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[unknown], Hannah | to brother, Oct. 1866:

73499-Service File.jpg
October 18, 1866
Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:


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[unknown], Hannah. Letter, 1866

Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

VC Class Year Unknown,1 letter, dated 18 Oct 1866, from "Hannah" to her brother. Hannah describes the arrangement of her room and corridor at Vassar College, rigorous music classes, the popularity of boating, and the fruit given to her by a classmate.

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[unknown], Jeannette | to Mary P. Ashbridge, Sept. 1869:

73138-Service File.jpg
September 22, 1869
Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:


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[unknown], Jeannette. Letter, n.d.

Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

VC Class Year Unknown,1 letter, dated Sept. 22nd 1869, from "Jeannette" to Mary P. Ashbridge. "Jeannette" describes the beginning of a semester at Vassar College, including the "Classification" of the four hundred students, activities such as boating and walking, the meals served, her residential

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[unknown], Julie | to Isabel Treadwell Towne, Oct. 1869:

75138-Service File.jpg
October 17, 1869
Content Warning
he Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:


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[unknown], Julie. Letter, 1869

Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

VC Class Year Unknown,1 letter, dated 17 Oct 1869, from "Julie" to Isabel Treadwell Towne (VC spec 1865-1866). "Julie" recounts her first five weeks at Vassar College. She criticizes her room, praises the campus grounds, and describes several of Towne's former classmates. "Julie" also mentions

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[unknown], Katharine. Letter, 1873

68820-Service File.jpg
26 Apr 1873
Content Warning
he Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

1 letter, dated 26 Apr 1873, from "Katharine" to her mother. Katharine recounts the events of her first spring semester Vassar College. She describes her dormitory room as extremely small and crowded with furniture, leading her to ask VC Lady Principal Miss Terry about changing rooms. Katharine also

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[unknown], Mary. Letter, 1870

Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

VC Class Year Unknown,1 letter, dated 5 Mar 1870, from "Mary" to her mother. Mary describes her experiences at Vassar College, including needing permission from VC Lady Principal Hannah Lyman to go to Poughkeepsie, and attending a memorable lecture. She mentions an enclosed photograph of herself and

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[unknown], Mary. Letter, 1870

72500-Service File.jpg
5 Mar 1870
Content Warning
he Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

1 letter, dated 5 Mar 1870, from "Mary" to her mother. Mary describes her experiences at Vassar College, including needing permission from VC Lady Principal Hannah Lyman to go to Poughkeepsie, and attending a memorable lecture. She mentions an enclosed photograph of herself and some dentist

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[unknown], Mary. Letter, 1872

Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

1 letter, dated 24 Nov 1872, from "Mary" to her sister "Mollie." Mary describes a typical Sunday routine at Vassar College, beginning with Bible class and chapel. Mary explains that after dinner and while still dressed in their Sunday finery, the students would promenade in the park. She also

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[unknown], Mary. Letter, 1876

Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

1 letter, dated 18 Jun 1876, from "Mary" to her mother "Mithery." In the letter, Mary reports recent events at Vassar College. She describes the excitement over the impending visit of an important guest to Vassar, a theatrical performance, the sermon of a visiting pastor, and the text of college

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[unknown], Nellie. Letters, 1868

Content Warning
The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see:

2 letters, dated 10 Nov and 15 Nov 1868, from "Nellie" to her mother and father. Nellie describes her favorable impressions of Vassar College. Citing her family's probable interest, Nellie details a lecture by Professor Farrar on the history of rifle manufacture, including two diagrams. She includes

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[Untitled] (3 Abstract figures; light, black shaded with four dark lines from bottom of figures)

10806-Service File.jpg

3 Abstract figures; light, black shaded with four dark lines from bottom of figures,Condition assessment (2014): Good

Access Control

[Untitled] (3 borders painted orange; orange figure resembling a cross in the middle with an "X" across)

10923-Service File.jpg

3 borders painted orange; orange figure resembling a cross in the middle with an "X" across,Condition assessment (2014): Good

Access Control

[Untitled] (3 horizontal stripes lightly shaded; orange abstract figures all over)

10915-Service File.jpg

3 horizontal stripes lightly shaded; orange abstract figures all over,Condition assessment (2014): Good

Access Control

[Untitled] (3 thick lines; 2 are black and make an "x" and one is red and is going straight through the "X)

10963-Service File.jpg

3 thick lines; 2 are black and make an "x" and one is red and is going straight through the "X,Condition assessment (2014): Good

Access Control

[Untitled] (4 orchids surrounded by more vegetation )

10785-Service File.jpg

4 orchids surrounded by more vegetation,Condition assessment (2014): Good

Access Control

[Untitled] (5 vertical, zig zag, black lines going down paper; Green, black scribbles all around paper)

10960-Service File.jpg

5 vertical, zig zag, black lines going down paper; Green, black scribbles all around paper,Condition assessment (2014): Good

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