Vassar College Digital Library
Guide to the Agnes Rindge Claflin Papers, circa 1901 - circa 1977

Table of Contents

Collection Summary

Repository: Archives and Special Collections Library, Vassar College Libraries
Creator: Claflin, Agnes Rindge, 1900-1977
Title: Agnes Rindge Claflin Papers
Inclusive Dates: circa 1901 - circa 1977
Bulk Dates: 1927-1934
Quantity: 3.3 cubic feet (5 boxes)
Abstract: The bulk of the Claflin collection is from the years 1927-1934, the period in which she received her graduate degrees and began to teach at Vassar College as an associate professor and later as a full professor. While the collection itself is mainly made up of correspondence, it also contains an eclectic selection of material, including: various drafts of her doctoral thesis, newspaper clippings concerning her career, programs of exhibits, class notes and assorted miscellanea.

Biographical Note

Agnes Millicent Rindge was born on May 19, 1900 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Upon graduating the Madeira School in 1917, she attended Mount Holyoke College for two years, and in 1921, having being elected to Phi Beta Kappa, received her B.A. magna cum laude from Radcliffe College. In 1923, Rindge joined the faculty of the Vassar Art Department as an instructor. She returned to Radcliffe to do graduate work, receiving her M.A. in 1927 and her Ph.D. in 1928. In the fall of that year, Rindge rejoined the Vassar Art Department as an associate professor. After three years, she was promoted to the rank of full professor. Rindge was director of the Vassar Art Gallery (1943-1962), Chairperson of the Art Department (1943-1965), and Mary Conover Mellon Professor of Art (1961-1965).

Her most extensive written work is Sculpture which was published in 1929. Subsequently, she wrote The Elder Pieter Bruegel: A Short Essay (1936), as well as numerous articles for publications such as International Studio, Parnassus, and Formes.

Over the course of several decades, Rindge lectured at many of this country's foremost institutions of higher learning, including: New York University Institute of Fine Arts, Chicago Art Institute, Wadsworth Athenaeum, Columbia University, Yale School of Fine Art, and at other universities too many to enumerate.

During World War II, Rindge served as Executive Secretary and Consultant in the Art Division of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (1941-1942), and continued as Consultant in the Program of Cultural Relations with Latin America, where she was concerned with the circulation and exposure of Latin American Art within the United States.

At approximately the same time, she became a member of the Advisory Committee of the Museum of Modern Art (1944), and served as Assistant Executive Vice President of the Museum (1943-44). In connection with a Calder Sculpture exhibition held at the Museum of Modern Art, she wrote and narrated a film entitled Alexander Calder: Sculpture and Constructions.

Rindge was active in many art organizations, including membership in the Commission on Arts of the American Association of Colleges (1939), Chairperson of the Committee on Fellowships of the College Art Association (1945-1948), member of the Editorial Board of Art in America (1940-1943), as well as President of the American Federation of Arts (1944-1945).

Her associates included Alfred Barr, founder of the Museum of Modern Art, A. Everett Austin, head of the Wadsworth Athenaeum, as well as artists such as Alexander Calder, Eugene Berman and Pavel Tchelitchew.

Rindge was noted for her colorful manner of dress and for having, as one former student and later colleague put it, a "verbal wit and playfulness that so often outran pedestrian minds." Yet Rindge was also known not to accept less than what she felt a person capable of -- "She had expectations, and when they were fulfilled she was encouraging; when they were not, one felt one had placed more than oneself in jeopardy."*

In 1945, Miss Rindge married Philip W. Claflin, a captain in the U.S. Army. Mrs. Claflin was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters from Wheaton College in 1962, and a year later received the Graduate Society Medal from Radcliffe College. She died on June 12, 1977, at the age of seventy-seven.

*Quotations from Pamela Askew, Bulletin of the Vassar Art Gallery, Claflin collection, Box 6, Folder 93.


Scope and Content Note

The bulk of the Claflin collection is from the years 1927-1934, the period in which she received her graduate degrees and began to teach at Vassar College as an associate professor and later as a full professor. While the collection itself is mainly made up of correspondence, it also contains an eclectic selection of material, including: various drafts of her doctoral thesis, newspaper clippings concerning her career, programs of exhibits, class notes and assorted miscellanea.



This collection is open for research according to the regulations of the Vassar College Archives and Special Collections Library without any additional restrictions.

Restrictions on Use

Permission to quote (publish) from unpublished or previously published material must be obtained as described in the regulations of the Vassar College Archives and Special Collections Library.

  • Vassar College Art Department Records

Subject Headings


  • Vassar College--Faculty


  • Art--Study and teaching
  • Women college teachers

Document Types:

  • Clippings (information artifacts)
  • Correspondence
  • Financial records
  • Photographs
  • Printed ephemera

VCL Categories:

  • Art and Artists
  • Family
  • Vassar College

Encoding Information

Encoded by Laura Streett, January 2009. Updated by Emma Gronbeck, February 2024.


Preferred Citation

Agnes Rindge Claflin Papers, Archives and Special Collections Library, Vassar College Libraries.

Processing Information

Processed by Jonathan S. Lubliner, 1983.

Updated by Laura Streett, 2016.

Updated by Emma Gronbeck, February 2024.

Accession M2019-034 is currently unprocessed.

Acquisition Information

Photocopies of correspondence between A. Everett Austin, Jr., et al. and Claflin, were the gift of the Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hartford, CT, April 1991.

The class notes, postcards, and photos in boxes 3 and 4 were donated by Christina Houghtaling, VC 1974, in October 2015. Ms. Houghtaling rescued the material from a dumpster on or near campus some time after Claflin's death. [M2016-001]

Teaching materials and correspondence were transferred from the Vassar College Art Department, 2016. [M2019-034]

Baby photograph of Agnes Rindge Claflin in Folder 154 was the gift of Julian Rebelo, February 2024. [M2024-005]

The source of the rest of the collection is unknown, although some material was likely transferred from the Art Department, circa 1977-1981.


Series List

Series I. Personal Material, 1910-1935 (Box 1)

This series includes correspondence with parents, letters to relatives and childhood friends, as well as information on her wedding and the death of her mother, Miriam Rindge.

Series II. Professional Material, (Box 1) 1929-1963

This series consists of material related to Claflin's professional activities outside of Vassar College.

Series III. Harvard University, 1926-1932 (Box 1)

This series includes Claflin's correspondence with Harvard professors and personnel, as well as class notes and several versions of her published doctoral thesis, Sculpture.

Series IV. Vassar College, undated (Boxes 1-2)

This series contains correspondence with faculty, alumnae and students and official faculty memorandums among other things.

Series V. Financial papers, 1928-1936 (Box 2)

The three boxes of this series contain personal bills, letters concerning salary, canceled checks and bank statements.

Series VI. General Material, circa 1901-1934 (Boxes 2-4)

This series is, for the most part, a "catch all" category; many of Claflin's friends were also her colleagues and vice versa -- many items which could not realistically fit into the aforementioned groups were placed here. Much in the way of personal and professional correspondence that did not meet the guidelines of the overall scheme have been arranged alphabetically in the General Material series. Also included:Index cards with photographs, organized by subject, and miscellaneous post cards and photographs of actors (M2016-001).

Series VII. Addition: M2019-034, 1929 - circa 1977 (Box 5)

Correspondence, teaching materials, and printed material related to Claflin's work in the Vassar College Art Department.

Container List


Folder 1.1 Greeting cards, invitations, Christmas cards (24 items)
Folder 1.2 Letters from childhood friends, 1910-1912 (27 items)
Folder 1.3 Letters from childhood friends, 1925-1935 (12 items)
Folder 1.4 Letters from Sally H. Dunn, childhood friend (4 items)
Folder 1.5 Death of Miriam Rindge, mother (4 letters, 1 newspaper clipping)
Folder 1.6 Wedding of Agnes and Philip Claflin (1 invitation, 4 newspaper clippings)
Correspondence with relatives
Folder 1.7 Correspondence with relatives (14 items)
Folder 1.8 Correspondence with Ruth Harter, aunt (8 letters, 4 poems)
Folder 1.9 Letters from Miriam Rindge to Ruth Harter (3 letters)
Folder 1.10 European travel arrangements, 1932 (4 items)
Folder 1.11 Maps, schedules, ship information (3 maps, 1 log abstract, 1 train schedule)
Personal Miscellanea
Folder 1.12 Miscellaneous items (30 items including poems, limericks, and newspaper clippings)
Letters from parents
Folder 1.13 Rindge, Harry, 1911, 1928-1929 (14 letters)
Folder 1.14 Rindge, Harry, 1930-1932 (25 letters)
Folder 1.15 Rindge, Miriam, 1928 (13 letters)
Folder 1.16 Rindge, Miriam, 1929-1932 (6 letters)
Folder 1.17 Rindge, Miriam, undated (16 letters)
Folder 1.18 Rindge, Miriam, undated (10 letters)
Folder 1.19 Rindge, Miriam, undated (15 letters)
Folder 1.20 Rindge, Miriam, undated (9 letters)
Folder 1.21 Rindge, Miriam, undated (10 letters)
Folder 1.22 Rindge, Miriam, undated (9 letters)
Folder 1.23 Rindge, Miriam, undated (4 letters)
Folder 1.24 Rindge, Miriam, undated (9 letters)
Folder 1.25 Rindge, Miriam, undated (10 letters)
Folder 1.26 Rindge, Miriam, undated (7 letters)


Folder 1.27 College Art Association American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology (15 items)
Folder 1.28 Committee on Medieval and Renaissance Studies of the Archaeological Institute of America (12 items)
Folder 1.29 Advisory Committee for Scholarship Grants in the Fine Arts of the Carnegie Corporation (12 items)
Folder 1.30 National Soap Sculpture Committee (13 items)
Folder 1.31 Lectures given (7 items)
Folder 1.32 Announcements, gallery and exhibit openings (14 items)
Folder 1.33 Miscellaneous professional correspondence: Abbot – McMahon (37 items)
Folder 1.34 Miscellaneous professional correspondence: Pope – Richard (12 items)
Folder 1.35 Newspaper clippings on Claflin's career, 1929-1963 (20 clippings)
Folder 1.36 Miscellaneous professional material(includes guide to Warburg Institute of London, listing Guggenheim Fellowships for 1933, copy of Art in America (10 items)


Ph.D. Thesis
Folder 1.37 Outlines of work (4 items)
Folder 1.38 Preface, Bibliography, Summary (2 items)
Folder 1.39 Introduction, "The Nature and Function of Sculpture" pp. xv - 12, Sculpture
Folder 1.40 "Requirements of Sculpture as an Art Form" pp.15 - 32 , Sculpture
Folder 1.41 "The Origin and Purpose of Sculpture" pp. 33 - 50, Sculpture
Folder 1.42 "Analysis of Grand Periods of Sculpture"(Romanesque) pp. 53 - 82, Sculpture
Folder 1.43 "Analysis . . ." (incomplete 2nd version) pp. 56 - 82, Sculpture
Folder 1.44 "Further Analysis of Grand Periods of Sculpture"(incomplete) pp. 83 - 96, Sculpture
Folder 1.45 "Realism" pp. 99 - 139, Sculpture
Folder 1.46 "Realism" (incomplete 2nd version) pp. 99 - 117, Sculpture
Folder 1.47 "The Contemporary Creed" pp. 143 - 184, Sculpture
Folder 1.48 "The Contemporary Creed" (incomplete 2nd version) pp. 155 - 184, Sculpture
Folder 1.49 Sculpture, Various loose pages
Folder 1.50 Footnotes, edited material
Folder 1.51 Rough notes
Letters of Reference
Folder 1.52 Letters of introduction from Dr. Paul Sachs, B - K (9 letters)
Folder 1.53 Letters of introduction from Dr. Paul Sachs, L - W (8 letters)
Folder 1.54 Professional cards of introduction from Dr. Paul Sachs (41 cards)
Harvard Correspondence
Folder 1.55 C-M (19 items)
Folder 1.56 P-S (24 items)
Folder 1.57 Harvard Co-op date book, 1927
Folder 1.57 Report Card, 1926-1927
Folder 1.57 Application for Radcliffe commencement, 1932
Folder 1.57 Ballot for Radcliffe alumnae election
Folder 1.57 Program of Radcliffe graduation
Class Notes
Folder 1.58 Ancient Art
Folder 1.59 Ancient Painting
Folder 1.60 Dutch Painting in the 17th Century
Folder 1.61 Economic Theory
Folder 1.62 Fine Arts 9a, vol. I
Folder 1.63 Fine Arts 9a, vol. II
Folder 1.64 Fine Arts 9a, vol. III
Folder 1.65 French notes on Medieval Art
Folder 1.66 French Painting
Folder 1.67 [Greco-Roman Art I]
Folder 1.68 [Greco-roman Art II]
Folder 1.69 Hellenistic and Greco-Roman Sculpture
Folder 1.70 Intellectual History of Medieval Europe
Folder 1.71 Medieval Manuscripts
Folder 1.72 Medieval Sculpture
Folder 1.73 Modes of Painting Oriental Art Miscellanea
Folder 1.74 Monastic Art I
Folder 1.74a Monastic Art II
Folder 1.74b Renaissance History I
Folder 1.74c Renaissance History II
Folder 1.74d Roman Painting
Folder 1.74e Romanesque Architecture
Folder 1.74f Romanesque Historical Survey
Folder 1.74g Romanesque >Sculpture I
Folder 1.74h Romanesque Sculpture II
Folder 1.74i Spanish Painting
Folder 1.74j Technical Aspects of Art
Folder 1.74k [Unidentified, written in French]
Folder 1.74l Miscellaneous
Folder 1.74m Syllabus for Art Outline B
Folder 1.74n Syllabus for Fine Arts Ic
Folder 1.74o [Reproduction of Art Slides I]
Folder 1.74p [Reproduction of Art Slides II]


Correspondence with Alumnae
Folder 1.74q Adelaide (last name unknown) (7 letters, 5 photographs)
Folder 1.75 Alter (18 items, including 5 newspaper clippings)
Folder 1.76 Berstein - Kelly (18 letters)
Folder 1.77 Kohn (17 letters)
Folder 1.78 Louchheim - Miller (12 letters)
Folder 1.79 Rombauer - Wilson (33 letters (1 unidentified))
Faculty Correspondence
Folder 2.80 Barber, Leila, (16 items)
Folder 2.81 Borden - Gould (13 items)
Folder 2.82 MacCracken, Henry Noble (13 items)
Folder 2.83 Lamson - Tonks (14 items)
Student Correspondence
Folder 2.84 Correspondence with VC students (13 letters)
Folder 2.85 Letters of Recommendation for VC students — general (16 letters)
Folder 2.86 Letters of Recommendation for VC students — to Vassar Committee on Fellowships (7 letters)
Newspaper Clippings
Folder 2.87 Art department and Claflin (5 clippings)
Folder 2.88 Speakers at Vassar (13 items)
Folder 2.89 Lectures given at Vassar Clubs (8 items)
Folder 2.90 Faculty memorandums (12 memorandums)
Folder 2.91 Publicity plans of Vassar News Office (12 items)
Folder 2.92 Claflin exhibition (9 clippings & programs)
Folder 2.93 Vassar press release, Bulletin of Art Gallery in memory of Claflin (4 items, 2 obituaries)
Folder 2.94 Program of exhibition in Claflin's memory (2 items)
Folder 2.95 Miscellaneous items (20 items, letters, poems and slide info.)


Grand Rapids Trust Company
Folder 2.96 Bank Statements and Correspondence, 1 Jan 1928 - 1 July 1928 (4 items)
Folder 2.97 Bank Statements and Correspondence, 6 June 1928 - 1 Jan 1929 (2 items)
Folder 2.98 Bank Statements and Correspondence, 6 Dec 1928 - 1 July 1929 (2 items)
Folder 2.99 Bank Statements and Correspondence, 6 June 1929 - 1 Jan 1929 (3 items)
Folder 2.100 Bank Statements and Correspondence, 6 Dec 1929 - 28 July 1930 (4 items)
Folder 2.101 Bank Statements and Correspondence, 7 June 1930 - 4 June 1931, undated (8 items)
Personal Bills
Folder 2.102 Abercrombie & Fitch-Best Co., 1929-1931 (33 items)
Folder 2.103 Blue Ribbon Dyeing and Cleaning Co. - Franklin & Simon Co., 1928-1931 (42 items)
Folder 2.104 Hawes Inc. - Luckey, Platt & Co., 1929-1931 (48 items)
Folder 2.105 Mack and Frey - Radcliffe Alumnae Fund, 1929-1931 (35 items)
Folder 2.106 Robert Hamilton - Zimmer Brothers, foreign and unidentified bills, (39 items)
Western Reserve University
Folder 2.107 Job Offer (20 items)
Vassar College
Folder 2.108 Appointment and Letters Concerning Salary (13 items)
Folder 2.109 Personal Bills (67 items)
Vassar Bank
Folder 2.110 Checking statements, canceled checks, Nov-Dec 1928
Folder 2.111 Checking statements, canceled checks, Jan-Apr 1929
Folder 2.112 Bankbook, Sept. 1928-June 1929
Folder 2.113 Bankbook, Oct. 1929-May 1930
Folder 2.114 Bankbook, May-Dec 1930
Folder 2.115 Checking statements, canceled checks, Dec. 1930-Mar. 1931
Folder 2.116 Checking statements, canceled checks, Apr-May1931
Folder 2.117 Bankbook, Dec. 1930-Oct. 1931
Folder 2.118 Bankbook, Oct. 1931-Nov. 1932
Folder 2.119 Bankbook, Nov-Dec 1932
Folder 2.120 Bankbook, Jan-Dec 1933
Folder 2.121 Bankbook, Jan-Oct 1934
Folder 2.122 Checking statements, canceled checks, Aug-Sept 1935
Folder 2.123 Bankbook, Oct. 1934-May 1936
Folder 2.124 Bankbook, Oct. 1935-May 1936
Folder 2.125 Receipts, various bank material
Folder 2.126 Miscellaneous materials, including checkbooks, taxation letter, (14 items)


Folder 2.127 Askew, Constance, undated (2 letters)
Folder 2.127a [Askew], Kirk, (11 letters)
Folder 2.128 A - B, (34 letters)
Folder 2.129 Brewer, Joseph, 1926-1932 (15 letters)
Folder 2.130 Brewer, Joseph, 1933-1934, undated (13 letters)
Folder 2.131 Burrage, Francis, 1927-1931 (19 letters)
Folder 2.132 Burrage, Francis, undated (21 letters)
Folder 2.133 Choate, Nat, 1927-1931 (20 letters)
Folder 2.134 C - E, (22 letters)
Folder 2.135 F, (29 letters)
Folder 2.136 Gordon, Douglas, 1928-1930 (19 letters)
Folder 2.137 Gordon, Douglas, 1931-1934 (20 letters)
Folder 2.138 G - I, (20 letters)
Folder 2.139 J, (16 letters)
Folder 2.141 K - M, (43 letters)
Folder 2.142 Norton, W.W., (11 letters)
Folder 2.143 Porter, Alan, 1933-1934 (5 letters)
Folder 2.144 Porter, Alan, undated (6 letters)
Folder 2.145 Rowland, Ben, (12 letters)
Folder 2.146 O - Sa, (29 letters)
Folder 2.147 So - T, (24 letters)
Folder 2.148 Wheeler, Dinsmore, 1928-1930 (7 letters)
Folder 2.149 Wheeler, Dinsmore, 1930-1933 (4 letters)
Folder 2.150 Wheeler, Dinsmore, undated (10 letters)
Folder 2.151 W, (17 letters)
Folder 2.152 Unidentified, (25 items)
Olivet College
Folder 2.153 Joseph Brewer Address (1 item)
Folder 2.154 Photographs of Claflin, circa 1901, undated (3 photographs)
Wadsworth Athenaeum
Folder 2.155 Photocopies of correspondence from A. Everett Austin, Jr., et al. and Claflin, [may not be photocopied or quoted without permission from Wadsworth Athenaeum]
Rouault Poster
Mapcase Poster of a Georges Rouault painting given to a friend
Box 3 Miscellaneous post cards and photographs of actors
Box 4 Index cards with photographs, organized by subject

Addition: M2019-034

Box 5 Correspondence, teaching materials, and printed materials, 1929 - circa 1977 [unprocessed]

Return to the Table of Contents


The bulk of the Claflin collection is from the years 1927-1934, the period in which she received her graduate degrees and began to teach at Vassar College as an associate professor and later as a full professor. While the collection itself is mainly made up of correspondence, it also contains an eclectic selection of material, including: various drafts of her doctoral thesis, newspaper clippings concerning her career, programs of exhibits, class notes and assorted miscellanea.

Finding Aid Date
Inclusive Dates: circa 1901 - circa 1977
Collection Title
Agnes Rindge Claflin Papers