Cohen, Colleen Ballerino
"Ayfo bar homo?" (Where's the gay bar?): A Personal Look at Pinkwashing, Gay Tourism, and the Role of Capitalism in the Creation of Urban Queer Identity
"Ayfo bar homo?" (Where's the gay bar?): A Personal Look at Pinkwashing, Gay Tourism, and the Role of Capitalism in the Creation of Urban Queer Identity
"Racism is Solved!" A Fake Conservative's Guide to Social Justice
Under the cloak of a character who is as ignorant as he is conservative, Stephen Colbert delivers snaps-worthy "truthiness"-insights that often shine a light to mainstream systemic forms of oppression by embodying their very nature. In my thesis, I acknowledge...
A "not-straight time": choreographing queer spatio-temporalities
A "not-straight time": choreographing queer spatio-temporalities
College-aged women on Instagram: an analysis of gender and social media
Through an analysis of gender and image theory as well as data gathered through survey, coding and interviews, I sought to explore how twenty-first century women both perform femininity through social media and challenge gendered stereotypes while doing so. I...
Deconstructing the Dual City: Preservation and Tourism in La Habana Vieja
Let women live: (dis)ability at work in Mexican maquiladoras
Reality of Love: The Heteronormative Agenda of ABC's the Bachelor
This project provides an oppositional reading of ABC's popular <em>Bachelor </em>franchise, arguing that these reality dating programs present viewers with specific narratives of gender, sexuality, class, and race that contribute to greater hegemonic discourse that reifies heterosexual marriage. Through a...
Representations and belonging: a brief study of the social contexts of museums in Samoa and Fiji
Speak English or Get Out!: Media Practices Surrounding the English-Only Movement in the U.S.
Spookiness at the sleepover: girlhood and puberty-anxiety through the lens of ritual
Streaming Females 2.0: Que(e)ry-ing Sites of Lesbian Counternarrative & Exhibition
The lesbian/queer female audience has a history of being elated with news that its community will be represented on the small screen, then grossly disappointed with how it's represented. For many lesbian, bisexual, and queer women, especially those lacking a...
The Color-lines of Colorblind: Finding the Racial in Post-Racial Media
The Color-lines of Colorblind: Finding the Racial in Post-Racial Media
The Ideology of Spin: Discourse and Power in the 2008 Presidential Election
The Ideology of Spin: Discourse and Power in the 2008 Presidential Election
The Ideology of Spin: Discourse and Power in the 2008 Presidential Election
The Latina Body in Visual Culture: A Motion for Dance as a Medium
This project calls for a re-thinking of how we consume the performance of choreographed dance in music videos in regards to the Latina body. By taking a look at the underlying mechanisms at work in the entertainment industry, this project...