went to Mrs. Wallace's. All retired early. Dr. came twice. Mrs. G. came twice.
We all feel better. Cousin Carrie came over and we read. Calls in A.M. from Mr. Thorne & Mr. Wilson, in P.M. from Mrs. Richardson & Mrs. Scram. Did not go to Y.P.S.C.E. Exciting enclosures from Min. Marg. writes that Mrs. L. came with Harlan & told her her sorrow was what she deserved. Ray writes that he does not want Marg. to write to Pater. [Lee...] to [favor] his Mother [now].
Wea. Sat. Aug. 1 Ther.
Mother went to Oneida & got her upper teeth. Mrs. Clark came to get breakfast & we did the rest. Began reading Motley. Mother took dinner with Mrs. Switzer.
Read Joan of Arc. Went to Sanders garden. Call from Bessie Morse.
A.M. Mr. Thorne Eph. 4:30
P.M. Mr. Thorne Matt 23:10 Cole 3:24 Taught S.S. about Mephibosheth. Jessie, Mrs. Taintor, Mrs. Meslin, Mrs. Groves, Mary & Elsie Thorne. Read Maria Mitchell's Life. Wm. & Eddie Aust came. This eve. 4 young men sat up in front & Mrs. [Barber] got them to singing. After church J. & I went in to see Mr. Wilson at cousin Walter's.
Wea. Monday 3 Ther.
Finished Joan of Arc. Fine. Mrs. Groves came back & Mrs. Clark is here to help her today. Called on Mrs. Taintor, Carrie Wood & Alice Corman [...]. After supper Cousin Jane, on Emma Pettit. Letter from Will Todd letting of newspaper articles from Buffalo about Harlan. Wrote him to ask for explanations.
Letters from Old Joe, Mrs. [Wimke], Hattie Bliss & card from Capt. Carrigan. Studied S.S. lesson. Read Auld Lang Syne with Cousin Carrie. Took a bath. Slept. Finished Kentucky Cardinal with family & Hung V alone. Began Henry
VI. Wrote Hattie Bliss & Mrs. Wm. Porter.
Wea. Hot! Wednesday 5 Ther.
A.M. Read with Coz. Carrie. Studied Motley. Jessie is 33. I gave her candy & peanuts. Lizzie sent her gloves. Letter from Adele Buffington. P.M. Slept & read till I felt tired. Began Refugees. Eve. Letter from Mary Stevens. Wrote to her & Miss Porter. Minnie wrote about the funeral. Prayer-meeting. Mr. Thorne suggested our taking a verse & living on it.
Cousin Carrie came over to read. Began reviewing Lat. Gram. No letter from Reeve. Call from Mrs. Taintor. Eve. Went to see Dora Chamberlain & Mrs. Barber (out) about changing C.E. to Sunday P.M.
Wea. Hot. Friday 7 Ther.
We finished Days of Auld Lang Syne. Lovely letter from Lena. Mr. J. [Edward] Porter died on Sunday.
P.M. Slept. Prepared for meeting. Taught Jessie Motley. Called on Mrs. Barber & Todd with clippings about Harlan's librarian at Buffalo, threatening to kill Anna etc. I led prayer-meeting "Conquest of Temptation". Wrote to Minnie & Mrs. Ed. Porter.
Evening we call on Mrs. Richardson. Afterward I took a bath & slept. Felt sick with heat.
Wea. Hot. Sunday 9 Ther.
A.M. Luke 18:1. Prayer.
Mr. Thorne Matt 22:36-37. Nice Bible-class.

Slept. Read Marion Mitchell & Probable [Loves].

A.M. Letter from Fannie Bates & Fred Reeve. Katharine is teaching Rhet. in Chic. Univ.; has given up medicine. Fred is thinking of Phila. Will has called on him. Call from Mrs. Taintor. P.M. Slept. Read. Eve. Called a few minutes with Emily Thorne on Cons. Darwin's [slips]. Sarah Lloyd returns the letters. I sent them to Will Todd.
Lady Tennyson died.
Wea. Hot! Tuesday 11 Ther. Finished Deerslayer. Call from Mrs. Eaton. Jessie had headache in the evening, but Mother & I called on Mrs. Scram.
Calls from Mrs. Lombard, Dr. & Miss Clark, Miss Hastings, & Constance Jones. Miss C. is engaged to Dr. Murdoch, 18 yrs. her senior. I guess she is at least 55. Prayer-meeting. Meditaion. Prayer. Bible Reading necessary fuel for Christian life.
Finished the Refugees.
Wea. Cooler. Thursday 13 Ther.
Ripped velvet off skirt. Slept. Wrote to Reeve. Called on Cousin Jane & visited her garden. The arbor came from one raisin seed. Cousin L. does not seem very well. Brought him my linen-colored organdie from Mrs. Wallace. Wrote to Adele Buffington.
Wea. Fri. Aug. 14, 1896 Ther. Call from Florence Lombard. Called on Mrs. Eaton & Miss Burgone making me late to Y.P.S.C.E. Began Barry's Rebellion Heroine. Father died 18 years ago today.
Wea. Saturday 15 Ther.
Constance Jones, Miss Hastings, & Mr. & Mrs. [Ornesbie] came to dinner. Cousin Jane called. Miss Hastings pupils are trying to raise an annuity for her. Letter from Mabel Nassau. Jessie had headache. Did not sleep.
A.M. Mr. Thorne Luke 18:1.
P.M. Mr. Thorne Ps. 55:22. Lovely S.S. lesson on Forgiveness. Ps. 32. Read in Miss Mitchells Life.
Wea. Cool. Monday 17 Ther.
Left Eaton at 9.41. Came to Indolence I. via Randalls, Utica. Clayton, Thurmond I. Park. Found 11 ladies here. Met Fannie Care Dayton at Thurm. Isl. P. Sat out on rocks after supper, then ate ice-cream. Hay fever better after leaving Utica. A young man fooled me about St. Lawrence R. Found letter from Reeve. Wrote Mother.
Gail Hamilton died.
A.M. Wrote two letters to Mother. Began in the Dozy Hours. [Repphis]. Was [rowed] by Frank with Ethel to get mail. P.M. Grace Allen & I rowed her mother. Slept. Hay f. not bad. Eve. Played Verbarium. Wrote (P.M.) to Edith Holmes. (Accomplishments for Verbarium)
Wea. Wednesday 19Ther.
A.M. Began Fiske's Civil [Gov.] in America. Went fishing with Mrs. Thorne. I caught 1 pickerel. Wrote to Mother. Letter from Mother & Mrs. Porter. Howard Beach is to marry for his 3rd wife.
Lucy, Mrs. Thorne, Grace Allen & I went on the Capt. [Fisger] all around the islands. Sun tired my eyes.
We rowed over to the Gut. Met Mr. Dix in a sail-boat. Wrote to Fred Reeve.
P.M. Slept. Wrote to Jessica. Eve. Went out rowing. I rowed. Sat in the dark & told ghost stories.
Wea. Warmer. Friday 21 Ther.
Set breakfast table & wiped dishes with Grace Allen. Read from Tom Brown. Rode over to Fishers Landing. Letter from Mother. Miss [Peace] went away. Ethel & Frank saved a girl in sinking sail-boat. P.M. Started to row for a walk but so rough we came home. Wrote to Mother. Girls made caramels. Eve. Played [Crando] & Verbarium. (Congressional)

Mrs. Allen & I went shopping at Park. Mr. Dix called & staid to dinner. P.M. Grace Allen took my picture while I talked on the rocks with Mr. D. about [Silver], Triple-Tax & Arther Fonda's plan. I made Raisin & Cocoanut cake. Eve. Mrs. Allen & I gave a party. Threading Needles & eating peanuts. Letters from Mother, Fannie Roney & Ethel Nash.

Wea. Sunday 23 Ther.
Hay fever in night. A.M. Slept after breakfast. Read Outlook. 1st rain then great breeze. Lay on rocks & watched it. Supper in the middle of the day because stove smoked. P.M. Wrote to Mother. Sat on rocks & enjoyed breeze.
A.M. Letters from Mother, Edith Brooks & Hattie Bliss. Lucy & I called on Mrs. Stran & went to Thous. I. Park. P.M. Slept. Went in wading. Ironed about 1 doz. handkerchiefs. Eve. Carrie Ward & I went rowing; lost an oar & stuck on rocks.
Wea. Tuesday 25 Ther.
[Tale] [toast] in Henry VIII. Came home. Left Thousand I. Park at 7.35. Clayton at 8.30. Utica at 1.15. Arrived Randallsville at 2.35. Left R. at 4.23. Sick all day with bad hay fever. In the evening went to a party at Mrs. Eaton's, meeting Miss Burrgoyne, Cousin Celeste, Walter, Ellis & Eva, Ada & Mother [Mott].
Adalene worked for [W.J.N.]. Wretched all day with hay fever. Letter from Reeve. He says he never but once thought of a home of his own etc. Staid home from meeting. Slept a great deal. My trunk came; gave my baskets to family.
Wea. Thursday 27 Ther.
Felt much better today. Letter from Will Todd. Miss May Smith, librarian at Hamilton came to dinner. Calls from Mrs. Burchard & Anna, Mrs. Ornsbee, Mr. Harvey (on Mrs. Groves). [Morsie] seems very sick today.
Wrote to Lucy Skinner. We had a little dinner party, Gracy Eaton, Lottie Leach, & Harriet Morse. P.M. Mother, J. & I called on the Thornes, Cousin Celeste, & Ada. Eve. Y.P.S.C.E. Happiness of Heaven. Dora Chamberlain led. While we were gone, Webster & Ada Mott called.
Wea. Saturday 29 Ther.
Cousin L. seemed very sick today. Got nervous while trying to decide about our going. P.M. Took bath. Took supper at Cousin Celestes with Elles, Eva, Ada & Mother. Played bean bags & other games. Hay-fever better.
Mr. Thorne A.M. Mark 10:39. Christs willingness to hear & to help. My class contained only Cousin Carrie & Jessie so I took Celestia, Nettie Thorne etc. Lesson was [Absolence]. Cousin Lizzie is better. Read about Horace Bushnell this afternoon. This eve. staid home & talked in the dark. Broke glasses.
Wea. Monday 31 Ther.
[Have] list my $25 check. Cousin L. seems very tired. We straightened our accounts. We pay about $6 a wk, both of us. Rec'd Clarence Smith's wedding card, & invitation to Dr. Moxom's silver wedding. Wrote to Reeve, Mrs. Moxom & Mrs. Porter.
Wea. Wednesday 2 Ther.
Letter from James [Dought] about Montana sheep. Cousin L. growing worse. Staid home from meeting & played French game.
Wea. Friday 4 Ther.
Jessie, Mother & I went to [Haven] on Mrs. [Raventraut's] invitation. Took lunch there. Called on Miss Hastings, Mrs. Bostick (saw Kate) & Mrs. McGregory. Met two, Miss Ayres; one teacher in Newark. They knew Miss P. in Hadley. Hay fever bad. Mother rec'd $4.00 for everybody from Mrs. Eaton. Jessie's thesis came. Letter from Lena.
Left Eaton at 9.41. Juo. Thorne on train. He stammers & drools. Very little hay fever. Met the Misses Brownhauer. Came via Franklin St. in a pouring rain. Mother tired. Bertha has a kind of cholera.
Wea. Sunday 6 Ther.
Mother staid home from church. Mr. Dixon Ps. 62:5. Communion. Reeve was there. Staid in resting during. Seemed nice but a little blue. This afternoon read to Phason & Frank; began Uncle Tom's Cabin. Eve. Read to boys. Mother & Bertha sick.
Very little hay fever.
Wea. Mon. Sept. 7, 1896 Ther. Labor Day. Will & Winnie are 21; Ralph is 16. I gave the boys each $1 & to Winnie a Thous. I. handkerchief case. Ruth & Ralph
came. Read to the boys morning & eve. Reeve called staying from about 2.45 to 6.10. Gave me maple-sugar, & $30. I now have $40 & $50 in bank. Moseby took Winnie & Hannah out. Very little hay-fever.
Wea. Tuesday 8 Ther. Letter from Lucy Skinner. Called on her. Wrote several letters. Read a little of Uncle Tom. Slept. Eve. Played on piano. Began my sewing lesson by book.
A.M. Read "Uncle Tom". Slept. Letters from Violet Coen & Jessica Cone.
P.M. Went to Estelle's to make an engagement. Called on Miss Osborn at Mrs. Polak's (out). Got glasses & 2 Ferris waist. Eve. Girls had call from a Mr. Eastman (Reeve the Hethans) & Mr. Croke (who composed High School march). Wrote to Lena Bostwick.
Wea. Thursday 10 Ther.
Rec'd $260 from Bank & gave to Minnie. Letter from Rina Seymour, note from Annie Aston asking us to come to N.Y. Sat. Read "Uncle Tom" A.M. & Eve. Call from Lucy Skinner this A.M. Brought in all of Mim's & Harold's family.
Wrote to Edith Holme's.
Rather miserable with heat & hay fever.
A.M. Made choc. cake.
P.M. Estelle filled one tooth; wedged two. Eve. Prayer-meeting. Reeve spoke about Dr. Lorrimer's sermon on "I am the Resurrection" etc. He had "words" with his boss but Gen. Manager wants him back. Gave me his tie to mend. I took Min to get ice-cream.
Wea. Hot! Saturday 12 Ther.
Estelle changed wedge in tooth. One she took out finding no cavity. Went with Min for hat materials. They were 2.90 & I paid her $1.00. Mended Reeve's tie. Mother & I went to see Mrs. Osten, Annie, Susie & Abbott (700 [Bounland].) Sewed this eve. Sadie & Daisy were here. Ralph & Winnie dressed up. Letter from Harlan about [prexy]. He is back home. On [L] [ward] met [Marg]. Brengle, Susan, Chris, Eliz Clarke.
A.M. Mr. Dixon. Rom 8:28-30.
P.M. Mr. Diaz of Cuba. Bapt. minister imprisoned 6 times. Saw coffin prepared for him. Sent telegram so [...] released him but exiled him. Ans. to prayer about [cemetery]. Reeve was there twice; saw him in A.M. & gave him his neck tie. The 5 children invited to Richardsons. Will & Mame Frances came to dinner. He starts his N. Haven [restaurant] to [...].
Wea. Monday 14 Ther.
Dreadful hay-fever. Minnie & I went to Mr. Stearns Bible class. I had to leave for a few minutes because of hay fever. Franks first day of high-school. I helped him learn his Phy. Geol. May sent over photos of Howard & herself. Mrs. Palmer here.
Mrs. Palmer here. I think my hay-fever is breaking up. It makes me feel very sick & Grippey. Estelle filled a front tooth wih gold ($200) & took off tartar. Telegram from Fan Markham. Helped Frank with Phy. Geog. & Eng. Hist. Winnie, Minnie & Ruth went to Reading Club. I am [sewing] a good deal for children.
Wea. Wednesday 16Ther.
Ralph & Will went to Cornell. I sewed all day for girls. This afternoon Ruth was taken sick. Harold did not come home all the evening. Call from Mr. & Mrs. Stoddard. Mrs. S. told about Howards waiting across the river. Thinks M. is left with $50000.
At 2 A.M. Ruth's girl baby was born dead (5 1/2 mos. baby). The girls & I came to V.C. at 3.30. Reeve called just before. Lovely time at V.C. Girls have 4th [string] [transfers] South. Found Ruth C. & Pauline Day. Called on Wheelers & Miss Wiley. I have Founders Room. Kath Blunt came to my room.
Wea. Friday 18 Ther.
Happy day. Left at 9.11 P.M. Reached N.Y. at 11.45. Last car for 7.45 train. Rina Seymour says that Miss Osborne cannot come & we are to have seven in the family. Mr. Maltice married yesterday. Prof. Ely says apply for scholarship. Saw Bertha Bates. She, Pauline & Ruth came to girls room. Mrs. Dwight brought them peaches.
Bank took money of Reeve. Rec'd letter from Lena telling about Miss Osborn. Called on her & found her very sweet, eager & willing to come when possible. Wrote to Miss P. & to Lena. Frank not very well. Ruth living well. Sadie came to tea. Told the family Stanley Weyman's "Dinner of Four".
Card from Lucy referring to a plain talk with Bessie Miller.
Wea. Sunday 20 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Dixon Acts 7:58. Prof. Froelich came to dinner. Frank not well. I read Jo's Boys P.M. & Eve. Mrs. Page sad. Brett was very fond of me. Reeve called before church this eve.
Letters from Rob, Capt. Carrigan, Lena, Cameron, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Griffin. Wrote to Harlan & Marg. Frank staid home with cold. I taught him lessons & read to the boys. Called on Miss Osborn (out) & Lucy Skinner. Mr. Marsen is to be married.
Wea. Rainy. Tuesday 22 Ther.
Wrote Ruth R. & sent her $1.00 for Philalethea. Wrote Jessica & Susie Swift. Took bath. Left N.Y. at 4.00 P.M. At [86] there are left only Mother, Minnie, Frank, Ruth, Harold, Miss Foley, & Mary. Mother came with me to 23rd St. Mr. Pease was brakeman & Mr. Brigham was on train. He says "Joe" is to be baptised. Had a warm welcome. Adele Buffington is here. 9 pupils expected.
8 girls have come. Marion Duncan, Sallie Chapin, Margaret Carter are new. Adele & I went down town, & then I went to Mrs. Brooks with A. Miss Osborn & Crutchley arrived. This eve. played Menagerie.
Wea. Thursday 24 Ther.
School began. [Echo] Porter, Margery Coats, & Mattie Fiske began. Bessie Miller is not to return. Letter from Mother & Violet. I wrote to Mrs. Munger, Mabel Nassau, & Mother. Mrs. Haskell, Porter & Mrs. Foster are here. I drove with them. Mr. Gambell wants to break will. I like Miss Crutchley better then Miss Osborn. Did not go to meeting.
Lena is 39.
Took girls walking before lunch, after lunch & 4 P.M. Went down town between afternoon walks, walking to P.O. & back. Deposited Reeve's $40. He now has $90.74. I am to take no music lessons. Mip Crutchley has begun music. Mrs. Frisbee came in today. These eve. Girls played Hearts. We tried bread on fork, writing a D with foot going. I told "Dinner for Four".
Wea. Saturday 26 Ther.
Wrote Lucy Skinner, Adele passed in Cicero. Studied & read. P.M. We rode on open cars to Indian Orchard. Staid there 1/2 hr. Eve. Went to library.
A.M. Dr. Moxom in the [Functions] of the church. (no text). Called on Mrs. Porter after dinner. S.A. Martin has gone to states prison & [May's] wife is dead. Perhaps he poisoned her! Long talk with Mr. -. He promises to pray. His business keeps him from being a Christian. Miss P. wants me to go to South Ch. communion & to take Marion to Bapt. prayer-meeting. Mr. & Mrs. Maltice called. I pity her. Didn't meet her.
Wea. Monday 28 Ther.
Mt. Holyoke was burned last night. The girls can visit in each others rooms Sunday A.M. Rec'd Violets picture. Wrote to Mother & Violet. Went to P.O. this eve. Letter from Ruth. Bertha sick with asthma. Stopped at Maltices & met Mrs.
M. House was in disorder.
Walked into woods with girls. Took supper at Jacobs with Laura Hollister. Talked about [Lloyds]. (Gosh but it's hot. I sweat like a horse). "In three visits I lauded the Major". Mr. & Mrs. Ingersoll, Alice Wing, Mr. Bigelow, & Mr. Rising called. It is raining now 10.40 P.M.
Wea. Warm. Wednesday 30Ther.
Clara's cousine Josephine came through on the train. I went down town before lunch to get guitar & violin strings. I chaperoned Marion Duncan in her 1st violin lesson with Mr. Kenyon. Mrs. Maltice came up to spend the night.
Lovely prayer-meeting led by Mr. Barnes on Rejoice in the Lord. I asked prayers for my business man at S.A. Letter & Thous. Isl. photos from Lucy Skinner. Met Mr. & Mrs. Groves. Mrs. [Dr.] [Sweet] looked as if she had erysipelas.
Wea. Friday 2 Ther.
Letter from Dr. Taylor about Susan. The Raymond House is begun. Bertha has had bad asthma. Call from Mrs. Dr. Brown. The Whipple reception. Ian MacLain's beautiful lecture & talk. Leslie Chapin returned.
Letter from Susie Swift. Miss Osborne left this A.M. I started Leslie on her Virgil. P.M. We went out to Forest Park. Saw the Esquimaux dogs. Bought peanuts on our return. Eve. Called on Josie Bartlett. Marion Maltice.
Wea. Rainy. Sunday 4 Ther.
Dr. Moxom Work of Church II. S.S. Benevolence. Aggression Work. An appeal to this South Church. Reached Bapt. church too late for communion. Stayed to S.S. Here to take S.S. times. Hard time at S.A. We all Parsons, Capt, etc. prayed with Mr. [Frances]. He will not yield. Saw Marion this A.M.
Brief letter from Fred enclosing $10. He has gone to Baker Smith & has gone back to N.Y. Mother writes that Annie Howard is engaged to a Mr. Chapin. Outlook class began. I took the names. I wanted to hear Mrs. Waterbury but had to chaperone Marion & Mr. Kenyon (2nd lesson). Leslie Chapin begins Virgil.
Wea. Tuesday 6 Ther.
Miss Porters birthday. Mrs. Packard & I gave her "The Mind of the Master". Our 1st periodical class. Miss Hubbards 1st drawing lesson, in studio. Dudly lewis sent letter & picture.
Call from Edith Longstrew who has come down from Northampton. Mrs. Underhill called to complain of Miss Crutchley. Chaperoned guitar lesson (3).
Dee Maurier died.
Wea. Lovely. Thursday 8 Ther.
Called on Prof. [Grulter]. He had chill & believes attack. Mr. Newhall had meeting. Talked afterward with Mr. Rice. He doesn't like our pastor. He thinks Mr. Chamberlain is drinking. Edith Holmes writes from Pittsburgh about [Goethe]. Dr. Maurice is dead.
S S [lives].
Wea. Saturday 10 Ther.
6 of us went to Mt. Holyoke ruins. Called on Mrs. Purington. Bought lunch. P.M. Miss Crutchley doesn't prepare lessons. Clara Russell & I went down town. Eve. Went to library.
Dr. Moxom's 3rd sermon on the church. Social [Ameturation]-[Line]. Tried to find the Chamberlains but they have moved to Forest Park. Talked with Mr. France's outside. Smith tells me he has been married. Some headache. Slept this eve.
Wea. Monday 12 Ther. Fannie Bearnau & Alice King have expectations for this winter. Mrs. Porter has come home.
Wea. Wednesday 14Ther.
I called on Mrs. Porter tonight. Chaperoned the guitar lesson (4). Call from Ida Farmer.
Wea. Friday 16 Ther.
Mr. Shepard died & Amy Gillette has gone to funeral. Miss Crutchely & I called on Underhills & on Margery Coats. The girls went up on Armory tower. This P.M. new girls gave an observation party & illustrated [songs] popular.
Letter from Ruth. I wrote Winnie. Gave Mary Marsh her lesson. Took Edith Tourtlelotte shopping. Grandma Maltice & Marion came to lunch & Marion is taken sick. Took short nap.
Met Chamberlain on street. He looks seedy. Says he does not drink (?) & does not go to church. They live 132 Belmont Ave.
Wea. Rain. Sunday 18 Ther.
Marion better. I went twice to Mrs. Porters. A.M. Pendlefoot on Home Missions. Some parts good, but slangy. At S.A. short talk with Mr. Frances & Capt. Carrigan's fat [Gl..] friend was thin. He smoked & that was why he ran away Thurs.
P.M. Began my [army] class with [Carthame], Mrs. Packard & Aunt Carrie. We are studying [Solomon]. Mr. & Mrs. Maltice came down to tea.
Wea. Tuesday 20 Ther.
Led prayers at the 19 Bliss St. home. Read Phil. IV. Talked with Mip Ricker about speaking at meeting. Called before & after on Hahns & learned that the Groves live about 48 Harrison Av. The Hahns are to move to Pearl & Byers St. Outlook class. Discussed [for.] [Ser.] [Fersady], [Theosophy] etc.
Wea. Rain. Wed. Oct. 21, 1896 Ther. Letter from Ruth Chapin. Chaperoned 5th guitar lesson. No letter from Reeve. Wrote to Mother, Ruth, Richardson, & Rob Bliss.
Wea. Thursday 22 Ther.
Blue letters from Pauline Day & Fred Reeve. Fred is lonely & does not enjoy Dr. Judson's sermons. Mother writes of the death of Nannie Schenck. Wonderful prayer-meeting. Carmen & Mr. Frances were there. Mr. [Cerner] spoke and Old Joe related his experience.
Wrote to Fred R., & Mother. Went to Mrs. Newell's to inquire about Sarah [Curwan] & find her a bad girl. Jennie Chabot is pretty good.
We went in rain to hear Hannibal William read Henry IV. Prt 1. Chas. appeared in his [band] [...].
Wea. Saturday 24 Ther.
Read Outlook. Mary Maudes lesson went down town with Marnie Duncan. Letter from Will Todd enclosing slips about Harlan's appearing before church. Took girls on trolly to [Longmeadow]. Eve. Wrote Carrie Allen.
Wonderful day. A.M. Dr. Moxom preached for [Prison] Sunday. Slept. Read Wm. Smith. P.M. Took Mrs. Maltice to
S.A. Talked & prayed with Corey. I heard that May is to be tried for murder. Went to Mirriams to tea. Met Miss Crutchley at church & we saw Joe baptized. After meeting Mr. Hahn gave Joe a wonderful tribute. Mr. Bertrand told me what Mr. Thayer said about me. Carmen has not smoked. S.S. lesson with [Calhamo] & Jennie. Jennie said it brought back her mother's words.
Wea. Monday 26 Ther.
Went out this P.M. Called on Mrs. Groves 42 Harrison Ave., Mrs. Dumbleton (out) & the Chamberlains. Plain talk with Mr. C. He is drinking some. I prayed with him & he seemed touched. The little boy came to the car.
Wea. Wednesday 28Ther. Carrie Maud invites me to Bklyn to reunion & Jessie Dewill to A.C.A. Mr. 14 Miss Crutchley told me about her mother. Hannibal Williams recited Writer's Tale.
Call from Mr. & Mrs. Coats of Beverly. Mrs. Nye, Mrs. Packard & I attended State Convention in Highland Ch. Kerr Tupper preached finely on the Bible.
Wea. Friday 30 Ther.
Marion Duncan & I took her aunt Miss Duncan riding in cars. Mother sent me a letter from Sarah Lloyd. Celebrated Hallowe'en. Went to Oak St. to see Rep. procession.
Too warm for coats. Read all day periodicals. Went with Bertha Robbins to call on Mrs. Judy Wills - out.
Wea. Sun. Nov. 1 Ther.
A.M. Dr. Moxom Juo 6:35. He said Christ was not co-existent. He desired no monopoly of revelation or salvation. He had [more] of God then we. He lead to God, as [Shian] to [reservices]. I cried & couldn't shake hands. Took Bertha to Communion. The [wine] made me unhappy. Went to Army but too late. Saw a man who is going back to family he [says]. Took girls walking. S.S. class Building up the Temple.
Wea. Tuesday 3 Ther. Election day. At 11 P.M. we hope things are going for McKinley. Interesting Outlook class. Call from Mrs. James Bill.
McKinley Elected by a large majority!!! Parly Russell is a [Mass] representative. Chaperoned 7th guitar lesson.
Wea. Rain. Thursday 5 Ther.
Gladys Reed staid to lunch & worked [gunneting]. Small prayer-meeting. Mr. newhall led as Mr. Hahn strained his back. Carmen was there & seems free from smoking.
Letter from Reeve that worries me because he does not go to church. Letter from Ray. He is teaching German & raising chickens & celery. Eve. Lena drilled girls & I wrote 9 poems for their Thanksgiving entertainment.
Wea. Saturday 7 Ther.
A letter from Mother encloses one from Marg. that scares me. She wants the lists of guests which she was to have for her wedding. Eve. Took girls (Welch) to try on dresses at Mrs. Andersons. Went to library.
Dr. Moxom Fine Sermon Matt. 16:23. Miss Porter has made Bert angry by saying he is irreligious. I am to try & get Dr. Moxom interested. P.M. Took Mrs. Young to S.A. (children's meeting). She went to Smith Ch. I talked to Carmen, Frances & Thayer. I think the last was converted. Met Mrs. Young at church & introduced her to Dr. M. Spoke to him. Sick headache but taught The Temple to 4 Welch girls.
Wea. Monday 9 Ther.
Miss P. went to Mrs. Booths meeting in N.Y. I called on Dr. Moxom, Mrs. Appleton (out), Dr. Buckingham. Sent picture to Cousin Hattie. Froze. We all watched parade from Mrs. Brookes.
Wea. Rain. Wednesday 11Ther. Rec'd lovely letter from Cousin Hattie. Girls rehearsed songs etc. instead of walking. Went to P.O. for Miss Porter. 8th guitar lesson.
Wea. Friday 13 Ther.
Call from Mrs. Dickerson, Grace D. & Mrs. [T...] Merrick (No. 4). Called on Mrs. Appleton. She already was interested in Mrs. Maltice.
Began Bertha Robbin's music lesson (2). (I had given her one). Took 11.45 train to N. Haven Coll. Alumnae at Jessie Durdes 400 Orange St. Susan Swift spoke. Met Staff. Capt. (Mrs.) (Cozzuer), Capt. Gray, Caroline Ranson King, Grace Porter, etc. Nothing to eat except at depot. Found that Miss Wilson (of S.A.) had called.
Wea. Sunday 15 Ther.
Dr. Seeley of Smith on "Red wine in old bottles". Miss Wilson ([Ensign]) at S.A. on Gold Standard. Talked with Corey who promised to go home & think & with Thayer Smith says he was converted at the [Mission]. Eve. Walked with girls.
S.S. class. They rebuilt temple.
Wea. Mon. Nov. 16, 1896 Ther. Mrs. St. M. 85. Cath. Rathburn has entered School.
Wea. Warm like summer. Tuesday 17 Ther. Periodical class.
Letters from Mother & Capt. Emily Carrigan. Some of the girls went to Crysanthem show. I did not. Letter from Reeve (angry at me). He encloses Dr. Judson's. 9th guitar lesson. Miss Hill began her writing lessons.
Wea. Thursday 19 Ther.
Joe spoke to me in meeting about tobacco. Mr. Bertrand talked with me about Thayer. I hope he isn't silly. Crysanthemum Show.
Rehearsal of play. Miss P. rec'd horrid letter from Mrs. Duncan.
Wea. Rain & snow. Saturday 21 Ther.
A.M. Took Marg. Carter to corn doctor's & Edith Tourtlelotte down town. P.M. Pouring but called on Tollivers (16 Greene St. Ave.), Mrs. Rathbun, Miss Barnard (out). Tried music at Taylors. Mother wrote of her visit to Marg.
Marilin Duncan is to stop L. Prose.
Wrote Esther, Mrs. S. Sletter. Dr. Moxom Dent 28:13. Patriotism. Letter from Mrs. Carter about Marg's dress. Interesting S.A. Talk with Mr. Frances about Thanksgiving. Mr. Newhall, Carmen walked with me to point out Mr. Newhalls house. Thayer & Smith both seemed all right. Took girls walking, [s...] rushed down to see Mr. Newhall but church was dark. Taught 4 girls. Wrote Mr. Newhall. [Bad].
Wea. Monday 23 Ther.
Brutal letter from Bert Maltice's. Marion is not to be allowed to come here anymore to school from present. Mabel is to be unmolested etc. We rehearsed on entertainment.
A.M. Letters from Mother at V.C. Letter about the "angel" from the Butler Centre P. Master, Mr. Wing. P.M. Shopped for play. Called to invite the Moxoms & Underhills (out). Letter from Carrie Allen. 10th guitar lesson.
Wea. Rain. Wednesday 25Ther.
Lena has been to Mr. Brooks & he says there is nothing to do but give up the baby. All girls left but Adele Buffington. I went to the train & shopped. Maud Reed came up & studied. Mrs. Rathbun visited Lat. Miss P. & Lena went to Porter's to supper. Read & played duets with Adele.
Thanksgiving. Took Lena's letter to Mrs. Maltice. Mr. Quick preached in 1st Bapt. Prov. 17:34. Amy & Adele went out to dinner. Mrs. Chamberlain & Porter's came. Mrs. Gillette came.
Wea. Friday 27 Ther.
School began again. We rehearsed in afternoon. Dressed hurriedly "Tales Ancient & Modern". Gt. success. Dr. Moxom crowned me with laurel. May Coat & Pauline Day here. Capt. Whipple was [d-K]. He invited me to Sunday dinner. Miss King came late & slept in Amy's room.
Read History & periodicals. Supper at Mrs. Porters with Mrs. Chamberlain. Miss P. came over with letters.
Wea. Sunday 29 Ther.
A.M. Dr. Moxom. Message to churchless. Marion was at Kindergarten & Miss P. saw her. Mr. Francis I think gave himself to girl. Talked with Corey. Walked with girls. S.S. class.
Mrs. Brown brought Lena violets. Wrote to Reeve that I was hurt.
Wea. Cold. Tues. Dec. 1 Ther.
Went to Mrs. [Goodhue's] to hear Mrs. Hannibal Williams read Midsummer Night's Dream before [Wed] Club. Mrs. Webb & Miss P. went too. Gone from 3 to 6.45. Outlook class. Cold & sleepy. [Aimiable] letter from Mrs. Maltice.
11th guitar lesson. Lena wrote long letter to Mabel demanding Bert's apology. Went to library.
Wea. Cold. Thursday 3 Ther.
S.S. election. Mr Frances was there & told me he was trying to be a Christian. Carmen's sister's baby has membranous croup.
Mrs. Chamberlain is spending most of the day here. I read history to Edward Porter this A.M. Girls gave "Country Dinner" & "Book" party.
Wea. Saturday 5 Ther.
Dr. Poole's class began this A.M. at 11.30. I read Hist. & Outlook etc all day. Wrote letters this evening. Marion Duncan - has taken Miss Crutchleys room & Miss C. - Edith Holmes old room.
A.M. Dr. Moxom. Christ's [Meeting] of Reform. Matt. 23:25.26. I saw Marion at the window twice. I went down to church too late for Communion. At S.A. Mr. Francis seemed very happy. Cameron is expecting to go to N.Y. I talked with Rickland. He said he had almost got to the pt. of forgetting but I had worked him up. Mr. Francis & I talked with Corey.
Wea. Monday 7 Ther.
Short but rather nice letter from Reeve. He is in a "muddle" about church. Was much helped by his call on Mother & Minnie.
Wea. Wednesday 9 Ther. Marion Tice is 5 & Ray is 25. Gladys Reed was sick in school today. 12th guitar lesson. Will Todd I wrote to. Dr. Poole
(2) at 8 this P.M.
Mr. Francis met Mr. Newhall & told him he was a Christian. Carmen was there. Very good talk by Mr. School for Christian Workers on India. Mrs. Chamberlain was there. Richardson [Egy]
Wea. Friday 11 Ther. Wrote Reeve & Mother. [Soap] nibble party.
Dr. Poole (3). Read all P.M. Evening went to book & music store.
Wea. Sunday 13 Ther.
A.M. Dr. Addison Foster of Am. S.S. Union Juo. 21:6. Nice time at S.A. Took Mrs. lame backslider to periodical form. Rickland says he is Christian. Gave Cameron Dr. Judson's address. Smith asked about playing for dance houses. Talked with a Mr. Frances & Thayer (goblins). They are to meet me at prayer-meeting. Met "Is the [mutation] going or [...]?" Miss Crutchley went to hear Mr. Hahn on Pulpit & Polities. Met Maltice in st.
Wea. Tuesday 15 Ther.
I have a cold. Samples from Mother. Interesting Outlook class. Afterward Lena & I went to P.O. Saw a crowd outside of Drapers. Dr. Poole (?) 4.
Cause of last night's crowd was terrible burning of Mrs. Whitney's son. Very [inviting]. 13th guitar lesson. Lena has had lovely letter from Mrs. (Grandma) Maltice.
Wea. Thursday 17 Ther.
Capt. Carrigan writes that Blanche Cox is to be my D.O. Letter from Reeve, who is happy in getting a Christmas box off. Miss P. was very angry because we talked in school-room just before study hour. Mr. Francis (2) & his friend met me outside prayer-meeting. Mr. Thayer (2) came late after 24 mile walk. Mr. Francis (1) & Mr. Thayer (1) were there. Mr. Thayer (2) & Cory were saved last night.
Bert & Mabel have written again. But an insulting letter, hit Mabel sweetly & perhaps sincerely. Lena has decided to consent to an interview here with Miss P. We went to Mrs. Chamberlain's tea. Girls gave an arrival party, donkey & drawing animal blindfold.
Wea. Cold. Saturday 19 Ther.
No answer from Mother. Lena saw the baby in a coarse blue dress in at Mrs. Dexler's. I called on Mrs. Porter. Little boy sold candy & popcorn here. I bought coconut cake at new store. Dr. Poole (5).
Dr. Moxom. Talk about Harvard. Lena went to South Ch. & saw Marion. I took girls to hear Booker T. Washington. Fine. Went into S.A. for a moment & talked with Miss [Brice] & she prayed. Mr. Francis thinks Joe is getting spoiled. I read [Fred Marion & me] to girls. Bert & Mabel came up & apologized.
Wea. Monday 21 Ther.
Christmas shopping. $100 in bank. Wrote Dr. Taylor. Shopped from 3-[7]. 14 guitar lesson in evening.
Library book Dec. 19 Jan. 3 [Memorabilia] [Jan] 3
Wea. Wednesday 23Ther.
Rec'd present. Came to N.Y. at 1.25 with Mrs. Packard, Miss Crutchley, & Amy Gillette. Train was about 2 hrs. late. I found the 5 college children. The girls came today, the boys yesterday.
My shopping was about done, so I only went out this P.M. for little things for Reeve & Rob. Frank Sharpe had the Christmas party. Uncle Wm. Sharpe & the Dixons were there.
Wea. Friday 25 Ther.
Presents in A.M. Helped filled candy boxes at church. Fun with [Mindy], Phasen & [Stoney]. Afternoon. Read to boys. (Henty) Ernest Sedman came to tea. Mosely & Stoney came in eve. to arranged for party at Wyckoffs.
Called on Lucy Skinner & Cousin Sallie. Mother went home & I staid to lunch. I met [Ros.], Paul (for 1st time) Susy, Lily, Alfred Billinger. Read a little to Frank. Slept. Eve. Suprise party at Frank Wyckoff's. "Yellow Kid" game & Pillow Decks.
Wea. Sunday 27 Ther.
A.M. Mr. Dixon Matt. 24:14.
P.M. " " Ps. 17:8. Did not see Reeve all day, but expected him. Prof. Froelich came to dinner. Harold says he takes his tunes from opera. Will Monfred, Ruth, & I went to prayer. Saw Alice, Susy & Clara Kings husband for first time. Alice looks large.
A.M. Letter from Will Todd. Marg & Ray are in Cin! Read Henty to Frank & Phasen. P.M. Sent Mother's center-piece to Mrs. Russell. Call from Kate Strong Curtiss. Mother washed my head. Bertha has asthma. Eve. Read to Frank, Phasen, Bret & Ralph. Letter from Rob Bliss. Wrote to Will Todd.
Wea. Tuesay 29 Ther. Wrote to Fred Reeve & Rob Bliss. Mrs. Morse [sewed] for girls. Read a little to Frank. Bertha in her room all day. Call
from Cousin Hattie. Wrote Mrs. Webb. Letter from Jessie. While girls were at Christmas entertainment, I read Marg. O glory. Read Dutch Rep. to myself. Gladstone is 87.
Read a little to boys. Lucy Skinner & I called on Ethel. Eve. We went to spend the evening with the Richards. Played Pillow [Dix].
Wea. Thursday 31 Ther.
Sad day. Reeve thinks he may not come to see me as I will talk religion. Mosely sent a yellow kid to Aunt Nellie. I sent my head on a child's body. Read to Frank. Eve. Watch night services. Rec'd Ros 3 vols. from Cousin Sallie.
Jan. 1. Left over 22.69 " 3 Jap. Student 10 22.59
S. Army 25 22.34 " 5 Hausen Pl. 10 22.24 " 6 Missionary boy 9 22.15 " 12 Christ Ch. 5 22.10
" S.Army 76 21.34 19 " " 25 21.09
5 Pts. 10 20.99 24 Socio.As.80 21.79 26 South Ch 5 21.74
S.Army 50 21.24
28 Miss P. 50 21.74 Feb. 2. S.A. 75 20.99 " " Church Bapt. 45 20.59 " 9 " South 5 20.54 " " S.A. 50 20.04 " " Bapt. Ch. Fel. 950 10.54
S.A. 25 10.29 Smith Ch 5 10.24 " 23 Christ " 5 10.19 S.A. 25 9.94 Mar. 1. " 225 7.69
Army Ch 5 7.64 " 9 " " 5 7.59 " 21 Miss P. 2.00 9.59
Mar. 22 Bapt. Ch. Feb. Mar 2.25 7.39 Benev.- Apr.5 5.00 2.39 S.Army 25 2.14
" 23 Miss P. 22.50 24.64

" 26 S.Army 3.00 21.64
" 29 Hausen P. 15 21.49
" 30 For Miss 25 21.24
Apr. 5 Church Ext 25 20.99
" " Hausen Pl. 5 20.94
" " Sa. A. 27 20.67
" 6 Mission 30 20.37

" " Hadly meeting 9 20.28 " 12 S.A. 25 20.03 " " South Ch 5 19.98 " 16 Poor girl 15 19.83 " 18 Vass. Aid 100 18.83 " 19 South Ch.Y.W.C.A. 25 18.58
S.A. 35 18.23 26 " 25 17.98
South Ch. 05 17.93 May 3 Church Apr 100 16.93 " " Burer " 26 75 16.18 " " S.Army 25 15.93
Grand Lyme 35 15.58
Burers 10 15.48 10 Church So. 5 15.43 S.Army 30 15.13
May 4 [Library] 2.00 17.13 " 16 S.Army 1.00 16.13 " 17 Church 05 16.08 " 24 " 05 16.03 " " S.a. 60 15.43 June 7 Pew Pay 1.00 14.43
Beuer. May 31 2.50 11.93
S.Army 50 11.43 21 " " 3011.13 28 " " 8010.33 " Pew through Sept 75 9.58
Salary 21 30.58
Church pew 1.00 20.58 July 5 " Haven p. 20.33 " 8 23 Fulton 10 20.23
" 10 Haus. Pl. 10 20.13
" 12 " 20 19.93
" 14 S.Army fee 5.00 14.93
" 20 [L...] Ass .80 15.73
" 27 Eaton Ch 5 15.68
Aug. 2 " " 10 15.58

" " " S.S. Miss. 25 15.33 " 7 " Ch. & S.S. 6 15.27 " 16 " " 6 15.21 " 25 Lame boy 5 15.16 " 30 Eaton ch & S.S. 6 15.10
Sept. 6 Haus. Pl. 10 15.00
June 8 Salary $2.00 17.00
Sept. 11 Jap. Miss. etc 30 16.70
" 13 Haus. Pl. 5 16.65
" " Mr. Diaz 25 16.40
" 14 Swedish man 25 16.15
" " China 10 16.05
" 20 Church 5 16.00
" 23 Interest 38 16.38
" 27 Smith Ch 5 16.33 Oct. 4 " " 516.28 " " S.A. 25 16.03 " 11 South Ch 5 15.98 " 17 Salary 2.00 17.98

18 Church South 5 17.93
S.A. 25 17.68 25 " 40 17.28 " 5 pts. 10 17.18 " Smith Ch 5 17.13
Pew State St. Oct. 100 16.13 29 State Conv. 25 15.88 Nov. 1 Smith ch 5 15.83 8 " " 518.78
S.A. 25 18.53 14 " 100 17.53 15 " 30 17.23 " South Ch 5 17.18
Name Residence
17.18 Nov. 18 Salary 2.00 19.18 " 21 " 2.50 21.68 " 22 S.A. 80 20.88 " 24 " 7 20.81 " 26 Boys Club 50 20.31
29 111 19.20
Dec. 6 Chuch pew through Dec. 2.25 16.95 S.A. 35 16.60
" 10 India 32 16.28 " 13 Church 5 16.23 " " S.A. 30 15.93 " 20 " 25 15.68
South Ch. 5 15.63 Venev. thr. Dec. 6.50 9.13 5 Pts 10 9.03 [Broken Wash] 25 8.78
" 21 Salary 16.00 24.78
S.A. 3 24.75 27 Hausin Pl. 15 24.60 31 Law enforce 10 24.50
.50 for War Crys. Oct. 25 5 Nov. 8 5 " 15 5 " 22 5 Dec. 6 5 " 13 5 20 5 5 5 5
Date Jan. 1 I owe Mother " 2" " " " 3" " " " " " " " " 4 " " " " 7 " " " " 9 " " " Mar. 1 " " " " 4 " " " Apr. 1 " " "
" 2 " " " 4 " " " " " " " 6 " " " " " " " 28 " "
" 22 " " " 29 " " " " " " " " "
" " " "
" Dolls. Cts.
11.13 11.43 11.50 12.52 12.56 00.00
.40 1.40 5.40 5.45 6.45 6.35 8.69 8.87 23.87 24.37 28.27 29.77 30.27 25.27 23.77 23.83 29.83
35.50 25.50 24.75 20.50
Date Dolls. Cts. Jan. 15 "Wasps" .75 " 24 Grub 12.50
Miss Mitchell .25 28
Symphony Fannie Bliss Soap Edith H. Mrs. Lample Hammonds 1.00
S.A. to Lena 2.50 Lena about Mrs. Lucy's music ?.54 Wills photo .25 Lucy owes me .16 Edith Holmes .02
[Fesh...] & pro Lena owes me new .25 " " " chk .50 [K...] [Soup] Mrs. Pack .45 [D...] & [Mint] [...] Candy Dress & waist Picnic Lucy owes 2.01
Date Drawers Time
July 7 I owe Mother $21.50
" 8 " " " 21.45
10 " " " 23.45
13 " " " 23.89
14 " " " 22.35
14 " " " 22.87
15 " " " 22.83
" " " " " 26.63
" 20 " " " 22.27
" " " " " 22.07
" 20 " " " 21.82
" 21 " " " 20.98
" 23 " " " 20.31
" 27 " " " 19.18
" " " " " 19.23
" " " 17.23
30 " " " 16.73
Aug 1 " " " 4.46
" 4 " " " 2.46
" 9 " " " 2.52
" 13 " " " 2.02
" " " " " 2.57
" 14 " " " 2.52
" " " " " .52

No. Where Payable Due Amount Aug 15 Mother owes me 5.00 " 28 " " " 5.05 " 30 " " " 5.00 " 31 I owe M. 1.00 Sept.2 " " " 1.10 " " " " " 2.77 " 4 " " " 4.52 " 5 " " " 11.37
" " " (3.60)
" " " 11.60 " 7 " " " 09.80 " 7 " " " 10.43 " 8" " " 5.91 " "" " " 6.00 " 12 " " " 6.13 " "" " " 6.47 " "" " " 27.47 " 15 " " " 27.05 " 16 " " " 27.30 " " " " " 27.51 " "" " " 28.51 " " 28.11 " 19 " " " 29.01
" " " 30.01 29.96 31.76
Date To whom given Time Sept. 22 I owe Mother 33.50 " " " " " 40.00 " " " " " 39.85 Oct. 7 " " " 40.35 " 8 " " " 40.85 " 12 " " " 41.45 " " " " " 40.85 Nov. " " " " 41.35 " 18 " " " 21.35 " " " " " 21.93 " 29 " " " 22.93 Dec. 15 " " " 23.91
" 2 " " " 25.66
" " " " " 25.76
" " " " " 25.81
" 26 " " " 25.91
" 27 " " " 26.06
" 28 Mot he r o wes me 3.94
" " " " " 3.17
" 29 " " " 3.00
" 30 " " " 2.78

1 Left over 141.07
2 2 Ferris waist 1.50 Umbrella 1.25 Tooth powder .30 Veil .24 Notions .30 --.-.3 Wash woman 2.30 Stamps .09 Mrs. Palmer 1.10 Jap. student .10 S.Army .25 Car fare .10 Gum .01 4 Stamps .04 Watch 1.25 Mrs. Dennis 1.00 5 Church .10 Car fare .10 6 Ticket & trunk3.25 Mission stamp .09 Vassar book 1.00 Stamps .50 Card .50 Car fare .10 141.07 15.67
141.07 15.67
7 7 Car fare .20
24 Loan Ass. 8.00 Lunch .10
28 Miss P. 5.00 Carriage .40
10 Mittens .40
12 Church .05
S.Army .76
19 " " .25
5 Pts. .10
20 Car fare .05
23 Stamps .25
26 S.Army .50
South Ch. .05
27 Soda W. .05
Car fare .10
Crackers .19
28 Car fare .10
" Glasses 1.00
Stamps .10
2 S.A. .75
Susans photo .25
State St. .45
3 Stamps .50
9 S.A. etc. .55
Candy .40
154.07 23.22

RECEIVED PAID 154.07 23.22 14 Express .25 Soap .10 [Sugar] & figs .23 [Church] etc. 9.80 Miss Lewyell .35 21 Gill's Art .25 Church .05 S.Army .25 War Col .05 24 Needles .05 Car fare .05 29 " " .05 1 S.Army 2.25 Church .05 Ruth R. 1.00 2 Stamps .30 4 Fannie B. 4.00 Father's flower.50 7 Dress 1.15 8 Church .05 9 Coat 12.50 Stamps .50 11 Car fare .05 Home J. .10 57.15
RECEIVED 154.07 PAID 57.15
21 Miss Porter 20.00 12 Help. Hand .25
22 " " 225.00 21 Ovid .20 Exp. in Alt. .60 [R...] Feb-Mar .60 22 Church 2.25 Benev. Feb-Apr5 5.00 S.Army .25 23 Car f. .05 24 Candy & S.W. 1.05 26 S.A. 3.00 Almond P. .50 Spr-N.Y. 2.75 27 Carriage .40 Papers .14 Care fare etc. .30 Trunk .50 28 Car fare .10 29 Church etc. .15 30 For. Mission .25 " And Peter" .50 31 Lunch & S.A. .45 S.A. pin .25 Conquerer .10 Car fare etc. .28 399.07 77.07
RECEIVED PAID 399.07 77.07 1 Wash woman 1.25
Car fare & candy .13 2 Alumnae 1.00 3 Materials for hat 3.12
Winnie for 2 hats 1.50 Paper .25 Ice cream sod. .20 Stamps 1.00 Mary Palmer 1.10
4 Car fare .10 Shoes 3.00 Gloves 1.50 Tooth powder .30 [...] .64 [Livery] 1.70
5 Church & S.A. .57 Car fare .10
6 Missions .30 Rushing .18 Ticket & trunk 3.25 Mrs. [S...] 35.00 Hadley .09 [...] .65
399.07 134.00
RECEIVED PAID 399.07 134.05 7 Crackers .15 [...] .25 Car fare .10 Reading & Lunch .18 Carriage .38 9 Car fare .05 10 Miss Frazer's .25 11 [Cones] 1.00 12 Church & S. .30 16 Poor girl .15 18 Vass. Aid 1.00 Postals .05 Soda W. .05 Candy .10 Mrs. Nettleton .15 Gloves .25 20 Church & S.A. .45 25 Sugar & candy .16 26 Church etc. .40 28 Gloves .50 [Flowers] 1.11 2 Syrian [e...] 2.25 " S.A. papers .25 Church etc. 2.60 146.18
RECEIVED PAID 399.07 146.18
8 Stamps .07 lunch etc. 4.90 Symph. p. 1.50 Flowers .50 Stamps .50
9 Ice cream etc .24
9 Salary 20.00 10 Church etc. .40 [Chas-band] .25 S. Army 1.00 War Eng .05 Car fare .10 Hair .50 S. Water .05 Crackers .19 Ruching .18 Music .14 23 Coll. Alum. 2.00 Pres. Check .50 Stamps .50 24 Church & S.A. .65 31 Prism 2.00 Army .05 Church 162.45
419.07 162.45 5 Rings .20 6 Telegrams .50
Soap .08 Express .35 Miss [With] .10 Gloves 1.50 Candy Soda W. .05 Car fare .05
7 Church etc. 4.00
8 Miss P. 20.00 8 Carriage .25 Sp. - Pok 3.82 Carriage .50 Coffee .10 9 Alum. 1.00 10 Ticket 3.82 Paper 3 Car fare 5 Lunch .30 Carry .40 11 Candy 13 Carf. .05 Pins .11 Stamp .06 179.77
439.07 18 Carriage & trunk 1.25
20 Soda W. .05
21 Church & S.A. .30
22 White dress 7.00
Shoes 3.50
25 Papers .07
26 Bicycle As. .50
Soda W. .05
Car fare .05
27 Bicycle .50
Stamps etc. .10
Candy .10
Car fare .25
28 Pew rent .75
S.A. .80
Insurance .25
29 Stationary 3.27
"Wasps" .75
Symph. 2.00
[H...] & pew 1.00
Festival 7.00
Church S. 10.00
Music L. 30.00
Music 1.08
Candy .55

439.07 250.94 Dress Sk. 4.98 Shirt W. .69
Salary 210.00 29 Photo stand .10 Prof. Mitchell 1.50 Benevolence 10.50 Car fare .05 30 " " .05 Shirt waist 1.00 Servants .75 Carriage .50 Strap 1.00 Miss [With.] .25 Candy .10 Peanuts .05 Ice cream .10 Sp.- Gt. Bar. 1.82 1 Express .50 4 Gt. B. - Kent .90 Kent N.Y. 2.15 Car fare .15 6 Dress .75 5 Church .25 Trunk .50 6 Car f. .10 279.68
RECEIVED PAID 649.07 279.68 7 [F...] [Rich] 1.00 8 Car fare .20 Book & paper .26 Mission .10 Stamps for July 6 .46 10 Chocolate .10 Book .08 Car fare .10 [Unacct] .24 Haus. Pl. .10 11 Stamp .05 Board 8680 Ax 5.00 12 Church .20 Tooth powder .30 Supporter .14 13 Coney I. .40 14 N.Y. to Colo S. 1.04 Trunk .50 Photos 1.50 S.Army 5.00 Car fare .10 Phosphate .10 15 Stamp .04 296.69
RECEIVED PAID 649.07 296.69
20 Loan Ass. 8.00 15 Stationary .30 Board 8680 3.00 Bertha [...] 1.00 [Cook] .25 Car fare .15 Candy .15 20 Cold S. - Oneida 4.34 Car fare .10 Storage trunk .28 Coffee .10 Church .05 Cold S. servants .50 Dinner .55 [McC...] .10 Paper .05 Trunk .25 21 Car fare .10 Oneid - Eat. .54 Bus etc. .30 Stamp p. July 21 .28 23 Telegram .18 26 Church .05 27 Oneida [...] 1.56 657.07 310.87
RECEIVED PAID 27 Left over 657.07 27 310.87 Stamps for July 27-Aug 13. .55
29 Board 2.00 2 Church etc. .35 3 Hair tonic .35 4 Board 2.00 5 Candy & peanuts .15
Shoe mended .13 7 Mrs. Wallace 1.00 9 Church & S.S. .06
12 ---------.14 Board 2.00 14 Thread .04
Pad .05 Peanuts .05 Stamps etc. .45
15 Camper ice .10 Envelopes .15 Corset & Shoelace .10 Braid on [...] .25
16 S.S. & Church .06
17 Hat pins .02 Bus .20 Eat- Randall .15 R- Thousand I. & [nt] 3.60
17 657.07 17 324.68
Dinner .85
"Money ques" .10
Tribune .05
Candy & Popc. .15
Trunk .10
19 Board. 6.50
Capt. Fisger .50
Basket 1.10
20 Candy .20
22 Baskets .80
Prizes & gum .41
24 Glove case .50
25 Trunk .10
Frank .25
"Poetry boy" .05
Popcorn .05
Ticket extended 1.50
Lunch .15
Paper .02
26 Express .55
Trunk .10
28 Candy .10
30 Church .06
Unnacc't 5.33

RECEIVED PAID 657.07 344.20
2 Stamps .10 Mrs. Wall. .10 Silk .59 " .98
5 Dell W. 10.00 Board etc. 17.50 Stage .25 Paper .05 Eaton, N.Y. 5.15 Magaz. .10 Car fare .10
6 Church .10 7 Trunk .63 Will & Ralph 2.00
8 Paper .48 Sewing book .35 Car fare .05 Stamps .09
9 " for Sept. 9 .13 Car fare .05 Glasses .50 2 Ferris W. 3.00
10 Vassar 260.00 11 Japanese etc. .30 646.80
657.07 11 646.80
Ice cream .30
12 Hat & trim 3.90
N.Y. & ret. .25
13 Church etc. .30
14 Swedish .25
China .10
15 Estelle W. 5.00
Velvet .23
Tooth powd. .30
Stamps .07
Mrs. Palmer 1.25
16 Stamps .21
" Wash .70
Napkins .30

17 Stamps for Sept. 17 .19 Watch ch. .15 Car fare .15
N.Y. to Pok 1.46
18 Pok - N.Y. 1.46 Car fare .20 Candy .10
19 Napkin .90 Gloves 1.00 20 Church .05 665.62
RECEIVED PAID 657.07 665.62
21 Candy .10 [frames] 1.20 Tooth brush .15 Stockings .67 Car fare .10 Wash .75 Ticket & tr. 3.25
22 Stamps .24 Ruth 1.00 Mary .25 Bklyn - N.Y. .15 Carriage .40
23 Interest 3.75 24 Stamp .10 26 Car fare .10 27 South Ch. .05 28 Stamps .50 Car fare .10 29 " " .05 2 Ian [Machan] .75 Trunk .55 3 Car fare .10 Peanuts .10 4 Church & S.A. .30 Book for Miss P. 660.82 676.58
RECEIVED PAID 660.82 676.58 17 Miss Porter 20.00 7 Cards .50 8 Candy .13 Flower .50
10 Mt. Holyoke .50 Crackers .07 Bag mended .05 Miss P's. book .57 Red ink .10 Styl. pen 2.00 Blacking .25
11 Church .05 S.S.- Times .25
12 Soap .05 Coat mended .60 News. map .26
17 Glasses .50 Spool .04 Sugar .08
18 Church & A. .30 19 Vass. Mis. 1.00 Coll. Al. 1.00 24 Shoes 4.00 Car fare .10 25 Church etc. 1.55 680.82 691.03
Nov 680.82 691.03
18 Miss Porter 20.00 26 Car fare .10
21 " " 25.00 28 [W...] L. .50

Stamps 1.00
29 State Con. .25
30 Car fare .10
1 Church .05 Express .40
8 Church & S.A. .30 Cousin V. 1.00 Stamps .05 Candy etc. .18 Car fare .15
11 " " .05 Photo .10
12 Watch 1.00 Insurance .25
14 New H. & ret. 2.50 Lunch etc. .35 Car fare .16 Susan 1.00
15 Church etc. .35 18 Ethel Skin .40 Socks .18 21 Mip brown .08 725.82 701.52
21 Car fare .10
Styl. pen .20
Soap etc. .10
22 S.A. .80
Church .05
23 Money box .01
Hat fixed 1.33
Self. den. .07
24 Car fare .05
25 Paper .10
Candy .2
26 Boys Club .50

29 S.A. 1.16 Cards 1.00
30 Students Aid 1.00 1 Midsum. N.D. .75 5 Ass. Alum. to tea 97 1.00 6 S.Army .36
Pew [...] Dec. 2.25
S.S. Times .50 7 Stamps .50 8 [Century] [C...] 1.50
10 India .32 12 Candy .10 715.27
RECEIVED PAID 725.82 715.27 21 Miss P. 160.00 12 Columbus [Edw] .75 Henty .50 13 Church etc. .35
Eng. Coz. Lena 1.25 19 Candy etc. .16 20 Benev. 6.50
5 Pts. .10 Church .05 S.A. .25 Broken Wash .25
21 Rubber rings N.C.R. .25 [A...] & Fries 1.15 Silver Tag. [...] .75 [Emory] Mrs. Grol. .35 Candy .55 Wax .37 [Emory] Mrs. G. .35 Pincushion Jennie .33 Calendar [castians] .29 Hand Kerch. Matilda .25 Neck tie Chas. .25 " Charlie .25
885.82 731.72
885.82 731.72 Picture Lizzie .23 Marg. [O...] Cousin L. .95 [Aultiers] & [8 news]Jessi1.15 Marg. [Ogilvy] .95 Handkerch Marion .25 Pin Esther .65 " Miss Crutch .65 Cure of [S...] New med 1.15 [Aultiers] & Fr 1.15 Stamp .02 Pins .10 Hair curlers .15 Review of R 2.25 M. [Ogilvie] .95 1/2 Woodrow N. 1.12 Ticket 2.75 S.A. .03 Library .02 Musilage 1.25 Photos .50 Stamp .30 Pitcher .10 Stamp .13 Book for Rob .20
885.82 748.72 Calendar - Reeve .25 Blank book .03 Suspenders .50 [C...] .50
26 Car fare .10
27 Hausen Pl. .15
28 Embroidery .70 Stamps etc. .07
29 " .07
30 Photos .12
31 Law enforce. .10
Unnacct. 1.38
Left over 133.03

RECEIVED PAID 1.Mother Bureau cover. 2.Winnie Diary. 3.Harold Purse. 4.Ruth Bed slippers. 5.Ralph Gloves. 6.Cousin Sallie Roz's works 3 vols. 7.Mary Sharpe Candy box 8.Miss Porter School pin
9. Mr. & Mrs. Porter "Geo. Washington" 2 vols. 10.Lena Bostwick "Hero Tales" 11.Miss Crutchley "Margaret Ogilvy" 12.Mrs. Packard & Miss Webb Thos. Jefferson 13.Annette Whipple Silver pin tray 14.Ed. Porter Calendar 15.Julia Whiting Silver letter opener 16.Mattie Fiske Glove buttoner 17.Adele Buffington Calendar 18.Edith Brooks Doyle 19.Clara Reed Picture
20.R. & E. Rising Bon bon box 21.Clara Russell Benjamin Franklin 22.Amy Gillette 23.Bertha Robbins 24.Esther Patchen Calendar 25.Rob Bliss "Upper Chamber" 26.Will Todd "Good Cheer for [Year]"
RECEIVED PAID Cash on hand Jan. 1
Balance to new account
(writing at bottom of page that is upside down)
27.Catherine Rathbun Calendar 28.Edith Ball Marg. photo 29.Mrs. Griffin Nect tie 30.Wilde girls Photo 31.Gertrude Burleigh Writing paper (sea-weed) Walton to Eaton 2.16
N.Y. to Eaton 5.15
Chocolate Cake. 1/2 cake Baker's Chocolate Put in a bowl over tea-Kettle with 5 tablespoonful sugar & 3 tablespoonful boiling water. Let it melt & stil till smooth. 1 1/2 cup sugar. 1/2 " butter & cream it together. Add chocolate mixture. Beat 3 eggs (not separately). Save 1 white for icing. Cup milk. 1 3/4 cup flour. 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder.